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hi I'm not even sure if I am using this forum correctly, I suspect this should have been a new thread but I can't find that button, so here's hoping someone will pick this up and respond to me as things are pretty desperate with me. I was banded last August and have been filled to 5.9 now (last fill was about 0.2 last Wednesday). I have read that it is recommended that we eat 3 meals per day and in various postings that people can eat things like chicken/tuna salad - my question is this - do you think I need an unfill as there is no way I could eat suffient food to keep me going on just 3 meals per day, I can only ever get in two teaspoons (10 mls) of food and then an hour or so later I'm hungry again and there is no way I could manage a chicken or tuna salad - which I crave! Do you think I should go for an unfill say to 5ml so that I could manage 3 meals per day - sorry if all this seems a bit jumbled but I feel so isolated and confused about what I should and shouldn't be eating. The only thing I feel safe eating is crackers and cheese - and sweet biscuits, I'm sure that can't be right?


ShereeKim, I haven't been banded yet, but what you are eating isn't right. I'm sure some of the experienced people will have good advise for you, but from what I've read so far, people are eating between 1 and 1 1/2 cups of food per meal with a calorie intake of 800 to 1200. Some people eat 3 times a day and others eat smaller amounts and spread it over 5 or 6 times a day. I think it's important to eat at least 800 calories a day, less than that will put your body in starvation mode and you won't lose weight. Maybe an unfill would be right. That I won't know for a couple of months.

I just wanted to reply so you know someone was reading this.


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Just a few thoughts and comments:

1. "3 meals" doesn't seem like a logical plan.

Both of my dietitians (surgical and personal) suggest a diet closer to 5 - 6 meals.

Breakfast, mid am snack, lunch, mid pm snack, dinner, evening snack.

Small yet nutritiously planned meals.

Frankly - sometime difficult to comply with, 'cuz albeit they're small - they're frequent.

2. To band or not to band - that is the question

Do your research - consult the bariatric professionals - do more research -

Make the informed and rational decision.

It's YOUR body, your life-style, your mind-set, and so many more factors that only YOU can make this decision.

(After nearly one year of prep, 2 months since surgery, virtually NO physical discomfort, an acceptable loss of poundage and a remarkable gain of self-esteem - I feel completely justified in my decision for the Realize Band procedure)

3. hair and skin -

Again - with personal research and professional advice - my hair and skin are probably better now than before the surgery.

I'm taking my Vitamins (can't stress this strongly enough).

Biotin (B1), Calcium, E, D and the other Bs are important.

After about a month of an organic "hair, skin, nails" combo, NO blow dryers or irons, good scalp cleansing minty shampoo/conditioners and lotsa pure fruit juice flavored water - my skin and I look great.

(Don't forget to FLOSS!)

Sleeveless tops again - after many summers of none!

4. Negativity?

Please -

not everything about WLS is rosy and without disappointments and hazards.

Let's just temper the down-side issues with common sense and useful feedback.

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hi thanks for your responses, I do believe i'm too tight, I just couldnt eat a cup full of "decent" food - there isn't a chance i could get any Protein down let alone veg, even if i eat really sloooooowwww and chew everything i still get the dreaded slime or the sentation that i have eaten a handful of grit - it's horrible. My nurse, although she has never had a weight problem in her life thinks she knows it all - so I'm going to get into a battle with her about getting an unfil, but I cannot go on like this, I am even finding it difficult to tolerate liquids, if i drink a small glass of Water the restriction feels really tight and it's very difficult to get the water or Fluid down.


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hi I'm not even sure if I am using this forum correctly, I suspect this should have been a new thread but I can't find that button, so here's hoping someone will pick this up and respond to me as things are pretty desperate with me. I was banded last August and have been filled to 5.9 now (last fill was about 0.2 last Wednesday). I have read that it is recommended that we eat 3 meals per day and in various postings that people can eat things like chicken/tuna salad - my question is this - do you think I need an unfill as there is no way I could eat suffient food to keep me going on just 3 meals per day, I can only ever get in two teaspoons (10 mls) of food and then an hour or so later I'm hungry again and there is no way I could manage a chicken or tuna salad - which I crave! Do you think I should go for an unfill say to 5ml so that I could manage 3 meals per day - sorry if all this seems a bit jumbled but I feel so isolated and confused about what I should and shouldn't be eating. The only thing I feel safe eating is crackers and cheese - and sweet biscuits, I'm sure that can't be right?


