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Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

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Hi, Phylsizer has started another thread. Maybe the regulars have gone there.

Huh?? Are you talking about me?? Cuz I didn't start any new threads!

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Long...try not to worry about the email or the scale. We all go up and down just within a few days. It will come back. That is the reason I only weigh when I have my doc appts once a month. I would obsess otherwise.

Sorry that person took your email wrong (or was she just waiting to pounce?).

WELCOME BACK, CATHYCHATTS!!!!!!! With all that painting you are doing, the next time you recarpet your rooms you will find the carpet area smaller! Happy to hear you are doing well and feeling good. Gotta love that remodeling? We do a little every year and think we are about done. It's to the point where we just love our house. When we moved in 21 yrs ago...it was UGLY!!!!!!!!!! Only 5 yrs old and the persons that lived here beat the heck out of it. We finally have gotten it to where we want it. Now we can sit back and enjoy.

Hope everyone had a good day. Did anyone else go through withdrawl not having LBT? Did have much time to sit at the computer anyway but every time I checked it was down.

Well, time to do the LA and New York Times crosswords. It's an every night thing with me. Cannot live without it.

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Apples, I like to do the soduko!. My granddad lived in Brainerd MN for many many years. He was an electrician and had a pretty big business. He loved the cold weather and the ice fishing. Cathychatts, glad to hear from you. How much have you lost so far? I haven't gotten to my sweet spot yet but can't wait. JoanMarie, you are going to do great on this program so do not worry!!! Phyl, you are lucky to still be in the warm weather although I do like the change of seasons and it is beautiful here in Illinois right now with all of the fall colors. It is really nice to walk at the park right now when its nice and crisp out. I put on hat, coat, gloves and away I go. Well sounds like everyone is doing well tonight. Talk with you all tomorrow.


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Apples, I like to do the soduko!. My granddad lived in Brainerd MN for many many years. He was an electrician and had a pretty big business. He loved the cold weather and the ice fishing. Cathychatts, glad to hear from you. How much have you lost so far? I haven't gotten to my sweet spot yet but can't wait. JoanMarie, you are going to do great on this program so do not worry!!! Phyl, you are lucky to still be in the warm weather although I do like the change of seasons and it is beautiful here in Illinois right now with all of the fall colors. It is really nice to walk at the park right now when its nice and crisp out. I put on hat, coat, gloves and away I go. Well sounds like everyone is doing well tonight. Talk with you all tomorrow.


Beckyo...I'll be heading up to Brainard in a short while for some training for the volunteer work I do. I think we will be staying at Cragan's Resort. I love that area. We took our kids to Gull Lake camping quite a bit. Had out state bowling tournament there a couple of years ago. My boys spent a lot of time up that way when they had to go to Camp Ripley. Are you originally from MN?:)

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Hi All,

Apples - thanks so much for the invitation! It sounds like a visit we would really enjoy. DH and I try to get to the Duluth/Silver Bay area every year or two. We have very close friends in Duluth, and several friends in Silver Bay; it's always beautiful along the north shore of Superior. It would be a lot of fun to get together. DH is a farm boy and will always enjoy being around the farms and farmers. There is always a connection. What is your route to Florida? If it is anywhere near Kansas City, we have a place for you.

Lori - I did see the piece on Obesityhelp. I think I will go back and read it again, just to refresh. Thanks for the information.

Glad to be back on-line with LBT tonight. I was having serious withdrawal today, too. Lori, sounds like it just was not your day. Tomorrow will be better for you.

Jack, my sheltie, has come down to the studio to remind me it is time for bed. DH must have closed the door on him and the poor baby is worn out. I noticed there was a lot of squirrel herding going on in our back yard today - it's hard being a dog on squirrel patrol, you know. like trying to herd the cat...

Have a good evening.

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I am having trouble losing the 5 lbs I gained over the summer. I go up and down 5 lbs and can't seem to stay at the down 5. Now with the holidays coming, I am sure it's not going to be easier. I could use a fill but I am afraid to get one because it's so nice not to get food stuck anymore. Plus I have been having some acid reflux problems and that is not good. I see the dr. next week.

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Cathy, it's so good to hear from you! We've all been wondering...

My date is coming up on Dec 4th - and my surgeon recommended the Realize band - she says her over-65 patients are doing better with it. I had researched a lot and could not find much difference in the literature; I was having a hard time making the decision. I was glad to get the recommendation as it took the decision out of my hands. I trust this surgeon - obviously, or I would not be hopping up on that table. She and her partners do both bands and recommend both - but apparently she prefers the Realize for those of us of the senior persuasion (teehee). I'm glad to hear you are in the sweet spot neighborhood and losing a couple of pounds a week. That would be fine with me!

