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I saw a therapist who specialized with those with eating disorders. As for the doctor I met with him once for about 10 minutes and in that period of time he told me, "I don't think Lap Band surgery is all that it is cracked up to be." WOW! That made me feel so much better!!! Like I had been waiting nearly a year to hear that, after jumping through all the hoops and going to groups and classes at least twice a week. I have not been impressed.

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Everyone has a different experience with the lapband. I am totally satisfied. I had quite a few fills before feeling good restriction. There have been issues, trouble with PBing and getting inflammed, so DR took out 1 cc a few weeks ago, doing better and had 1/2 cc added back today.

I was not good at journaling my intake in the past few months and it has shown on the scale. I NEED and MUST get back to journaling my food intake.

I am also getting things on a roll for my Tummy Tuck. I can't wait to get rid of my 2 sags. My stomach looks like raising bread dough, soft and floppy, almost feels like a semi full Water balloon.. now that is enough of my visual graphics!!!!

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Pangea, if I read right you are less than 6 weeks out from surgery and no fills, right? Give it some time. You need a fill or two or three etc. It took me 6 fills, took Janet only 2, we are all very different. But the fills did take away a lot of my hunger, the physical hunger. That's not to say my head sometimes told me I wanted some more or something else. I lost a lot my first week or two out of surgery. Then the next few weeks I lost nothing. I went through some hunger, some doubting about the surgery etc. Then I got my fills, started working out and voila, here I am a year later and only 10 lbs from goal. Try to focus your attention on more positive thoughts, get to your first fill, give your body the time it needs to adjust and heal. And it may or may not take more than one fill but you'll get there. If you think it is more of a head issue then maybe try some counselling, but only you know for sure. Hang in there, it does get better, as Janet said, you are in bandster hell right now.

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I've only had 2 fills and I am just fine and almost 2 yrs out..

I never said you weren’t “fine”. My post had nothing to do with you.

As to focusing on surgery you prefer opposed to the surgery that's right for you??? It's up to the individual to determine what's right for them...

Your sentence makes absolutely no sense.

People may “prefer” a particular surgery, but it might not be the RIGHT one for them and their circumstances. It’s not the one that will help them achieve their goal the most efficiently. And, some people are ok with that, and that’s fine…just as long as they understand that going in. I just don’t think many people “get” that, and that is the fault of the Surgeons and the GP’s and the Insurance companies, and the individuals themselves. They see the advertisements for the Band, and all they see is what is presented as a “quick, affordable, solution”, so they sign up for the Band without doing their homework. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

If you are suggesting that someone should ignore what they NEED in favor what they might PREFER….well….then, you have some bigger issues than weight facing you…….:tongue:


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I saw a therapist who specialized with those with eating disorders. As for the doctor I met with him once for about 10 minutes and in that period of time he told me, "I don't think Lap Band surgery is all that it is cracked up to be." WOW! That made me feel so much better!!! Like I had been waiting nearly a year to hear that, after jumping through all the hoops and going to groups and classes at least twice a week. I have not been impressed.

Pangea, was the Doctor who said that your surgeon?


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Headhunter: Why are you so hostile? Most of us have been talking on this board for over a year and no one has been anything but nice to each other and no one has contributed more to this board than indiogirl.

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Headhunter: Why are you so hostile? Most of us have been talking on this board for over a year and no one has been anything but nice to each other and no one has contributed more to this board than indiogirl.

I was thinking the same thing!

Never any trouble here... nothing but support, encouragement, and we administer "tough love" to one another when necessary. But this type of attitude is counter productive.

Notice the name: "Headhunter",

and the "I void warranties"....

not so positive there either! LOL

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Everyone has a different experience with the lapband. I am totally satisfied. I had quite a few fills before feeling good restriction. There have been issues, trouble with PBing and getting inflammed, so DR took out 1 cc a few weeks ago, doing better and had 1/2 cc added back today.

I was not good at journaling my intake in the past few months and it has shown on the scale. I NEED and MUST get back to journaling my food intake.

I am also getting things on a roll for my Tummy Tuck. I can't wait to get rid of my 2 sags. My stomach looks like raising bread dough, soft and floppy, almost feels like a semi full Water balloon.. now that is enough of my visual graphics!!!!


Most of us in this age group really have some major skin issues - but that's why they make Plastic Surgery :)

My arms are TERRIBLE - but I will take the skin any day over the fat :)

I never said you weren’t “fine”. My post had nothing to do with you.

Your sentence makes absolutely no sense.

People may “prefer” a particular surgery, but it might not be the RIGHT one for them and their circumstances. It’s not the one that will help them achieve their goal the most efficiently. And, some people are ok with that, and that’s fine…just as long as they understand that going in. I just don’t think many people “get” that, and that is the fault of the Surgeons and the GP’s and the Insurance companies, and the individuals themselves. They see the advertisements for the Band, and all they see is what is presented as a “quick, affordable, solution”, so they sign up for the Band without doing their homework. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

If you are suggesting that someone should ignore what they NEED in favor what they might PREFER….well….then, you have some bigger issues than weight facing you…….:tongue:


Headhunter - I don't have the right to tell you to stay off this thread as I don't own it - and we have crossed paths before - You should stick to the threads that are nasty, negative and attacking.

IMHO you really should stick to bypass thread since your band didn't work for you - how can you give advice on the band - you had issues and if I remember correctly it was more about the doctor and surgery - but I could be wrong so don't take that statement as an absolute..

There are many here who don't want the major intestinal surgery and that's why they have chosen the band over bypass - That's their right - that's what's right for them. WLS is an elective surgery - just like plastic surgery - so it is up to the individual to choose. This is not to say that pple shouldn't do their research on all forms of WLS - but once they have - it's their decision and their decision alone.

