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Hi to everyone tonight. I am now three days out this evening. I have had ice, Water, vegetable broth, half cup of Unjury twice and an italian ice.Do you all think I am getting enough in? It only about one fourth cup servings so far. I walked all through my garden today which is about an acre or a little less. Watered some flowers. Took a shower and got all cleaned up. I am having alot of gas and diahera. I am assuming it is due to the surgery. I still have alot of pressure in the middle of my chest but am trying to work through it as it does hurt. It does seem to get a little better each day though. Tomorrow I start on full liquids so am anxious to see how that goes. Janet, I too am a WW fan. I think it is a good plan to follow. I have had no pain medicine today but think I will take some tylenol tonight. My incisions I can deal with, its the chest pressure that hurts. I am curious. I have five incisions. One larger one and the rest are smaller ones. how many did you gals have?

Beckyo:wub: The good news is I am loosing every day. I need a ticker now.

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I was banded May 20th...just getting into soft foods, doing well. BUT it seems as if I can eat more and more. I have not had any fills yet.

I still stay under 1100 calories and am slowly losing, but volume-wise I can "eat more". When I drink Water, I can drink more too.

I can now eat 2 cups of Soup, and I want it!! :lol: Before it was only one cup.

Please tell me I didn't stretch out my pouch!! I would think it is because my post op swelling is all down and I am getting ready to need a fill????

I have my first post op app't on Thursday, but it is only with Nutritionist.


Relax, you have not stretched your pouch... Its just that you are in "BANDSTER HELL" this is the time period after you've healed from the trauma of surg, your appetite is back and you don't have a FILL in yet. So therefore you don't have restriction...

So my advise is to just track your food, eat healthy stuff. and don't freek if you don't lose weight during this period... most of us didn't until after several fills.:redface:

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Long2bthin,I haven't even had my counsultation yet! :lol: I see my doctor July 10th which by the way seems like a year away. I just can't wait to get my preliminary stuff done so I can get my date. Once you make up your mind, it's torchure to wait isn't it? Did you actually eat pizza only after two weeks??? That sounds dangerous. How much did you eat? You must have had to chew at least 35 times to get that down! Guess you haven't had your first fill yet. My insurance company requires two weeks of fasting which sounds crazy but if that is correct, I'm doing it. I don't want to blow this. I've already started practicing chewing and making better choices, sometimes successful, sometimes not but I've got to get the mindset rightl. I was reading in one of the threads, something that I will be trying if I ever do venture out, and that is to order from the appetizer menu instead of getting a whole dinner and tell the waitress to serve it at the same time as the meal. With the amount of chewing you have to do, seems like you would both finish at the same time. I think I'll be too afraid to go to a restaurant for a while. The thought of caughing up part of my meal in front of people terrifies me. Thanks for the input and don't forget...make those good choices :redface:

Edited by gottaluvme

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You are saying goodbye to your Best Friend... but in truth you only thought food was your friend.. You placed it on a pedistal to console you, numb you and provide company when you were lonely..

Guess what? You are gonna find NEW Best Friends.... all of us here on the Lapband talk board.

Lots of us talk of the Computer as being our Cross-addiction...now

I for one, can't stuff my face while I am typing... hee,hee...

So welcome, post often, cry with us, laugh with us... there is nothing you can do or think that someone hasn't already done and experienced here.

Best of luck,


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You are saying goodbye to your Best Friend... but in truth you only thought food was your friend.. You placed it on a pedistal to console you, numb you and provide company when you were lonely..

Guess what? You are gonna find NEW Best Friends.... all of us here on the Lapband talk board.

Lots of us talk of the Computer as being our Cross-addiction...now

I for one, can't stuff my face while I am typing... hee,hee...

So welcome, post often, cry with us, laugh with us... there is nothing you can do or think that someone hasn't already done and experienced here.

