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Hi everyone

My name is Martie, I'm 51 and I have decided to have the lap band surgery. I must admit that I am somewhat nerveous but I need to do this. I do have a few questions that perhaps you, my comtemporaries, might be able to answer.

How long is this surgery? Is it a long hospital stay? How soon before you go back to "normal" activities (work, errands.)

This question is for anyone who has had this surgery and can answer about the condition of your skin: If you had lost considerable weight, did or dose your skin sag? I really want to avoid that if that is at all possible.

This is the last of my questions (for now.)

I live in NYC and is there anyone out there who can tell me if your HMO paid for your surgery? I have HIP.

Also (I know I said the one before this was last but), can someone recommend a surgeon?

I'd appreciate any help that you can give me.


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Congratulations!! <throwing virtual confetti> :-D I'm not far behind you!:rolleyes:





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They told me that my Medicare would pay, and what they didn't pay my supplement would pick up. It just depends on if your Medicare is primary, if they aren't they might not pay or not as much. You would think that all insurance would pay for banding with no questions as it is a life saver.... Ma

I am Medicare primary, Tricare For Life secondary. My only out of pocket expenses to date... $200 that Tricare should be refunding because they are now paying for bariatric surgery retroactive to Feb. 2007.



I remember the day I passed that milestone!!

It's an exciting day!!

Hey, I have to share a NSV. Yesterday I rode one of our horses for the FIRST time. I haven't been on a horse for 30 years!!!

I plan to do this more often now. :lol:


That's GREAT!! Fantastic!! Awesome!!


Glad to see my fellow Delawarean Joe Biden on Obama's ticket!!

I've been excercizing restraint keeping from commenting on the Biden/Obama posts. Let me just say I think it would be wise to keep politics out of the discussions on this site, please! Thanks!!

My name is Martie, I'm 51 and I have decided to have the lap band surgery. I must admit that I am somewhat nervous but I need to do this. I do have a few questions that perhaps you, my contemporaries, might be able to answer.

How long is this surgery? Is it a long hospital stay? How soon before you go back to "normal" activities (work, errands.)

This question is for anyone who has had this surgery and can answer about the condition of your skin: If you had lost considerable weight, did or dose your skin sag? I really want to avoid that if that is at all possible.

This is the last of my questions (for now.)

I live in NYC and is there anyone out there who can tell me if your HMO paid for your surgery? I have HIP.

Also (I know I said the one before this was last but), can someone recommend a surgeon? I'd appreciate any help that you can give me. Martie

1. To find a bariatric surgeon in your area:

http://www.asbs.org/html/about/membersearch2.html or


I know there's a really good team in NYC:

Christine Julie Ren, M.D.

530 First Ave, Suite 10S

New York, NY 10016

Phone: (212) 263-3166

Fax: (212) 263-3757

She is one of the consulting docs in the book that Khaliah Ali wrote, FIGHTING WEIGHT.

2. Surgery is usually less than 1 hr. Some doctors require one night hospital stay. I had my surgery early in the morning and was discharged at 4pm.

3. Back to "normal".... a gradual process, and subjective, but I think 1-2 weeks for me.

4. Saggy skin?? Yeah, probably no way to avoid that.

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I'll feel more inspiring -- and inspired! -- once I start losing again. This mushy period is trying my patience. :smile2:

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Fran & Liz, congrats on your victories!!! I crossed out of the 300's a bit ago too and vowed never to go back. Crossing into them is what made me realize I had to do something soon. I haven't had a 1 in front of my weight in over 20 yrs. And now I crossed over the 250's to the 240's so I can say I am closer to the 1's than the 3's now!!!

Am going shopping with my daughter today. I have something to return at Penney's not sure what she has in mind. Tomorrow I go to the dr. and get the results of my 3 mos. post banding blood tests. I am anxious to see how they compare to my preops. May get a small fill haven't decided.

Long, I here ya.....I haven't seen 250 since 1996 except for once in 2000 after colon surgery. I can't wait to be to Onederland. I hope your blood work is okay. I still haven't started on Vitamin D. My blood showed 9pts and it should have been 30pts. I had to mail off the prescription. I wish I could just go in a for a small fill. Oh, well, all in good time. Have fun shopping.

