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Oh Joann.....your a quilter? I knew it! I am a beginning quilter, but I love everything about quilting. Are you a long arm quilter? Are you going to the International Quilt Show in Houston? I could meet you. The quilt show was another reason for losing weight and walking. I want to go this year and really enjoy it. Hey, you need to start a LBT thread for quilting banders.:lol:

That's a great idea! I just might do that. I was a long arm quilter for about 3 years, but my arthritis was getting so bad I could not stand for prolonged periods of time, and I sold my machine. I replaced it with a sit-down quilting machine (APQS "George"), which is a long arm machine head set into a table - so I move the quilt instead of the machine and still have lots of room. I actually like this process better - guess I just really enjoy the feel of the fabric, and I have a lot better control of the stitching.

I'm excited that you are just getting started! Are you taking a class or winging it on your own? You have some great quilt shops in your area and should have great classes available as you progress in skills. I'm a big believer in taking classes. I've taught for several years, lately concentrating on machine quilting classes.

I'm not planning on the Houston show this year - but NEXT YEAR look out!I was there in 2001 about 6 weeks after the 9/11 attacks. It was an incredible experience, especially the hundreds of quilts people had created in those few weeks to express their feelings about the attacks and the loss of life. People literally were standing in the aisles looking at those quilts and crying. I went again the next year, and this time had my own quilt in the show! It was a dream come true - a quilt I made for my son, who is in the fire service - depicting a firefighter entering a burning building. That quilt also went to the Paducah show the next spring, and it won a third place ribbon at a national show in Duluth, MN that summer. Today it hangs in my son's office at the fire department where he is now a deputy chief. I've made a lot of quilts since then, but it remains my favorite (Todd's too!). I've been addicted to quilting for lots of years (almost 30!), and always have more designs in my head than I will ever have time to finish!

Great to talk to a fellow quilter. (there really are a lot of us, you know...:w00t:)

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I hit the big magical number of 70 today!!! YAHOO!!! Whodda thunk it?? Surely not me when I got my band 4 mos ago. I did lose 10 of that preband. I've been losing rapidly the past week or so, so that means I better get ready to settle in and maintain for a few weeks. That's how my body seems to operate. hang on, hang on, and then WHOOSH! I really want to hit 75 by the end of the month. I'm very anxious for my parents to see me next week. They are coming next week and have no clue about my surgery or weight loss, unless my sisters broke their vow of secrecy to them, which I know they haven't or mom would've said something.

Orea, glad to see you back!

I've quilted in the past, just not much recently.

Get together? I'd love it! Is there some place central to all of us?

Denver sounds pretty good... Next summer or fall?

Great news about your loss, Lori. I hope you and your family have a good visit next week. You have said your mom is kinda negative -- but who can deny 70 pounds? I would say that is a positive change!!

can't wait to join you!

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I hit the big magical number of 70 today!!! YAHOO!!! Whodda thunk it?? Surely not me when I got my band 4 mos ago. I did lose 10 of that preband. I've been losing rapidly the past week or so, so that means I better get ready to settle in and maintain for a few weeks. That's how my body seems to operate. hang on, hang on, and then WHOOSH! I really want to hit 75 by the end of the month. I'm very anxious for my parents to see me next week. They are coming next week and have no clue about my surgery or weight loss, unless my sisters broke their vow of secrecy to them, which I know they haven't or mom would've said something.

Orea, glad to see you back!

I've quilted in the past, just not much recently.

Get together? I'd love it! Is there some place central to all of us?

WOW! AWESOME! 36_2_25.gif

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I see all types of pre-op testing and evaluation procedures.

Some people are finished with testing in several days -

My list of requirements is incredibly long and wonder if it's uncommon.

TWELVE separate items -

including -

Psych evaluation

Cardiologist w/EKG



Physical Therapy

Doppler of legs and carotid arteries

Chest x-ray, blood work

Endoscopy (Gastroenterologist)

Diet history w/probably 6-mo supervised diet

Primary doctor's note of approval

Mandatory support group meeting

Sleep Apnea studies

I completed most of the above.

Endoscopy and dietitian consult next week.

