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Thanks Janet, I'll keep that in mind. Maintenance is the part that has me most scared.

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Over the holidays, I actually lost 5lbs, and was so proud of myself. WAS being the important word here. My daughter and my grandchildren moved to another part of the state last summer, and they were here visiting for a week. When they left again, my old eating habits have seemed to take over. I'm depressed cause I miss them so much and not sleeping a whole lot. And one of my troubles has always been mixing up being tired and hungry. So, after eating more since they left, I really blew it last night. I stayed up too late watching tv and of course started eating...UGH. It was just pretzels, but eating alot of them sure adds up. I got on the scale this morning and seems I've gained 2 of those pounds back. I'm trying not to feel guilty about it but thats hard. I've just had one fil so far and that was 3cc. I'm due for another one in a few weeks and am hoping that helps. Please wish me luck.

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Teryn, don't beat yourself up. There's always going to be a few set-backs. But you're not at restriction yet at 3ccs. So you don't have the added help of the restriction to help with the bad eating habits that got all of us in trouble to begin with. It will get better. Before my last fill, it was a wonder I lost any weight. I had very little if no restriction, so I could just eat anything I wanted, as fast and as much as I wanted. Like I said, it's amazing I lost any, but knowing the band was there guilted me into not eating 3 tacos...lol.

I do understand missing your child. Mine is 39 and I'm just now having the empty nest syndrome, even though she's been out of the home for years. When I first moved back here (east coast from the west coast), I would see her maybe three weekends out of the month. She lives in NYC. Now that she's lost all of her weight from being banded, she now has a significant other. So I'm lucky to see her once a month and then it's only for a night because she's running off to Philly to see him. So the holidays were especially hard really for both of us. It's an adjustment for her, too. But had I not had the restriction from the band, me and the tortilla chips and salsa would have caused some trouble...

So hang in there. Keep yourself busy and those few pounds will be gone. With pretzels, most of that is probably from all the sodium and retaining Water.

Good luck and it will get better with each fill.


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Teryn, don't beat yourself up. There's always going to be a few set-backs. But you're not at restriction yet at 3ccs. So you don't have the added help of the restriction to help with the bad eating habits that got all of us in trouble to begin with. It will get better. Before my last fill, it was a wonder I lost any weight. I had very little if no restriction, so I could just eat anything I wanted, as fast and as much as I wanted. Like I said, it's amazing I lost any, but knowing the band was there guilted me into not eating 3 tacos...lol.

I do understand missing your child. Mine is 39 and I'm just now having the empty nest syndrome, even though she's been out of the home for years. When I first moved back here (east coast from the west coast), I would see her maybe three weekends out of the month. She lives in NYC. Now that she's lost all of her weight from being banded, she now has a significant other. So I'm lucky to see her once a month and then it's only for a night because she's running off to Philly to see him. So the holidays were especially hard really for both of us. It's an adjustment for her, too. But had I not had the restriction from the band, me and the tortilla chips and salsa would have caused some trouble...

So hang in there. Keep yourself busy and those few pounds will be gone. With pretzels, most of that is probably from all the sodium and retaining Water.

Good luck and it will get better with each fill.


Thank you for the encouraging words Trish. I didn't realize that 3cc wasn't a restriction yet. When was it that you're finally starting to make a difference.

Yes, it really is hard when you're away from family. They actually lived WITH us for a few years, and though it's nice to have the house to ourselves again, 4hrs away is too far. Just wish they could visit, go home, then visit again soon after. Congrats to your daughter for being succesful with her band. I bet she feels so much better and it nice she has a relationship now.

I see that you're in the poconos, we lived close to hershey. We're almost neighbors, haha.

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Thank you for the encouraging words Trish. I didn't realize that 3cc wasn't a restriction yet. When was it that you're finally starting to make a difference.

Yes, it really is hard when you're away from family. They actually lived WITH us for a few years, and though it's nice to have the house to ourselves again, 4hrs away is too far. Just wish they could visit, go home, then visit again soon after. Congrats to your daughter for being succesful with her band. I bet she feels so much better and it nice she has a relationship now.

I see that you're in the poconos, we lived close to hershey. We're almost neighbors, haha.

Teryn -

Everyone is different as to when they get restriction and how much it takes..

It's some thing I never understood when I joined 3 yrs ago - why was everying asking and telling how many cc's where in their band - so I posed the question to an experienced bander and they said it doesn't make a diff - that they didn't know why so many pple concern themsleves with # of cc's.

