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I agree with you......some people....like my husband....really need a cpap. sleep apnea can also keep you from losing weight. I just don't need it anymore.

Wow, you have really lost alot of weight since April....that is awesome.

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sounds like a trip to a new DR is in order. I cannot see having been banded for this length of time and trouble with weight loss

oops, Cindylew posted she had moved and not had a fill for awhile and needed to find herself a new doctor since her move

sorry for the confusion!!!

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I have that too at times. It is usually when I eat too fast or too much at one time. I assumed it was my "Bandy" telling me to WATCH IT. Sure hope this is it and not something else.

Thanks for the reply !! I think I have it figured out, gas pain. It was hurting at any time...sipping or not.

Vera...Welcome and good luck with your upcoming surgery. Its a piece of cake.

Long2bthin....good luck tomorrow!! anxious to hear back from you.

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I was banded 7/23/08 just went to mushys , but have only had 2 Protein Shakes per day since day 2 . Only eating a ounce or two per meal how do you get in your Protein ? Can I have the shakes in between and should I be on vitimins ? I feel fine working and all , but wondering if not getting enough calories or protein can do any harm.

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I get between 50 - 60 grams of Protein in a day. I use www.mydailyplate.com to track my food intake and exercise. I keep my intake between 800-1000 calories a day. Although, I find the 1000 is too much.

I don't have much of any restriction right now; unfortunately my first fill isn't until Sept 2!! I am just following the plan and going to bed early when I get hungry in the evening. I can eat big bites, (even though, I try not to) and more than a cup of food at a time. I do get hungry. Thank God for Adkins advantage low carb Protein Drinks.< /p>

Is this common? I am a slow loser (age, lower BMI, and destroyed matabolism)

Is it possible to damage the band by eating too much? Of course 800-1000 calories is not too much, but I am curious.

Why do they say no alcohol for 6 months - is that becasue of the calories? I had some Marlot red wine last night - no problems. I counted the calories too.

I know this is long and with random thoughts - sorry! Need protein!

Lyn you are in bandster hell the time between banding and getting your 1st fill - after the swelling has gone down you don't have as much restriction - just keep up the small bites - chewing - healthy foods and exercise the weight will come off - and yes since you do have a lower bmi the weight loss can be slower. But remember we are all diff we all aren't going to lose the weight the same and remember the turtle won the race. They don't want you drinking cuz of the calorie in alcohal.. My doc says a glass of wine or a drink every now and then isn't going to hurt - but you have to follow your doc's order..

Apparently (as Janet said), the bands can hold more than the capacity they are known by. My doctor did do the 1 cc the 1st time and then .5 after that for a couple but as I got closer he slowed it down to .1 most times. It was frustrating for a long time but I'm doing well now and finally feeling like I really do have a band! Hoping the weight loss kicks in now--the scale is moving again although slowly.

Thanks for the hugs, Janet. I needed that.

I have been where you are (lost my parents within 1 month of each other - then lost gf a year later and then my bro 3 yrs later and a year later a nephew) so I know the pain and stress of loss - But I gotta say you have done excellent with what has been thrown at you as we all know it times of stress and pain we use to turn to food for our comfort.. So be proud of all that you have accomplished during these difficult time. We all need hugs - maybe if we had them more often we wouldn't have turned to food for comfort.. (just a thought)

Today is day 4. I feel alot better than yesterday. I keep having headaches tho, which I think is from not having any food. This morning I had a little applesauce thinned with some apple juice. In a bit I'm going to have some Tomato soup....yummmy !!

I have lost 1 lb since surgery. The pain in my abdomen is so much better, I can get up and down without moaning.

You all are so great here. I don't know what I would do without you all.

hugs to u all,


PJ Glad you are doing better - Yep the ladies in the 50+ thread were my biggest supporters and helpers when I was 1st banded

Who are you talking about?

Ya I am lost on that one too :cursing:

WOOHOOOOO!!!!! Congratulations!!!! :mellow: <throwing virtual confetti>


Thanks Orea...

Hi All,

Had my first fill yesterday. 2mls. They said my band can hold up to 10 ml. I don't feel much different today. I've lost fourteen pounds in four weeks and I'm happy!!!!!Wishing all you new banders good luck.

Skinny Grandma

Skinmy Grandma - it can take a bit for the fill to settle in and again depending on how much the put in you may need another one in the near future - most don't get to their sweet spot on their 1st fill

Congrats on the 14 lbs :cool2:

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself to you all. I am a 57 year old female that is being banded on August 12th. I am so excited that I can't hardly sit still.

