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Hi Everyone,

I haven't been able to get on LBT for some time now - between my schedule and the slow internet and for some reason - couldn't get it to load some days. But I caught up on the last few pages tonight...lots of new 'faces' and many of you are doing so well! Katydid - you sure have had more than your share of troubles! Hope this next one gets sorted out quickly!

I have been really struggling. I'be gained 3 pounds, and am dangerously close to crossing back into the 200's again ! :-{.

Yet, can't seem to wean myself from the fattening foods and get back into the zone I used to be in! When I'm at work, it's like I'm hungry every hour, so I eat and eat and eat - but it's usuallyl the healthier Snacks like apples, Protein Bars, sugar free pudding, and healthy choice or lean cusine Entrees. But the calories still add up. When I'm home, I've been eating unhealthy choices...because I can. And because it relieves stress.

I can't blame the band, because I'm actually tight. I"ve had PB episodes and even thrown up a couple times because of tight band. I have to eat my Kashi Krunch very slowing in the morning, with breaks when it gets uncomfortable, to get it down. But an hour later, I'm feeling hungry again. As others have mentioned, it does seem to be tight in the AM. In an odd way, the band being tight seems to be working against me instead of for me...in that Cookies, candies, bars, etc., slide down much easier than chicken, pork, etc. I"ve considered getting .5 taken out...but then I recall that I wasn't doing much better before then which is why I had the .5 put in. The band is TRYING to help me, I'm just not listening!

I didn't realize how important it was for me to be logging my food each day, and now that I don't have the internet as available, I haven't been doing it - and without that feedback, it's so easy for me to cheat myself. I let myself go over the holidays, and now it's twice as hard to get back in control.

It's not like I couldn't do a calorie count on paper, but IDK, I just can't seem to get back into that habit. I think because my whole life has changed with our move - new routines - it's just been so hard.

I think Orea mentioned that carbs are like poison....it's definately an addiction.

I need a stern yelling at! Every day, I'm like "tomorrow, I'm going to get back on track." But then, by 9 am, I'm rationalizing again. Today I made toffee bars because I had some family members stop in for a visit...and I ate a bunch of them.

The weather has been DREADFUL. Not sure which is worse -- minus 13 degrees with wind chills in the -30's and -40's below zero that we had last week (It's 10 right now) -- or 107 like in AUs!!! Either way, it's really hard to get out and do much. So while I do get to clean the horses's stalls every morning for exercise (while the fingers and toes are freezing)...the rest of the time I'm trapped in the house or at work.

I know exactly what I have to do...log my food, plan healthy meals, get rid of the snacks in the house/office. I've done this before. Why is it so hard this time??? How can I psyche myself back into this?

I want to be at my goal by my 1 year anniversary - April 9. Which means, I really need to get back on track.

OK you guys...let me have it. Your words of wisdom that will get through my thick skull.....

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Lizalee, you can do this. go back and remember why you got this band in the first place, how determined you were. I think, for me anyway, it was when I found out I really could eat chips, popcorn, etc. that I started struggling more. Before that, I had myself convinced I couldn't eat those things anymore and had no problems avoiding them. Then once I discovered how easily they went down, the resolve slipped. I got myself back on track now, that was over the holidays, but it's still not easy. Plus I think I've reached a point where my losses have slowed down to a trickle compared to what they were. I get frustrated, but in reality am still losing about 4 to 5 lbs a month, I just lose them all in one week so the rest of the month seems like I am not losing and I panic about being stuck on the scale. You've had some major stress in your life with moving right before the holidays and your routine got changed. Now you just gotta make a new one! You can do this, your progress thus far proves that.

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Another weigh in and down another 1.4 lbs for a total now of 86.2 lbs!! Looosssiiieee is amazing!!! I love Looosssiiieee!!!...my band.

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Hi Everyone,

Once again thankyou for all the thoughtful suggestions and concern. It really does help to have people understand what it's like. My mother keeps telling everyone that "the operation is far too drastic and dangerous and it should'nt be allowed". I tell her off and try to get her to understand that my situation is obviously not normal (because of my online chats with my bandster friends) and to frighten others off the operation is not good because it may be their only chance to lose weight and be healthy.