Best of luck,


Candice - Well Said :redface: It's so true :lol:

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Hi to everyone tonight. I am now three days out this evening. I have had ice, Water, vegetable broth, half cup of Unjury twice and an italian ice.Do you all think I am getting enough in? It only about one fourth cup servings so far. I walked all through my garden today which is about an acre or a little less. Watered some flowers. Took a shower and got all cleaned up. I am having alot of gas and diahera. I am assuming it is due to the surgery. I still have alot of pressure in the middle of my chest but am trying to work through it as it does hurt. It does seem to get a little better each day though. Tomorrow I start on full liquids so am anxious to see how that goes. Janet, I too am a WW fan. I think it is a good plan to follow. I have had no pain medicine today but think I will take some tylenol tonight. My incisions I can deal with, its the chest pressure that hurts. I am curious. I have five incisions. One larger one and the rest are smaller ones. how many did you gals have?

Beckyo:wub: The good news is I am loosing every day. I need a ticker now.

Becky the bigger cut is where your port is - the other 4 are where they inserted the instruments to do the surgery..

You will find that a creamed Soup never tasted so good :lol: I was lucky I got full liquids when I came home from the hospital ..

As far as how much - half cup of unjury x2 is 1 cup - how much broth

or are you saying you have only had 1/4 of a cup total for the day of all that stuff - I am blond sometimes :redface:

I think I had like 1/2 cup soup for my 1st meal and that lasted for a few days (meaning I could drink about 1/2 cup 3 times a day and some water - i don't think I did 64 oz in the beginning - heck even now I have a hard time sometime getting my water in)

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Thank you guys for all of your kind words.

I guess I was having a bad day the other day. When I went to see the anesthesiologist the other day he looked at me and said you don't need Lap Band just go on a diet. I'm 4'11", 230 pounds BMI over 47. I have been on diets my whole adult life since I was 30. I thought how dare you you, you don't know me, or anything about me. I really hope he will not be the one that is their for my surgery.

Nerves must be getting to me. I have to go to the hospital Monday at 2:00 p.m and the Doctor said no liquids after 12:00 midnight on Sunday. That is going to be hard. 14 hours:confused2:

Ok I have whined enough. At least I don't have to be at work for a week.

Otherwise. We went to a Birthday Party at a bar for three of our friends. They had a big spread with barbecue, Beans and Pasta salad galore and cake. I had a Protein Shake before we left and didn't touch a thing. Actually is was pretty easy. I must be getting use to this liquid stuff. But I do dream of cottage cheese and tuna once in a while.

Again thanks for being here and all of your words of wisdom.

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Long2bthin,I haven't even had my counsultation yet! :lol: I see my doctor July 10th which by the way seems like a year away. I just can't wait to get my preliminary stuff done so I can get my date. Once you make up your mind, it's torchure to wait isn't it? Did you actually eat pizza only after two weeks??? That sounds dangerous. How much did you eat? You must have had to chew at least 35 times to get that down! Guess you haven't had your first fill yet. My insurance company requires two weeks of fasting which sounds crazy but if that is correct, I'm doing it. I don't want to blow this. I've already started practicing chewing and making better choices, sometimes successful, sometimes not but I've got to get the mindset rightl. I was reading in one of the threads, something that I will be trying if I ever do venture out, and that is to order from the appetizer menu instead of getting a whole dinner and tell the waitress to serve it at the same time as the meal. With the amount of chewing you have to do, seems like you would both finish at the same time. I think I'll be too afraid to go to a restaurant for a while. The thought of caughing up part of my meal in front of people terrifies me. Thanks for the input and don't forget...make those good choices :redface:

Oh goodness, gracious no, I didn't have pizza since my sugery. I had pizza as my last meal before I had to start the pre op diet. I only had to do 2 days of liquids preop, so surgery was Thurs., liquids were Tues. and Wed. and pizza was Monday BEFORE!! Since surgery, I've followed the post op instructions to the T. I'm not going to do anything to mess this up! I get my first solids at 3 weeks post op which is Thurs, but it won't be pizza!! I'm thinking crab legs, soft and flakey still and easy to chew chew chew!

