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My doctor strongly suggested the Realize band at my consult.

(He does both types - his decision is based on the patient's anatomy)

He said the surgery is about 30 minutes quicker because the port is put in place differently and more firmly.

Also - the port is wider but flatter and is easier to find altho he does use the X-ray fluoroscope.

I also read that the Realize band is essentially "older" than the Allergan LapBand as it's been used in Europe for years under a different name.

It only comes in one size (or so I was told by PA)

Here's a good site for the differences -

Compare Adjustable Gastric Bands - LAP-BAND vs. REALIZE Band

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Just dropping in to say HI. :mellow:

Long: How did the day go with the ladies? I was thinking that the comment I made about church ladies being among the worst to deal with could have been taken badly. In fact, I am a "church lady," I am very active in my church, I just meant that sometimes the people we go to church with can be the most judgemental. :biggrin: Well, I better close my mouth before I stick my foot in it more. :cool2:

Janet: Thanks for the tough love! I always need to hear the tough take you give here. It keeps me straight! :mellow:

Apples: it is a good thing I have hardwood floors, I have made my rooms so much smaller.... :cool2: with all the paint! LOL :w00t: I am going to paint another bathroom this weekend! I will make a list and travel from state to state painting all the LBT people's houses.:thumbup: That should keep me from eating!

Hope you all have a great day! :w00t:

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Wow, Lizalee, Look at you go on that weight loss. A huge congrats. You must be so proud of yourself.

I understand the insulation layer thing. You most likely have been having similar weather to us in MN. We've had a chilly fall. Sounds like today will be up near 70. Hard to know what to wear. Wear a sweater in the morning and a Tshirt in the afternoon.

I ditto that!! Awesome job!! And you were just banded in April right? Keep up the good work!! I agree about adding layers, much rather add layers than have the fat to keep me warm. I do wonder do our body thermostats adjust eventually?

Hi--I am new to this lap band but I am definately over 50. I had my band installed on October 8, 2008. For over 10 years I wanted weight loss surgery and it wasn't until I hired a service to dance me through the insurance hoops that I was able to achieve it. They are supposed to pay 100% of the bills. It's still too early to tell on that.

I have always been a person that all I had to say to my body is diet and I would catch a cold or bad case of the flu. I am amazed it hasn't happened before this. I was on 5 weeks of Liquid Protein only prior to surgery. A full week of Clear Liquids after surgery and am now on soft foods. I always get the flu shot every year but this year I had to pass because they didn't want me having it two weeks before surgery and I passed on it right after surgery because I always come down with a mild form of it.

So I babysat my twin grandaughters last week and later found out they were sick. I caught a bad cold that causes me to croup and sneeze just awful. I have had it for 5 days now and no sign of let up. I am very worried that I might rip the new healing loose and move the band since it has been only 2 1/2 weeks since I had surgery. My first fill will be in two weeks, 100 miles from where I live. I don't want to call my surgeon about my cold because I don't want to drive that far. My primary care doctor just wants to pass the buck to the surgeon so that would be a waste of time going to him.

Any thoughts of what I should do and if at 3 weeks out are we allowed cough and cold medicine? I am not supposed to have asprin or blood thinners for 3 more weeks yet.

Welcome to an awesome group of folks. this is a great place to come for support in band life and just life in general! Congrats on your band! I am with you fighting the cold/cough thing though have been banded since June. I just got back from Walmart and purusing the cold medicine aisle. The size of some of those caplets on the boxes show actual size are huge. I just went with the liquid Dayquil/Nyquil (Walmart brand) and it's helping a lot. they had liquid tylenol cold stuff too. But this was cheaper and had the same ingredients. Hope you are feeling better. I'm about to go take a nap myself!

Just dropping in to say HI. :mellow:

Long: How did the day go with the ladies? I was thinking that the comment I made about church ladies being among the worst to deal with could have been taken badly. In fact, I am a "church lady," I am very active in my church, I just meant that sometimes the people we go to church with can be the most judgemental. :biggrin: Well, I better close my mouth before I stick my foot in it more. :mellow:


Cathy, no worries I totally got what you were saying about church ladies. I am very active in my church as well. But churches are filled with human beings and we aren't perfect. It's just that I think I tend to hold them to a higher standard. And think it shouldn't happen in church but it does. And it probably says something that they are about the only group of folks in my life that have no clue I have the band. Others at church know that I am closer to and word is about to get out eventually, but I just didn't want to deal with it with this group.