Why I'm having all this bother, I don't know and it makes me very sad. I'm down to 74 kilos - 163.2lbs now which makes a total loss of 38kilos = 83 lbs since June '08. The odd part about this is that I've lost 4kilos = 8.8lbs since the band was emptied. Of course nothing is staying down even now so I'm not really surprised.

I have an appt with the surgeon on Wednesday and this time I'm going to eat something before I see him so that he can feel how hard my abdomen gets until it comes up again.

I was pretty much useless at the garage sale yesterday because I felt so weak and tired. My 82yr old Mum and my 9yr old Grandaughter were doing the lifting, sorting, selling etc. I felt totally useless. My father has been "on the grog" solidly for the past week and we've had many fights over it (my childhood repeats itself). At the moment I just don't feel strong enough to handle Mum and Dads problems as well as my own. I thought having them here would be easier as I wouldn't have hours of driving each time there was a problem, mainly with their health.

Enough of the moaning and groaning!!

Forgot to mention last time re sleep aponea clinic sleepover last Friday night. The technition wiring me up had to get a smaller belt as the one she had was too big. I said "Bless You" to her. I thought that was wonderful. Also, my gold ring fell off in the bathroom the next morning. I heard something drop, had a quick look but didn't see anything, so went home. Once home I noticed my ring was not on my finger and started to panic. Left messages and had to wait till this morning..... they'd found it!! Yeah. I was thinking positive when all arround me were saying "you'll never get it back".

So I'm thinking positive that my problems are going to be all fixed up with healthy solutions on Wednesday.

Best wishes to all.

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Hi Lizalee

thank you SOOOO much for posting this. You have eloquently verbalized what I've been thinnkng for some time. Weight loss has been nil for some time. Weight gain....I don't want to go there. I found out that the food I shouldn't eat goes down well and the food I'm supposed to eat sometimes comes back. Talk about negative feedback. I also seem to get a delay in my full sensation.

I agree that journaling is a good way to keep track of eating, I don't like to, but maybe that's because I have to own up to what I put in my mouth. I also agree that carbs are poison, so how do you get off them? My willpower and desire seem to be gone.

So, having found a kindred spirit, we can do this. I liked feeling slimmer, less aches and pains, clothes fit better, more energy, the numbness in my hands when I'm typing isn't there, I fit in an airplane seat better and don't crowd anyone (I want to fly to my girlfriends house and visit, been puttng off because of the flight issues), and so one.

So, 1 hour at a time? We can do it!


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As we all begin the new year, we can only look forward to better helath and better times of enjoyment. I know we have all seen a change in our appearance, and how our clothes fit, and most importantly our health. Always those ups and downs to get through. This site is a life saver for me, so much support and feed back.

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Well, Hi, Neighbor!

We're "snowbirds" from WA state staying in an RV park on Dillon Rd, Desert Hot Springs.


Wow - and my family is originally from Washington -Whidbey Island. My sisters were born in Everett - brother in Coupeville. Love it there too. We're in the condos at Cook & Country Club. Leave tomorrow tho - at least I don't have to go far (Los Angeles area).

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I think you may have something here. I feel I do need to drink more. I'll try it.

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Katy I am really glad to read that you are going into your surgeon. Something is not right and you need to find out what that something is. It's so not normal not to be able to eat or drink without problems. I hope he finds the answers for you soon.

I struggle all the time and my weight goes up and down. I want it to go down and stay there. Something that helps me stay on tract is to remember these really cute pants I have that are tight on me. I can get them on and zipped, but they would be too uncomfortable to wear.

There is a book I have called the Beck Diet solution. It's not a diet. It is supposed to teach us how to stay on track. It says to make 3x5 index cards and post them around the house and some in your purse that you can look at any time. Put a thought on the card like "I want to look good for the cruise" or whatever motivates you.

