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I really think that anyone who is having trouble with solid Protein needs to have a slight amount taken out. We hate to give up any of our fill, but the band is meant to work with solid protein. That is what keeps us full the longest. Mushie food will go down, but we get hungry faster.

Anything crunchy goes down very easily. My dr. has stressed over and over that if you are throwing up when you eat solid protein, that you can damage your esophagus.

Merry Christmas everyone. I am going to be glad when these holidays are over and life gets back to normal.

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Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. We have sunshine at least at the moment. Our day started with our preparing to go to our daughters house for presents. As we started to leave there was the new puppy (9 months old) sitting in the cat tree! This big ole black lab just sitting there so pretty like dogs do that everyday! Oh my, it was just the funniest thing. The rest of the day has been pretty much the same just one funny thing after another.

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Hi everyone--well we got through another Christmas. Hope everyone had a good holiday. Ours was a sad day because my Father died on last Monday. I feel like I have been in a fog ever since he died. Our family of 8 children and spouses and 22 grands,plus others were at our house to Celebrate. As much as I enjoyed the day, I do feel tired and completely worn out. I feel as though I have not had the time to grieve. Maybe now, I will be able to properly grieve and can accept that he is gone. Dad suffered from diabetes and kidney failure.

I have not paid much attention to my diet. For that, I have suffered pb's and my food getting stuck more often.

I am in hopes that after the holidays, I will get back on track again. I am looking forward to 2009 to get a fresh start on not only my diet, but on other areas of my life.

Happy New Year's to All! mimi

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Mimi, I am so sorry for your loss. It does look like you have a big family to help support eachother. That makes a world of difference. Please think more about your diet. You need to be strong and take care of yourself so you can take care of those around you. You will be in my thoughts.

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Mimi- So sorry for your loss. Having family and friends around hopefully made the day a pleasant one. I know how tough it is to find the time to grieve.

My sister passed away, suddenly, last January and I still has times when I do not believe she is gone. I wanted to call her yesaterday, but just spoke with her in my own way. All the best and hope having all thos family members around helped. I am sure your day was looking down upon his family, smiling :tongue2:

NSV - I saw someone yesterday I had not seen since last Christmas. She came over and introduced herself.. She didn't even recognize me!!!! We had a good laugh after she realized who I was. It was a great feeling to know that I was unrecognizeable to someone... :blush:

Now back on the wagon and watch my food intake. Too much cheese and pepperoni yesterday..and a few glasses of wine.

Joined the gym and will start with a trainer after the first of the year. My gift to myself!!

Hope everyone had a great day.

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Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. We have sunshine at least at the moment. Our day started with our preparing to go to our daughters house for presents. As we started to leave there was the new puppy (9 months old) sitting in the cat tree! This big ole black lab just sitting there so pretty like dogs do that everyday! Oh my, it was just the funniest thing. The rest of the day has been pretty much the same just one funny thing after another.

Did you get a picture of that???

That is so funny! I would love to see a picture!

Hi everyone--well we got through another Christmas. Hope everyone had a good holiday. Ours was a sad day because my Father died on last Monday. I feel like I have been in a fog ever since he died. Our family of 8 children and spouses and 22 grands,plus others were at our house to Celebrate. As much as I enjoyed the day, I do feel tired and completely worn out. I feel as though I have not had the time to grieve. Maybe now, I will be able to properly grieve and can accept that he is gone. Dad suffered from diabetes and kidney failure.

I have not paid much attention to my diet. For that, I have suffered pb's and my food getting stuck more often.

I am in hopes that after the holidays, I will get back on track again. I am looking forward to 2009 to get a fresh start on not only my diet, but on other areas of my life.

Happy New Year's to All! mimi

So very sorry to hear about your Dad, Mimi! Don't fret over the food issues. We will all get back on track now that the festivities are over... well, almost... New Years coming up! I am up 2 lb according to my Wii. It's frustrating, because I haven't "pigged out" at all.... CAN'T! But, just having a few treats that I don't normally have and I gain! But, like I said, back on track today! And, skipped exercise yesterday, but getting ready to go to the pool this morning even though the thermometer says its 44 outside and the wind is blowing! Have to tough it out!

Oh, our dd & sil are taking off from Seattle right about now, on their way down here, so I guess my eating challenges will continue for the next week! I will have to be very diligent in making right choices!! I know we'll be doing some eating out!

Mimi- So sorry for your loss. Having family and friends around hopefully made the day a pleasant one. I know how tough it is to find the time to grieve.

My sister passed away, suddenly, last January and I still has times when I do not believe she is gone. I wanted to call her yesaterday, but just spoke with her in my own way. All the best and hope having all thos family members around helped. I am sure your day was looking down upon his family, smiling :tongue2:

NSV - I saw someone yesterday I had not seen since last Christmas. She came over and introduced herself.. She didn't even recognize me!!!! We had a good laugh after she realized who I was. It was a great feeling to know that I was unrecognizeable to someone... :blush:

Now back on the wagon and watch my food intake. Too much cheese and pepperoni yesterday..and a few glasses of wine.

