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Yeah, the walking in place is kind of fun... you follow a trainer, and there are other people running/walking with you, and towards you, and dogs, etc. and you run around an island so the scenery keeps changing.. I enjoy it.

7_2_118.gif 16_6_13.gif

My son has a W11 and if you can please list all the things that you use... I can probably get it at the library and then purchase it.. if it shakes the boody off... I am in :)

thanks Laura

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My son has a W11 and if you can please list all the things that you use... I can probably get it at the library and then purchase it.. if it shakes the boody off... I am in :) thanks Laura

Wii Sports come with the Wii when you buy it so I'm sure your son has that already. The Wii Fit things.. you have to buy that because it comes with a balance board that you stand on for a lot of the exercises. You don't use it for the walking in place, but you have to buy the whole thing.. can't just get the disk. Wii Fit is an additional $89. They probably don't offer that at the library.

They just dropped the price on the Wii to $200.. $50 drop, but I sort of doubt they'll drop the price on the Wii Fit. Then there are two new things I don't yet have... Resort Sports and ... Active something or other.. EA Active, maybe. It comes with resistance bands and some say it gives you a better workout but the resistance bands are wimpy and you're better off to buy stronger ones. Someone who actually has them may want to offer further advice/comments.

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Wii Sports come with the Wii when you buy it so I'm sure your son has that already. The Wii Fit things.. you have to buy that because it comes with a balance board that you stand on for a lot of the exercises. You don't use it for the walking in place, but you have to buy the whole thing.. can't just get the disk. Wii Fit is an additional $89. They probably don't offer that at the library.

They just dropped the price on the Wii to $200.. $50 drop, but I sort of doubt they'll drop the price on the Wii Fit. Then there are two new things I don't yet have... Resort Sports and ... Active something or other.. EA Active, maybe. It comes with resistance bands and some say it gives you a better workout but the resistance bands are wimpy and you're better off to buy stronger ones. Someone who actually has them may want to offer further advice/comments.

I do Wii Active every day--actually it's 2 days working out and 1 day resting. I find it's more of a workout than Wii Fit, although that's really fun and I do it a lot as well. Wii active has a 30-day challenge that you can do at different levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) and I'm on my second round of the advanced (high-intensity) workout. Bob Greene (Oprah's trainer) runs the workout and seems to have helped designed it. There are so many ways to use the program and what seems like an endless combo/variety of exercises. They do a lot of lunges and squats and I have to be careful because I have problems with one of my knees if I over do it. You can use the wii balance board, but it's optional, and resistance bands are also used for the upper body work. I love it and highly recommend it!

I've also tried the Wii Pilates a few times but need to get more serious about figuring that out--for some reason it's not registering me or giving me good scores although I'm completing the exercises so I'm not sure I can recommend that yet. I'll let you know.

Good luck!

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Hello Everyone,

I haven't been on for a long time but have a strange question to ask. Has anyone had banding done three times?

I've had it done twice, with bad results leading to removals as a few of the regulars may remember. The last removal was in March this year and was touch and go. My problem now is that I have put on 10.5kilos and my surgeon is afraid my abdomen will rupture again (have had 6 abdominal hernias) as the wall is so thin and scarred and understands that I am an emotional stress eater and need the help. He has suggested the band again but says he's not brave enough to operate on me yet and will look inside with a camera next March before he makes a decision. You'd think that sort of a fright would stop my eating and it did for a while, but........... I'd appreciate any information at all.

Best wishes, Katydid.

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Hello Everyone,

I haven't been on for a long time but have a strange question to ask. Has anyone had banding done three times?

I've had it done twice, with bad results leading to removals as a few of the regulars may remember. The last removal was in March this year and was touch and go. My problem now is that I have put on 10.5kilos and my surgeon is afraid my abdomen will rupture again (have had 6 abdominal hernias) as the wall is so thin and scarred and understands that I am an emotional stress eater and need the help. He has suggested the band again but says he's not brave enough to operate on me yet and will look inside with a camera next March before he makes a decision. You'd think that sort of a fright would stop my eating and it did for a while, but........... I'd appreciate any information at all.

Best wishes, Katydid.

