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I was considering WW until the doctor's office called this morning with a surgery date for DH. He is getting gastric bypass next Wednesday. We will just support one another for now.

Great news on DH surgery date. And it will be so nice to have someone right there with you as you both progress in your weight loss. I am sure he has suppported you as he awaited his date. and he has seen the success in you.

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I think you really need to stick with it. Look how well you've done so far. Look at all the improvements in your life. It will only get better with the continuation of the weight loss. Unfortunately, weight loss takes work. It took work on your pre-op and post-op diet, you can't go back to your old ways of eating but you can find a way to make the tool work for you and keep on loosing. Everyone here that has lost significant weight has made an effort to lose it and each of them say it was work.

I'm so sorry your doctor didn't explain that it was just a tool. My doctor sat down with me and explained it would be me that made the band work by following the rules. I've been through enough diets my entire life to know the rules of dieting so if I can apply those rules to the lap band ones, I should be able to loose, slowly and fairly steadily. I'm still on the liquid part of the diet, but I am fully prepared to eat healthy and low fat when I'm on solid foods. I'm also prepared to mess up a little, but jump right back on the "bandwagon".

Please don't give up. You are worth all the effort. You are welcome to PM if you like. I think there are many other people on this web site that have excellent advise. I read threads daily to make sure I stay focused. Do what you need to but don't give up.


When my insurance finally gave the go ahead, things were rushed along so quickly that I didn't talk to the surgeon/doctor about the lap band being a tool. I had to talk to a psychiatrist who worked with the insurance patient approval for my lapband surgeon. He said that I had a lot of weight to loose and may need the gastric by-pass a little later to acheive my goals. He said I had a lot of physical problems that have caused this weight gain over my lifetime. He did make me promise to stick with the diet though. I see 2 surgeons for my fills in the same office for the lapband and they both say different things on what I am supposed to do. The surgeon that had a lapband done also, is more lenient and the younger surgeon sounds like a broken record of all my docotors I have had in my fat life who say diet, exercise, count calories. He really wants me to succeed because I was among his first patients.

Edited by Toosywoots

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Sounds like at least one doctor has some idea, diet, exercise, and counting calories for the most part will do it. They don't address head hunger, nervous eating, comfort, true hunger, low blood sugar, high blood sugar, etc. All those things are a factor, but in the end its you and only you that can make the right choice of what to put in your mouth.

Before I did the lap band, I was a member of Ediets (this was 2 or 3 years ago). I joined a group that made me accountable to my progress. There were daily check in's, weekly weigh-ins, and you tracked your exercise, Water, calories, etc. There are so many groups, it is a little work to find one that works for you and you can "bond" with, but it really helped me with the accountability at that time. I gained the most weight after I left. Of course that web site costs money too. But I think there groups here that you have to check in with too. You might try that.

I'm just 1 week post-op and my incisions are closing up and stomach is not as swollen and I'm just starting feel hunger now and then. I know when I do, I'll have to manage it sensibly especially since I'm still on a liquid diet. BUT I love V-8 and it's on the list of stuff I can drink and it help a lot with the hunger, two or three bites of yogurt help too. For you maybe some pieces of apple, or whatever fruit is good in your area now.

Hang in there and keep posting...you'll find your inspiration.


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Ocotillo, you are right about the head hunger being a big part of it. Today I had my frozen shoulder manipulated under anethesia. It has caused me to wake up in tears several times a night, 12 weeks of physcial therapy that didn't work, and painful days for the past 9 months. I console myself with favorite food and candy when sick or hurt. I am sure this has played a big part of my staying the same weight all these months. Let's hope the physcial therapy that I start tomorrow will bring full arm control back, no more pain, and no need to console myself.

Edited by Toosywoots

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Toosey- I too have second guessed myself on this surgery. I think that had I gone with bypass, all this weight would be gone. I have been stuck at my current weight now for going on a year. Very disappointing. I am unable to get practically any exercise due to back problems and a 4 yr foot problem. I need to get the weight off to help both of these but cant exercise because of both of these problems. Really frustrating! I had the insurance problem in the beginning to get approval, so I had plenty of time to read up and know the facts. But, I just felt like it would be different than it has been. One day I can eat something, the next day it gets stuck. I PB several times a month. I have had close calls getting to the restroom before I loose it too. I thought by now I would be down 100lbs easily. Next month is my 2 yr bandiversary, I am bummed. I am glad I have lost what I have, but I want more!!!!!

