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By the way, people often lose weight on vacations. Not only are they often moving more than they realize, they're also more relaxed, which brings their cortisol (stress hormone) levels down, which makes you lose weight.


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I will say that the Lap-Band has given me my life back. I have lot 48 pounds and have 52 more to go but I feel much better. I did feel the pull around my port until I started wearing Nearly Nothings under my clothes. It keeps my stomach held in place so I don't feel that pull any more. Sometimes I hit a stalling spot but I have never looked back. This was the best thing I have ever done.

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Hi Fifties,

Thought I'd check in here. I'm two years and nine months and 150lbs out from LAP-BAND®® surgery, maintaining at or below goal weight for about a year and a half. I weigh 137 pounds, about 13 lbs. below my goal weight of 150. I like the idea of having some elbow room between me and that number. It gives me some pounds to play with, and enough room to put on the brakes If I see my weight rising.

I had an unfill of .5 cc two weeks ago, from 6.5 cc to 6. It was my first trip to my surgeon in 16 months. What a difference half a cubic centimeter makes: I'm able to eat foods I wasn't able to keep down before (like fish, fruit and fresh vegetables), and food goes down easier and stays down more overall. I feel ready to take more responsibility over my food, and not let the band do most of the work for me. I'm keeping track of calories, weighing and measuring, but trying not to be obsessive about it.

A normal day starts with 1 cup of espresso, about a quarter cup, which is all I can keep down at that time of the day. At 10:00am I start to drink Water, and put down anywhere between half a liter and a liter between then and lunch, at about 1:00pm. Lunch is my main meal of the day: red meat, chicken or fish with vegetables, and a grain. I drink about half a liter of water while I eat – I know this is unorthodox, but it works for me. I have some fruit in the afternoon and early evening, and try to have dinner (grain, vegetables and dairy along with another half liter of H20) no later than 9:00 pm.

Food is still an issue. There are still urges to binge, and sometimes I give in. But no doubt about it: it's a whole new ballgame when you're playing at 137 pounds and not at 286. I can use the tool I've been given and the tools I've learned, and reach out for help.

Where do I go from here? I'd like to maintain the weight I'm at. I want to become more comfortable eating around other people, which means concentrating on cutting my food, eating slowly and chewing more. There are significantly less PB's since the unfill. Could this be the sweet spot? Only time will tell. Eating with others will also mean giving up on cooking for myself so often, although I am my own favorite chef. Finally, I've got to do something about exercize. Can you believe I've managed to lose 149 pounds without hardly lifting a finger? Crazy. There are self worth – self esteem issues that have always stopped me from investing in myself this way. I've never been able to make it part of my life. Any feedback will be much appreciated.

My monthly support group here has pretty much dried up – here's hoping for new voices, insights and friendships.

- Bandpal

P.S. Pictures: 1 month before surgery (Oct. 2007) and earlier this summer.

Welcome Bandpal – Congrats on your weight loss !!! Fantastic… You look very healthy ;0) ….

You are a man so you are lucky there – you lose weight differently than us women ;0) – As far as not exercising – Well to me this is really about a lifestyle change – and to complete the picture you need to eat healthy and exercise – just cuz pple are thin doesn’t mean they are healthy..

Selfworth – esteem issues – ya we all have those in one way or another –

When I made the decision to get banded – I joined the gym and said to myself – I don’t care what these pple think of this old fat chick on the treadmill – this is about me not them.. I am now in exercise classes – something I would have never done before – would be too worried about what pple were thinking about me – but you know what – I’m am the old one in class but I can keep up w/some of the younger ones – and if I have to modify I do – this is about me – and hell pple are too busy doing their workout – they really arent paying attention to anything else

Hey Bandpal!

Just happened to see your post! First I want to say you look great.

I admire your determination to make all these great changes in your life. I cannot give you band advice, but as someone who fought exercise tooth and nail her whole life I can tell you what a difference walking has made for me.

Without my walking i would have most likely had to convert to another WLS and I would miss out on all the great benefits walking gives me. Increased stamina, cardiac benefits and generally I just feel better about myself.

I can sometimes suffer from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disease) and the benefit of the added sunlight from being outside has really improved that as well.

They're are still many times that I would rather NOT go for a walk but I can say every time I do go, I always feel better later.

My walking journey actually began on a vacation in Italy. We would drive to little "walled" villages and you needed a special permit to drive inside the city walls, whihc we did not have, so we parked outside and walked. For protection, these villages were always placed on hills (so they could see the enemy coming). We walked a lot!!! And this vacation was BEFORE I had my band, so I carried a lot of extra pounds up those hills.

