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what does Wii Fit cost? And is it high impact or can those with injuries, etc use it?

I have seen a few on Ebay also.

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what does Wii Fit cost? And is it high impact or can those with injuries, etc use it? I have seen a few on Ebay also.

Wii itself is $250, Wii Fit is an additional $89. I have two knees that need a total replacement and I am using it 40-60 minutes a day. I'm just careful... don't try anything that involved too much pivoting. I can't do the "run", so I walk in place instead. A couple of exercises, I use my cane to help steady myself. That was after almost falling off the balance board a couple of times.

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Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I stopped eating after dinner. Sometimes I have a sugar free popsicle. I find now I don't miss it anymore. The head hunger seems to go away if I don't feed it.

I was down 2 lbs this am which surprised me cause I haven't lost anything in a long time, other than losing what I gained on vacation.

Denise - Congratulations on those 2 lbs - That is great - I sure wish I could quit eating at night - last night was ok - went to an Airbonne party (like mary kay) didn't get home till like 8:30 had a lean cuisine and Cereal bar for dessert and that was it. Plus I took a 10 mg xanxa to help me sleep. I think I am going to have to get a scrip for them-

Don't worry gang - I am no where close to being a druggie (seen too much of it in my life drugs & alcohol) but there are just some night's I can't sleep like Wed night - I need more than 4 hrs a night - but a great NSV - in the past I would have eaten myself to sleep - but don't do it now :lol:

Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie and just found this great thread. I'm 56 and still researching the band but no matter what negative things I read, I still feel lead to do this. I've been reading that a lot of people are not loosing weight or weight loss is very slow. That scares me with all that you have to go through before, during and after surgery. What I don't get is that people who are over 200lbs. (like myself) are that weight because we overeat. When I get banded, I'm assuming my food intake will change DRASTICALLY so how could weight loss be slow? I'm concerned about this because I really believe the old saying "you are what you eat". I got the way I am because I eat the wrong things PLUS I eat too much AND at the wrong times. The band will really limit the amount of food I eat no matter what I eat or when so why won't the weight loss be, not easy, but easier? I need help in working all these things out in my mind before I make a decision and my insurance company has a lot to do with my decision too. I will be devastated if they won't cover it. You all are experienced and so helpful. I welcome all your comments. Thanks in advance for your advice, encouragement, and support. :redface:

Gpttaluvme - Welcome - LBT is a great site for info & support. I am going to give you my tough band love explanation (love being the operative word)

Reasons some don't lose or lose very slowly and this is my personal opinion

#1 THE BAND IS ONLY A TOOL !!! It in itself is not going to cause you to lose weight.. You have to realize this going in - and that little part of your mind that say ya this is the answer it's the magic cure - that's the devil talking to you - cuz it's not the magic cure answer to our obesity.

The band requires alot of work on your part.

#2 There are pple who say I didn't do this to go on another diet - they continue to eat the same food that they did prior to banding - which usually is high fat foods and foods loaded with refined carbs (oh btw I am not an Atkins advocate) and foods that have sugar. With the band once you get proper restriction (which can take awhile for some) it will limit the amount of food you eat at one sitting - but you can eat around the band ie candy Cookies milkshake alcohol gravy all slip right thru the band (these soft foods are slider food) plus we still absorb all our calories (not like bypass patients who don't). These pple are going to lose some weight just do to the fact that they can't eat large quantities - but they are not going to lose a significant amount in my opinion.

#3 Some pple have a slow metabolism (for reals - they have been medically tested not just another fat chick excuse ) or another medical reason

#4 To actually loose 100% or very close to your excess weight you are the one who has to make major changes in the way you look at food - You have to make healthy food choices (low fat - limited sugar and limited carbs) and you have to add exercise into your life.

The band is only a tool to help with your Portion Control it doesn't make your food choices or it doesn't do the exercise. Losing weight is all about calories in vs calories burn - plan and simple as that.

