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Thanks for your words Birdie, even though they weren't directed at me, they really calmed my sudden fears after reading other posts about getting ...stuck!

I am scheduled for surgery in a day and worrying more about living with the band than anything else!

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Hi Soo,

Glad I could help. You will be fine, just take it one day at a time. It really is a relearning process but the benefits are wild!!! I've just converted the metric for you. I started the shakes at 229 lbs BMI 42, was banded at 218 and now 5 weeks later am 208lbs and now not morbidly obese ya!!! It is a fascinating journey that is all absorbing but great. Just wait until people start to notice and not just your looks but the spring in your step. I had both knees replaced 3 1/2 years ago and they are loving the lighter me and my new energy levels. I'll be praying for you tomorrow if that is allright. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your new life. Regards


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Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everyone!

Sounds as if everyone had a great day! With my family, a holiday is never just one day but a multiple, this time a three day feast! I did ok, wt up 2 lbs yesterday and already 1 of those is gone, so thinking some was just Water.

I had a nsv too. I had cleaned out my closet and taken the clothes that were too large for me. I had intended to give them to my mother and sister who have always been about the same size as me. I was pleasantly surprised to find that most were too small for them and fit my neice (22). I'm glad someone can use them regardless. And they are out of my closet never to return!

Good luck So and Joanne on your upcoming surgeries!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hugs, Pat

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Hi Twirl,

Don't believe everything you read here. Most people do not feel hungry and I haven't in the 7 weeks that I have been on this journey. I had 2 weeks on VLCD (very low calorie drinks or shakes), it is more boring than hunger making. Since I have had the band I can honestly say that I have not felt hungry either ..Brydie :thumbup:

I think that's a little over the top. What do you mean by starting off NOT TO BELIEVE anyone who says they are still hungry. Hungry can take a lot of forms, even head hunger. I know I feel hungry in the evening especially.

They even have a term for this first part after surgery called Bandster Hell, its from when you get thru surgery and havent been filled to your sweet spot. They dont call it bandster hell because most people are making it up they are extra hungry during this period and have trouble not eating as much. Bandster Hell is real. Im sorry, but I just disagree with your post.

I'm just so happy to see 185 lbs now. It's a long way from where I want to be. Even at almost 5 7, I want to be much thinner for my bone structure, but I can see my face thinning :wink2: Yea for me!!!

Edited by flowers

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Thanks for your words Birdie, even though they weren't directed at me, they really calmed my sudden fears after reading other posts about getting ...stuck!

I am scheduled for surgery in a day and worrying more about living with the band than anything else!

Good luck tomorrow. Iv never gotten stuck. I have had a few seconds where it feels like I have to burp, and stopped eating until I did, but I'm not sure this is the stuck folks talk about?. Only once took pills right before I went to bed and learned the hard way not to do that either.

You will be just fine. Not everyone has all the bad effects some have. Its very individual. I wish you well on your weight loss journey.

Edited by flowers

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Denise..sounds like things are working for you with the reflux problem taken care of. My wish for you is to be able to get your fills without the problem coming back. I am sure you are somewhat paranoid about getting fills but gotta try it. I have been so lucky. I have had two fills, eat my regular portions and no hunger for up to 4 hours. Everyone is so different and hard to give advice on fills. I have been stuck twice and both times was on deli meat. That's off my menu! Please keep us informed as you get your fills and how you are doing.

JoAnne...THIS IS YOUR BIG WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!! As I have said b/4, you have a great attitude going into this and have done your homework going into this. You will do just fine. Just remember to be patient in those first six weeks b/4 your fills. I kept SF Jello on hand, popsicles, etc. to carry me through.

I could have never given up my coffee either. In fact, I am brewing a pot right now. I have a stainless steel (inside and out) pot that I put it in and it keeps it so fresh and drink throughout the day. Once in awhile put SF DiVinci Syrup in for a treat.

Happy to hear that Abbie is out at least a bit and running and playing. Hopefully she will get back on her food and become stronger. I know exactly where you are coming from...my puppa is EVERYTHING to me. He replaced my boys when they moved out 10 and 8 years ago. Love, love, love my dog. (My boys too!)

DeeDee...you were asking for samples of what others eat...

Typical day for me is:

B-Greek yogurt with Splenda and small amount of Fiber One

L-3.5 oz of protien. Salmon, chicken, steak (hamburger of any kind does not sit well) Veggies or fruit

D- Same as above

S-Always treat myself each evening to 100 cal pack of popcorn and throughout the day will have SF Jello or 100 cal 1/2 cup FF icecream. I do two Snacks a day.

My doc is very stern on no snacks. Just 1/2 cup three times daily. Went below my goal weight and had to throw the snacks in. Did not have any snacks while in the weight loss mode. Stuck to doc's rules during that time. I am just careful that everything that goes in my mouth on most has good nutritional value. I do treat myself on special occasions and have bday cake, a bar, etc. Can't totally cut everything out and feel deprived.