I have fought the battle of the bulge for 37 years (since my 1st child). I think I have lost and found 500 lbs. lol. My weight when I started the procedure in March for approval was 314. I am now around 302. Doing the low carb diet to reduce the size of the liver now. liquids on Monday, Surgery Tuesday!!! Whooooo Hoooooooo!!!!!


Vera Welcome !!! We will all be rooting for you on Tuesday (prayers for a safe surgery and speed recovery) This is a great site for info and support

Keep us posted on how your are doing...

Lynn, who needs a new Dr???

Well it's less than 24 hours til my gall bladder surgery. I wasn't too nervous til the hospital calls and goes over all the medical history, AGAIN! didn't I just give them that? Anyway they ask things like, 'do you have a living will', 'who do we contact in emergency', 'what is your religious preference'. Such comforting questions the day before! YIKES!! But I know they ask that for everything, they even asked that when I had the ultrasound on the gall bladder. I was very frustrated as I weighed in today (Thurs. is the day I had lap band surgery) and I was up 2. No idea where that came from. Then I get the mentality if I can gain 2 by following the rules, I might as well have ________(fill in the blank) but I haven't. It's a struggle though today with having the gain, being nervous/anxious about tomorrow, etc. So I am cleaning house like a mad woman trying to take my mind off things.

Lori - Hugs yes having surgery is a scary thing - stress Water retention who knows - don't let the number today discourage you.. Just keep on trucking along and those 2 lbs will dissappear before you know it.

Prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery - let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it.. Hugs..

Welcome! You and I have some things in common.....I have had a weight problem 37 yrs since my first child and we are the same age and size. You will get alot of good info on this thread. Come jump on the bandwagon with all of us!:w00t::thumbup::tt2:

Well I have a 37 son too.. :scared2: I just started A LOT younger than you two did :cursing:

The Good - :biggrin2:

Despite my consternation and rehearsed speech -

My doctor said Yes, Yes, yes

I thought I would go into cardiac arrest - my BP soared after his nurse said that ODs generally are against such intervention as Gastric Surgery.

He was pleased with my decision and promised to communicate with my surgeon at the proper time

The Bad - :)

My sleep study showed that I have definitely have sleep apnea (that's no surprise - just add it to my ever-lengthening co-morbidity list)

and aforementioned doc insists that I go back for the "CRAP" mask (who called it that?)

The NotSoUglyAnymore - :cursing:

Dr. McMacho has been re-christened - Dr. McNiceguy

Elayne - I had to have a stupid cpap machine too - I didn't stop breathing breathing just got super shallow when I was in a deep sleep - I used the machine for about 3 weeks and once after surgery and then took it back. I hated it.. but again it wasn't like i stopped breathing at night - just shallow breating - You might not hate it and I do have to say i did feel more rested when I used it - but when the weight came off - didn't need it any longer..

Yeah, I have a CPAP mask and it is crap. I hardly used it and now with the weight loss ....I don't need it. Insurance pays some and I pay nine bucks a month. I am about to pack it up and send it back.

We must have had the same insurance - I had to pay $10 -:cursing: I got tired of paying for something I wasn't using so in Jan I too it back to the sleep place..

Janet- congrats on the BMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To all- I'm having trouble keeping up with the posts right now, so please excuse me if I don't say CONGRATS on everyone's good news individually. Everyone's trying so hard and so many achieving what the experts would be shocked to hear.....women in their 50s can not only lose weight, but can lose a lot of weight and not always as slowly as they say.

Congrats to all of us on the daily struggle and the scale and non-scale victories.

Thanks Gwen and yes I beleive that even women in their 50's can still lose the weight and we can lose more than the 50-60% of our excess weight too - We are WOMAN AND WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE PUT OUR MINDS TOO..

Help !! I had surgery 4 days ago. Today I was allowed Soup, yogurt, slim fast, applesauce. I keep getting this pain in the center of my breastbone, it lasts a few seconds. What is that?? :cursing:

RESTRICTION - slow down a bit when you eat - make sure to you are sipping and not gluping

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Can anybody tell me why the Dr would say "no carbonated drinks? " even diet drinks? I sure do miss my diet coke, but was told no sugar and no carbonated drinks. Soooooo, I have followed the Dr's advice, but was curious the reason.