When you read the stories of pple who have been successful with the band - most will tell you that they counted calories - weighed and measured their foods (as fat chick we don't know what 4 oz looks like - to use a serving of ice cream is either 1 pint or a whole half gallon not 1/2 of a cup) and they also keep some kind of food diary/log and they exercise their butts off. They changed their food choices - there are alot here who do atkins or no refined carbs - I still have my starches (but limited to dinner only) I follow a basic WW type eating plan and IMHO I think it's the healthiest..

I am 11 months out and I am still learning how to control my head hunger issues ... I can be physically full from my dinner and still want to eat

Our head hunger issues are our real problems - As fat chicks the minute we thought we were hungry we would eat - then eat again - we would eat past full - All of us have diff issues with food some more complicated and some as simple as boredom. We use food to soothe us when we are upset, angry or sad - we use food to comfort us - we use food to Celebrate and as reward for something or cuz someone told us we shouldn't - we use our fat as a barrier against the world. All these things are the mental issue that must be dealt with if we want to lose the weight and keep it off for good (neither the band nor any WLS is guarantee that we keep they weight off forever) To to this (keep the weight off forever) you must make this your lifetime life style change in eating and exercise

Diets don't work cuz the minute you go off them and go back to eating normal you gain all your weight back - eating normal for us is what got us fat in the 1st place.

Now Exercise - as fat chick we don't want to exercise cuz it's too damn hard - it takes too much energy. Well you must exercise - our bodies were made to exercise. You just make the commitment to yourself - you start slow and steady and each week increase it a tad - I could barely walk 1 mile 11 months ago on the treadmill doing a 25 minute mile on a zero incline - but every couple of weeks I would increase the speed and inclines - I now do 3 miles in 50 minutes on vary of inclines from 3 to 7-

I work out with weights 2 x a weeks (muscle burns more calories)

Ok I wrote a fricking book here - but I just want you to know that even with the band it's work - it's still hard -- it takes will power to make good food choices and disciplined to go to the gym or workout where ever you choose but with the band (once you have proper restriction) as a tool it does make the job of losing weight easier. As you said not easy but a little easier..

IMHO I that that I have done 75% of the work (making good food choices and exercising) and the band has done 25% of the work by providing portion control and making me feel fuller physically on 1 cup of food.

I take credit for my weight loss - ya the band helped - but it's just a piece of plastic - it doesn't have a brain to make the choices and changes that I have made in the last 11 months.

Good luck on your journey - I love my band and I love me for doing the work - I am strong - I have control (well 99.9% of the time) I am a new woman and I am loving the way I feel - 10 yrs younger the quality of my life has improved 150% - it's the best decision I have ever made..

Hi to all tonight. I am one day out now and I have alot of heartburn tonight. So far today I have had a little Unjury drink, broth, Jello, and ice chips, about 1/2 cup of each throughout the day. Thats about all I can do. I am not very comfortable at all. I have been doing laps around my house about four times today to try and get this gas out but so far nothing. I can't imagine how I will be able to eat again very easily after being on liquids for 10 days. I know one thing, I got to get rid of this heartburn or else. I know you have all experienced this but I am kind of down tonight. i just wanted to vent a little. Thanks all.


Beckyo - Sorry to hear you aren't doing to good - but you are (were) only one day out - it takes awhile - I see everyone has told you gasxstrips they do help - be happy that you can't eat much and enjoy the weight loss this 1st week or 2 - your hunger will return - GET SOME chewable PECIDS (That's what my doc had me get prior to surgery) they should help with the heartburn As each day passes you will feel better remember you just had major surgery and we aren't 18 anymore (plus let me tell you even some of the young ones take longer to recover than us 50 yr olds)

Hi Everyone, it's been awhile since I posted so thought I better get on and let you know that I'm still doing fine with my weight loss. I see a lot of newcomers since I posted last, welcome to all you newbies, funny I still feel like a newbie since I've only had my band since March (hehehe). This is a great place to come for support and even though I don't post everyday, I do get out here just about daily to read up on everyone's journey's.

I had my 3rd fill last Monday and seem to have pretty good restriction right now, I hope it lasts, if not, I go back in 4 weeks and I'll have another fill then.