Hey, I saw those funnel clouds on tv near Denver. Was it near you?

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Phylser, I hope I didn't sound like I was talking politics if I was sorry. I was just merely trying to convey what an impact it's having on my city during the convention. I bit my tongue on other politics posts. I don't want there to be any of that here either. I don't care if folks here are blue or red, nor black, white, or purple. I come here strictly for lap band support and friendship. I apologize if I did. Now when football season starts, I might have to root for my Packers. :smile2:

Martie, Not sure about the loose skin. Frankly, that is the least of my concerns as I'd rather be healthy, thinner and feel more energy and have some 'empty' or excess skin, than have it filled up with the 300 lbs I was carrying. And if it is an issue there are ways to have it taken care of as well. Surgery for me was about 30 min. I believe it was at 1 and I was sent home at 5. As to normal activities, I think that varies. I couldn't lift over 10 lbs for quite some time, but felt pretty good right away, then I see posts from others about how bad their pain etc. was. I did notice for a few weeks I tired out really easily and did as well after my recent gall bladder surgery. Good luck to you!

Almost forgot to add my exciting (to me) news. I went shopping at Penney's today with my daughter. I had to take the purse I bought back since I got my new one. Well they had a bunch of things on sale, of course. I had seen this sweater last week when shopping with my MIL but didn't want to risk trying it on and having it be too small with her along. It was in the 'normal' sizes after all. Well....today it was on sale and it fit!!!!!!!!! The Large even fit but was snug and i wouldn't be able to wear something under it comfortably (it was a put on a sweater because you are cold type sweater) so it was still XL, BUT....I got some long sleeved tshirts and they are just L's no X in the size at all!!!!!! I was just elated. My plan is from this point forward to try and not to have to buy anything plus sized again. I am still plus on the bottom especially but I think in the wide variety of sizes in my closet I will be good and if I need a pair of jeans in an 18 or so, then fine, it won't be for long. I need to sort through that closet and see just what I have!

Edited by Great2BThin
forgot my shopping news

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Phyllser, I noticed you said you are tricare for life. But I also noticed your profile shows you are 64 yrs of age. I thought Tricare for Life was for only over age 65. Reason I'm asking is I'm also 64, and have Tricare Prime. Just wondering if I need to do some checking on changing ins plans.

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Go Packers! It will be a strange season without Brett...but we'll get through it. Actually, I'm somewhat a fair weather fan...I get excited when I am sitting home on Sunday afternoon and have nothing else to do! Otherwise, I tune out all the hype, which is dangerous to admit here in Packer country.

Congrats, L2BT, on shopping -and buying - in the regular misses section. I went shopping w/ DD today, and browsed the women's section - I have no idea what to buy, or even try on. For so many years I only shopped catalogs...and now, I never know what size I am. I had so few styles to choose from in the past 15 years, I just chose the loose fitting 'big-shirts" and anything that looked loose, long, and concealing. Now, There are so many choices, so many styles, I don't know what I want anymore!! It's a pychological hurdle for me...! Like you, I"m smaller on top than bottom... Tomorrow I"m going shopping again...but hate buying clothes only to have them too big in a couple months (again - I used to buy as big as possible so I wouldn't outgrow them!!). I have no jackets, coats, or anything for winter, I'm going to have to force myself to buy some stuff sooner or later!

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Go Packers! It will be a strange season without Brett...but we'll get through it. Actually, I'm somewhat a fair weather fan...I get excited when I am sitting home on Sunday afternoon and have nothing else to do! Otherwise, I tune out all the hype, which is dangerous to admit here in Packer country.