Joined the gym and will start with a trainer after the first of the year. My gift to myself!! Hope everyone had a great day.

So sorry about your sister. I have three and I can't imagine losing one of them! Family is so precious! Reading posts of neices, grandneices, etc on Facebook yesterday and earlier this week... back in Buffalo, I said to DH yesterday.. "maybe next year we should fly to Buffalo for Christmas!" He was not enthused about that idea! But hearing about all their preparations for Christmas made me homesick.... for my childhood home.

Yeah, back on the wagon for sure. I had an extra glass of wine yesterday, too, and a Christmas cookie and two pieces of fudge! Oh, and we went out for dinner with about a dozen people and I had turkey, dressing, mashed taters!

Great NSV!! When I WAS back home last summer.. one of my aunts didn't speak to me, and then she was gone, so I didn't get a chance to talk to her either... My Mom told me later that Aunt Fran didn't know who I was! Has happened several times since we've been back here in the RV park, too. Folks who haven't seen me since last winter don't speak to me until I speak to them! Then they tell me they didn't recognize me! Fun, huh??!! I love it!

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I've been away from the computer for a few days and had LOTS to catch up on. You are all so good about being here even when you are super busy!

We had Christmas at DS & DDIL's yesterday. The house was full of family, dogs, and goodies. I was a pretty good girl, but then I'm watching closely about "mushie" foods and the real thing. I have not had any trouble with anything I've tried to eat. Over the next 2 weeks till my next appointment Jan 9 I am supposed to transition into a regular diet. I do have some restriction, but not as much as I would like. I am watching amounts and stopping when I feel the least sense of fullness. I did have a small treat yesterday - small sliver of apple pie. I was surprised that it did not taste as good as I expected... I am hoping that will be my future!

My sincere sympathies to those who have been going through the loss of their pets. The last few weeks have been especially hard on our little animals that we love so much. We are really missing Abbie, but remembering her quirky personality and the funny things she did. Jack was watching us prepare to leave yesterday - laying behind a chair looking so dejected because he was sure he was not going to get to go with us. As we walked to the door, DH picked up the leash and called him - he was so excited! He was the hit of the day - the kids were all over him and he got to play with DS, one of his favorite people. He received a set of tennis balls from Santa and was thrilled to play ball in the house for a change. It was a good day for Jack (and all of us). Happy birthday, Baby Jesus. Love to all my friends here!

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PHYL - Buffalo in winter, yuck.. I am originally from Rochester and do not miss the winters. Here in Delaware things with snow are so different. No good infrastructure to take care of it, even an inch and things shut down,. A bit difference from "up" north..

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Hi everyone--well we got through another Christmas. Hope everyone had a good holiday. Ours was a sad day because my Father died on last Monday. I feel like I have been in a fog ever since he died. Our family of 8 children and spouses and 22 grands,plus others were at our house to Celebrate. As much as I enjoyed the day, I do feel tired and completely worn out. I feel as though I have not had the time to grieve. Maybe now, I will be able to properly grieve and can accept that he is gone. Dad suffered from diabetes and kidney failure.

I have not paid much attention to my diet. For that, I have suffered pb's and my food getting stuck more often.

I am in hopes that after the holidays, I will get back on track again. I am looking forward to 2009 to get a fresh start on not only my diet, but on other areas of my life.

Happy New Year's to All! mimi

Mimi - So sorry for the loss of your Dad.. I am glad you have a big family to be with - it does help.. Hugs... and yes time alone is what is needed to.

Stress will make your band tighter - at least it did mine - I was tight after my little bro died in Oct... But for me stress like that doesn't make me eat - just the reverse - I have no appetite..

Mimi- So sorry for your loss. Having family and friends around hopefully made the day a pleasant one. I know how tough it is to find the time to grieve.

My sister passed away, suddenly, last January and I still has times when I do not believe she is gone. I wanted to call her yesaterday, but just spoke with her in my own way. All the best and hope having all thos family members around helped. I am sure your day was looking down upon his family, smiling :thumbup:

NSV - I saw someone yesterday I had not seen since last Christmas. She came over and introduced herself.. She didn't even recognize me!!!! We had a good laugh after she realized who I was. It was a great feeling to know that I was unrecognizeable to someone... :smile:

Now back on the wagon and watch my food intake. Too much cheese and pepperoni yesterday..and a few glasses of wine.

Joined the gym and will start with a trainer after the first of the year. My gift to myself!!

Hope everyone had a great day.

Lynn - Congrats on your NSV... You are going to love having a trainer - I love mine and it really does help.. I have gain muscles since I got mine last March - and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn...

Did you get a picture of that???

That is so funny! I would love to see a picture!