As far as exercise...I walk the treadmill about 4 miles 5xweek when it is cold outside. Otherwise, same amount of walking outside. I also run my two sets of stairs in my house for extra exercise for about 20 minutes a day. We live 15 miles away from anywhere so do not want to spend my time on the road to go to a gym. (I work out of the home).

You will do just fine. Take a listen to what others are doing and cut the foods out that you feel are holding you back some (if there are any). Bump up the physical activity up a bit if you feel you are not doing what you should. It really does not take a lot of exercise to make a difference. I am not telling you not to exercise. But, if it is not your thing, try getting at least a 30 minute walk in a day. And...never feel inadequate if you are losing a bit slower than someone else. Be proud of everything you have accomplished. K

Thanks Apples

I have the most difficulty getting in the Protein - seafood, I am allergic too - hamburger or ground beef I just don't seem to have a taste for anymore. I have always been sort of a picky eater - I just eat a lot of the things I like. So I have been getting my protein from eggs and chicken mostly and supplement them with Protein Bars and shakes. I think i twas Janet who said to keep a food journal and I have not done that but think it must become a part of my day as I must be taking in more calories than I need. This weekend was the worst! Thanksgiving and then my twin grandsons were baptized yesterday so I had a luncheon here for everyone - way too much food and appetizers this weekend for me!

JoAnne - just a few more days for you - I am so glad this time has finally come for you. I will be thinking about you and hope to see you back on soon. You will do great! Good Luck!


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DeeDee...Yes, a food journal is a good idea. I still do it and started it last November 22, 2007. I does help to keep a person in line and accountable for what is eaten during the day. For me, it just makes me try harder the next day when I can see my oops on paper. I really shoot for getting all my Protein in. My doc really poo-poos Protein Drinks and protein bars. I do carry pure protein bars that I get from Walmart in my purse. I use them only if I have no options or am going to miss a meal. Other than that, never rely on them. I also carry the 1.5oz beef Jerky in my purse for Snacks. 25g protein in the pack. (I stated 23g previously). Some days it does seem like a chore to get it all in but just keep plugging away at it. One thing that has saved me, since I seem to eat a lot of chicken, is to use different marinades. I take about six breasts or thighs and marinade them in interesting sauces and throw into freezer in individual bags (can be cooked and thrown in freezer also). I use a lot of lite soy sauce and sugar free jams. I always keep Sprite Zero on hand and throw it in when marinading. I usually marinade for at least 24 hours in frig first. Just some ideas for you. I know the menu can get boring at times. Just try some new ideas with your chicken to spice up your meals. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

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Sooverit....Just sending "hugs" your way and thinking of you and your surgery tomorrow. It will all be behind you soon. The LB was the easiest surgery I have ever had and I had a large hernia repaired besides. Wishing you a successful surgery and a quick recovery!!!!!!!!

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Good morning all,

Into the 4th day of pre-op and I sure do want something to chew on. Apples, you cannot believe how good that beef Jerky sounds right now! teehee.

DH makes great STRONG coffee, and I am enjoying my cup in the morning. Actually, that is enough caffeine to take the edge off - but I'm so glad to have it. I was so miserable on Friday. The last two days have been fine - just miss chewing, but I can wait a few weeks for that. Jerky is going on my grocery list...

Soo - I am thinking a lot about you today. Don't let your fears jump ahead of you, girl. Yes, you may get stuck one of these days - but you may not - and if you do, it will pass. and you may get hungry - but you may not. There are lots of things to be concerned about and we would be foolish to totally ignore them, because sometimes they are symptoms of something wrong and we need to call the doctor about those symptoms. BUT, lots of times we just need to focus on the core of the process - eat right - plenty of Protein - exercise - small bites chewed to death - etc. The successful banded people have found ways to overcome their problem areas and they practice those ways until they no longer are problems. Try to look ahead at your fears and think about what you will do if and when. Then you have the problem and the solution to file away for future reference - if and when. The suggestions from Apples and Janet have been invaluable to me. I have no idea what this all will actually feel like - still no real band experience. But I know how to problem-solve. I have a positive attitude. I have great advice from people who have been there and DONE THAT! and I have you friends who are here 24/7 to vent with and to play with.

I think Brydie was actually talking about LBTalk in general, not necessarily the people on this thread. I agree there are a lot of negative comments on LBTalk. I read a lot of those posts when I first came here because I believe we have to understand the negative issues as well as the positive. But if you have decided to do this, you have decided the positives outweigh the negatives. At that point, you need to focus on the positive aspects of this process and step out on that limb. I no longer read those posts - it is not worth my time and effort since I have made my decision and I am going for it. I certainly do not want to diminish any problems any of you might be having with head hunger or exercise motivation - or anything else. I have those issues, too - and I'll probably be on here talking about them very soon. Those issues can come up for Brydie, too, and I hope she will feel welcome to discuss them here where it is safe to do so. That is part of the solution to those fears and issues - feeling free to come to this thread and others for support and good advice.