Glad you are back with us!

Hi JoannMarie,

My first band was not secured at all and slipped badly as I think I've mentioned before. This one has been stitched to the stomach = not a chance of slipping (different surgeon). I was not offered a choice by either surgeon, maybe we don't have the other over here yet.

Latest news = I go into hospital this coming Monday for another (5th) hernia repair. The colon and part of the stomach is protruding through. Great!!! I asked about the pbing and the reflux trouble..... he said it is due to the band and when I reach my goal of 70 kilos = 154lbs he will loosen it. That's a long time to wait for relief.

I am today, down to 79.5 kilos = 174.9lbs so he estimates in about 2 months. At the rate I've been dropping lately = 1/2 kilo per day = 1.1lb, I think it will be sooner than that.

I've not been feeling well after the pushing and probing this morning, very ill and dizzy, so haven't been able to work. Have to work harder tomorrow to catch up.

Best wishes to all.

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Catch Up!!!

I was in LBT withdrawal. all I wanted to do was get on here and read and post. But the site had a different idea!!! Glad it is back on line.

Realize band - another difference in the Realize band is that the port is a lower profile. I was to have the Realize band, but my doctor was just learning the placement/ surgery techniques for it when I had my surgery and the "proctor" was not available that day. She gave me the option to reschedule my surgery or get the AP band. Well, since I was banded in March, you all know my choice!!!!

Glad to see the board so active after the down time yesterday. :)

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I did it, Banded 10/24 Felt like H___ a few days, but am coming back to life. Had a few bites of cream of wheat this AM. I am finding it hard to get Protein and fluids in/ Lost 11 lbs on one week, but I am sure it is fluids. Everyone keep posting I learn so much Kathy

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Congrats on your banding, Ktravel. Hang in there and take care of yourself. Everything will fall into place. Just be very aware of getting your Protein in. It will make you feel so much better and will help with the healing process.

JoannMarie...you guys are welcome to come and stay on the farm anytime.

Everyone else...Happy Hump Day!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've had more troubles getting this site to load today. finally seems to be letting me in. GRRRR It would keep timing out on me or something.

CathyChatts, good to see you!!

JoAnn, somewhere on here someone posted a great link to an article comparing the lap band to the realize band, but gosh dern I can't find it now. Also Obesity Help magazine this summer had a great article. The biggest difference I see is the way they are attached one is stitched (lap) and the other stapled (realize) and the realize has a continuous chamber for the saline and Lap has little pillow type chambers. if I had a choice not sure what I'd choose but I didn't so didn't have to worry about it. I have Lap.

Well I am having a bummer day. I emailed someone about something and they took my email totally wrong. I still don't see how it could've been so misunderstood but she got really upset. I apologized profusely but now am perturbed I did as I didnt' do anything wrong I don't think and it makes me mad that she assumed I said what she thought I said. :) Just reread that and it makes now sense, other than it's so frustrating. I'm trying to let it go as it's such a petty thing but it will be hard going forward with this person too if she can jump to those kind of conclusions.

Also feel like I am coming down with a cold. GRRRR And the scale was up 2 lbs today!! It doesn't count until Thurs. so hopefully it will be gone then. I hit 78 and am back at 76. Tomorrow will be a better day!!!


On pissings someone off - don't worry about it - This medium can be very difficult sometimes, because there are no visual or audio cues to help you and some pple are very defensive - they say they want help - but what they really want is sympathy and approval & understanding of why they screwed up,.. I have pissed a few off with my tough band love speechs.. I am not going to condone or be an enabler when it comes to pple who aren't following the rules - ya it's hard - but Life is hard... Pull up those boot straps...

Yesterday I couldn't get on the site and then by the time I got home after the Lawyers office I was to mentally drain to get on the computer - hopefully things will start calming down some and I can get back in to my routine. Went to the gym Monday - did legs - sore today - I go back to night for arms -

Well, just cking in - my desk is a mess gotta get too it... cbl

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Huh?? Are you talking about me?? Cuz I didn't start any new threads!

Well that would explain why I couldn't find it. LOL Sounds like it wasn't just me having a hard time getting here yesterday then.

Long...try not to worry about the email or the scale. We all go up and down just within a few days. It will come back. That is the reason I only weigh when I have my doc appts once a month. I would obsess otherwise.

Sorry that person took your email wrong (or was she just waiting to pounce?).