So very sorry to hear about your Dad, Mimi! Don't fret over the food issues. We will all get back on track now that the festivities are over... well, almost... New Years coming up! I am up 2 lb according to my Wii. It's frustrating, because I haven't "pigged out" at all.... CAN'T! But, just having a few treats that I don't normally have and I gain! But, like I said, back on track today! And, skipped exercise yesterday, but getting ready to go to the pool this morning even though the thermometer says its 44 outside and the wind is blowing! Have to tough it out!

Oh, our dd & sil are taking off from Seattle right about now, on their way down here, so I guess my eating challenges will continue for the next week! I will have to be very diligent in making right choices!! I know we'll be doing some eating out!

o sorry about your sister. I have three and I can't imagine losing one of them! Family is so precious! Reading posts of neices, grandneices, etc on Facebook yesterday and earlier this week... back in Buffalo, I said to DH yesterday.. "maybe next year we should fly to Buffalo for Christmas!" He was not enthused about that idea! But hearing about all their preparations for Christmas made me homesick.... for my childhood home.

Yeah, back on the wagon for sure. I had an extra glass of wine yesterday, too, and a Christmas cookie and two pieces of fudge! Oh, and we went out for dinner with about a dozen people and I had turkey, dressing, mashed taters!

Great NSV!! When I WAS back home last summer.. one of my aunts didn't speak to me, and then she was gone, so I didn't get a chance to talk to her either... My Mom told me later that Aunt Fran didn't know who I was! Has happened several times since we've been back here in the RV park, too. Folks who haven't seen me since last winter don't speak to me until I speak to them! Then they tell me they didn't recognize me! Fun, huh??!! I love it!

Phyl as cold as it's been & windy - I can see why you skipped the pool - How funny your own Aunt didn't recongize you ... When I sent my Aunt a pic of me she said that she wouldn't know who I was..

I've been away from the computer for a few days and had LOTS to catch up on. You are all so good about being here even when you are super busy!

We had Christmas at DS & DDIL's yesterday. The house was full of family, dogs, and goodies. I was a pretty good girl, but then I'm watching closely about "mushie" foods and the real thing. I have not had any trouble with anything I've tried to eat. Over the next 2 weeks till my next appointment Jan 9 I am supposed to transition into a regular diet. I do have some restriction, but not as much as I would like. I am watching amounts and stopping when I feel the least sense of fullness. I did have a small treat yesterday - small sliver of apple pie. I was surprised that it did not taste as good as I expected... I am hoping that will be my future!

My sincere sympathies to those who have been going through the loss of their pets. The last few weeks have been especially hard on our little animals that we love so much. We are really missing Abbie, but remembering her quirky personality and the funny things she did. Jack was watching us prepare to leave yesterday - laying behind a chair looking so dejected because he was sure he was not going to get to go with us. As we walked to the door, DH picked up the leash and called him - he was so excited! He was the hit of the day - the kids were all over him and he got to play with DS, one of his favorite people. He received a set of tennis balls from Santa and was thrilled to play ball in the house for a change. It was a good day for Jack (and all of us). Happy birthday, Baby Jesus. Love to all my friends here!

Joann - I am happy to read that you had a good Christmas and that your fur baby got to enjoy too - My babies got presen't from Santa too.

Yep some foods really don't taste as good as they use to... When do you go back to the doc for your 1st fill -for me I think it was 8 weeks.

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NOPE.... DH tried to talk me out of it but toughed it out and went to the pool anyway yesterday!! So he went, too! I put on my suit, then hooded sweatshirt, then long heavy terrycloth robe over the top and rode down on my scooter... my routine for several cold mornings lately!! Legs felt like Popsicles by the time I got down there, but survived. Left sweatshirt in the locker room for later and then I had to get out the CD player because I was the only one there that knew the locker combination as only 8 of us showed up!

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Hi everyone--well we got through another Christmas. Hope everyone had a good holiday. Ours was a sad day because my Father died on last Monday. I feel like I have been in a fog ever since he died. Our family of 8 children and spouses and 22 grands,plus others were at our house to Celebrate. As much as I enjoyed the day, I do feel tired and completely worn out. I feel as though I have not had the time to grieve. Maybe now, I will be able to properly grieve and can accept that he is gone. Dad suffered from diabetes and kidney failure.

I have not paid much attention to my diet. For that, I have suffered pb's and my food getting stuck more often.

I am in hopes that after the holidays, I will get back on track again. I am looking forward to 2009 to get a fresh start on not only my diet, but on other areas of my life.

Happy New Year's to All! mimi[


I am sorry for your loss. You do need time to grieve and heal. My mother passed away July '06 from ALS. I didn't take the time to grieve and heal as my father was an emotional wreck. I'm the only daughter (have 2 younger brothers) but he depended on me. I gained a lot of weight during that time as I let myself go.

Listen to your body and your band...it's trying to tell you that you have a tool to help you get thru the emotional eating...because it is emotional eating.

If you ever need to talk, e-mail me privately. It does help to talk to others. I didn't do that at first...held it in and it's not healthy.

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