However -

My cardiologist requested a stress test and echo-cardiogram.

With my hypertension and hi-cholesterol and triglycerides - he said my risk of heart attack is quite high

(BOO for me :), but YAY for surgery approval :biggrin:)

Treadmill with my bad knees is going to be VERY interesting.

Is this intensive cardio testing common?

Do many insurance companies demand so much testing?

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That's a great idea! I just might do that. I was a long arm quilter for about 3 years, but my arthritis was getting so bad I could not stand for prolonged periods of time, and I sold my machine. I replaced it with a sit-down quilting machine (APQS "George"), which is a long arm machine head set into a table - so I move the quilt instead of the machine and still have lots of room. I actually like this process better - guess I just really enjoy the feel of the fabric, and I have a lot better control of the stitching.

I'm excited that you are just getting started! Are you taking a class or winging it on your own? You have some great quilt shops in your area and should have great classes available as you progress in skills. I'm a big believer in taking classes. I've taught for several years, lately concentrating on machine quilting classes.

Oh how awesome to have a quilt in the show. If you go in 2009 we can meet up, and just think....we will be skinny. Sewing takes care of my head hunger. It is just getting the time to do it. Lately, I have been babysitting my new grandbaby. I don't mind....she is adorable. Hopefully, I can sign up for a class or two this year. I did manage to join the guild.

Post some pictures if you ever start a thread for quilters. :)

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Orea, I am so happy to hear you are doing well. Sorry about the computer dying - I have learned to actually enjoy my computer since retiring; it is really tough when I am away... It's so good to hear you are working with your crafts again. I agree with you - preparing for banding is very time consuming. I've spent a lot of time working with and coordinating the docs, reading the books, and getting as much information as I can to make the decision and then making it happen. I am a devoted quilter, both art and traditional, and those projects have stepped to the side while I've been pushing this along. I have been back with it the last 3 weeks or so. My art quilt group has made a quilt for show entries next year and my part is doing the machine quilting. I've been working on that for several weeks and should finish it up in the next couple of days. I've really enjoyed it and it has started the juices flowing again -looking forward to the next project.

I love what you and your on-line group are doing with the yearly retreat. It sounds like a lot of fun. With all your experience along those lines, maybe we should start thinking about something like that for the LBT group(s). A lot of us are posting on the same threads, obviously have something in common and would have fun together.

Have a great weekend!

I'm a longtime sewer and have done a little quilting, mostly jackets nd vests. The most notable piece is a quilted jacket that I made a number of years ago. It's all done in a landscape design, brilliant sunset sky, shoreline and waters reflecting the colors. I reverse appliquéd it front, back, and sleeves, and outlined the pieces with a very close satin stitch. Then I free motion embroidered it all meander style in a variety of rayon threads. If I may say so, it turned out absolutely amazing! I'll be able to wear it again in another 50 pounds or so. LOL But I've never made an actual quilt!

I've actually been in Jinny Beyer's house once long ago, though I didn't realize it until much later. Remind me to tell you about it sometime.

I'm glad you are quilting again. I need to get back into my sewing room and set things right and start sewing again. My husband rearranged things a couple of years ago and it's never been the same since. I can't find a darn thing. That makes me crazy!

I think it would be great fun for us to have a get together like the one I go to. People sometimes think we are crazy to go meet someone from the Internet, but truthfully, we tell each other things that our local best friends don't always know. We have had several long distance baby showers. The first baby we showered just entered kindergarten and we are all in shock! The first night after school started, he dad was supervising his bath when he announced that he wasn't going back to school any more. He'd just go to museums and learn from that! I still wonder what his dad replied.:)

I think I'll go look at patterns...

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Thanks for all the kudos on my loss, they mean a lot!!

I see all types of pre-op testing and evaluation procedures.

Some people are finished with testing in several days -

My list of requirements is incredibly long and wonder if it's uncommon.

TWELVE separate items -

including -

Psych evaluation

Cardiologist w/EKG



Physical Therapy

Doppler of legs and carotid arteries

Chest x-ray, blood work

Endoscopy (Gastroenterologist)

Diet history w/probably 6-mo supervised diet

Primary doctor's note of approval

Mandatory support group meeting

Sleep Apnea studies

I completed most of the above.