I made it through my Nashville trip with only putting on 3 lbs which quickly came back off, Water weight I think and I've lost 7 lbs since then. The doctor was impressed with my 7 lb weight loss this month. This puts me at a total loss of 51 lbs, 20 of which was lost before the band, but that's ok, it's a total of 51 lbs and I know it's gone forever because of my band (SMILE). I'm going on vacation again in another week and I'll be gone for 2 weeks and hope to keep my weightloss stable again while I'm gone but I'm working very hard this week and next with both my eating plan and exercise so that I can show another weight loss when I go back to the doctor's again the day after we come back from vacation (ugh!!). I know I'll do fine since I made it thru Nashville with just water weight gain and I know what I have to do.

Hey there Thin - sounds like you are doing great !!! Keep up the good work - Proud of you :smile:

Hi all,

I have problems sleeping at night which I attribute to menopause and Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). I take Mirapax for the legs and have been taking Ambien 10 mg to help me fall asleep (not the CR). I have been having leg pain (Diabetes) and so I am up and down all night. The Ambien seems to lower the inhibitions so I find myself eating at night with proof of it because I see wrappers, leftovers, empty bowls. I have no memory of it until I see this proof and see a replay in my mind. Luckily I haven't taken a midnight drive or anything like that, just eating. I am sure I gravitate to my comfort item (food) rather than other things. I know Mirapax lowers inhibitions also. I have tried other prescriptions by the dr. but these two work the best for my problems. I have tried not taking the Ambien numerous times but was up all night and felt horrible the next day. I am worried about when I am banded. Has anyone found a sleep aide without these side effects? Does Tylenol PM work? :confused2:

Bevdi - Tylenol pm works for alot of pple (not me :smile:) I would talk to your doc - the meds you are taking are responsible for sleep walking driving etc problems ...

Well today is day two with my new band. The gas is getting much better. I took a walk in my garden and got a shower so I am feeling better. Sure can't eat much yet. Today I had a half cup of broth. some ice. water, popsicles and tropican sugar fee orange aid. Keep trying to drink but I am full. I hope everyone else is doing okay today. Will post more later


PS I dont have any of those teas but I might get some soon. thanks

Beckyo - Good to hear and like I said - enjoy being full on a little and not being hungry - it will return once your stomach heals. so enjoy for now:tongue:


I LOVE my Wii Fit & use it just about every day. My sister is in Buffalo. I don't think she's found a Wii Fit yet but she did finally find a Wii. You have to be relentless!! The Wii Fit is very hard to find here and you just have to get lucky. I was in Target early one Saturday morning and there were four on the shelf so I got one for my daughter. That is the last time I saw a Wii or Wii Fit at that Target and I am there almost every day. The electronics guy gave me the phone number so I could call every morning because I have another friend who wants one now. He said they get a shipment every night but never know what will be in it so call every morning! I got mine at Wal-Mart.com.. pre-ordered it online.

Hey there Phyl - Are you bringing your Wii when you come back down to the Desert - I want to try yours before I put out the $$$ - I'll pay your a rental fee :lol:

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Hey there Phyl - Are you bringing your Wii when you come back down to the Desert - I want to try yours before I put out the $$$ - I'll pay your a rental fee :smile:

Yes, I am going to bring it. Just hope I don't break anything in the RV using it!! :redface::biggrin::smile:

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Denise - Congratulations on those 2 lbs - That is great - I sure wish I could quit eating at night - last night was ok - went to an Airbonne party (like mary kay) didn't get home till like 8:30 had a lean cuisine and cereal bar for dessert and that was it. Plus I took a 10 mg xanxa to help me sleep. I think I am going to have to get a scrip for them-

I have trouble sleeping all the time. I take Ambien for it. Insomnia seems to be very common with women after the age of 50. drives me insane.

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I have trouble sleeping all the time. I take Ambien for it. Insomnia seems to be very common with women after the age of 50. drives me insane.



I usually don't have a hard time sleeping but Wed I drank some really really strong ice tea before I went to the gym (I was tired on Wed) and I think that did it - I can't drink caffeine to late in the day..

My little furr baby Angel wakes me up to go potty at least once a night..

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It was great to see a 50's group.