There are pple here who six months out - haven't had a fill - just the band it's self provided enough retriction as it. I have another Lucky #7 who has like 1 or 2 cc's in her band and she's at her sweet stop.

So the number really doesn't matter - all that matters is that you get restriction ie/sweet spot - it could be at 3.5 or 6.1

And no matter how tight we are - it's doesn't change our emotional eating issues. That's still gong to be there..

This truly is a lifetime challenge for us who have used food to soothe - and comfort us.. I know after my Bro Passed last yr - I wanted comfort - I turned to food - the band kept me from eating too much healthy food - but it didn't do a darn thing for the unhealthy stuff - lucky for me - it was just a couple of pieces of halloween candy - before I came to my senses and threw the crap away..

When you are feeling lonely - come get on lbt - call your kids or a gf - go for a walk..

My DS lives 7 hrs away - so I hear you on missing them - I am missing the 5 yr the most - Love the 15 yr old but you know how teenager girls are ;0) lol..

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I can't agree with you more, Indo...the ccs is such a variable thing, especially depending on the size of band you have. I have a friend that was so determined that she just had to be at 6 ccs in the Allergan band. But both times they put her at 6 from 5, she had almost complete blockage. But when I would talk to her she would talk about the restriction she had at 5cc and it sounded like she was pretty restricted. It was just something in her head that she had to have 6. I personally think that whatever level of ccs you're at that allows you to have some restriction and lose weight and be comfortable is what works. I know that I'm borderline too tight and need to have some taken out but it's so hard to get an appointment that I keep trying to work with it. My better days are more than my uncomfortable days.

So you will definitely get more fill but if your surgeon/doctor is more conservative, don't worry about that. There's no wrong or right. We didn't gain the weight overnight, and it won't go away overnight. I've given myself at a minimum a year and I think that is going to work but if not, it's no big deal...it's still less than what it was before the band and if I can never eat another slice of bread or a sandwich, that's not such a bad thing...:rolleyes2::)


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Oh how many times my brain confused being tired with hunger not to mention bored, angry, sad and a dozen others I can't recall right now. The band has helped me to sit with them and not run to food for escape.

I was surprised you were able to eat pretzels ...or enough to cause you guilt. They tend to expand in me and cause a stuck incident for me so I have learned through much trial and error to stay away from those Water retaining trouble makers. Wish you luck....but mostly I wish you self forgivness....you are human and have every right to feel sad and if pretzels were your only vice during this dark time in my opinion your doing better than me! best to you in 2010! wow

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I'm getting another fill Feb. 2. I have no clue how many CC's I've got. My Dr.s look at how much barium is going through the band under a flouroscope and add enough to get it to a certain point. Actually its pretty cool to see the picture.

Mine don't take it out each time and add it back in. They think its hard on the band.

And everyone has a different number of fills and different amounts to reach their sweet spot.

You can have too much filled so that you can't eat healthy food at all, just sliders. Then you can end up gaining weight.


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A very important part of why different people have different restriction levels from the fills is the amount of fat surrounding the stomach. If there is a lot of fat, then the band will be tighter. As the fat burns away the band gets looser and the need for another fill. GB

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I can't agree with you more, Indo...the ccs is such a variable thing, especially depending on the size of band you have. I have a friend that was so determined that she just had to be at 6 ccs in the Allergan band. But both times they put her at 6 from 5, she had almost complete blockage. But when I would talk to her she would talk about the restriction she had at 5cc and it sounded like she was pretty restricted. It was just something in her head that she had to have 6. I personally think that whatever level of ccs you're at that allows you to have some restriction and lose weight and be comfortable is what works. I know that I'm borderline too tight and need to have some taken out but it's so hard to get an appointment that I keep trying to work with it. My better days are more than my uncomfortable days.

So you will definitely get more fill but if your surgeon/doctor is more conservative, don't worry about that. There's no wrong or right. We didn't gain the weight overnight, and it won't go away overnight. I've given myself at a minimum a year and I think that is going to work but if not, it's no big deal...it's still less than what it was before the band and if I can never eat another slice of bread or a sandwich, that's not such a bad thing...:rolleyes2::)


Trisha - You can do it (lose your weight in a yr) I lost 105 lbs in a year and I'm an old broad ;0)

All I did was eat healthy (didn't diet) and exercise - I didn't keep my band so tight that I couldn't eat - did get a fill 1/08 and a week later had all but .1 of that taken out

Just that small about .1 (really a brain fill) did it for me - I could most likely use another brain fill but I NEVER want to be too tight again - once was enough for me.. So right now I just eat healthy and make sure I get my exercise in and I have been able to maintain for the 1.5 yrs now..

