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I assume that the nutritionist-pre-op part of the process will go into depth with this chewing business.

A pencil-width?


I guess I have to envision a funnel overflowing.

Thanks everyone.

I'm going to scrub out my juicer and play with my smoothie maker.

strawberry margaritas and pina coladas before it's too late :eek:

GP appointment tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.

Dr. McMacho hasn't been in favor of this surgery in the past.

Hopefully - he'll listen to my well-prepared speech and reconsider.

(and review my latest glucose readings!) :w00t:

Elayne - you are too funny ... Yep you are in big time trouble - once banded no more big bites - no more 2 chews and swallow - and no more shoveling fork or spoons full of food in your mouth really fast. If you keep those habit you will be pbing every meal.. No more pina colada on a daily basis anyway - It's all about tiny bites chew chew chew eating slowly and staying away for the liquid calories Good Luck :0)

Hi Ladies (and gents:)

I went on an Alaskan cruise the mid of July, gained 3 lbs and am no ready to get really serious about the rest of my weight loss. As I said in my posting a few weeks ago when I first signed on to this wonderful website: I had my surgery November 2005 - Wow! I can't believe it has been almost three years. My highest weight ever was almost 300 lbs (I'm not sure because I started to lose before I would weigh myself. I lost about 120 lbs and started to gain again - up to about 240 and decided to get banded. I lost 20 almost immediately and then it was real slow. I got down into the 170 and then started to gain weight. I am now 194 - I thought I would never see 190 again but here I am. I haven't been to my md in about a year. I moved out of state and haven't looked for a new md.

I have to say I go through these times where I can't keep anything down and other times when I can eat almost anything. I wonder if my band has slipped and moves around. I know, I know I need to see a doctor. But even during these times of not being able to keep anything down, I don't lose weight. I don't understand it. Anyone experience any of my woes of above. I promise not be be a complainer. I get so excited when I read about any of you succeeding along. Obtaining a goal weight (160) would be sooooo cool.

Cindy you can do it all you have to do is get your mind in the game - healthy eating - exercise and the weight will come off.. But you gotta do the work - you know the band is only a tool - now you have to use your other tools (brain & muscles) to do the rest of the work and yes it is work but so worth it.. Losing weight isn't about not eating - it's about eating healthy food - varying your calories and exercising... Yep you need to see your doctor and get back on tract - no more excuses - We are here for you...

:thumbup:MY SURGERY WAS GREAT! I had my banding TODAY and I am sitting here AT HOME feeling good with just a little cramping, better than PMS. My surgeon in Asheville, NC is awesome. I have one small puncture and one 2 1/2 inch incision for the port. THAT IS ALL! This is some thing new, I think. I came home 7 hours after arriving at St. Joseph's Hospital, and then had a 2 hour ride which I spent napping. (My husband was driving!) I am looking forward to a speedy recovery and a whole new life!

Mary - You sound like you are doing super - Welcome to bandland

I had my surgery Monday the 4th. I am having so much trouble getting my 50 grams of Protein a day. I mix the protein bullets with crystal light but I can't gulp them like I use to. Any ideas anyone? Tomorrow I can start eating Soup, slim fast low carb, v8 juice, yogurt. I have not been hungry at all since surgery.

PJ - are you throwing up anymore??? Did you call the Doc.. Do you have Protein Powder to mix in your Soups or yogurts .. No more gulping :lol: sips sips sips You can make a smoothie with your yogurt (dannon lite & fit) add some fruit and protein powder ice and a little skim milk in a blender

You are going to have to read labels and do the math to figure out your protein - but my protien smoothies had about 25 grm pt in them 20 from the powder and 5 from the yogurt..

Yes, Elayne. You could potentially have a problem! But not if you remember to chew, chew, chew and only start with bites the size of m & m's (according to my Dr.). A few pb's and you'll remember (most of the time) that you need to think about your bites: starting small and pulverizing them before you swallow. Sometimes I still forget--especially when I'm with friends or in a social situation or really hungry--but, believe me, the band WILL remind you once you have some restriction. Good luck in your process!