Katy, I fully understand the wt gain. I lost my first band in Sept. 08 ad by Dec. 2008 i had gained 65 lbs. I leveled off and actually lost a bit but I was up and down, up and down. I had another band put on in June of 2009 and haven't lost any since then. I have had two fills. I can eat most anything. This bnd is doing fine, but I am not useing it the way I should. I need another slight filla nd I think I will start loosing. If anything happens that I can't keep this band, my plan is to have a revision to a gastric sleeve. I don't have any problems with abdominal hernias but have had two hiatal hernia repairs and I wonder if the band may have cause the second one, or did the hiatla hernia cause the first band to fail??? I will probably never know the answer to that question. My Mexican surgeon strongly advised a gastric sleeve this past time, but since I had such good luck with the band for such a long time, he agreed ot do another band. I chose the Realize band because the slip rates are slightly less than for the Allergan Lapband. If I loose with it great, but my main goal was to stop gaining.


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Katy, I fully understand the wt gain. I lost my first band in Sept. 08 ad by Dec. 2008 i had gained 65 lbs. I leveled off and actually lost a bit but I was up and down, up and down. I had another band put on in June of 2009 and haven't lost any since then. I have had two fills. I can eat most anything. This bnd is doing fine, but I am not useing it the way I should. I need another slight filla nd I think I will start loosing. If anything happens that I can't keep this band, my plan is to have a revision to a gastric sleeve. I don't have any problems with abdominal hernias but have had two hiatal hernia repairs and I wonder if the band may have cause the second one, or did the hiatla hernia cause the first band to fail??? I will probably never know the answer to that question. My Mexican surgeon strongly advised a gastric sleeve this past time, but since I had such good luck with the band for such a long time, he agreed ot do another band. I chose the Realize band because the slip rates are slightly less than for the Allergan LAP-BAND®. If I loose with it great, but my main goal was to stop gaining.


My surgeon automatically repairs hiatal hernias when he puts in the band. Gets permission to do it ahead of time. Totally eliminated my reflux.

Personally, if I had that much trouble with the band, I would investigate something less dangerous for me.

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Hi Corliss and If Your Stomach Offends You,

Thank you both for replying, I appreciate it. My 6 hernias have all been large abdominal ones where the intestine protudes through the lining and pushes the skin out like a soccer ball running the risk of twisting and blocking, like yours Corliss. Hiatal hernias are off the osophagus (not sure if I have the spelling right) and are situated under the liver. I have one of those but the last operation was so life threatening that the surgeon could not risk lifting the liver to get to it. My body was in a malnutrition state, had absolutely no Protein in my blood and my inner flesh was "like dried raw meat". He tells me a little more info each time I see him = He'd never seen a live body in such a bad state until he opened me up. The band had been put in far too low and not even saliva could get through as even after fasting he found 1.5 litres of saliva in my stomach that had to be emptied before he could do anything to help me. I'm keeping this surgeon and will do what he says. The other one was far too careless, even in his attitude. "Oh, it will be fine, don't stress" and that was with scans etc in front of him showing proof that things were NOT ok.

So I hope you understand why I'm wanting to find out all I can. Actually there was a lady on this site who had the gastric sleeve operation after banding but I don't remember her name. If anyone knows how she is, could they let me know please?

Many thanks, Katy

Edited by Katydid
missing letters on words

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Hi Corliss and If Your Stomach Offends You,

Thank you both for replying, I appreciate it. My 6 hernias have all been large abdominal ones where the intestine protudes through the lining and pushes the skin out like a soccer ball running the risk of twisting and blocking, like yours Corliss. Hiatal hernias are off the osophagus (not sure if I have the spelling right) and are situated under the liver. I have one of those but the last operation was so life threatening that the surgeon could not risk lifting the liver to get to it. My body was in a malnutrition state, had absolutely no Protein in my blood and my inner flesh was "like dried raw meat". He tells me a little more info each time I see him = He'd never seen a live body in such a bad state until he opened me up. The band had been put in far too low and not even saliva could get through as even after fasting he found 1.5 litres of saliva in my stomach that had to be emptied before he could do anything to help me. I'm keeping this surgeon and will do what he says. The other one was far too careless, even in his attitude. "Oh, it will be fine, don't stress" and that was with scans etc in front of him showing proof that things were NOT ok.

