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Hi everyone,

I'm Gwenn. 56. Hitting 57 August 11th. Banded 40/30/08 in Los Angeles. Didn't put on significant weight until my 40's. I'm been on the boards constantly, but for some reason didn't notice the age support groups.

Lucky you, because I'm feeling better but dumped all my complaining and b____ing on the April bandsters, etc. I've had one fill, could only take 2ccs, and the doctor predicts I won't need another for quite a while. I'm losing well and hope that slowly I can expand my food palette. However, I've had a dicey stomach for years so who knows. For now, I'm eating fish, chicken salad, tuna fish salad, yogurt and mashed potato and cottage cheese sometimes works.

I see you've all been talking for so long, and I'm wondering if, beside the food, you've discussed the emotions that at least for me, are surfacing. I think that it can be safely said that the jolly fat lady has left the building! My moods are swinging, and I've noticed I'm yelling at my husband a bit more. I'm cranky. TOOK MY FOOD AWAY. I'm in therapy to help, but always wonder is others are finding their patience a little thinner after banding. The therapist says it will pass, and we'll find other ways of getting rid of stress and anger that food has always comforted. Right now I cannot the forest......only my darling tree, who leaves coffee grinds at the sink, and his clothes on the recumbent bike.

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Charlene: I have been a quilter for years, but lately, it seems all I do is work, exercise and family and church stuff. I love fabric and design. My sewing room is a big fat mess and I don't see it changing for a while with gardening and vacations here. Oh well! Priorities, I guess!

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Hi all, Well I am going to Dr. on Tuesday, start fast on Friday and have Surgery next Wednesday. I sure hope I can do this. Some days I feel really good about it and other days I have trouble with the mindset. I have a question for Kareyquilts. I noticed you had several fills and then in March you went in for an unfill. Just wondering why? Also did your insurance pay for your plastic surgery? I am curious about that as I would like to do this also next year? Anyway, I am more nervous about the five day liquid fast than the surgery. did anyone else consider that part hard to do?


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My doctor suggested Slim Fast Low Carb. Good enough tasting, cheaper than most and readily available.

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Gwen, I find that exercise is the best thing for stress. I started exercising to lose weight long before I was banded. I never lost any weight, but soon discovered that when I don't exercise, I am in a bad mood. The weight loss came with banding, but now that exercise has been part of my daily life for 4 years, I get really annoyed when anyone or anything interferes with my gym time.

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I have always had some issues with moods and anxiety. It seems for me the surgery has helped me immensely though. I am happier about myself. Enjoy who I am becoming, physically and mentally. Yes, I do take medication for my anxiety, but that is not new. I have just cut the dosage down.

Exercise is also a big high!! Gosh, did I say that. :smile: I was never one to exercise at all in the past 10+ years. but do find I miss it and feel a bit guilty if I do not do something everyday. Some days more than others. Now that the pool is open I can tread Water for 30-60 minutes and fine it is a good over all workout..

The liquid diet pre op is tough for some. I just kept the thought that aftersurgery it waould be for a bit longer and all for a lifetime of a healthier me.

Keep smiling and keep cool...the high here is for 99 today, and Summer is not officially here :tongue2: And I am on the east coast, we are not used to all this heat

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Charlene: I have been a quilter for years, but lately, it seems all I do is work, exercise and family and church stuff. I love fabric and design. My sewing room is a big fat mess and I don't see it changing for a while with gardening and vacations here. Oh well! Priorities, I guess!

Kareyquilts, I noticed you have almost reached your goal. How many calories do you eat a day?

I am a stash hound too. I love fabric as much as food. Maybe, after the surgery, I will get some of those tops quillted because I sure don't need to transfer my eating addiction to buying fabric.....no room.

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Hi Gwenn, I too can get moody, but I believe I was worse before I lost the weight. I was foolish enough to believe that if I could only take off the weight I would finally be happy with me....but alas, I have discovered that the fat was just one of the things that was making me unhappy. Now I have to contend with the sagging skin. Haha!!