Hi to everyone else. I read the posts every day but haven't taken the time to write. I'm doing okay--such a slow loser. But I do have better restriction now and am thinking I'm close to or at my sweet spot. How do you ever know? I'm still hungry a lot and much of the time it's REAL stomach hunger.

I definitely am glad I got the band, even with my slow loss. This year since banding has been such a difficult one. I thought the stress would slow down after my father passed away in September of cancer and we were settled into our new home, etc. but then January came and I started a full time job, my dear mother-in-law died in February, and my mother was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Anyway, I know I would have gained, gained, gained if it weren't for the band. So although I haven't been nearly as successful as others, I'm thrilled for this tool that has helped me stay in control.

Good job everyone--I'm so impressed by your success and so proud of all of you. Keep it up--you are my inspiration!

Hey there Mommylambert - long time since you posted... I still am hungry even at my sweet spot - for me the band doesn't take away my hunger like it does for some - I had lunch today orange chicken & crispy spicy shrimp (hard proteins) I was full but about 1 later I was hungry again and could have eaten.I didn't but wanted to.. For my my sweet spot has been when I am full on 1 cup of food.. I know from the last time we talked about your troubles and you have done very well consider all that you have had to deal with this last year - Hugs Janet


How do you put 4.2 cc in a 4 cc band? Also, if you have had 15 fills--is that like a quarter cc each time? Is that worth it to you and the doctor to do so little at a time? My doctor said to do 1 cc the1st time and then .5 each time after that.

Fluffy - our bands can hold more than what they say - mommy's doc is very conservative with his fills ..

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Janet....I emailed the nurse. I haven't thrown up anymore. I was told if it happens again to call the office tomorrow. I am running a low grade temperature, sitting here cold wrapped in a blanket. I haven't tried any Protein powder, I am putting the bullets into crystal light, its hard to drink that much. I'm still working on the same pitcher that was made this morning, which gives me only 25 Proteins.< /span>

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Thanks for the info.


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Janet....I emailed the nurse. I haven't thrown up anymore. I was told if it happens again to call the office tomorrow. I am running a low grade temperature, sitting here cold wrapped in a blanket. I haven't tried any Protein powder, I am putting the bullets into crystal light, its hard to drink that much. I'm still working on the same pitcher that was made this morning, which gives me only 25 Proteins.< /span>

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Thanks for the info.


PJ - It's hard to get all your protein in at first - just do your best - sip all day long as you heal you will be able to get more in - but you gotta keep your strenght up to heal. I am glad to hear no more throwing up and keep an eye on that fever...


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all this talk about plastic surgery? Your face (well, everywhere, but esp noticeable in your face!) is so smooth and beautiful. WOW!:)

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Just checking in. I am doing great. I was banded 3 weeks and 1 day ago. I am at 179 today YEAH! I am exercising (doing podrunner Couch to 5K) 3 days a week.

I get between 50 - 60 grams of Protein in a day. I use www.mydailyplate.com to track my food intake and exercise. I keep my intake between 800-1000 calories a day. Although, I find the 1000 is too much.

I don't have much of any restriction right now; unfortunately my first fill isn't until Sept 2!! I am just following the plan and going to bed early when I get hungry in the evening. I can eat big bites, (even though, I try not to) and more than a cup of food at a time. I do get hungry. Thank God for Adkins advantage low carb Protein Drinks.< /p>

Is this common? I am a slow loser (age, lower BMI, and destroyed matabolism)

Is it possible to damage the band by eating too much? Of course 800-1000 calories is not too much, but I am curious.

Why do they say no alcohol for 6 months - is that becasue of the calories? I had some Marlot red wine last night - no problems. I counted the calories too.

I know this is long and with random thoughts - sorry! Need protein!

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Lizalee, yes this is a new technique - faster healing and less pain. I just have one puncture-type wound about 1/2 inch in diameter and I do want to correct the size of the port incison. It is 1 1/2 inches, not 2 1/2 inches. I feel great today, just a little stinging at the incision when I get up and down. Other than a few burps yesterday, I have had no gas at all.