WELCOME BACK, CATHYCHATTS!!!!!!! With all that painting you are doing, the next time you recarpet your rooms you will find the carpet area smaller! Happy to hear you are doing well and feeling good. Gotta love that remodeling? We do a little every year and think we are about done. It's to the point where we just love our house. When we moved in 21 yrs ago...it was UGLY!!!!!!!!!! Only 5 yrs old and the persons that lived here beat the heck out of it. We finally have gotten it to where we want it. Now we can sit back and enjoy.

Hope everyone had a good day. Did anyone else go through withdrawl not having LBT? Did have much time to sit at the computer anyway but every time I checked it was down.

Well, time to do the LA and New York Times crosswords. It's an every night thing with me. Cannot live without it.

You know I think she was waiting to just pounce cause when I called to clear up the email and she let me know how upset she was other things came out. She felt I was trying to seperate myself from 'the group', etc. And weakling, afraid of confrontation me, just apologized but as the day went on I got mad. Mad that she jumped to such horrible conclusions about me and mad that she accused me of seperating myself, could it be that I just stopped trying to fit into their little clique? Never once did she apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusions either. This group meets at my house tonight (it's a church group of all things) so am a tad bit nervous. And to top things off since I am not stuffing down my feelings with food anymore I am feeling these things so much worse these days. This too shall pass and I will get more used to feeling all these emotions the good and the bad and hopefully it won't tear me up so much in the future.

I do remembers those winters in Wisconsin. They'd flood the baseball diamonds and make them into ice skaing rinks in the winter. Heck we could skate practically before we walked. We'd be out there for hours. And sledding off the roof into the snow drifts, tunnelling snow forts etc. Thanks for the memories!

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Joann Marie: I have the realize band, (was the 1st my doc did) the proctor was there at my surgery. Here is what I unerstand to be the plus of this band, the low profile (like lynnt said) I can hardly feel mine and the doc has to hunt it when he does a fill. He says it is easier to fill. They say it is less likely to slip and has the continuous chambers. I think they are all good, but having the Realize band I can say it is doing it's job. Now I just have to do mine!:)

Long! The church ladies can be the most difficult. Sounds like there may be a bit of envy.... maybe because of the weight loss! Just smile and say a prayer! It will be ok! And as I always tell my DD... Rise above it!

Gotta go and baby sit for the new little Granddaughter!:)


OH! PHYL! I love the RV on your signature!

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Joann Marie: I have the realize band, (was the 1st my doc did) the proctor was there at my surgery. Here is what I unerstand to be the plus of this band, the low profile (like lynnt said) I can hardly feel mine and the doc has to hunt it when he does a fill. He says it is easier to fill. They say it is less likely to slip and has the continuous chambers. I think they are all good, but having the Realize band I can say it is doing it's job. Now I just have to do mine!:w00t:

Long! The church ladies can be the most difficult. Sounds like there may be a bit of envy.... maybe because of the weight loss! Just smile and say a prayer! It will be ok! And as I always tell my DD... Rise above it!

Gotta go and baby sit for the new little Granddaughter!:laugh:


OH! PHYL! I love the RV on your signature!

You know, Cathy, I've thought that about those ladies and my weight loss but then thought maybe I was being catty. But I will not bring it up again, I will love them and forgive them. But probably not be close friends with them. Proceed with caution! Most of them come to my house tonight for a couples thing and tomorrow I go to the gal who emailed me's house to lead a ladies study. I am more nervous about tomorrow as they behave differently when the guys aren't around.

I am so glad I don't have to choose the kind of band to get as I'd be so confused. I heard just the opposite about REalize and Lap and slipping. That if you compare the new Lap (one with the pillows) to the Realize the Lap slips less but if you compare the old style Lap the Realize slips less. My dr. now does both bands and says they are both good. But knowing me, I'd stress over the decision. My port however, has always been visible even before I lost weight. I do wonder as I get to goal if it will stick out more.

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Long...sounds like you have it all figured out with your ladies that are coming over tonight. Try not to completely ignore "the one" but do not go out of your way to cater to you. Let them think what they want, say what they want, act the way they want. The way I figure it is: if a friend is a true friend, they are there with you all the way through your struggle. They should not even make you doubt that they are supporting you. Envy? I'd bet on that. We all change as we go along this journey. Hopefully for the better (better health, better feelings about ourselves, etc.).

Hold your head up high tonight. Be a gracious host...but most of all. Do not let her see that she is in any way getting to you. You have worked hard. You deserve the respect that is coming to you. Good luck tonight.

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