Joking aside, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel soooo much better now, but the weight loss did not fix everything in my life that causes me to bet moody.

Sorry if I rambled on... and I totally see where you're coming from with the " you took my food away " moodiness. I still get pissed off if my husband or anyone tells me something about what I'm eatting. If I want icecream, than dammit I'll eat icecream. Ya know?

Well, anyway...point is welcome and you're not alone and good luck with your weightloss journey!! Joanie :tongue2:)

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I usually don't feel the entire effects of a fill for a week. Usually after one week it kicks in. I currently have 3.7 in a 4cc band and it is pretty tight but I want to be able to reach my goal. I have already reached the doctors for me. It would be nice to have my BMI at normal for once in my life.

My weight goes down about 5 lbs and then it will stay the same for a couple of weeks. I keep telling myself to not weigh every single day but can't break the habit.

Keep up the good work the weight will come off.

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Becky: I had an unfill after my plastic surgery because I had terrible swelling on my upper abdomen which caused pressure on the band. Then I got a pain pill stuck and threw up for several days. I couldn't even hold down Water. It was not fun. I did enjoy a few sandwiches while I was unfilled, so it wasn't all bad! Actually felt good to get some restriction back. I have come to rely on feeling full sooner. I was self-pay for my ps sugery, but I know that many get their insurance to kick in some or all because of skin rashes or hernias. I had neither, just lots of loose skin. It's all a journey and it's all good!

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Thanks Janet, I needed a little kick in the *#@% today. I am going to focus on the good things that have happened for me since the LB. One thing, I am having a new appreciation for the yummy taste of good wholesome foods. I have done so much of the Jenny Craig fake foods that it tastes so good eating normally in smaller portions. Last night I tried something that didn't settle very well though. I made a nice green salad with low fat vinegerette dressing (just a touch for taste) I made whole wheat penne Pasta with organic basil marinara sauce and low fat chicken meat balls. It was wonderful and I only had a small portion but I had the worst stomach pains all night. It must have been the ww pasta I guess. This is really a learning experience. Tonight I am planning grilled salmon steaks, grilled asparagus and grilled red potatoes. I will concentrate on small bites, chewing throughly and small portions. I got on my eliptical machine for 10 min and will walk my dog in the park later today. Oh I almost forgot....I better start on my Water, I am a little behind. I am trying not to weigh everyday but I still do it. Maybe I should throw the old scale away! I feel better after being on this site. You all keep me honest and my head in reality. Baby steps! I guess I was focusing on trying to be in my onesies for my sons wedding. I am 208 today and my son's wedding is July 19th. I know the thing that will make me look the best on that day is a big smile and a positive attitude. My family loves me just the way I am and I am a very lucky lady. Thanks for the boost....I needed it! Becky

Hey Becky - Sorry I haven't been back since Satruday morning - my son showed up Sat night so we have been visiting - he goes home tonight after GD graduation.. Do the work and you will be in onelander by your son's wedding :biggrin2:

Indio girl...You can eat popcorn? I haven't even tried because I was told it would cause problems with the band. Oh I miss popcorn....maybe I'll try a little. CHEW, CHEW CHEW...

Yep I eat popcorn every night - it's a slider food for me (slides right thru the band)

Like Beckn, thanks IndioGirl!!! I WILL do this and lose the weight and be more patient.

Yvonne - Yes you WILL do this...

Actually, most bandsters can eat pop corn just fine. I buy those 100 calorie bags when I crave popcorn. I could easily eat way too much of it.

It goes right down for me like there is no band there at all.

Hey there Denise - We are the popcorn girls :blink:

I have not posted on here for ages. I was looking at some old posts and noted that some of you had trouble seeing some small print. I am really thrilled because in the last two weeks I have had "inter occular lens" fitted in my eyes and now I can see all the small print. I am absolutely thrilled. I know this has nothing to do with weight loss, but it has made me feel good. The only problem is that now I can see the bags under my eyes. Good luck to everyone with their weight loss.