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How do you put 4.2 cc in a 4 cc band? Also, if you have had 15 fills--is that like a quarter cc each time? Is that worth it to you and the doctor to do so little at a time? My doctor said to do 1 cc the1st time and then .5 each time after that.

Apparently (as Janet said), the bands can hold more than the capacity they are known by. My doctor did do the 1 cc the 1st time and then .5 after that for a couple but as I got closer he slowed it down to .1 most times. It was frustrating for a long time but I'm doing well now and finally feeling like I really do have a band! Hoping the weight loss kicks in now--the scale is moving again although slowly.

Thanks for the hugs, Janet. I needed that.

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PJ - It's hard to get all your Protein in at first - just do your best - sip all day long as you heal you will be able to get more in - but you gotta keep your strenght up to heal. I am glad to hear no more throwing up and keep an eye on that fever...


Today is day 4. I feel alot better than yesterday. I keep having headaches tho, which I think is from not having any food. This morning I had a little applesauce thinned with some apple juice. In a bit I'm going to have some Tomato soup....yummmy !!

I have lost 1 lb since surgery. The pain in my abdomen is so much better, I can get up and down without moaning.

You all are so great here. I don't know what I would do without you all.

hugs to u all,


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sounds like a trip to a new DR is in order. I cannot see having been banded for this length of time and trouble with weight loss

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sounds like a trip to a new DR is in order. I cannot see having been banded for this length of time and trouble with weight loss

Who are you talking about?

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Apparently (as Janet said), the bands can hold more than the capacity they are known by. My doctor did do the 1 cc the 1st time and then .5 after that for a couple but as I got closer he slowed it down to .1 most times. It was frustrating for a long time but I'm doing well now and finally feeling like I really do have a band! Hoping the weight loss kicks in now--the scale is moving again although slowly.

Thanks for the hugs, Janet. I needed that.

I just noticed you were in Midway, Utah, I used to live in Sandy (I see you were banded there I presume at Alta View). Anyway we used to have a booth every year at Swiss Days we sold hand carved Santas. I loved it up there, so beautiful. If memory serves me right, Swiss Days is coming up in a few weeks too!

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pj_txlady, I presume lynnt was talking about cindylew's post.

Hi Ladies (and gents:)

I went on an Alaskan cruise the mid of July, gained 3 lbs and am no ready to get really serious about the rest of my weight loss. As I said in my posting a few weeks ago when I first signed on to this wonderful website: I had my surgery November 2005 - Wow! I can't believe it has been almost three years. My highest weight ever was almost 300 lbs (I'm not sure because I started to lose before I would weigh myself. I lost about 120 lbs and started to gain again - up to about 240 and decided to get banded. I lost 20 almost immediately and then it was real slow. I got down into the 170 and then started to gain weight. I am now 194 - I thought I would never see 190 again but here I am. I haven't been to my md in about a year. I moved out of state and haven't looked for a new md.

I have to say I go through these times where I can't keep anything down and other times when I can eat almost anything. I wonder if my band has slipped and moves around. I know, I know I need to see a doctor. But even during these times of not being able to keep anything down, I don't lose weight. I don't understand it. Anyone experience any of my woes of above. I promise not be be a complainer. I get so excited when I read about any of you succeeding along. Obtaining a goal weight (160) would be sooooo cool.

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WOOHOOOOO!!!!! Congratulations!!!! :thumbup: <throwing virtual confetti>





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I just noticed you were in Midway, Utah, I used to live in Sandy (I see you were banded there I presume at Alta View). Anyway we used to have a booth every year at Swiss Days we sold hand carved Santas. I loved it up there, so beautiful. If memory serves me right, Swiss Days is coming up in a few weeks too!

Yes, I was banded at Alta View. And you are right--Swiss Days is August 28-30 this year. Oh, I wish you were still here! I would love a hand-carved Santa. We have lived here since October 2007 and we do feel that we live in Paradise.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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