I know what you mean about your dr. appt seeming so far away. I know when I started this process (only since April) it seemed like forever til my consult appt (it was 3 weeks), and I had surgery just 3 weeks after that. And it probably would've been sooner but I had a cruise booked. I was self pay so the process was quicker too. Now I can't believe I am 2 weeks post op. I'm down 30 already since I started looking into this in April. My hardest part now is getting in my minimums of fluids and Protein. I'm sure at least the protein will get easier as I get more solids.

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I Have a question? I have been banded since January 31, 2008. I have had one fill in May on the 7th and it was one cc into a 10 cc band. Is it normal to have such a good restricition on the first fill. I am down 70 lbs. and so tight it is amazing. Just want to know if i was freak of nature or if this is how it is suppose to work.

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Oh goodness, gracious no, I didn't have pizza since my sugery. I had pizza as my last meal before I had to start the pre op diet. I only had to do 2 days of liquids preop, so surgery was Thurs., liquids were Tues. and Wed. and pizza was Monday BEFORE!! Since surgery, I've followed the post op instructions to the T. I'm not going to do anything to mess this up! I get my first solids at 3 weeks post op which is Thurs, but it won't be pizza!! I'm thinking crab legs, soft and flakey still and easy to chew chew chew!

I figured that's what you meant about the pizza... or that pizza was what everyone else was eating. I knew from other things you said that you were, as you said, following instructions to a T! Good for you. You're going to do GREAT!! I'm with you on the crab legs!! Seafood is definitely my new favorite thing! I always did like seafood, now i often eat seafood 3X a day!

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I Have a question? I have been banded since January 31, 2008. I have had one fill in May on the 7th and it was one cc into a 10 cc band. Is it normal to have such a good restricition on the first fill. I am down 70 lbs. and so tight it is amazing. Just want to know if i was freak of nature or if this is how it is suppose to work.

Uh!! WOW!! NO, that's not normal...

definitely a freak of nature IMHO!!

You are truly BLESSED~!! 70 lb!!??

In less than 5 months???

That's wonderful!! Fix your ticker!

We love to see those big numbers!

15_8_6.gif 7_1_108.gif 15_8_6.gif

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Thank you all for your informative, encouraging posts. I haven't had time to post much, but I read your posts every day and they inspire me! It's so nice to know there are other people like me, doing this well, and succeeding!

This is the first time since the '80's that I have actually been able to lose any weight and I am thrilled, particularly since I have so much to lose. Thank goodness the band will help me keep the weight off that I lose. At my age, I KNOW this is my last chance to get healthy and I don't want to mess this up.

My surgery was June 10th (Hi CathyChatts!), and I have been fortunate to have almost no pain, and just a little discomfort from gas. All that, and I had a huge hiatal hernia, too! At this point, I am still on liquids and am trying to branch out into more than just Protein Shakes. This morning I had 2 spoons of cream of wheat, cooked very thin, into which I added 1 cup of 1% milk and some Splenda....it took forever to eat (sort of like a creamy Soup texture), and I am sooo full. That's a surprise, as I have not been hungry since before the Optifast phase before surgery, but I didn't expect to get so very full. I hope I didn't eat too much. I try to plan out my day's eating, i.e., Protein Shake for lunch and Tomato Soup for dinner, with as much Water and tea as I can manage. I also walk every day, usually very early before it gets too hot. Once all my incisions heal (the hernia one is taking a bit longer), I plan to get back into the gym for aqua aerobics.

Thanks everyone for helping me to stay motivated!


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Bombero, I think you are lucky. They say we are all individual and not to compare band sizes and fills with others as each is different. The nurse at my surgeon's office said they had a couple that lost 100+ with no fills. Congrats on your awesome loss so far!