Endoscopy and dietitian consult next week.

However -

My cardiologist requested a stress test and echo-cardiogram.

With my hypertension and hi-cholesterol and triglycerides - he said my risk of heart attack is quite high

(BOO for me :), but YAY for surgery approval :biggrin:)

Treadmill with my bad knees is going to be VERY interesting.

Is this intensive cardio testing common?

Do many insurance companies demand so much testing?

That is a lot of testing. I had to have a pulmonologist screening, psychologist screening, and a cardiologist (which required a stress test) screening and a blood work up. The treadmill test killed my knees too so they gave me something in my IV to replicate the treadmill and I didn't have to do the treadmill. When they got their readings they reversed it. It was a weird feeling but I just sat there. I don't think it's necessarily the insurance requiring all the tests, I was self pay. Part of it is, I believe, being extra safe because lap band is an elective surgery and the surgeons want to cover their butts and makes sure they have assessed all risks. Part of it is, unfortunately, our ages, I know if I wasn't 50 I wouldn't have needed the cardiologists. Part is we are over weight and have more risks. But some on your list, like diet history, that would be for insurance purposes I imagine. I also had to go to a seminar, nutrition class and a consult appt before I could get the okay for surgery. Glad you have most of them done. It's getting closer and closer now!

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I see all types of pre-op testing and evaluation procedures.

Do many insurance companies demand so much testing?

I think the key words here are insurance companies, those of us self pay couldnt afford all that testing. I have no insurance. Im uninsurable until my weight is below 150 lbs one insurance salesman told me.

Sounds like you have some heart conditions since you mentioned having a cadiologist? So you probably have to have more tests in that area than others.

I was self pay. I filled out a form, that was it. Be glad you have insurance.

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I see all types of pre-op testing and evaluation procedures.

Some people are finished with testing in several days -

My list of requirements is incredibly long and wonder if it's uncommon.

TWELVE separate items -

including -

Psych evaluation - I had this too

Cardiologist w/EKG - I had this too -Plus stress test (treadmil) which i failed and had to have a nucluar stress test - so ended up 3 appts with the cardiologist

Pulmonologist - I had this too

Dietitian/Nutritionist - I had this too

Physical Therapy - Nope but I don't have any physical issues as knees etc

Doppler of legs and carotid arteries Nope but I don't have any physical issues where they were concerned about this

Chest x-ray, blood work Yep had this too - 14 viles of blood

Endoscopy (Gastroenterologist) Nope - I think they ck'd for herina while I was under the knive

Diet history w/probably 6-mo supervised diet Nope I my ins didn't require I just gave them verbale of all my diets and the year I was on it and my weight loss

Primary doctor's note of approval - Nope I have PPO I went straight to the Surgeon on my approved list of doctors didn't need a referal

Mandatory support groupmeeting Yep had to do this - it's only 1

Sleep Apnea studies Yep had to do this

Plus I had to have a Colonoscopy - Mamogram - Pap

I completed most of the above.

Endoscopy and dietitian consult next week.

However -

My cardiologist requested a stress test and echo-cardiogram.

With my hypertension and hi-cholesterol and triglycerides - he said my risk of heart attack is quite high

(BOO for me :), but YAY for surgery approval :biggrin:)

Treadmill with my bad knees is going to be VERY interesting.

Is this intensive cardio testing common?

Do many insurance companies demand so much testing?

Yep insurance companies want to make sure you are serious about this surgery - I don't think the insurance company requires all those test -(Shrink is the main one and the diet history) alot of those test are for your doc - he doesn't want you dying on the table and messing up his stats

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Dixie, back on the main page of LBTalk there is a section for Support Groups by the month, go to 2008 and find the October thread. You should find other October bandsters in there and can join in with one of the threads. I just received my December 4th date and today I started the first thread for December Bandsters. So far no one has replied - guess it's just a little out there yet... 9 weeks from tonight I'll be laying back in my recliner wondering why the heck did I do that???

As the saying goes, if you build it, they WILL come!

They'll find you!