We ate and drank a lot on that vacation and yet when I got home I had not gained any weight!!! It was the walking!

When I got home, I started walking on a walking/jogging path near me. The first few times, I didn't get in much more than 1.5 miles. Slowly, I made it my goal to get a little farther until I could complete the whole 3.5 miles. then I walked a little faster and then I starting repeating a section to bring it up to five miles.

So my advice is continue on your path of healthy eating and add walking or jogging to your routine! No special equipment needed except a good pair of walking/running shoes.

Good Luck Bandpal.

Hey Shortgal --- How you doing !!! WTG on the exercise – As most pple who read my post – Know that I think it’s a key part to our journey - Hugs Janet

Wow, I can't even image being in the 130's. That is so great :)

I've been overwhelmed with a new job and have gained some weight back by less exercise and quick food.

I'm looking forward to getting back to a healthy routine.

Good Journey,


Maggie – Get out and exercise – you will feel better – I can be in the worst mood before I get to the gym – but by the end of the hour – I am feeling so much better.

Find other outlets for your stress – eating it away isn’t going to help.. Keep some air popcorn at your desk to eat when you are stressing..

I will say that the Lap-Band® has given me my life back. I have lot 48 pounds and have 52 more to go but I feel much better. I did feel the pull around my port until I started wearing Nearly Nothings under my clothes. It keeps my stomach held in place so I don't feel that pull any more. Sometimes I hit a stalling spot but I have never looked back. This was the best thing I have ever done.

OTRT – I don’t feel my port now like I did in the beginning – but I wear Spanx all the time – WTG on your 48 lbs… Keep up the good work

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I don't wear any underwear that covers my port. Too uncomfortable. And too hot. And everytime I try on even the "lightest" control type products, they press on the port and push my fat up into rolls at the top of them so I have boobs and an underboob. I haven't even worn control top nylons for so long that I can't stand to pull them on. Unbearably hot and uncomfortable. Don't know how you do it Janet in a desert climate. I sweat like a horse. And those products don't breathe.

I wear non-binding below the bellybutton panties and just let things jiggle. LOL

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I don't wear any underwear that covers my port. Too uncomfortable. And too hot. And everytime I try on even the "lightest" control type products, they press on the port and push my fat up into rolls at the top of them so I have boobs and an underboob. I haven't even worn control top nylons for so long that I can't stand to pull them on. Unbearably hot and uncomfortable. Don't know how you do it Janet in a desert climate. I sweat like a horse. And those products don't breathe.

I wear non-binding below the bellybutton panties and just let things jiggle. LOL

It doesn't look like much jiggling there. Looked at your profile pics. Beautiful!

I only wear a girdle for Sunday church. Otherwise I am free. I wear highhip and below bellybutton panties, also. Can't stand a hiphugger, tho, they used to roll, so, I haven't tried since loosing weight.

By the way, had a moment today when the checker at Sams CLub, asked me if this is you on the card. Said yes, I probably need anew picture. My husband joked and said, she needs to wait a year. The clerk said, why, she isn't going to loose anymore,is she.

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I don't wear any underwear that covers my port. Too uncomfortable. And too hot. And everytime I try on even the "lightest" control type products, they press on the port and push my fat up into rolls at the top of them so I have boobs and an underboob. I haven't even worn control top nylons for so long that I can't stand to pull them on. Unbearably hot and uncomfortable. Don't know how you do it Janet in a desert climate. I sweat like a horse. And those products don't breathe.

I wear non-binding below the bellybutton panties and just let things jiggle. LOL

I wear the Nearly Nothings. They hold things in place so that the portal doesn't move and couse discomfort. I have even started sleeping in them. It helps me a lot and it is VERY hot in W Texas. You just get used to it.

ON the Right Track

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It doesn't look like much jiggling there. Looked at your profile pics. Beautiful!

I only wear a girdle for Sunday church. Otherwise I am free. I wear highhip and below bellybutton panties, also. Can't stand a hiphugger, tho, they used to roll, so, I haven't tried since loosing weight.

By the way, had a moment today when the checker at Sams CLub, asked me if this is you on the card. Said yes, I probably need anew picture. My husband joked and said, she needs to wait a year. The clerk said, why, she isn't going to loose anymore,is she.

Good for the clerk. Put your husband in his place. My daughter has not yet complimented me on my weight loss. She "advised" me against the surgery and I think she's waiting for me to gain it back. I always have in the past. It did, however, inspire her to lose some weight herself. She couldn't take it that i was looking thinner than she was.

By the way, thanks for the compliment.