Now for an update: The first couple to arrive last night to our small group was this gal that jumped to the wrong conclusions about my email and got upset and her husband. She walked right over to me, hugged me, and said I am so sorry that happened. I read your apology email and the original and can't even see where I got that you said what I accused you of. So that was wonderful. And rather than try to dismiss it and say oh that's okay it was my fault, etc. like the old me would've, I just said thank you. This morning I lead a ladies bible study in her home and things were just fine and she gave me a big hug as I left. So things seemed to have worked out. the lesson I am taking from this is to be very careful of my words especially in an email and be sure they can't be taken another way than what they were meant and to stand up for myself, and of course, apologize if I was wrong. Thanks for all your support through my emotional melt down!! Oh and my scale had creeped up for no reason than to taunt me by 2 lbs. and it was back down this morning too! I am taking Janet's advice and only counting as official my Thurs. weighins (I was banded on a thursday).

Okay nap time! :thumbup:

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Long...sounds like you have it all figured out with your ladies that are coming over tonight. Try not to completely ignore "the one" but do not go out of your way to cater to you. Let them think what they want, say what they want, act the way they want. The way I figure it is: if a friend is a true friend, they are there with you all the way through your struggle. They should not even make you doubt that they are supporting you. Envy? I'd bet on that. We all change as we go along this journey. Hopefully for the better (better health, better feelings about ourselves, etc.).

Hold your head up high tonight. Be a gracious host...but most of all. Do not let her see that she is in any way getting to you. You have worked hard. You deserve the respect that is coming to you. Good luck tonight.

Couldn't agree more.

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Hi everyone,

Collapsed twice Wednesday night, found myself on the kitchen floor both times. Now I have a sore back, head, knee and backside as well. Went to the GP Thursday morning, told to get Rehydrating Salts from chemist. Still couldn't keep anything down. Tried to carry on working, so busy, couldn't even stand up straight, kept tottering, so ill and so dizzy, had to close. Daughter took me to surgeon. He took some Fluid out, told me to rest. HA!! Have to work today. My electrolytes are haywire. Apparently when your body doesn't get the proper nuitrition this is what happens = dizzy etc. Now I understand why you bandsters over there are told to drink Protein Shakes.

I had a bowl of mushroom Soup last night but made the dreadful mistake of having 2 pieces of bread with it because I was really hungry and I guess because I knew the band wasn't as tight anymore. Bad mistake....it all came up again. It just goes to show that without the band I'd be back to the heavyweight me again in no time at all.

Still pretty dizzy today but keeping the salts up.

Best wishes to all.

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Hi everyone,

Collapsed twice Wednesday night, found myself on the kitchen floor both times. Now I have a sore back, head, knee and backside as well. Went to the GP Thursday morning, told to get Rehydrating Salts from chemist. Still couldn't keep anything down. Tried to carry on working, so busy, couldn't even stand up straight, kept tottering, so ill and so dizzy, had to close. Daughter took me to surgeon. He took some Fluid out, told me to rest. HA!! Have to work today. My electrolytes are haywire. Apparently when your body doesn't get the proper nuitrition this is what happens = dizzy etc. Now I understand why you bandsters over there are told to drink Protein Shakes.

I had a bowl of mushroom Soup last night but made the dreadful mistake of having 2 pieces of bread with it because I was really hungry and I guess because I knew the band wasn't as tight anymore. Bad mistake....it all came up again. It just goes to show that without the band I'd be back to the heavyweight me again in no time at all.

Still pretty dizzy today but keeping the salts up.

Best wishes to all.

Katydid, how scary. Yes be sure you get the proper nutrtion and the proper fluids! It's even more important now. I got very dizzy and faint after my surgery and found out my blood pressure dropped so low. They took me off my RX for blood pressure.

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I was really dizzy the other day too. It was so strange. It was like being on a carnival ride. the room was spinning around. I ended up going to bed and sleeping for a few hours and that is just not like me. It's gone now, thank goodness.

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I ditto that!! Awesome job!! And you were just banded in April right? Keep up the good work!! I agree about adding layers, much rather add layers than have the fat to keep me warm. I do wonder do our body thermostats adjust eventually?

Welcome to an awesome group of folks. this is a great place to come for support in band life and just life in general! Congrats on your band! I am with you fighting the cold/cough thing though have been banded since June. I just got back from Walmart and purusing the cold medicine aisle. The size of some of those caplets on the boxes show actual size are huge. I just went with the liquid Dayquil/Nyquil (Walmart brand) and it's helping a lot. they had liquid tylenol cold stuff too. But this was cheaper and had the same ingredients. Hope you are feeling better. I'm about to go take a nap myself!