Edited by 2bthinagn

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This is my first post although I've been watching this site for over a year. It's been so helpful and I'm glad there is an over 50 group. I'll be 58 next month and having my surgery on the 14th. Little nervous but excited at the same time. It's good to know that many of you "over 50" have had good success. I feel better just losing the 10lbs on pre-diet. Thanks for all the info and encouraging words. It's helped alot.:tongue_smilie:

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This is my first post although I've been watching this site for over a year. It's been so helpful and I'm glad there is an over 50 group. I'll be 58 next month and having my surgery on the 14th. Little nervous but excited at the same time. It's good to know that many of you "over 50" have had good success. I feel better just losing the 10lbs on pre-diet. Thanks for all the info and encouraging words. It's helped alot.:tongue_smilie:

Welcome, "Hopeful"! Glad you found us. Good job on the pre-op loss. This is a great place to come for support and encouragement!

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When my insurance finally gave the go ahead, things were rushed along so quickly that I didn't talk to the surgeon/doctor about the lap band being a tool. I had to talk to a psychiatrist who worked with the insurance patient approval for my lapband surgeon. He said that I had a lot of weight to loose and may need the gastric by-pass a little later to acheive my goals. He said I had a lot of physical problems that have caused this weight gain over my lifetime. He did make me promise to stick with the diet though. I see 2 surgeons for my fills in the same office for the lapband and they both say different things on what I am supposed to do. The surgeon that had a lapband done also, is more lenient and the younger surgeon sounds like a broken record of all my docotors I have had in my fat life who say diet, exercise, count calories. He really wants me to succeed because I was among his first patients.

Toots - I hate to say this but it is all about food in vs calories burned and the doctors really need to take the word diet out of their vocabulary - that word in it self makes a fat person run to the pantry and eat everything in sight...

It's not about dieting - it's all about eating healthy. I eat real food - I just don't eat high fat - high sugar and I am lucky I can exercise.

I am a nite eater - always have and always will be - I don't buy into this don't eat after 6 crap - I lost all my weight even though I consumed the majority of my calories at nite - I just budgeted them to fit my lifestyle - not some books - 3 meals and 2 healthy Snacks - that's what I do - I just eat lighter for Breakfast & lunch - (during weight loss phase about 200 - 250 calories per meal) dinner around 300 - then my snacks would make up the balance - I ate 800 to 1200 calories a day during my weight loss phas so on a 1000 cal day - I would have 300 calories for snacks - that's 1 bag of 100 cal pop corn - 2 sf WW fudgesicles and 2 sf choc puddings ..

Do you have Water aerobic classes - those are good for pple who can't do normal stuff due to their physical limitations..

We have to find other ways to soothe ourselves - for me it's LBT - Facebook most evenings... Also on the weekends I try and get out of the house as much as possible or if I am home I clean - for me boredom is a big food trigger..

Some pple also go to counslers to help with the mental issues as to why we eat..

IMHO it's our drug of choice - it's legal and easily accessible - the pple who make the stuff entice us every 20 minutes (commercials)

I gotta say I have always loved veggies didn't eat them often cuz my DS nor my GS eat them - so I just got out of the habit.. But now a days - I want them - I crave them.

Gotta tell you I do cook 2 meals most nites (my GS lives with me) Last night made him pork chops & mac & cheese - I took my pork chop cubed it up threw it in the frying pan with a little evoo - onion bell pepper garlic brown jasmine rice cabbage and a little lite soy sauce - had a great dinner..

To nite I will have 4 oz fish - 1/2 c rice - 1/2 cup veggies - I am eating - I don't feel deprived (well sometime I miss pigging out) I go to parties and have 1 piece of cake - I go out and have a drink or 2 everynow and then..