It's not easy - I still want to eat unhealthy foods I still crave unhealthy foods - I still want to eat when physically full -

This is a process - it's not easy - it take alot of looking inside yourself.. Cuz IMHO most of our problems lie in our brains not our stomachs - food is my drug of choice - it's one day at a time :0)

And you may be able to eat bread again - I can have a grilled cheese every now and then - I eat pretty balanced - I still have starches/carbs but not like I use to and I have cut my fat intake 3/4 - and sugar too.. I have always liked veggies but didn't eat them often - now I eat them lunch & Dinner..

It's all about finding what works for you - what's livable - cuz this is the way we have to eat for the rest of our lives -

We can never go back to eating like we did before..

It's not that one slice of cake that made us fat - it's cuz we ate 2-3-4 if not the whole darn thing :0)

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I'm pretty aware of when I'm craving vs hunger but the problem is I know I'm craving and eat it anyway! Darn! I've actually been doing well with eating since Jan 1 but something really weird is happening now. For some reason I'm REALLY bloated. I haven't had any soda, sugar, alcohol. I don't smoke. Haven't eat that much so it's a puzzle. I just took my 2nd does of Gasx today and it just isn't going away.

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I'm pretty aware of when I'm craving vs hunger but the problem is I know I'm craving and eat it anyway! Darn! I've actually been doing well with eating since Jan 1 but something really weird is happening now. For some reason I'm REALLY bloated. I haven't had any soda, sugar, alcohol. I don't smoke. Haven't eat that much so it's a puzzle. I just took my 2nd does of Gasx today and it just isn't going away.

I will get gas pains sometimes usually when I eat too much or eat bean :0)..

Hope you are feeling better

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I can't agree with you more, Indo...the ccs is such a variable thing, especially depending on the size of band you have. I have a friend that was so determined that she just had to be at 6 ccs in the Allergan band. But both times they put her at 6 from 5, she had almost complete blockage. But when I would talk to her she would talk about the restriction she had at 5cc and it sounded like she was pretty restricted. It was just something in her head that she had to have 6. I personally think that whatever level of ccs you're at that allows you to have some restriction and lose weight and be comfortable is what works. I know that I'm borderline too tight and need to have some taken out but it's so hard to get an appointment that I keep trying to work with it. My better days are more than my uncomfortable days.

So you will definitely get more fill but if your surgeon/doctor is more conservative, don't worry about that. There's no wrong or right. We didn't gain the weight overnight, and it won't go away overnight. I've given myself at a minimum a year and I think that is going to work but if not, it's no big deal...it's still less than what it was before the band and if I can never eat another slice of bread or a sandwich, that's not such a bad thing...:(:)


IF you are close to your Sweet Spot, your fill nurse can give you fractions of a cc.

I have gone in and gotten .15 of a cc in a 10.0 cc band, bringing me to 7.15 cc all in.... that did the trick for me.

Edited by peaches9
forgot the decimal

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Well -- I have to say something has kicked in! I seem to be back on track and I'm losing. I think that I tend to eat so much during the holidays that I actually make myself physically sick and mentally disgusted with myself and food. I got back on the wagon shortly after Christmas with just a day or 2 around New Years. I went to my surgeon yesterday and was dreading getting on the scale. I was shocked that I really only gained a few lbs. I thought for sure it was much worse. I asked my MD if I could see him again in 6 weeks because I thought that would help keep me "honest" for the next several weeks. I also talked with him about doing a WLS study and he is going to provide me with major help so now I'm psyched. I'm really motivated to go back there in 6 weeks with a respectable weight loss. Hope this works.

I hope everyone has a good New Year.

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Well -- I have to say something has kicked in! I seem to be back on track and I'm losing. I think that I tend to eat so much during the holidays that I actually make myself physically sick and mentally disgusted with myself and food. I got back on the wagon shortly after Christmas with just a day or 2 around New Years. I went to my surgeon yesterday and was dreading getting on the scale. I was shocked that I really only gained a few lbs. I thought for sure it was much worse. I asked my MD if I could see him again in 6 weeks because I thought that would help keep me "honest" for the next several weeks. I also talked with him about doing a WLS study and he is going to provide me with major help so now I'm psyched. I'm really motivated to go back there in 6 weeks with a respectable weight loss. Hope this works.

I hope everyone has a good New Year.

Being accountable does help alot - that's why I am on lbt all the time - it keeps me focused -

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