I am having my lap band surgery on Monday. I'm really starting to get nervous. I been doing great on the pre-op diet and have lost about 8 pounds total so far.

I have been reading the forum for over a month all the good and bad.

I wanted to have the Lap band because I was beginning to have health issues. My knees were killing me, I couldn't even work in the yard without taking breaks. Most of the time I felt so tired after work I was getting in my nightgown and laying on the couch at night. My doctor said I was getting close to being a pre-diabetic and cholesteral was going up.

I knew I had to do something drastic, and I know I don't have control over food, I start out good but then it goes to the wayside.

Two days to go and I feel like there has been in death in the family and I'm saying goodbye to my best friend.

Will there be life after Lap Band?

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I usually don't have a hard time sleeping but Wed I drank some really really strong ice tea before I went to the gym (I was tired on Wed) and I think that did it - I can't drink caffeine to late in the day.. My little furr baby Angel wakes me up to go potty at least once a night..

Have you gals ever tried Chamomille Tea??

I bought some Bigelow Mint Chamomille Tea last week. NO caffeine in it. I'm typically not much of a tea drinker... that's DH's thing. But I tried something similar in Canada two weeks ago and liked it. So I've been having that almost every night before bed. The Chamomille is a natural sleep aide. I have to trot to the BR 3X during the night, but that's only one more time than normal, so that's okay!

I am having my lap band surgery on Monday. I'm really starting to get nervous. I been doing great on the pre-op diet and have lost about 8 pounds total so far.

I have been reading the forum for over a month all the good and bad.

I wanted to have the Lap band because I was beginning to have health issues. My knees were killing me, I couldn't even work in the yard without taking breaks. Most of the time I felt so tired after work I was getting in my nightgown and laying on the couch at night. My doctor said I was getting close to being a pre-diabetic and cholesteral was going up.

I knew I had to do something drastic, and I know I don't have control over food, I start out good but then it goes to the wayside.

Two days to go and I feel like there has been in death in the family and I'm saying goodbye to my best friend. Will there be life after LapBand?

Well, first, WELCOME!

And, yes, there is life after LapBand!! You will be able to eat most of your favorite foods, just in much smaller quantities. You will find your attitude towards food is going to change drastically. As the pounds drop off, you will not want those things that will sabotage your efforts, honest! It's going to be okay! We're here to hold your hand through it all. Keep us posted.

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Hi all, beginning day 3 after lapband. Janet I really like what you write. You are a real inspiration and Phyl I am glad to hear there is life after lapband because I felt the same way as her. I still have a heavy feeling in my mid chest. I have a disc problem in the middle of my back so I hope that doesn't aggravate the band area. I started at 247.6 and this morning I weighed 237.6 so I am loosing about a lb a day right now. Yeah!!!! Well will write back tonight. Thanks girls for all of your inspiration. I read and read and read everything I can. It helps me get through all of this. This thread is the greatest.


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Hi all, beginning day 3 after lapband. Janet I really like what you write. You are a real inspiration and Phyl I am glad to hear there is life after lapband because I felt the same way as her. I still have a heavy feeling in my mid chest. I have a disc problem in the middle of my back so I hope that doesn't aggravate the band area. I started at 247.6 and this morning I weighed 237.6 so I am loosing about a lb a day right now. Yeah!!!! Well will write back tonight. Thanks girls for all of your inspiration. I read and read and read everything I can. It helps me get through all of this. This thread is the greatest. Beckyo

You are doing GREAT!!

I'm glad you are giving us daily updates.

Staying connected is a real help on your journey!

We've all had those feelings, so we can all relate to the life after lapband thing!

Have another great day!

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Is there life after the band? Life is so much better! It's so much more fun not to shop in the plus sizes anymore. It's so nice when people tell you how nice you look. It's great not to huff and puff when trying to exercise. I could go on and on, but long story short, there is no comparison. Life with the band is a million times better than being fat.

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Hi Ladies,

Just checking in. I'm doing good today, but I have struggled a little with junk in the last couple of days. I realized last night that it was "PMS". I'm 53 and still getting periods!!! I went 8 weeks this last cycle after just about having a clockwork cycle of every 4 to 5 weeks and I thought maybe this is it! Maybe menopause is starting. Not yet I guess. I never thought I would be looking forward to it, but I am.