Toosey- I too have second guessed myself on this surgery. I think that had I gone with bypass, all this weight would be gone. I have been stuck at my current weight now for going on a year. Very disappointing. I am unable to get practically any exercise due to back problems and a 4 yr foot problem. I need to get the weight off to help both of these but cant exercise because of both of these problems. Really frustrating! I had the insurance problem in the beginning to get approval, so I had plenty of time to read up and know the facts. But, I just felt like it would be different than it has been. One day I can eat something, the next day it gets stuck. I PB several times a month. I have had close calls getting to the restroom before I loose it too. I thought by now I would be down 100lbs easily. Next month is my 2 yr bandiversary, I am bummed. I am glad I have lost what I have, but I want more!!!!!

Hey there 2bthinagain long time since you have posted - You have lost weight and again due to your physical limitation it's going to be a little slower/harder..

For me the pbing is when I have eaten too fast - not chewed well or taken a big bite - also stress seems to make our bands tighter too..

You are 60 some lbs lighter than 2 yrs ago and for us over 50 gang that is good - it's a heck of a lot better than being the same weight you were 2 yrs ago - it's a loss..

This is my first post although I've been watching this site for over a year. It's been so helpful and I'm glad there is an over 50 group. I'll be 58 next month and having my surgery on the 14th. Little nervous but excited at the same time. It's good to know that many of you "over 50" have had good success. I feel better just losing the 10lbs on pre-diet. Thanks for all the info and encouraging words. It's helped alot.:thumbup:

Hopefull - today is the 14th hope you had a safe surgery and praying for a speedy recovery..

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Indiogirl, Your success is what I will strive for!! Do people tell you how nice it is to hear from you....you put a very practical light on things and I really appreciate that. You also show that you have a life and do things like have hangovers. It's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying it.

Let me start off with the fact that I'm still on the liquid phase after surgery. Last weekend, I prepared enough food to feed more than 50 people, delivered it, set it up, and didn't eat it. It was quite the challenge. I have very bad habits of "tasting" when I cook and I put things in my mouth without even thinking. I actually did this while I was cooking. Then as I'm chewing (not swallowing) I think eeekkkk, I can't do this and I spit out the food. I couldn't believe I actually did it. I'm also finding I'm not thinking about food all the time. I do when I start to get hungry and I am doing that again, but it's not a constant thought in the back of my head. I really hope that trend continues. Oh the food was for a wedding (very casual wedding) and it was well received.

I have some other habits I need to break, big bites, not chewing, not drinking after eating....all the important stuff, but I'm starting to practice now. I'm working on not drinking after I drink my Soup or whatever. This one is hard, but I guess with time and persistence I can learn this too.

Okay, thanks for listening.


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Well, I finally get a fill today. I feel like I lost the past two months, because of an unfill. I want to really talk to my surgeon today, so I hope he is in a good mood. I will be 8 months post-op on Tuesday and 59 on Monday. I really wanted to be down a whole lot more by my birthday, but it just hasn't happened. I am grateful for what I have lost, about 40 pounds, but I am hoping he will give me a large enough fill to make a difference this time. He can be very difficult and very demeaning, so you just never know. I am excited to get a fill, but really dreading seeing the doctor. I am an adult and he shouldn't make me feel that way. After all, that doesn't help. Sorry for rambling on...send up a prayer for me today that I finally hit that sweet spot after 8 long months. Good thoughts to all :thumbup:

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Indiogirl, Your success is what I will strive for!! Do people tell you how nice it is to hear from you....you put a very practical light on things and I really appreciate that. You also show that you have a life and do things like have hangovers. It's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying it.

Let me start off with the fact that I'm still on the liquid phase after surgery. Last weekend, I prepared enough food to feed more than 50 people, delivered it, set it up, and didn't eat it. It was quite the challenge. I have very bad habits of "tasting" when I cook and I put things in my mouth without even thinking. I actually did this while I was cooking. Then as I'm chewing (not swallowing) I think eeekkkk, I can't do this and I spit out the food. I couldn't believe I actually did it. I'm also finding I'm not thinking about food all the time. I do when I start to get hungry and I am doing that again, but it's not a constant thought in the back of my head. I really hope that trend continues. Oh the food was for a wedding (very casual wedding) and it was well received.

I have some other habits I need to break, big bites, not chewing, not drinking after eating....all the important stuff, but I'm starting to practice now. I'm working on not drinking after I drink my Soup or whatever. This one is hard, but I guess with time and persistence I can learn this too.

