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If I may interrupt here....I am very interested in knowing how you handled eating out. This is an issue that concerns me once I have the procedure done. What did you eat? Thanks so much in advance for understanding my question.

1. Make healthy choices: grilled meat/fish, steamed veggies

2. Avoid places where you know there will be few healthy choices.

3. TAKE OUT BOXES!! Eat your normal "Bandster" portion and take the rest home. We have a favorite spot we like for breakfast... they have a great seafood omelet that I love. I get hash browns with it... eat just a little, eat 1/4 of the omelet because it's HUGE, then I take the rest home and have Breakfast for three more mornings!

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If I may interrupt here....I am very interested in knowing how you handled eating out. This is an issue that concerns me once I have the procedure done. What did you eat? Thanks so much in advance for understanding my question.


I go out to lunch minimum once a month - maybe twice - I go for chineese or mexican - I use to eat the basket of chips plus a taco, enchillda rice and Beans - now I eat a few chips - 1/2 or 3/4 of the taco and a bite or 2 of beans - truely once you have restriction you can't eat alot and you sure and the hell don't want do over eat in a restaruant and pb - The other night went out had 1/2 chille relleno and couple bites of beans - I eat healthy 98% of the time - and allow myself 2% of eating - normal people eat out - I get sick of cooking for myself 24/7 -

Also have gone for DIL & GD b-day to steak house - I no longer eat the bread basket (they did) not cuz I can't eat bread - but I was saving room for actual dinner - can only eat 1/4 to 1/2 my meat and the baked potate.

You eyes will be bigger than your tummy once you have restriction...

I will be straving and want to order tons of food - but have learned that I can't eat it so just order a taco & beans

Hope this helps - I'm not as good as Phyl :scared2:- I eat regular when I eat out - I don't look for fish cuz at home i eat most day :wink2:

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Hi Chell,

I felt a bit noticeable as I only ate 1/4 of what was brought to me -

for instance - one day we went for breakfast. Everybody was having huge portions. I ate a corner of the omelet and 1/2 of a pancake.< /p>

The rest went to waste - but not my waist. HaHaHa

I ate grilled chicken on a salad. - Ate all the chicken but just some of the salad. For Mexican - I ordered a shredded beef taco for a change of pace. I didn't have a problem - but I haven't had a fill yet. I hope to get one soon. I used the Old Chew. Chew, Chew technique.

Missed my Margarita - had a glass of wine instead.

Check out the appetizer and side orders instead of a full entree.

Just some of what I did.


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When I go out to a restaurant I generally order Entrees which can be packed up, taken home, and nuked for a second meal. This is what I like to do with my leftovers.

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When I go out to a restaurant I generally order entrees which can be packed up, taken home, and nuked for a second meal. This is what I like to do with my leftovers.

Green - OMG you haven't posted here in ages - I miss you - How are you doing?? Have you recovered 100% from your FL..

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Green - OMG you haven't posted here in ages - I miss you - How are you doing?? Have you recovered 100% from your FL..

Oh, grrl! Thanks to the success of my band and my face lift I look pretty good but I have been having health problems. It seems that my throat problems are more complicated than acid reflux. I've been growing increasingly hoarse and now I only croak. I have also developed some sort of weird lung problem. I get bronchitis whenever I get colds and I figure that this is just a case of untreated bronchitis but this time my doc has decided that I have asthma and instead of giving me antibiotics and inhalers she has me only on inhalers. I have been wheezing and gurgling for months now. And I can only croak when I attempt to talk. Exercise is now out of the question.

On the bright side, even though I have been without fill since last August I have managed to lose a further 6 or 7lbs. That is pretty cool, eh. And I will be seeing an Ears, Nose and Throat specialist next week. Maybe he will put me on antibiotics....

How are you doing, kiddo?

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Oh, grrl! Thanks to the success of my band and my face lift I look pretty good but I have been having health problems. It seems that my throat problems are more complicated than acid reflux. I've been growing increasingly hoarse and now I only croak. I have also developed some sort of weird lung problem. I get bronchitis whenever I get colds and I figure that this is just a case of untreated bronchitis but this time my doc has decided that I have asthma and instead of giving me antibiotics and inhalers she has me only on inhalers. I have been wheezing and gurgling for months now. And I can only croak when I attempt to talk. Exercise is now out of the question.

On the bright side, even though I have been without fill since last August I have managed to lose a further 6 or 7lbs. That is pretty cool, eh. And I will be seeing an Ears, Nose and Throat specialist next week. Maybe he will put me on antibiotics....

How are you doing, kiddo?

Green - Sorry about the health stuff you sound like my sister - she would get sick and always end up with lungs problems - now she is COPD - has like 25% lung capacity and still smokes - (not judging cuz I still smoke too) figures you can't undo the damage once it's done - but she lives in North Cali and doesn't smoke in her house and has to brave the cold rainy weather - thank God she hasn't gotten sick this yr....