I wear the Nearly Nothings. They hold things in place so that the portal doesn't move and couse discomfort. I have even started sleeping in them. It helps me a lot and it is VERY hot in W Texas. You just get used to it.

ON the Right Track

I'd have to shower several times a day. I'd sweat and stink in no time. I'd have to spray myself with right guard. That's what my mom and I did with a papier mache volcano I made for a science project. We made it solid instead of hollow so it never dried. It stunk so bad we sprayed it with right guard to get through the science fair. Afterward we hauled it straight to the garbage. That would be me in anything like that. LOL. But you go right ahead. Most people are not afflicted with hyperhydrosis like I am.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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I don't wear any underwear that covers my port. Too uncomfortable. And too hot. And everytime I try on even the "lightest" control type products, they press on the port and push my fat up into rolls at the top of them so I have boobs and an underboob. I haven't even worn control top nylons for so long that I can't stand to pull them on. Unbearably hot and uncomfortable. Don't know how you do it Janet in a desert climate. I sweat like a horse. And those products don't breathe.

I wear non-binding below the bellybutton panties and just let things jiggle. LOL

I wear the shapers that go up to your bra line - and I have these corresett type ones too that help the girls look more perky (went from a 42 D to a 34 :) But did find a new bra at Pennys this weekend - love it...

I can't stand to go w/o a shaper - I am too vain - I hate seeing rolls and if I didn't wear them - the saggy skin causes one - I like looking finish - beauty before comfort as my Mom use to say ;0)

It doesn't look like much jiggling there. Looked at your profile pics. Beautiful!

I only wear a girdle for Sunday church. Otherwise I am free. I wear highhip and below bellybutton panties, also. Can't stand a hiphugger, tho, they used to roll, so, I haven't tried since loosing weight.

By the way, had a moment today when the checker at Sams CLub, asked me if this is you on the card. Said yes, I probably need anew picture. My husband joked and said, she needs to wait a year. The clerk said, why, she isn't going to loose anymore,is she.

That was a great NSV - I don't look anything like my passport picture ;0)

I wear the Nearly Nothings. They hold things in place so that the portal doesn't move and couse discomfort. I have even started sleeping in them. It helps me a lot and it is VERY hot in W Texas. You just get used to it.

ON the Right Track

I forget how far out are you - your port shouldn't be bothering you that much - have you talked to your doc about it

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Hey Ladies and Gents who have met goal and are maintaining now. How do you do this? I met goal, due to being too tight. Surgeon finally took out 1 1/2 cc's. I now have 3 1/2 cc's in a 10cc band. Before this, I ws so tight that I lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks from not eating and pb'ing everything. So, now I can eat. But, surgeon reminded me that it will be hard to maintain. (he is experienced, as he is lapband patient, too). So, now I can eat, but need to be careful of gaining weight. Help!!!Karen

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Hey Ladies and Gents who have met goal and are maintaining now. How do you do this? I met goal, due to being too tight. Surgeon finally took out 1 1/2 cc's. I now have 3 1/2 cc's in a 10cc band. Before this, I ws so tight that I lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks from not eating and pb'ing everything. So, now I can eat. But, surgeon reminded me that it will be hard to maintain. (he is experienced, as he is LAP-BAND® patient, too). So, now I can eat, but need to be careful of gaining weight. Help!!!Karen


#1 - Our bands are only a tool - They don't make our food choices for us or exercise for us.

I have never kept my band so tight that I couldn't eat - we don't lose weight by straving ourselves - What kind of life is that - you feel deprived and then we all know what happens

I have not dieted in the 3 yrs that I have been banded.. I have done that my whole life - ya I lost some weight - but then I would go back to eating normal and quit exercise - and the weight came back on plus some - I finally realized that "my normal eating" was what got me fat in the 1st place..

I eat healthy and I exercise 4-5 times a week - I eat limited starches (which I call carbs - I'm old school WW girl) I eat mostly sf - I eat low fat (I use to be a BIG cheese eater - not any more)

I am eating the sames foods for the last 3 yrs - and I have been able to maintain my weight loss for the last 2 - I got to goal in 1 yr - then lost the next 10 by just eating healthy

That's what you have to get in your head - this truly is all about a lifetime lifestyle change in our eating and exercise..

I still have treats - but it's once a week and not every single meal -

I normally have a small ice cream cone every nite - sf (splenda) 1/2 c ice cream 90 cal - cone 20 cal - 110 - or a WW or healhty choice fudgesicle - or sf pudding - and maybe a 100 snack pack of popcorn

For the 1st year I counted calories and kept a food diary - I know the # of calories I eat a day (weight loss phase 800-1200) now I eat about 1200 - 1600 and vary it daily

I still pay attention to what I eat - Suggestion - keep a food diary - record what you are eating - what your exercise is - and what the scales are telling you - that will help..