When you are tempted by food, drag the cards out and read all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Then

really applaud yourself if you are able to resist the temptation, with self talk like " I didn't have that cookie and I am doing a good job staying on tract today"

I don't know if this will help anyone, but maybe someone will find this useful. This book has been helpful to me and I got it on Amazon for only $9

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Hi Everyone,

I haven't been able to get on LBT for some time now - between my schedule and the slow internet and for some reason - couldn't get it to load some days. But I caught up on the last few pages tonight...lots of new 'faces' and many of you are doing so well! Katydid - you sure have had more than your share of troubles! Hope this next one gets sorted out quickly!

I have been really struggling. I'be gained 3 pounds, and am dangerously close to crossing back into the 200's again ! :-{.

Yet, can't seem to wean myself from the fattening foods and get back into the zone I used to be in! When I'm at work, it's like I'm hungry every hour, so I eat and eat and eat - but it's usuallyl the healthier Snacks like apples, Protein bars, sugar free pudding, and healthy choice or lean cusine entrees. But the calories still add up. When I'm home, I've been eating unhealthy choices...because I can. And because it relieves stress.

I can't blame the band, because I'm actually tight. I"ve had PB episodes and even thrown up a couple times because of tight band. I have to eat my Kashi Krunch very slowing in the morning, with breaks when it gets uncomfortable, to get it down. But an hour later, I'm feeling hungry again. As others have mentioned, it does seem to be tight in the AM. In an odd way, the band being tight seems to be working against me instead of for me...in that Cookies, candies, bars, etc., slide down much easier than chicken, pork, etc. I"ve considered getting .5 taken out...but then I recall that I wasn't doing much better before then which is why I had the .5 put in. The band is TRYING to help me, I'm just not listening!

I didn't realize how important it was for me to be logging my food each day, and now that I don't have the internet as available, I haven't been doing it - and without that feedback, it's so easy for me to cheat myself. I let myself go over the holidays, and now it's twice as hard to get back in control.

It's not like I couldn't do a calorie count on paper, but IDK, I just can't seem to get back into that habit. I think because my whole life has changed with our move - new routines - it's just been so hard.

I think Orea mentioned that carbs are like poison....it's definately an addiction.

I need a stern yelling at! Every day, I'm like "tomorrow, I'm going to get back on track." But then, by 9 am, I'm rationalizing again. Today I made toffee bars because I had some family members stop in for a visit...and I ate a bunch of them.

The weather has been DREADFUL. Not sure which is worse -- minus 13 degrees with wind chills in the -30's and -40's below zero that we had last week (It's 10 right now) -- or 107 like in AUs!!! Either way, it's really hard to get out and do much. So while I do get to clean the horses's stalls every morning for exercise (while the fingers and toes are freezing)...the rest of the time I'm trapped in the house or at work.

I know exactly what I have to do...log my food, plan healthy meals, get rid of the snacks in the house/office. I've done this before. Why is it so hard this time??? How can I psyche myself back into this?

I want to be at my goal by my 1 year anniversary - April 9. Which means, I really need to get back on track.

OK you guys...let me have it. Your words of wisdom that will get through my thick skull.....

Hugs 1st & formost for the struggles Lizelee

BUT Now!!!- here comes the kick in the butt...

NO MORE EXCUSES - that's all you are doing is making excuses and that hunger you feel every hour on the hour is your addiction talking not true physical hunger - your addiction manifest it's self into you thinking your are truly hungry but you really aren't.. You even state food is a stress releiver - Do you know how many calories are in a protien bar - too many to be snacking on the all day long - might as well eat a real candy bar for the same amount of calories..

I tracked my food in a little note book - I only used the computer to look up calories...

TODAY IS YOUR TOMMORROW !!! This very second - is your tommorrow

Throw out the crap right now - just do it - don't think about it...

Remember this isn't a diet and I really think that's where so many people fail at this - they think they are on a diet and once the fall off the wagon - that's it...

It's really really about just eating healthy - making a lifetime lifestyle change - come on now - we are the 50+ gang - we have been on every fricken diet known to mankind and used every kind of drug - but did any of them ever work in the long run - NO-why - cuz you went back to eating normal which is what got us fat in the first place...

So quit depriving yourself.. That's what this is about ... You feel deprived cuz you think you are On diet... and the more you want to eat least - the more that addiction is calling your name telling you to eat more - give me more.. STOP..