Cathy, no worries I totally got what you were saying about church ladies. I am very active in my church as well. But churches are filled with human beings and we aren't perfect. It's just that I think I tend to hold them to a higher standard. And think it shouldn't happen in church but it does. And it probably says something that they are about the only group of folks in my life that have no clue I have the band. Others at church know that I am closer to and word is about to get out eventually, but I just didn't want to deal with it with this group.

Now for an update: The first couple to arrive last night to our small group was this gal that jumped to the wrong conclusions about my email and got upset and her husband. She walked right over to me, hugged me, and said I am so sorry that happened. I read your apology email and the original and can't even see where I got that you said what I accused you of. So that was wonderful. And rather than try to dismiss it and say oh that's okay it was my fault, etc. like the old me would've, I just said thank you. This morning I lead a ladies bible study in her home and things were just fine and she gave me a big hug as I left. So things seemed to have worked out. the lesson I am taking from this is to be very careful of my words especially in an email and be sure they can't be taken another way than what they were meant and to stand up for myself, and of course, apologize if I was wrong. Thanks for all your support through my emotional melt down!! Oh and my scale had creeped up for no reason than to taunt me by 2 lbs. and it was back down this morning too! I am taking Janet's advice and only counting as official my Thurs. weighins (I was banded on a thursday).

Okay nap time! :teeth_smile:

I am so glad things got cleared up. You know, I think I made a mistake telling everyone about my band because they equate it to bypass. So, I get asked everyday "How much have you lost so far?". Now I am held at a higher standard(bypass weight loss). Oh well, lesson learned. I think it would have been better to just keep my mouth shut about the band.

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Happy Halloween to everyone. I have a fun night planned. I have a date with my 27 yr old son. My DH and I aways would dress up and go out for Halloween. We always dressed so no one would know who we were. We would start out by going to friend's homes. Just walk in, grab a beer out of there frig and just sit...say nothing..stay about 1/2 and move onto another house.

This year DH does not want to go out (way too much field work to do) so asked my son if I could go with him. He always has the BEST costumes. He ordered a wig, beard, etc., wearing a trench coat and going to be a stalker. I went online and ordered huge boobs, huge butt and went to Salvation Army thrift store and found a sleezy dress. Ordered a wig on line...Suzanne Summer hair. Have all kinds of glitzy jewelry, rhinstone glasses and head band. We are going to dance, rage and just have a good time. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it!!!!

Happy I am feeling better today so I can go through with my plans. Had a flu and also a pneumonia shots on Wed. They kicked my butt. My arm was so so I just winced when I moved it. I got feverish and achey all day yesterday. Anyway, today is good.

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Good idea LTBT ...I think I'm going to think of it like when I was on the Atkins diets for years...just eat the best part of the pizza (in my opinion).

Sounds like a great day! I can't wait till I can help others like you do.

thanks forsharing

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Katy & Denise - keep hydrated, get in those nutrients. Feeling light headed and passing out, not good :teeth_smile:

HAPPY HALLOWEEN to everyone. The candy is my weakness, and it is all around here at work. UGH!! :)

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I guess I've been lucky. My church family has been there for me from day one. I was banded on 9/19. Prior to and after the surgery, they've been supportive and encouraging. Remember, don't get discouraged. It's not about anyone else, but you! I've lost 20# before and 20# after surgery. I already have more energy and feel so much better!

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Happy Halloween

I went to a friends house for dinner last night - It was nice to get out - but she had this banana cream nutbread - OMW to die for I really mean that - but only had 1.5 slice...

Kathy - Yep you can't be too tight - you have to beable to eat - I am glad you are feeling better - but stay away from the bread :0)

Apple - Have fun with your son !!!! I am going to miss having my GD this yr since they moved... Last yr her mom worked so I took her tricker treating... She was only 3 and a little shy - this yr she will be hell on wheels...

Lynn - 1 or 2 mini candy bars isn't going to make you gain even 1 lbs - so allow yourself just 2 - eat slowly and enjoy. Last October I had a few mini candy bars - I weighted 206.5 last halloween and this yr I weight 139.5 - so a couple of little candy bar every now and then isn't going to derail you... Remember you still have a life to live and it includes treats - this isn't a diet but a new way of life - in our past life we ate the whole bag of candy - in our new life we just have a couple of pieces and are happy..

Denise - Glad to hear you are better - that happen to my bff the other week - vertigo - they gave her some meds and she's ok now..

Ok I gotta get back to work.. TTYL

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I will be so glad when all the candy disappears off all the counters at the banks, stores, and my office.

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