Two teaspoons definitely isn't enough food. However, regarding the 3 meals a day. My recommendations were to eat 5 to 6 mini meals so I do that and eat about 1/2 cup portions. If I ate o nly 3 times a day, I'd probably need larger portions. But I find eating more often and smaller portions keeps me satisfied more.

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Shereekim, I was going to ask you if you were eating very small bites and slowly, but you seemed to answer that question. Many meals I have trouble with the first bites (which would probably equal a couple of teaspoons), and have to wait a bit before continuing my meal. I find I am more prone to tightness then, and really have to be careful to go slowly and chew my bites till there is nothing left. I go slow with liquids, but no problem with them going on down.

Others on this thread have had small amounts removed from their bands and have had good results. There is no right or wrong for everyone - we are all very different in how our restriction works. See what the doctor can do for you.

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Ocotillo, welcome - and best of luck with your pre-op program. You sound as though you are on top of all this - and already beginning to make the necessary changes. I think I spent about 8 months on these threads before my surgery, and even though I hated the wait, it was the best thing for me. It gave me a chance to hear first-hand about banding from the people most affected, and to educate myself about the process, the "diet" (i.e. lifestyle change!), exercise options, and all the rest of the everyday commitments I was going to be making. It is great - and necessary - to research your options and discuss with doctors, psycologists, and other professionals. That is your first and most important step. Add in the "get through the day" stuff you have here, and your experience will be much easier.

You will find the people here to be a great support system as you progress.

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hi thanks for your responses, I do believe i'm too tight, I just couldnt eat a cup full of "decent" food - there isn't a chance i could get any Protein down let alone veg, even if i eat really sloooooowwww and chew everything i still get the dreaded slime or the sentation that i have eaten a handful of grit - it's horrible. My nurse, although she has never had a weight problem in her life thinks she knows it all - so I'm going to get into a battle with her about getting an unfil, but I cannot go on like this, I am even finding it difficult to tolerate liquids, if i drink a small glass of Water the restriction feels really tight and it's very difficult to get the water or Fluid down.


Don't talk to the nurse talk to the DOCTOR... You can hurt your self being too tight - being too tight will lead to eating around your band (ie slider foods - milkshakes etc) ...

Do they do blind fills or fluro - I have a gf who's nurse thought the same thing - the tighter the better and she was always running back and forth getting filled and unfilled - finally they got a new nurse who knew what she is doing and now she's getting to her sweet spot...

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I am post LapBand five weeks now and in all the bariatric groups I have attended there is an emphasis on absolutely no Snacks. What you are describing makes a lot more sense: 5 to 6 small meals a day. I have started a Vitamin regimen. Have you researched how to schedule taking the Vitamins? I take all my B's together. Calcium, D-3, Zinc and Multivitamin together. I don't know where to include E, A and C's. I take all these vitamins with food. I also include Flax Seed and Wheat Germ with my oatmeal along with a scoop of whey Protein (to increase my protein intake). any thoughts??? I have no idea what type of Band I have. When I asked the surgeon he said that they continue to change the type of band they use. I want to thank all of you Bandsters for your invaluable information and feedback.

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I am post LapBand five weeks now and in all the bariatric groups I have attended there is an emphasis on absolutely no Snacks. What you are describing makes a lot more sense: 5 to 6 small meals a day. I have started a Vitamin regimen. Have you researched how to schedule taking the Vitamins? I take all my B's together. Calcium, D-3, Zinc and multivitamin together. I don't know where to include E, A and C's. I take all these vitamins with food. I also include Flax Seed and Wheat Germ with my oatmeal along with a scoop of whey Protein (to increase my protein intake). any thoughts??? I have no idea what type of Band I have. When I asked the surgeon he said that they continue to change the type of band they use. I want to thank all of you Bandsters for your invaluable information and feedback.