Hey Ingyrob - I remember your name - glad to have you back - my reading eyesight sucks - cant see crap without my readers - but I have a 15x mirror and just looking in a reg mirror i see my bags :w00t: the price we pay for our age

It's been quite a few months since I posted anywhere on this site but like most, I reach a stage where I need to connect. I've been so depressed over a certain poster who led a smear campaign against my Mexican doctor that I stayed away lest I said something I would probably regret.

It's been 7 months since my surgery and I've lost almost 50 pounds. Sometimes I think I could do more to help things along but there's been a few snags I've had to deal with before I could continue. I took a 2 month break and went without a fill when my gall bladder flared and I needed to find out if it was a fluke, or I had a more serious problem. Since I have an HMO, it took them that long to pass me through a few doctors until I finally got an MRI. No stones, no visible disease... just a fatty liver {{sigh}}

I am finally back on track and very happy with my band. My Mexican doctor continues to be supportive and I look forward to my mini vacations south of the border. My sister was also banded by the same doctor but when her employer changed insurance, her fills were covered and she doesn't travel with me any longer. I have another friend who said they would love to go so I've found another travel buddy. Yeah!

OK, enough rambling. I guess I'm a little shy about jumping in to another group after my last one collasped so I hope you don't mind another voice joining your discussions. I don't claim to know a lot but I've got 7 months under my band and may be able to help someone else out.


Judy - there can be some heated discussions here (LBT)- but don't let that that keep you from the rest of the site - I avoid conflict as much as possible - I have enough crap in my everyday life without adding to it - so you don't have to worry about it here - I have never seen a heated disscussion on this thread since I joined last may...

I'd like to join this thread. I was on a thread for 50 year olds, but it died. I had a Tummy Tuck 3 months ago and have not lost any weight since then. Even though they took 5 pounds of skin and 3 pounds of fat with Lipo. I'm actually 2 pounds heavier! I just started back to exercising 2 weeks ago. Have had a lot going on with a DD's wedding that just got over and a family party for my daughter yesterday. We're going on vacation in a week and when I come back, I want to start the last big push and get the last 20 pounds off! I need support! Looking forward to getting to know you all better!

Karen, I have seen you around the board - I think I have even read your ps journey - did you get your arms done?? That will be my 1st surgery - my tummy isn't great but not that bad - I hate my arms...

2lbs - in the past it would have been 20 gain and don't they say that all the swelling doesn't go down until like 6 months out.. Sounds like you are on the right track with all that's going on.. We are here for you.

I can offically join you group. From the sound of everyone's post, I am in good company.

Today is my 50th birthday. Although, my exciting news is my lap band surgery is July 16th.

I have read the good bad and ugly about the band and I am convienced this support group will be critical for my support.

My husband (by the way what does DH, DD stand for) is very supportive, as is the rest of my family, but there is nothing like living examples.

So welcome back to the returning folks and that's for allowing me to join in.:thumbup: I think I would rather be 30, but it has been a great life so far.:wink_smile:

Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lyn -- I love my 50's !!!

Question. What are some the liquids I should buy for the first few days? My son drank Gatorade, but I haven't heard of anyone else drinking it.

Charlene - Didn't your doc give you anything what to eat drink for each stage - my doc gave me a big binder with foods for each phase.

Welcome to all the newbie bandsters :biggrin:

and Happy Birthday Lynlyn:sad_smile:

I wish you all the best of luck in your weightloss journeys. I for one have never regretted getting my lapband. I'm still not at my goal weight, but it's my own fault for straying from my eating and excersize plans. I'm back on track now and have dropped another 3 lbs. this week. :thumbdown:

I agree with the protien drink advise...test different brands till you find some you like. I had found two types I really like over the last 2 yrs. but alas, they stopped making them and I have had to find something else. Everyones tastes are different.

I'll check in now and then and see how ya'll are doing! Joanie :mad:)

Joan Glad you are back on track...

Hello everyone-I am 70 years old-Had the operation last September-I have lost 105 lbs. Had two fills so far.