FEED YOURSELF - THAT'S RIGHT I AM GIVING YOU PERMISSION TO EAT... You get 3 meals a day and 2-3 healthy snacks That's tons of food and you know what us fat chicks think that we are never going to eat again - like we are from some 3rd world country where we don't know where our next meal is coming from!!! You know that you can go 3 hrs without eating - you aren't going to die from stravation - but you know what willl kill you - obesity....

Keep Breakfast & lunch around 200 calories each - dinner around 300 calorie & 3 snacks at 100 c each - that's 1000 calories for the day - vary them 800 one day 1000 the next.

I use it everytme I am tempted to buy that candy bar while in the check out line - NO UNPLANED TREATS.. I got this from Apples

During the holiday - I ate normal - had normal holiday food prime rib - mashed tatoe - veggies and I had planned treats - Xmas Cookies and more than just a couple :scared2: and I did this Thanksgiving & Christmas & New years eve - and you know what I didn't gain - those 3 days of adding a few little extras - didn't put on 3 lbs.. Why cuz I didn't use those holidays as an excuse to feed my addiction - to relapse and turn to food for my solices.. for my comfort - I want to be free of that addiction - I want to be free of foods hold on me - its just stupid food - it's nothing - but it can ruin your life for sure - just like alchol and drugs...

You are so right in that cookies chips etc go down alot easier than the hard Proteins do - but those are unhealthy foods - those are foods that you allow only as planned treats every now and then..

Ok on to the exercise - OMW I don't have -any degree weather - but in the summer time I have 100+ degree weather - turn on the frickin t.v. if you are stuck in the house march in place while you watch your fav program - heck I bet if you look hard enough you would find some old vcr or dvd exercise tapes.... But them in and do them. Go mop the floors even if they don't need them - it's exercise all the same..

PULL UP THOSE BOOTSTRAPS LIZALEE - Come - you didn't come this far to let the devil food control you - you have the tool - now women up !!!! and do the work that needs to be done... Y

ou are woman you are strong

This isn't a diet you can eat real food - just not poision junk food - wean yourself off those real sugars and refinded carb - Remember you can have 1/2 cup of rice for dinner 120 but you gotta eat 4 oz of hard protein 1st then 1/2 c veggies - then you get that rice if you have any room leftr.. If you get hungry a few hours later- make a snack pack of popcorn - eat one piece at a time... Drink your Water too - that does help ...

Remember it's not that one slice of cake once a month that got us fat in the first place - it was cuz we ate 2 - 3 -4 pieces if not the whole darn thin in 1 or 2 day..

Ok - was that a good enough kick in the butt for you...

Remember Tough Band Love - Love being the operative word here... Hugs - You can do this...

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Hi Lizalee

thank you SOOOO much for posting this. You have eloquently verbalized what I've been thinnkng for some time. Weight loss has been nil for some time. Weight gain....I don't want to go there. I found out that the food I shouldn't eat goes down well and the food I'm supposed to eat sometimes comes back. Talk about negative feedback. I also seem to get a delay in my full sensation.

I agree that journaling is a good way to keep track of eating, I don't like to, but maybe that's because I have to own up to what I put in my mouth. I also agree that carbs are poison, so how do you get off them? My willpower and desire seem to be gone.

So, having found a kindred spirit, we can do this. I liked feeling slimmer, less aches and pains, clothes fit better, more energy, the numbness in my hands when I'm typing isn't there, I fit in an airplane seat better and don't crowd anyone (I want to fly to my girlfriends house and visit, been puttng off because of the flight issues), and so one.

So, 1 hour at a time? We can do it!


Sue - OMW it's been a long time since you posted... Sorry that you are struggling too...

I guess I just have been lucky - I don't feel that I am dieting- I don't feel deprived - I allow for treats - but know that my drug of choice is food and I don't want to be addicted any longer...

I want to stay healthy - I want to continue to feel as good as I do right now .. I know that if I allowed myself to eat like i use to I would put the weight back on - some days are harder than others - but in the long run - you gotta remember why you had the surgery to being with..