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My surgeon suggested the REALIZE band which is for the most part similar to Allergan's LapBand.

The Realize has one continuous receptacle for saline under the band rather than the chambered design of the LB.

The port has a lower profile and is implanted "suture-less".

More information on this site ;

Realize Band vs. Lap Band

My surgeon has experience with both systems as well as RNY and other procedures.

As for the "snacking" vs. Non snacking -

I just read the LapBand Diet -

It is contrary to several eating plans that were encouraged by 2 nutritionists that counselled me -

They strongly suggested 5-6 mini-meals -

as does my endocrinologist (I am/was a diabetic)

The more I GOOGLE the more I learn about the 2 different "camps" of thought.

So - :(

3 meals as suggested by LapBand


5-6 as suggested by Realize and other nutrition plans

? ? ? :biggrin:

Is this a new "can of worms"????

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:( Jeeeeessssh!

I just googled -

3 meals vs 6 meals

and got many interesting articles to peruse.

e.g. - 3 hour diet

apparently this is a hot issue.

(there is probably another thread in the forum about this, but since I'm losing well and feeling healthy, I'm sticking to my good ol' 5-6 routine.)

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I am post LapBand five weeks now and in all the bariatric groups I have attended there is an emphasis on absolutely no Snacks. What you are describing makes a lot more sense: 5 to 6 small meals a day. I have started a Vitamin regimen. Have you researched how to schedule taking the Vitamins? I take all my B's together. Calcium, D-3, Zinc and Multivitamin together. I don't know where to include E, A and C's. I take all these Vitamins with food. I also include Flax Seed and Wheat Germ with my oatmeal along with a scoop of whey Protein (to increase my Protein intake). any thoughts??? I have no idea what type of Band I have. When I asked the surgeon he said that they continue to change the type of band they use. I want to thank all of you Bandsters for your invaluable information and feedback.


My doc instruction 3 meals & 2 healthy Snacks - IMHO you have to take the info your doc gives you and make it work for you - if you need a snack between meals - then just make it a healthy one - around 100 calories and stay within your daily calorie budget.. If you want to eat 5-6 mini meals then do it - this is a lifestyle change - you gotta take the rule and molded them in to what works for you,...

There are pple here who are morning eaters - there are pple here like me who are night time eaters - some consume the majority of there calories in the morning/afternoon - then pple like me save my 2 snacks and eat them after dinner - it's what works for me..

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Sorry, the doctor I was referring to was the surgeon.

Thanks for clarifying.

Now, i'm curious.....if he was opposed to the Band, why did you go ahead and have him install it?

I might have interpreted his reticience about the Band to mean that HE hadn't had a lot of luck with it, and that would have been a huge red flag.

I am just curious to know what it was that made you go ahead and have the surgery with him, when there were other surgeons that would have been more enthusiastic.

Now, of course, I am basing these questions on some assumptions, so there might be something i'm missing here....please feel free to correct me.:( You may have been limited by your insurance, locality, or a lot things....

I know that there are many, many doctors who do not like the band, for a wide variety of reasons....it has caused a lot of problems in many people. But, if I had done the research and decided that the band was the right thing for me, I would want a surgeon that was %100 on board with that decision.

I'm just curious to know how you came to choose this particular Doctor...:biggrin:


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There is only one Center of Excellence Bariatric program in the state of Maine. This is requirement with my insurance company. Secondly, with this particular program, you never see the surgeon until a few weeks prior to your surgery. This is after a year of jumping through the program's hoops. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of traveling to other states due to finances and insurance limitations. I am 71 years old, with progressively worsening diabetes and needed to get on top of this weight issue. I was very disappointed when I did meet with the surgeon due to his attitude but I felt that I had no other option given my circumstances. I don't live in a state where there are surgeons anxiously waiting to hear from me. Hope that explains my situation. I am grateful that I have had the surgery and hope that the nurses that will monitor the fills will be more appropriately responsive than the surgeon. In his defense, I feel that this surgeon was voicing his opinion, even though it left me conflicted and concerned. I think some of his issues were that: I am older, my BMI is 37.5.

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