Les - Congrats 105 lbs that's great

Hi everyone,

I'm Gwenn. 56. Hitting 57 August 11th. Banded 40/30/08 in Los Angeles. Didn't put on significant weight until my 40's. I'm been on the boards constantly, but for some reason didn't notice the age support groups.

Lucky you, because I'm feeling better but dumped all my complaining and b____ing on the April bandsters, etc. I've had one fill, could only take 2ccs, and the doctor predicts I won't need another for quite a while. I'm losing well and hope that slowly I can expand my food palette. However, I've had a dicey stomach for years so who knows. For now, I'm eating fish, chicken salad, tuna fish salad, yogurt and mashed potato and cottage cheese sometimes works.

I see you've all been talking for so long, and I'm wondering if, beside the food, you've discussed the emotions that at least for me, are surfacing. I think that it can be safely said that the jolly fat lady has left the building! My moods are swinging, and I've noticed I'm yelling at my husband a bit more. I'm cranky. TOOK MY FOOD AWAY. I'm in therapy to help, but always wonder is others are finding their patience a little thinner after banding. The therapist says it will pass, and we'll find other ways of getting rid of stress and anger that food has always comforted. Right now I cannot the forest......only my darling tree, who leaves coffee grinds at the sink, and his clothes on the recumbent bike.

Gwenn - you can talk about anything you want - this is a support group - it doesn't matter if its about you hubby, kids - co workers - food - exercise - if you need to talk - talk -we are here for you.

Exercise is great it has helped tons..

I usually don't feel the entire effects of a fill for a week. Usually after one week it kicks in. I currently have 3.7 in a 4cc band and it is pretty tight but I want to be able to reach my goal. I have already reached the doctors for me. It would be nice to have my BMI at normal for once in my life.

My weight goes down about 5 lbs and then it will stay the same for a couple of weeks. I keep telling myself to not weigh every single day but can't break the habit.

Keep up the good work the weight will come off.

Gerio - Yes you can break the habit - you weigh once a week - and I know of other who might not lose each week - but then in once week they lose like 5 lbs..

Good food choices - exercise it will come off


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I know I have made weighing such a habit and now the weight loss has slowed down it can be frustrating. I will try for once a week starting today. I need to put the scale where it is not so accessable.

I have enjoyed this thread. It is nice to have people about the same age and in about the same progression.

I like to eat popcorn too but right now it usually makes me sick the hard part of the kernels doesn't like to stay down. I have really been watching what I eat. I bought a book called the "Worlds Healthiest Foods" they also have a website and it has some really good recipes.< /p>

Thanks for all your support on this site.

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Gerio: I'm going to check out that website. Sounds interesting!

Indigo Girl: I had a Tummy Tuck, breast lift with augmentation and Lipo of the flanks. I do have a thread in the cosmetic section. I really want to get my arms done. My doc said it was too much at once, so I'm trying to be patient. The plan is to do the back side, legs and arms next with some lipo for conturing. I want to lose the rest of my weight and feel better before I disrupt everything again. Plastic surgery can help get your body back, but it has it's down side. Like pain and not being able to exercise. I didn't get cleared to go back to exercise for 10 weeks. Then when I started back (only 3 weeks) I've had lots of new little pains around my incisions, abs, etc. Lost a lot or strength so I'm down on my weights, etc. My body remembers how to do everything so that is the good part and this week, I'm finally feeling like I will get back to where I was and get back into everything. It's just a long process, with a price to be paid. Like everything I guess. So, yes, I want to do more ps and get my body restored, but I'm more interested in feeling better right now. Anyway, when you get ready PM me and I'll be there for you!

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Thanks....IndioGirl, for reminding me of the binder. Yes, I have a whole folder of foods. It was the last class I took in April. The nurse called today....changed my surgery date from July 9th to July16th. Two weeks before the surgery I have to start a liquid diet. My new grandbaby is due August 17th. I want to be recovered by then.

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Charlene--you will be fine by the time the baby is here. I am 4 weeks out tomorrow and I have no limits! Feeling good! Down 30 lbs as of today....

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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