Phylser, I love your seafood characters. Thanks for believing in me!

Angelsphere, Have you had some egg beaters? Those have been great for me on this mushy phase and have some Protein too. I have been lucky and have had hardly any pain as well. I also had a hernia repaired and have one incision (not the port) that is taking longer to heal as well. Wonder if that's the one they did the repair through. The scab is much rounder and deeper too. The scabs and glue are getting so itchy and in some places starting to fall off. Can't wait for all that to be gone and I can really scrub my tummy in the shower!

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Long, I haven't tried eggbeaters, but I was thinking about making some egg drop Soup in a day or so. I love eggs (and luckily have very low cholesterol) and look forward to having them again. I don't think I can have scrambled eggs until I get to the soft food stage (and then yogurt for lunch---my favorite lunch!). My hernia incision is between my breasts and is taking a while to heal, but I am very thankful that my doctor found and repaired it! I'm long rid of all the glue (maybe my sponge is scratchier than yours! haha!), but the scabs on the port and the hernia incision are not yet ready to come off; the other 3 incisions are almost invisible now.

Keep up the great work, everyone! Your success if infectious and I hope we all catch it and get healthy together!


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Oh goodness, gracious no, I didn't have pizza since my sugery. I had pizza as my last meal before I had to start the pre op diet. I only had to do 2 days of liquids preop, so surgery was Thurs., liquids were Tues. and Wed. and pizza was Monday BEFORE!! Since surgery, I've followed the post op instructions to the T. I'm not going to do anything to mess this up! I get my first solids at 3 weeks post op which is Thurs, but it won't be pizza!! I'm thinking crab legs, soft and flakey still and easy to chew chew chew!

I know what you mean about your dr. appt seeming so far away. I know when I started this process (only since April) it seemed like forever til my consult appt (it was 3 weeks), and I had surgery just 3 weeks after that. And it probably would've been sooner but I had a cruise booked. I was self pay so the process was quicker too. Now I can't believe I am 2 weeks post op. I'm down 30 already since I started looking into this in April. My hardest part now is getting in my minimums of fluids and Protein. I'm sure at least the protein will get easier as I get more solids.

:ohmy: Guess I misunderstood you! Sounds like you're doing great. I envie you and all the others that have already been approved by your insurance companies. Mine said I will be covered 100% on everything when and if I'm approved. IF!!!!! Can't bare the thought of a denial. The more I read on these threads the more I know it's something I've got to get done. It's so comforting to talk to people who've been there, done that. It's a blessing! Oh yeah, you already know that ;)

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Thank you guys for all of your kind words.

I guess I was having a bad day the other day. When I went to see the anesthesiologist the other day he looked at me and said you don't need Lap Band just go on a diet. I'm 4'11", 230 pounds BMI over 47. I have been on diets my whole adult life since I was 30. I thought how dare you you, you don't know me, or anything about me. I really hope he will not be the one that is their for my surgery.

Nerves must be getting to me. I have to go to the hospital Monday at 2:00 p.m and the Doctor said no liquids after 12:00 midnight on Sunday. That is going to be hard. 14 hours:confused2:

Ok I have whined enough. At least I don't have to be at work for a week.

Otherwise. We went to a Birthday Party at a bar for three of our friends. They had a big spread with barbecue, Beans and Pasta salad galore and cake. I had a Protein Shake before we left and didn't touch a thing. Actually is was pretty easy. I must be getting use to this liquid stuff. But I do dream of cottage cheese and tuna once in a while.

Again thanks for being here and all of your words of wisdom.

Unbelievable! :ohmy: I wish you had given him a piece of your mind! That man is in the wrong business and I hope you mention this to your surgeon. That's the last thing any of us needs to hear and it shows sheer ignorance on his part. I wouldn have said, "Which one? I've been on every diet ever invented!" Can you tell I'm outraged on your behalf?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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