Congrats, L2BT, on shopping -and buying - in the regular misses section. I went shopping w/ DD today, and browsed the women's section - I have no idea what to buy, or even try on. For so many years I only shopped catalogs...and now, I never know what size I am. I had so few styles to choose from in the past 15 years, I just chose the loose fitting 'big-shirts" and anything that looked loose, long, and concealing. Now, There are so many choices, so many styles, I don't know what I want anymore!! It's a pychological hurdle for me...! Like you, I"m smaller on top than bottom... Tomorrow I"m going shopping again...but hate buying clothes only to have them too big in a couple months (again - I used to buy as big as possible so I wouldn't outgrow them!!). I have no jackets, coats, or anything for winter, I'm going to have to force myself to buy some stuff sooner or later!

AWESOME WEIGHT LOSS! :thumbup:CONGRATS! :smile2: Do you exercise? and what is your calorie intake? I am just interested in all of those who were banded before me, so I can stay on the right track.

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Martie, welcome! Unfortunately, the answer to most of your questions is, it depends. Surgery usually doesn't take very long. I might have been in there an hour or hour and a half, but that time included an endoscopy to take a look into my stomach because there was a shadow/possible polyp in my stomach, according to the tests. It was nothing. Some people go home the same day, my surgeon keeps us there overnight. I had to swallow some barium the next day and let them watch it on the fluoroscope the next day before I was allowed anything more than ice chips. Then I had to swallow two tiny clear liquid "meals" before they would release me. So my surgery was Wednesday around 10:30 AM and I went home around 6 PM the following day.

The saggy skin is another it depends situation. How much you have to lose, your genetics, your age, etc., all play a part. But it is good to remember that saggy skin really is more attractive than rolls of fat. We can choose to have it removed, or not. We can wear supportive undergarments to smooth out the line of our bodies. As for me, I may well have a pannus (tummy skin) that will hang to my knees! I have a lot to lose and I am short. I've decided not to deal with this until I have to. One thing at a time.

Every insurance policy is different, too. All that matters is what yours says. Good luck!


Hi everyone

My name is Martie, I'm 51 and I have decided to have the lap band surgery. I must admit that I am somewhat nerveous but I need to do this. I do have a few questions that perhaps you, my comtemporaries, might be able to answer.

How long is this surgery? Is it a long hospital stay? How soon before you go back to "normal" activities (work, errands.)

This question is for anyone who has had this surgery and can answer about the condition of your skin: If you had lost considerable weight, did or dose your skin sag? I really want to avoid that if that is at all possible.

This is the last of my questions (for now.)

I live in NYC and is there anyone out there who can tell me if your HMO paid for your surgery? I have HIP.

Also (I know I said the one before this was last but), can someone recommend a surgeon?

I'd appreciate any help that you can give me.


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AWESOME WEIGHT LOSS! :thumbup:CONGRATS! :smile2: Do you exercise? and what is your calorie intake? I am just interested in all of those who were banded before me, so I can stay on the right track.

Exercise? That is a loaded question. I HATE it!! But I was doing it. I recently got a bike so was riding that, or walking, or going to the gym and doing a cardio and weights. That lasted 2 weeks, from my 6 week release from lap band surgery, until I had gall bladder surgery. I am now just over 2 weeks out and I am walking and going to the gym and doing a stationary bike, that's all for now. And that I am not doing as much as I should.

Calories? Usually about 700 something. Some days more, rarely less.

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Hi to all tonight, When I spoke of the politicians being in my town, thats merely all I said. I say the traffic is bad in Springfield that day. Otherwise nothing else mentioned. Myself, I don't care to talk politics either. Anyhow I had a good day today (Monday). Have been feeling queezy for some reason. So far my first fill seems to be working okay. I don't really feel that different than before though. I did alot of reading on different threads last night. Man there sure is alot of bandsters telling their stories. I think this is a great way to meet people and learn lap band experiences. There is a wealth of information on here. Glad everyone is doing okay this week.


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Hi my name is Pam and I am 53. Will behaving my band on the 29th ofAugust. I am getting anxious at this time. Not really having second thoughts, but a lot of questions about the diet and all.

Welcome to Lap Band land... you'lllove this thread full of wonderful people and we are always willing to SHARE advise and our issues too!!

Anxiety isnormal, we all felt that way. But relax and just IMAGINE yourself one year from now... on your way to a new life.


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