To improve your life - this time in our lives is about us - We need to take care of us before we can take care of anyone else - we need to learn to love us - not with food but with deep understanding that we are beatiful and wonderful - we are worth something - we are worth the struggle to have a good life - and yes sometimes it's a struggle - but I will tell you getting to goal is worth the battle - and it's so doable...

And if you slip don't wait for tomorrow to get back what you loss in that one slip - get back on track immediately..


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Yep, you are 100% on the mark, Indio-girl. Lizalee, make sure you are eating your Protein. I'm telling you, that is what keeps me from being hungry, real or otherwise. Forget the Cereal in the morning. Eat protein. I have a Protein Drink almost every morning. It's 110 calories, 4 gm of carbs and 17 gms or protein. Eat greek style yogurt, 17 grams of protein, eat cottage cheese, eat eggs. Stop eating bars, they trick us into thinking we're eating healthy when we're not, most of them have way to many calories and carbs. I also am not on a diet. I eat what I want but I am more discriminating as to what I choose to eat.Notice that I am in control of what I choose, not what my addiction chooses.

Liza it's hard and it's a journey that you are not on alone. You have had an amazing weight loss thus far. Stop making excuses and eat protein first, vegies second, and lastly carbs. You can do it! I'll be praying for you to have the strength.

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Apples keeps Jerky with her so she has a pure Protein snack. I tried that and it does help - I think because it takes time to chew it (small bites) and because it is protein and helps to regulate your blood sugars. STOP BAKING GOODIES FOR PEOPLE! They love it, but they don't need it either. Your company comes to see you - offer a vegie tray if you have to offer something. If they don't come back because they didn't get a sugar fix they were not really your friends anyway -LOL. If you can't keep from eating that food it should not be in your kitchen... Firm believer here - I don't let it in my house 'cause DH doesn't need it and I certainly don't. I am finding since I have not been eating sugary treats I don't really miss them but the hard part is getting out of that sweet treat rut.

You are right - it is not easy. But you can do it, girlfriend. You are strong and you can do anything you put your mind to. Next summer you will be riding those horses every day - just think about how much fun that will be and how your kids will enjoy riding with you.

Edited by JoannMarie

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Apples keeps Jerky with her so she has a pure Protein snack. I tried that and it does help - I think because it takes time to chew it (small bites) and because it is protein and helps to regulate your blood sugars. STOP BAKING GOODIES FOR PEOPLE! They love it, but they don't need it either. Your company comes to see you - offer a vegie tray if you have to offer something. If they don't come back because they didn't get a sugar fix they were not really your friends anyway -LOL. If you can't keep from eating that food it should not be in your kitchen... Firm believer here - I don't let it in my house 'cause DH doesn't need it and I certainly don't. I am finding since I have not been eating sugary treats I don't really miss them but the hard part is getting out of that sweet treat rut.

You are right - it is not easy. But you can do it, girlfriend. You are strong and you can do anything you put your mind to. Next summer you will be riding those horses every day - just think about how much fun that will be and how your kids will enjoy riding with you.

Joann you are so right no one needs the junk - I usually bake and give to others - but know what - thought to myself when I was baking why would I give this crap to others - when I myself preach to eat healthy - so you know what I did - I gave 4 Cookies on a cute plate- (one for gf & her dh) - some earl gray tea - some nice mugs - instead of a plate full of cookies like I did in the past..

Phyl does the jerky too... I have some and it is filling...

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I have a hard time with eggs and any type of bread product. The things I miss the most are sandwiches and pizza. I mourn for them, but I am certainly happier with weight loss and if I have to continue to mourn the loss I will.

At my last fill which is always done under fluoro, my PA said my pouch had enlarged a little. Of course I freaked, and she said it was nothing to worry about and on a scale of 1-10 with 10 the largest, it was a 2. I told her I had been PBing still trying to find some Protein I could eat besides fish. She said to go on liquids for 2 days and eat really small meals after that ( 1 cup at the most) and she would check it again at the end of the month. Has anyone experienced this yet? What did you do and did it work? Wendy said if it didn't revert she could do a complete unfill for a month or more. This idea scares me to death as I picture uncontrollable eating and weight gain. Help!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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