So I hope you understand why I'm wanting to find out all I can. Actually there was a lady on this site who had the gastric sleeve operation after banding but I don't remember her name. If anyone knows how she is, could they let me know please?

Many thanks, Katy

Katy, One of the reasons you have gained wt is because your body was in such a malnourished state. How is your prealbumin (protein precursors) now? My daughter who had complications for Gastric Bypass has had many abdominal with protruding intestinal hernias. Her prealbumin stays very low due to the malabsorptive issues which she has which are beyond the norm for even gastric bypass patients. She has had many, many abdominal hernia repairs. It sounds as if your safest bet would be to avoid another banding or even sleeve because of you issues. I wonder if you have malabsorption issues? You did not say, but have you had intestines shortened from gastric bypass or any other proceedure? Take care of yourself. Being overweight is not as bad as some things. Stay healthy and exercise as much as you can and the wt gain should stablize since you do obviously have malabsorptive issues.

I don't know who on this thread has had revision to sleeve but I think there is a thread for people who have had gastric sleeve or are interested. If you want to learn more i would check that thread out. Also Obesity Help has a thread for folks who are revised to gastric sleeve. But like I said, you would probably be better off without another surgery. It sounds like this is a good surgeon.

Take care,


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My surgeon automatically repairs hiatal hernias when he puts in the band. Gets permission to do it ahead of time. Totally eliminated my reflux.

Personally, if I had that much trouble with the band, I would investigate something less dangerous for me.

When the first band was placed, my surgeon supposedly repaired the hiatal hernia which he found, I had a difficult recovery, but did really well after the gastric edema resolved. I lost over 200 lbs. I started having problems about 14 months out from the time the first band was placed, I eventually had all my Fluid removed and I got better and worse and better and worse. Eventually it got so bad I could keep nothing down. :redface: I had the first band removed in Sept. 2008, hoping that I could keep the wt off without revision. The doctor who removed the first band did not find a hiatal hernia but the scar tissue was keeping my stomach inplace more than likely. My band was not out of position but my stomach had prolapsed above it. Then when I had the second band placed and the surgeon went inside, he had to pull my stomach down out of the Hiatal Hernia in order to visualize it. He then repaired the hiatal hernia which was huge. I asked him how the surgeon removing the band could have missed it and he told me that they were very difficult to visualize unless the stomach was passed into them and that they are usually seen on the upper gi, but mine had not shown up. He said that it was probably nor neglect or carelessness that it was not found by the surgeon removing the band, but just something that was very easy to miss. I have had no problems with reflux since this banding but as I said in my earlier post, I am not quiet at the right point for loosing. I need just a bit more fill.:wink2:

I will definately not have another band if I have problems with this one, but so far so good. I didn't want to have my stomach cut out if I didn't have to. Enough cutting for me already. I am fortunate not to have the problems Katy has but I do understand what she is talking about as my daughter has had similiar issues.


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Hi Corliss and If Your Stomach Offends You,

Thank you both for replying, I appreciate it. My 6 hernias have all been large abdominal ones where the intestine protudes through the lining and pushes the skin out like a soccer ball running the risk of twisting and blocking, like yours Corliss. Hiatal hernias are off the osophagus (not sure if I have the spelling right) and are situated under the liver. I have one of those but the last operation was so life threatening that the surgeon could not risk lifting the liver to get to it. My body was in a malnutrition state, had absolutely no Protein in my blood and my inner flesh was "like dried raw meat". He tells me a little more info each time I see him = He'd never seen a live body in such a bad state until he opened me up. The band had been put in far too low and not even saliva could get through as even after fasting he found 1.5 litres of saliva in my stomach that had to be emptied before he could do anything to help me. I'm keeping this surgeon and will do what he says. The other one was far too careless, even in his attitude. "Oh, it will be fine, don't stress" and that was with scans etc in front of him showing proof that things were NOT ok.

So I hope you understand why I'm wanting to find out all I can. Actually there was a lady on this site who had the gastric sleeve operation after banding but I don't remember her name. If anyone knows how she is, could they let me know please?