I see all types of pre-op testing and evaluation procedures.

Some people are finished with testing in several days -

My list of requirements is incredibly long and wonder if it's uncommon.

TWELVE separate items -

including -

Psych evaluation

Cardiologist w/EKG



Physical Therapy

Doppler of legs and carotid arteries

Chest x-ray, blood work

Endoscopy (Gastroenterologist)

Diet history w/probably 6-mo supervised diet

Primary doctor's note of approval

Mandatory support group meeting

Sleep Apnea studies

I completed most of the above.

Endoscopy and dietitian consult next week.

However -

My cardiologist requested a stress test and echo-cardiogram.

With my hypertension and hi-cholesterol and triglycerides - he said my risk of heart attack is quite high

(BOO for me :), but YAY for surgery approval :biggrin:)

Treadmill with my bad knees is going to be VERY interesting.

Is this intensive cardio testing common?

Do many insurance companies demand so much testing?

That's insane!

I didn't have to do most of that stuff!!

(Medicare/Tricare For Life)

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Elayne, that's quite a bit more than I had for Medicare, too. I had the surgical consult, psych consult, nutritionist, sleep studies (2), diet history, referral letter from my pcp, surgical board review, and that's about it. Other than that I'm just waiting for my turn...

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i get to see the surgeon next wednesday. :angry: how long did you guys have to wait to see the dietician and get your tests done. when i do get my appt. with the dietician, they said i would go to the hospital and get all the tests i have to have done in the same day. they said to be prepared to be there all day.

i always have to do my stress test by an injection. they won't let me do it on a treadmill. i don't like to have them done.

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Thanks for your responses all.:angry:

I guess it's a good-news / bad-news situation.

You have to be "sick" enough to be a candidate for surgery

and yet

you have to be "healthy" enough to survive the surgery!

Since I don't want to be a pain-in-the-arse patient with frequent phone calls to the surgeon's office -

I listed my "dones" and "soon-to-be-dones" on an e-mail to his PA just to be certain she received all the reports and approvals and stats.

I also attached more complete diet history (I forgot about a the Weight Management Program from 1st Priority that I participated in 2006-2007 as suggested by my BC/BS Pa diabetic counselor.)

Altho my first consult warned me about the ins. co. 6mos diet (because I didn't have documented diet > 6 mos in the last 2 years), I hope that with the diet updates and the cardiologist's recommendation I'll be eligible sooner.

Yay?? :smile:

and as "luck" will have it - I lost 7 pounds since my consult weigh-in!

Attitude is [almost] everything.

But - been there before and back again on the scale - many many times

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Hi lapbandana: You make me envious! I had my surgery 5-21-08 and as of 1 Oct I had lost 40 pounds. I thought I was doing great. But now a little disappointed. Have you lost all the weight since your surgery, or some while waiting? I had my 3d fill on the 1st of Oct and I can really feel the restriction this time. In fact, I am having a hard time with PBing. I really believe it is my chewing and maybe not taking small enough bites that is causing the problem. There are many things I can eat with no problem, but having a hard time with chicken and anything that has alot of Fiber to it. I still have alot of learning to do. lol. Anyway, congrats on your big loss.


Don't be envious of me. My PA said I was losing about twice what most people do. So you're still doing great! Everyone loses at different rates. 15 of those pounds were pre-surgery when I had to consume nothing but Optifast shakes for 2 full weeks prior to surgery. But hey, every pound counts, right? I don't think I have much restriction in my band. My PA says the most successful banders are those who don't rely so much on the band, but start to make the changes within themselves, so hopefully I'm starting to do that. I've only had 1 episode where something got stuck in the band. My hubby and I were on vacation in Colorado a few weeks ago and were sharing a chicken wrap at the Garden of the Gods snack bar. I guess I wasn't thinking of chewing thoroughly and eating slowly and a piece of white chicken got stuck. I walked it off and it passed without coming back up. I've never had the PB issues.

You're doing great! Hang in there!:angry:

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Seems like we're a creative group - quilters, sewers... Any rug hookers? I started last year and I love it. I'm also a knitter.

I think a get together would be a blast! I'd consider it.

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