How cool you have lost more weight :tt2: So you haven't gone back to eating badly... That's good to hear - cuz that whats scares me most is the being able to maintain.

How's the jewelry shopping last time we talked you were looking at a ring or was it a braclet - did you get it???

I am good - can't complain - still have 17 to go to goal and am only 7 months out this month.:mad: I fit a size 12 & a few 10's - looking good (except nake OMG age & deflated skin) but most importantly I feel so much better than I did a yr ago - I feel 10 yrs younger :tongue: ...

Take care of that chest thingie - I know it has to be hard since you most likely are buried in snow right now - I'm sending some sunshine your way - it almost noon here sunny and 79 degrees - Love the Desert this time of year - but come June July Aug Sept - hate it with it's 100 Plus temps.



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Yep, I did get the bling. I took my husband over for a visit and he agreed that the Bracelet was fairly fabulous. We ended up buying it. He paid for half and I paid for the other half. In fact he paid for more than half and he was prepared to pick up the entire tab. To tell you the truth I never did start acquiring any "official jewellery" until I became involved with him. He is a very nice mate, isn't he?

As to life without fill, to tell you the truth, I still suffer from "fat" head. I certainly don't eat like I used to before I was banded and because I lost my weight slowly my body had the chance to reset its metabolism. This means that my current weight seems to have become the new normal weight for my metabolism; in other words, my body is behaving more like a normoloid's body when it comes to metabolising those calories. So, this means that my new style of eating, my reduced appetite, and my new metabolism are all paying off big time for me.

But there is still that fat head biz, eh. What this consists of is the fact that my body is perfect (according to my mate, that is - lol) but my mind still figures that I am a fatty grrl. I am still not completely at ease with my current physical appearance. I do tend to buy oversized clothes and I am beset by this fear that I will go to bed as a normo and wake up as a plus sized grrl, that I will blow up overnight. This terror would indicate that I feel that the control of my body and my weight was/is beyond my control. And it is true that weight control was entirely outside of my control until I was banded.

Fat just seemed to happen despite my best wishes. Certainly this is a terrifying place for anyone of us to find ourselves in, that place where one feels that one's body is something that is out of one's control and is in fact one's enemy. I have read that folks who discover that they have cancer and teenagers who are diagnosed with juvenile diabetes have this same sense of betrayal by their own bodies, this same sense of powerlessness, and of frustration, rage, and of outrage.

This has turned out to be a rather long explanation of where I am currently at, eh? Sorry about that but I thought that you might be interested about hearing my take on the issues of integrating the outer Skinny Minnie with the still resident interior Fatty Fanny.

This being said, even though I am going through all the headaches which I have outlined for you, I sure do love my fab new normo body and I sure do love the results of my face lift. I have zero regrets and I am enjoying the compliments which I have been receiving. To tell you the truth I have found that my self-confidence has been enormously boosted by the weight loss and by the face lift.

And, oooh, I really wish that you could ship some sun and heat up to my part of the world. This has been a tough winter locally. We haven't seen much sunlight since last October. This lack of light is difficult to deal with. And there has been more snow and more lousy weather than we have been used to in my city.

Sunday was so cold that I had to beg off going for a walk with a girlfriend because the combination of the cold and my ruined lungs didn't allow me to function outdoors. Today I awoke to another snowfall. The snow is still falling at this time. The sky is grey....again! I must admit that the streetscape sure looks beautiful while the snow is falling. My mate has chosen to stay home and I am going to cook chili tonight. Life up here in the ultra dreary north does have its few okay moments. I sure wish I was spending the evening with you, though. Thanks for the thought of sending a little light and heat in my direction.

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Hi All,

I am feeling lucky because I was so worried about eating around my dad who doesn't know I am banded. He likes to eat dinner out every night. I have been really careful about what I order and chewing well, and I haven't had one stuck episode since I got here to Arizona. I haven't gained anything either. That makes me happy.

I found a gym here that I really love. I was feeling really deprived that I couldn't exercise the first few days that I got here. for the people who are learning to like exercise, I can tell you that I miss it horribly when I can't get to the gym. It makes a huge difference in my moods.

Welcome to all the new people! This is a great group of women we have here in our 50's thread!

I look forward to being back in Oregon where I don't have to use the library computer. I am addicted to lapband talk and it's hard to only have an hour a day on the computer or none at all if I am too busy to make it here to the library.

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I don't know why everyone is always apoligizing for long post - who care - If you got something to say - say it and it take more that 10 words to explain our emotions... This is a support group.. Ok now that I have ranted.

Well good to know that still feeling like a fat girl in a skinny girls body and this all being a dream is normal.

Are you completely unfilled or just haven't had one since August - I hope that my metabolism resets it's self - but I think it will - as before when I would lose weight - I could keep it off for a yr or 2 but slowly it came back - you know 5 lbs - oh that's nothing - then 5 more. I feel that I finally have it that you can't do that and that this is a lifetime lifestyle change. But am still scared..

Yes I had lost alot of my confidence as the pound kept coming on - I find that I have my old swagger in my walk again...