Beckyo, sounds like you are doing great and you won't believe the difference a week from now.

I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and hope to get a fill as I'm pretty sure from some eating episodes, that I really need another one.

Have a great weekend everyone.



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Indigo, thanks so much for that great message and taking so much time to do it. It was great! I've read so much in the past week and I know you are absolutely right about everything you said. I get it...it's all up to me. Sometimes that kind of worries me because I've been unsuccessful with sticking to a lifetime change in the past. Head hunger is a BIG problem for me as well, but I want to be possitive. I'm thinking that if I can go through the fasting, the liquids the first couple weeks, and ALL the rest, I can't be stupid enought to blow it after that and I don't want to! This is something I not only want but desperately need. I know I need help and I think the LB is it. I believe that once I start feeling a little better, I'll have the energy to start exercising again. I was doing the Leslie Sansone 30 min Walk cd's every day for the longest time and then bought the 45 minute one which incorporates weights (havent' done that one yet). It's low impact but you can really work up a sweat. The 30 minute cd is a good home tape but I think the other with the weights is better. My point is that at one point in my life I did well and had energy to exercise and I felt good and stuck to it for a long time. I'm praying I can do it again but I might need a lot of encouragement and support. You and the others I know are great for that. Do you believe this...that you can eat everything as long as you eat in moderation? I'm not trying to make up my own rules but realistically, I think that sounds doable for me. I've tried WW myself and I also agree that it's the most sensible program around and I know you can eat just about everything but only in very small amounts. I also understand that with the LB I will be eating way smaller portions so I have to make sure those portions are as nutritious as possible. Well, I know I can do the exercise, I just hope I can have the willpower to make the right choices for a lifetime. I think I can do it with help and encouragement. Thanks again for all your input! Talk about writing a book!!

Edited by gottaluvme

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Is there life after the band? Life is so much better! It's so much more fun not to shop in the plus sizes anymore. It's so nice when people tell you how nice you look. It's great not to huff and puff when trying to exercise. I could go on and on, but long story short, there is no comparison. Life with the band is a million times better than being fat.

Denise, Thanks for the brief glimpse into life at goal. I got a teensy taste this week. I bought my first every item in the Gap, a regular sized store. I was so excited that I went back today and got another tshirt. Lane Bryant is going to go broke when I'm done with those sizes!! :redface:

Indigo, thanks so much for that great message and taking so much time to do it. It was great! I've read so much in the past week and I know you are absolutely right about everything you said. I get it...it's all up to me. Sometimes that kind of worries me because I've been unsuccessful with sticking to a lifetime change in the past. Head hunger is a BIG problem for me as well, but I want to be possitive. I'm thinking that if I can go through the fasting, the liquids the first couple weeks, and ALL the rest, I can't be stupid enought to blow it after that and I don't want to! This is something I not only want but desperately need. I know I need help and I think the LB is it. I believe that once I start feeling a little better, I'll have the energy to start exercising again.

Gottaluvme, I am only 2 weeks post op. I only had to do a 2 day liquid diet pre op and that last night as I was eating my 'Pizza Hut meat Lovers Pan pizza' and diet coke (before I started the preop liquid diet) I started to really have doubts if I could do this. But it's not been as difficult as I thought. I sortta have your thinking, I've come this far and to 'blow it' would be really stupid. Plus I was self pay and to have paid that much money and then not do it kindda freaks me out a little too. So far I've not been very hungry and am amazed at how little I eat. I'm sure as I heal and the swelling goes down I'm going to struggle a little bit more as I can tell already my 4 oz portions are getting consumed much easier but so far so good. I get solids on Thurs. DH has told me to pick where I want to go for my first meal. I'm a little scared as I don't want something bad to happen in a restaurant like something getting stuck. But I'm thinking if I do something like crab legs at Red Lobster I might be okay, as long as I tell them not to bring those biscuits! Good luck to you! When are you being banded?

Edited by Great2BThin
to clarify that I didn't have pizza post surgery it was pre liquid diet pre surgery

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