Just know you can never go back to your eating "normal"

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#1 - Our bands are only a tool - They don't make our food choices for us or exercise for us.

I have never kept my band so tight that I couldn't eat - we don't lose weight by straving ourselves - What kind of life is that - you feel deprived and then we all know what happens

I have not dieted in the 3 yrs that I have been banded.. I have done that my whole life - ya I lost some weight - but then I would go back to eating normal and quit exercise - and the weight came back on plus some - I finally realized that "my normal eating" was what got me fat in the 1st place..

I eat healthy and I exercise 4-5 times a week - I eat limited starches (which I call carbs - I'm old school WW girl) I eat mostly sf - I eat low fat (I use to be a BIG cheese eater - not any more)

I am eating the sames foods for the last 3 yrs - and I have been able to maintain my weight loss for the last 2 - I got to goal in 1 yr - then lost the next 10 by just eating healthy

That's what you have to get in your head - this truly is all about a lifetime lifestyle change in our eating and exercise..

I still have treats - but it's once a week and not every single meal -

I normally have a small ice cream cone every nite - sf (splenda) 1/2 c ice cream 90 cal - cone 20 cal - 110 - or a WW or healhty choice fudgesicle - or sf pudding - and maybe a 100 snack pack of popcorn

For the 1st year I counted calories and kept a food diary - I know the # of calories I eat a day (weight loss phase 800-1200) now I eat about 1200 - 1600 and vary it daily

I still pay attention to what I eat - Suggestion - keep a food diary - record what you are eating - what your exercise is - and what the scales are telling you - that will help..

Just know you can never go back to your eating "normal"

Thanks, My surgeon, said you know you are going to have to watch or you will gain. I told him, I was aware of that. I am aware that I will have to continue to eat off dessert plates, etc. I am back to decent restriction. Not so tight that I couldn't eat. That happened by accident, and the more I vomited, the tighter I

got. It was great for getting to goal, but I felt as if I was going to die. I was also worrying my husband and kids. I was worried about dehydration, too! I am sooooo much better now. I am excited to go into this new phase. Wish me luck. Thanks for your help. Karen

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Thanks, My surgeon, said you know you are going to have to watch or you will gain. I told him, I was aware of that. I am aware that I will have to continue to eat off dessert plates, etc. I am back to decent restriction. Not so tight that I couldn't eat. That happened by accident, and the more I vomited, the tighter I

got. It was great for getting to goal, but I felt as if I was going to die. I was also worrying my husband and kids. I was worried about dehydration, too! I am sooooo much better now. I am excited to go into this new phase. Wish me luck. Thanks for your help. Karen


You can do it- Just follow the rules - that's it - I am sure glad you are too tight anymore - I was that way once and it's the pits - once was enough for me - I rather watch what I eat than be so tight that I can...

Keep up the good work - just stay mindful of what you are eating and you will keep it off..

Hugs - Janet

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Also, use your scale as a monitor. As soon as I'm 2 lbs over goal I immediately cut back for a few days. That's a committment I made. Never get more than 2 lbs over goal.


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Also, use your scale as a monitor. As soon as I'm 2 lbs over goal I immediately cut back for a few days. That's a committment I made. Never get more than 2 lbs over goal.


Thanks, Cheri, the scale is what I will be depending on to keep me "honest". I did good yesterday, my 1st real food day since the surgeon removed some fill. I felt liberated! I was able to eat and not get that horrible feeling in my chest. But, I was, also, able to feel when I was full. Today, my husband and I are going out for lunch. He can't wait for me to be able to eat a meal and NOT get up to excuse myself with a "green" look on my face. Me neither, I really was looking at salad at the grocery. Yummy! Love this board and all of you, I am trying to be more confident. Can't wait to be 2 -3 years and maintaining!!!!!:)

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Karen, enjoy feeling liberated yet being able to feel full. I tell people that, for me, life after the band is like walking down a corridor as opposed to through a broad, endless plain : finally, now, there are boundaries. Enjoy that salad!

I think that's sound advice coming from Cheri and Janet - watching what we eat and watching the scale are obviously essential. I'm glad I took it a few pounds under my goal weight - gives me enough time to realize any change I have to make.

Since my last unfill (from 6.5 to 6 cc) I've monitored amounts and calories, and I weigh in a few times a week. Gotta tell ya - it's a lot more fun doing this at 137 than it was at 286!

Edited by bandpal

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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