Yes you have a great mate... Does he have a Brother who is like him??

I think I have given up on that aspect of life - Don't have the energy to go thru the whole dating scene - Have had enough drama in my life to last a life time... So I just buy my own jewelry - but gotta say my xdh was pretty good in that department - to bad he just had to be too controlling,..

I bet the snow is beautiful to look at - but living in it - well by this summer when it's 115 here - I will be dreaming about your snow..

Don't be a stranger here - I always enjoy your insight and sense of humor



Good to hear that you are having a good visit with your Dad... I too am particularly (sp) of being super careful when eating out - I guess we just need to pratice that type of eating at home and then we wouldn't get stuck or pb..

Exercise - I was a hater - can't say I am a lover yet - cuz I still try and talk my way out of it on my way home - but don't 99% of the time and I do feel so much better after I have gone - plus it's less time to be in the house thinking about food -

Yep LBT transfer addiction - I agree 100%:biggrin2:

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:mad:I have my 1st appointment Feb. 29. It is an all day appt. Psy eval, nutrition talk. blood and ekg work up amd more talk. I am not sure what happens after that. I live in KY:smile2: Kathy

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I make pretty good food choices most of the time. But today I was faced with emotional eating issues again. Yesterday I received a bad cancer diagnosis about my Mom so yesterday I felt too sick to eat. But today I wanted to eat all the wrong things and did! My intestinal system finally revolted and shocked me back to reality so hopefully the rest of the evening will go well. I did just finish working out for 45 minutes. But I am still disappointed that I didn't deal with the news without abusing food(although the Band definitely limited the quantity). I know it's a learning process and I just need to get back on track tomorrow. Anyone have any advice about how to handle the stressful days I know I will have in the near future without getting off track with my eating?

Green - How nice to hear from you!

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I had my first fill today, banded Nov 19, he put in 1 cc. That seamed low from the other posts I've read. Doc recommended liquids for today, but I knew better. I now have 1/2 a turkey burger with not bread, just sitting there.

My weight loss has been great. Only 35 lbs. to go:wink_smile:

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I make pretty good food choices most of the time. But today I was faced with emotional eating issues again. Yesterday I received a bad cancer diagnosis about my Mom so yesterday I felt too sick to eat. But today I wanted to eat all the wrong things and did! My intestinal system finally revolted and shocked me back to reality so hopefully the rest of the evening will go well. I did just finish working out for 45 minutes. But I am still disappointed that I didn't deal with the news without abusing food(although the Band definitely limited the quantity). I know it's a learning process and I just need to get back on track tomorrow. Anyone have any advice about how to handle the stressful days I know I will have in the near future without getting off track with my eating?

Green - How nice to hear from you!


I am so sorry about your Mom's cancer - I will keep you & family in my prayers.

As to ways to deal with it - I would love to have some great insight but I don't when I was in your position - I was doing so much for my parents that I didn't over eat - It was after they passed that I gained about 20 lbs - locked up in my room with food, books and t.v.

My suggestion is not to buy the stuff that you turn to in emotional times - if it's not there you can't eat it - and when you are shopping just run right past those items don't look. During a crisis I don't eat - it's afterwards and thankfully nothing major has happened that would cause me to want to eat.

Or try to find low calorie foods that will help you through those tough times and your band should take care of the rest

Exercise is a good stress buster too - so when you are overwhelmed go to the gym if you can and try to workout your frustrations...


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:wink2:I have my 1st appointment Feb. 29. It is an all day appt. Psy eval, nutrition talk. blood and ekg work up amd more talk. I am not sure what happens after that. I live in KY:smile2: Kathy

Kathy - It sounds like they are doing this fast if it's all in one day - It took me about a month to get all my test done - but I had tons I had alot more test than you, I had to have sleep - lungs - heart - colon- pap - mamo - shrink - nutritionst - xrays - blood work..

Are you self pay or insurance - Once you are cleared by these test you will get your date,.. Good Luck

I had my first fill today, banded Nov 19, he put in 1 cc. That seamed low from the other posts I've read. Doc recommended liquids for today, but I knew better. I now have 1/2 a turkey burger with not bread, just sitting there.

My weight loss has been great. Only 35 lbs. to go:wink_smile:

You are doing very well on your weight loss CONGRATULATIONS...

Now I know I am not the only rebel in the group :biggrin: - My doc has me go back to the post op diet after a fill 1 week of each stage liq - mushie - soft then regular - I do follow the liquid part for a few days - but move to mushie/soft by 4th day - Sounds like your 1 cc gave you restriction since you can't eat your turkey patty:redface:

As far as how much is in your band compared to others - you can't compare cuz we are all so diff - I had 3rd fill in January and was way too tight and you sure don't want to be too tight (it can take 2 weeks for the fill to fully settle) I had to go back in and have .8 of the 1 cc he put in taken out..

So follow the liquids for a day or two - it's not that bad for a couple of days and I make homemade Soups - they are more statisfing than the canned stuff..

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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