Okay, thanks for listening.



The liquid phase is hard - I wanted to eat - I chewed and spit out just like you at that phase too.. Sometimes we forget that we have the band - Congrats on preparing the food and not eating it - There are pple here who will eat real food when they are suppose to be in liquids...

Yep the tiny bites eating slowly and not drinking takes a while - I still suffer from eating too fast sometimes and I am almost 2 yrs out... I will occasionally pb but not often.

Thanks for the props - I have worked really hard to get where I am and am still working at it.

Yesterday - I was making all these excuses in my head as to why I didn't need to go to the gym... But alas I went - I have to if I want to maintain my weight and still eat..

Ya I am a real person with a real life - I will over indulge with various things (alcohol and food) from time to time - but what I know now is that after I have - I have to get back on track - this is what skinny pple do - we all see them eat drink and be merry and think that they do this stuff daily - well most don't they enjoy life from time to time but on a daily basis they watch their intake and exercise..

Keep up the good work -

Well, I finally get a fill today. I feel like I lost the past two months, because of an unfill. I want to really talk to my surgeon today, so I hope he is in a good mood. I will be 8 months post-op on Tuesday and 59 on Monday. I really wanted to be down a whole lot more by my birthday, but it just hasn't happened. I am grateful for what I have lost, about 40 pounds, but I am hoping he will give me a large enough fill to make a difference this time. He can be very difficult and very demeaning, so you just never know. I am excited to get a fill, but really dreading seeing the doctor. I am an adult and he shouldn't make me feel that way. After all, that doesn't help. Sorry for rambling on...send up a prayer for me today that I finally hit that sweet spot after 8 long months. Good thoughts to all :thumbup:

Good thought on your fill today... When you visit the doc - remember in your head he is a person just like you - you pay him he really works for you - just cuz he's a doc with a degree doesn't mean he's any better than you are.. So stick up for what you want -

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Thanks, Indogirl55, for the good thoughts. I work with doctors everyday and I realize they are just like me. He is overweight himself, so it is funny for him to be so strict with me. He is the only one who can help me get to the sweet spot. No doctors in Louisville will accept another bariatric surgeon's patient for fills. I just want him to help me and not make me feel bad. I want some help with this tool inside my body. I want a whole cc today, WOW! I will let you know how it turns out. appt is at noon.

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Thanks, Indogirl55, for the good thoughts. I work with doctors everyday and I realize they are just like me. He is overweight himself, so it is funny for him to be so strict with me. He is the only one who can help me get to the sweet spot. No doctors in Louisville will accept another bariatric surgeon's patient for fills. I just want him to help me and not make me feel bad. I want some help with this tool inside my body. I want a whole cc today, WOW! I will let you know how it turns out. appt is at noon.

Well Glam - when I was morbitly obese I could have been a dietitian - heck I knew what I should be doing - but just didn't do it..

There are a lot of doc's who wont take another doc's patient - I know mine won't and if he does a fill cost like $1000

I haven't had a fill since 1/08 and don't need one - I was lucky that I got to my sweet spot in 2 fills (had 3 but the last one in Jan 08 all but .01 of that fill had to be removed cuz i was way too tight and I rather use self control than being too tight it's awful)

Let us know how it goes...

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Got my fill today, .5 cc. He put in 1 cc, but then took .5 back out. Anyone heard of the Rotation Diet. He says it will kickstart your weightloss. Didn't I get this band so I wouldn't have to be on a diet for the rest of my life? He says this diet is ultimate surrender and guarantees a one pound loss per day, if you stay on it for the 21 days. You can only do it once every four months. He says it shouldn't be as hard as usual since I have the band. I haven't decided yet, and he says it is up to me. On liquids all day today so I can't tell if the fill is helping yet. Actually, if it doesn't help, I may throw in the towel. This has been a lot longer and harder than I was led to believe. Not at anytime has the band prevented me from eating anything but bread. I stop myself from eating. When am I going to get the help I signed up for when I had the surgery? I am eight months post-op and still on my own. I am praying this puts me at my sweet spot. I am not ready to try 2 sardines and some beets for my meal. Sorry for unloading....sometimes it just gets to be too much. I prayed that the doctor would help me today and I got the Rotation diet.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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