I am so grateful for all of you, my friends. I can't believe how much you have given to me over these past few months. It is such a blessing to have you in my life. Thank you.

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Hey JoAnne...I know what you are going through on the liquids. Hang in there. Just a few days remaining until you are a changed woman FOREVER. I just wish I could better put into words what the LB has done for me and my life in general. My quality of life compared to a year ago has increased 120%. No crap! My journey started with fear. A fear that I would not be around for that wonderful retirement my DH and I have always talked about. Well, we'll see if my DH will be able to keep up with me during retirement. LOL. He has always been very fit. He leaves the front door each morning on dead run. Now, I can outrun him. I wake up each morning with loads of energy and I can honestly say I have not been tired since my LB surgery. Even when I went through that huge hernia surgery three months later. I am sure it has to do with getting all of my nutrients/water/etc. I love this life. I agree with JoAnne on the neg comments on LBT. I made myself open them up and read them when I was researching the LB because I wanted to know everything. But now I avoid them. I learned that most negative threads or comments usually come from those that do not follow the LB rules but still sit and complain that things are not going right for them. I have to just not look at them. I know there can be complications for those who DO follow the rules and truly feel bad for those people. I went into this with my fingers crossed and with determination to, for once in my life, eat right and do whatever I needed to so this would work for me. I honestly feel that someone was watching over me when I made the decision to do this. I am not sure if I posted this statement here b/4...did on one of the threads. I was so ready for this surgery after researching LB for three years and going through the 6 mo. diet and sticking to it and losing 54#. I cried all the way to the OR as the nurses walked me there. A couple of them were trying to calm me and I had a hard time getting my words out. I finally was able to tell them that I was crying "happy tears". I was sooooooooooooooooo ecstatic that FINALLY there was a light at the end of that obesity tunnel. It was the day I had been waiting for all of my life. I was born hungry and it seemed that no matter how much I ate in my previous life, I was always hungry. I was so tired of fighting. My wish for you, JoAnne and Sooverit is to get to that point where you no longer feel that intense hunger. I get hungry....but at the appropriate times. It just reminds me that it is meal time. I choose to not have a lot of fill in my band. I struggles with that for awhile but decided I didn't want the trouble that come with being too filled. It has worked for me and thinking that I am maybe at my sweet spot (kind off).

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What is with this site this morning. I broke my previous post into paragraphs. It ran them all together. Tried to edit post and messed it up further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, I did pay attention in school

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What is with this site this morning. I broke my previous post into paragraphs. It ran them all together. Tried to edit post and messed it up further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, I did pay attention in school

Honey, if you were educated in Minnesota, you got a good one!!! I know that from experience!

I remember your story about the operating room tears. I thought about it in the hospital last Wednesday when I was there for lab draws - not because the draws hurt, but because I am very emotional about this, too. I will not be surprised if the same thing happens to me on Thursday morning. I just hope hubby can handle that! After being married to me for all these years he is used to my emotions being expressed (!), but tears always throw him. He will try to fix it. It will be hard to convince him there is nothing for him to fix - Dr. Berntsen is going to take care of all of it.

I have a very mundane day ahead of me. I have to get the tires rotated on my car. wow. It is done at costco, though, so I'll take care of the script for my liquid pain meds, find a good book, and maybe search out some Christmas things while they play with my car. This afternoon I go to the Orthopedic clinic to have the first of three injections of faux cartilage in my right knee. I had this done in March and it helped. Doc recommended one more round this fall, then on to a knee replacement if it does not hold. By the time I have to make that decision I will be about 40-50 pounds lighter and I am hopeful it will be postponed indefinitely. If not, at least the surgery/recovery will be a lot easier than it was the last time when I gained 30 pounds during recovery. That will not happen again. These guys are gone. forever.

Apples, thank you so much for your words. You have no idea how much you have helped me. I now know what happened in your life will happen in mine.

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JoAnne....hopefully you will not need that knee replacement for awhile. Wait and see what your weight loss does first. My right knee was HORRIBLE b/4 I lost. The stairs were a killer and just walking brought tears sometimes. I have not felt a pain for months. Unbelievable!!!!!!

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I was banded on October 8th. Lost 24 lbs and have 1.5 cc of fill. Thanksgiving I felt like I could eat anything. Did not eat what I used to but am feeling the guilt and depression again. I think I did gain about 5 lbs though. Do I need another fill or am I just having head hunger? How do you know? Also, I am looking for either a treadmill or eliptical machine......which one have you heard is best for our age?


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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