Many thanks, Katy

Katy............how are you doing? I prayed for your last surgery, but lost track. I am having problems now. I think it may be Fibromyalgia because it is triggered by weather change. The adhesions across my upper abdomen cause my stomach to spasm which causes acid reflux and diarrhea. It is crazy. I am taking a stomach muscle relaxer right now and it does help. I too have entertained the idea of a gastric sleeve if the band stops working, and so far I have been on a plateau for months. My surgeon highly recommends them over bands. Insurance wouldn't pay so I have a band. The person that had a sleeve I think was a lap band moderator and she may have a gastric sleeve thread now. Is her name Teresa? Janet(Indiogirl) knows her.

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Katy, I think you are talking about OregonDaisy that had the revision surgery.


Sorry to hear you are having problems, after all you have gone through. It sure doesn't seem like your body likes the band, though. I don't think you should do it again after what you've been through. I think if there is any way to reduce some of the stress in your life and focus on your health, you would do so much better. I'm praying for you!

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Hi Corliss and If Your Stomach Offends You,

Thank you both for replying, I appreciate it. My 6 hernias have all been large abdominal ones where the intestine protudes through the lining and pushes the skin out like a soccer ball running the risk of twisting and blocking, like yours Corliss. Hiatal hernias are off the osophagus (not sure if I have the spelling right) and are situated under the liver. I have one of those but the last operation was so life threatening that the surgeon could not risk lifting the liver to get to it. My body was in a malnutrition state, had absolutely no Protein in my blood and my inner flesh was "like dried raw meat". He tells me a little more info each time I see him = He'd never seen a live body in such a bad state until he opened me up. The band had been put in far too low and not even saliva could get through as even after fasting he found 1.5 litres of saliva in my stomach that had to be emptied before he could do anything to help me. I'm keeping this surgeon and will do what he says. The other one was far too careless, even in his attitude. "Oh, it will be fine, don't stress" and that was with scans etc in front of him showing proof that things were NOT ok.

So I hope you understand why I'm wanting to find out all I can. Actually there was a lady on this site who had the gastric sleeve operation after banding but I don't remember her name. If anyone knows how she is, could they let me know please?

Many thanks, Katy

Katy - Hi - Yes I remember you- it was Wasabubblebutt and OregonDaisy.

to to the home page here then scroll down and the have a thread for sleeve - I think you will be able to find alot of prior banders there who have converted to the sleeve and love it -

I would consider it if I every lost my band..

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i have my crazy asthma:cursing::thumbup: but :biggrin:

My doctor told me to exercise in little amounts ....

Looking at your album is definitely motivational


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i have my crazy asthma:cursing::thumbup: but :biggrin:

My doctor told me to exercise in little amounts ....

Looking at your album is definitely motivational


Jollygreen55 - Thanks - I worked very hard and still am..

I am very lucky that I don't have any major physical issues so that I am able to exercise - so many of us in the 50+ bracket have some issues that can prevent us from exercising..

I know I started slow and just worked my way up.. My Sis has copd - my one bro had crazy asthma too - and then the other one got it as he got older - my Dad & nephew had it too. I guess I am the lucky one -

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Ok Shortgal... Prayers said :biggrin: - You may feel restriction on your 1st fill - I did - it didn't last too long (about 2 weeks) but I just called the doc and moved up my next appointment - that was on 10/24 and I made it through the holidays without gaining and able to lose 3.5 between 12/15 & 1/2 - I still have restriction - could use a small fill - but am able to be get full on 1 1/2 cups of food... Are you able to exercise yet?? I have found that is the key to my weight loss - I eat about 1000 - 1200 calories a day and ususally walk 3 mile minimum 4 days a week but try for 5... Mr. Willpower (love it) but since you put the MR in front - well theres's your answer in leaving you.... Couldn't pass that one up - you know men :yikes:

My prayers are with you, I am 51 and in the same boat, banded 8/17/09; lost 27 pounds; first fill 10/2/09 and not feeling any restricition; leaning on Mr. Willpower; cant get another one until 11/4/09 and I had planned to be down by 35 pounds by then. Help, I am exercising and eating just right; love this site so that we can encourage each other. Janice/Transformed :thumbup:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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