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Well, its after midnite so it is officially my 1 year Bandiversary! Although I am only at a 50lb loss I will take it. It is 50lbs less than a year ago. I have been at about the same weightloss for several months. I am making an appointment for my 1 year labs and to get another fill and see if that kick starts things. I'm not on here often but this site has been a wealth of knowledge. Thank you all

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Help !! I had surgery 4 days ago. Today I was allowed Soup, yogurt, slim fast, applesauce. I keep getting this pain in the center of my breastbone, it lasts a few seconds. What is that?? :)

I just had a chance to check messages and you've probably heard this already but your getting food stuck and/or eating too much. You should probably go back to liquids for a day to give the new band some rest. Your insides are all sore and swollen and you really need to be careful. I wasn't allowed any of the above except slimfast for 3 weeks. So if you wait a day or two more and then add back one item at a time, you'd be treating yourself really well.

Take it slow, wait between swallows and try to limit yourself to 3-4 ounces at a sitting, several sittings a day. And applesauce could be too lumpy unless it's baby strained.

Good luck.

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Can anybody tell me why the Dr would say "no carbonated drinks? " even diet drinks? I sure do miss my diet coke, but was told no sugar and no carbonated drinks. Soooooo, I have followed the Dr's advice, but was curious the reason.

Sunshine531 - I was told the carbonation could cause acid reflux and gas with the possibility of stretching out the pouch. Also it fills you quickly not leaving room for the good stuff.

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Carbonation can stretch the pouch. It's also not very comfortable to drink. It causes gas and it hurts when you need to burp and can't.

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carbonation can irritate, reflux, stretch the pouch, and cause burping... I have ha drinks of soda now and then, but never too much at one time..

I only have Decaf, diet soda if at all tempted...

Just got back from DR. added .5 cc in my band, now at 5.5 cc in my 14cc band. feel a bit of difference, but will see how things go over the weeknd..

Also, was told my hernia is nothing to be worried about, so that is good news

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I am home and less one gall bladder! Surgery went well, forgot to ask the dr. why I ended up with 4 incisions instead of 3 but 3 of the 4 he used my band ones so no biggie. He also said my band and port looked great and were in good position. When he went to talk to my husband and in laws after surgery he told DH that I couldn't do housework for 1 yr!! Love it! My MIL got a kick out of and and asked him what procedure he could do on her.

I'm in quite a big of pain at where I presume my gall bladder was, it is like the dull ache I had before surgery but much much more intesified. No gas pains again! Love that! he's good at sucking taht all back out. I'm so tired and groggy but I go to bed for hours and lie there and can't sleep. Just had some Soup and that tasted good.

Thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes!

I'm on the road again.......

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I'm so glad to hear you are doing well! Take good care of yourself. :-)


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Can anybody tell me why the Dr would say "no carbonated drinks? " even diet drinks? I sure do miss my diet coke, but was told no sugar and no carbonated drinks. Soooooo, I have followed the Dr's advice, but was curious the reason.

I see you got lots of answers but I asked the nutritionist why not a little between meals? She didn't really have an answer other than gas. Liquids don't really stretch you unless you're consistently gulping. Someone told me too much liquid an hour could stretch and my surgeon laughed out loud...said that liquid goes right through.

Diet soda is really only chemicals and of no value. They also leach out Calcium.

I've had sip or two of diet coke and as usual, when you don't have it for a while it tastes yucky. You may find the same. I really don't miss it. In addition to the crystal light type stuff, there's 5 calorie lemonade in cans by Minute Mail that are very good. I've become big on large Decaf iced coffees with splenda and fat free half and half. Love it and it gets in a lot of Fluid early in the day.

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I am home and less one gall bladder! Surgery went well, forgot to ask the dr. why I ended up with 4 incisions instead of 3 but 3 of the 4 he used my band ones so no biggie. He also said my band and port looked great and were in good position. When he went to talk to my husband and in laws after surgery he told DH that I couldn't do housework for 1 yr!! Love it! My MIL got a kick out of and and asked him what procedure he could do on her.

I'm in quite a big of pain at where I presume my gall bladder was, it is like the dull ache I had before surgery but much much more intesified. No gas pains again! Love that! he's good at sucking taht all back out. I'm so tired and groggy but I go to bed for hours and lie there and can't sleep. Just had some Soup and that tasted good.

Thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes!

I'm on the road again.......

Prayers still with you but sounds like you're very much on your way. Isn't it amazing how much easier surgeries are these days? Amazing. Good luck iwth recovery and see you later.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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