I had to fill a questionnaire out at my doc office on my eating habits and what I ate - based on that he suggests what type of surgery he would suggest - but again - it was up to me and what I wanted to do with my body.

I agree too that some need the malabsorbtion process of bypass due to their eating habits - but like I said that after a few years the intestines start absorbing again - so if they haven't changed their eating they are going to regain the weight... But again this is an elective surgery and it's their choice...

So I guess you are saying that I have more than weight issues - since I still want to give pple choices on how and what they do to their bodies..

ah - well I might be a bit of a control freak but not that much that I want to take away their constitutional rights !

And if you noticed my ticker - I think I have a pretty good handle on my weight issue - Since I'm a food addict it will always be a struggle - but today it's under control !!!

Peace out HH - Wishing you a pleasent life - with some joy and happiness and not all the negative b.s. you like to spread.

I saw a therapist who specialized with those with eating disorders. As for the doctor I met with him once for about 10 minutes and in that period of time he told me, "I don't think Lap Band surgery is all that it is cracked up to be." WOW! That made me feel so much better!!! Like I had been waiting nearly a year to hear that, after jumping through all the hoops and going to groups and classes at least twice a week. I have not been impressed.

PangeaOne - No weight loss surgery is what it's all cracked up to be - if pple don't follow the rules - change their eating and exercise habits - People think WLS is the magic cure to their issues with food..

So many pple out their think that WLS is taking the easy way out. So it really depends on the individuals perspective.

I don't care what kind of surgery you have be it bypass/band/sleeve - the weigh can be regained or not lost at all or not all the weight that should be lost is lost - With bypass they have the whole malabsorbtion issue - they don't asorb their calories - that's why they lose the weight so fast - but eventually their intestines adapt and they will start absorbing more calorie as the years go by..

Heck yesterday I say a lady who had bypass - she weighed about 200 lbs and had the surgery 4 yrs ago - well was told that she use to be double that size - even with bypass she didn't get down to a normal bmi..

Headhunter: Why are you so hostile? Most of us have been talking on this board for over a year and no one has been anything but nice to each other and no one has contributed more to this board than indiogirl.

I was thinking the same thing!

Never any trouble here... nothing but support, encouragement, and we administer "tough love" to one another when necessary. But this type of attitude is counter productive.

Notice the name: "Headhunter",

and the "I void warranties"....

not so positive there either! LOL

Thanks Ladies - like I said HH & my paths have crossed before - He's a bit all or none - and just like other on this board it you make a statement the can twist that statement to suit their purpose..


I never said you weren’t “fine”. My post had nothing to do with you.

Did I say that he said I wasn't fine - My statement was to the statement of his " Somtimes, a fill WILL help, to a certain degree.....usually, a limited degree, though."

That's not true for everyone... What should have been said is that it can take more than one fill to get you to your sweet spot - or if he wanted to he could have said -

You know that this is one of the issues with the band - finding that sweet spot can be hard for some and easier for others and I wish you the best..

Well I gotta go get dressed for the gym ...

Thanks again for your support ladies!!!!

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I never said you weren’t “fine”. My post had nothing to do with you.

HH, this is a support site for the band. Why are you trying to discourage good people who are here to support each other?

I'm sorry the band did not work for you, but we don't need people like your making us feel bad about ourselves. You have your own site.

This is a VERY, VERY personal journey and we are here for support not make mean comments to others who have helped us soooooo much.

Indigo Girl, you rule! :biggrin:

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Wow, I spent a great deal of time today on this thread reading all these posts....going back quite a ways and it is very interesting. Finding so many over 50's going through this is very helpful and inspiring.

I'm 53 and scheduled for surgery on July 2nd. I've just started pre-op and am not looking forward to the next 12 days, but it's just the beginning step to changing my bad food habits. I know it can be done because I've already made some changes that have stuck.

Looking forward to posting here.

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Wow, I spent a great deal of time today on this thread reading all these posts....going back quite a ways and it is very interesting. Finding so many over 50's going through this is very helpful and inspiring.

I'm 53 and scheduled for surgery on July 2nd. I've just started pre-op and am not looking forward to the next 12 days, but it's just the beginning step to changing my bad food habits. I know it can be done because I've already made some changes that have stuck.

Looking forward to posting here.

You know, the pre-op stuff they have you do is really a good thing....it gives you a kind of a "jump start" into the lifestyle that you will have with the band. Some people complain about it, but it IS good! It's all about changing your habits, and the sooner you become involved with that, the better. The Band will be SO much easier to work with if you have a few weeks (or months!) of habit-change in front of you before the surgery.

Best of luck in your Process! :biggrin:


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Wow, I spent a great deal of time today on this thread reading all these posts....going back quite a ways and it is very interesting. Finding so many over 50's going through this is very helpful and inspiring.

I'm 53 and scheduled for surgery on July 2nd. I've just started pre-op and am not looking forward to the next 12 days, but it's just the beginning step to changing my bad food habits. I know it can be done because I've already made some changes that have stuck.

Looking forward to posting here.

Welcome EE...

Yep the pre-op is a "b" I was lucky to only have 1 week of it and it included a high Protein dinner (fish/salad)

But it is in preperation to your new lifestyle...

When I first joined LBT a 50+ bander told me to make my own chicken broth instead of the canned stuff - and she was right it's so much better.. She told me to freeze the meat & veggies that I used to flavor it - then once I got home I could add it to the both and have my own cream of chicken Soup (you gotta blend it really well)..

I also made cream of bean Soup - cook a pot of Beans (whatever you like) take the Beans puree them add them back to the bean broth and you have cream of bean soup...

It was a lifesaver to me - cuz after awhile you get sick of all that sweet stuff...

You will be in our prayer for a safe surgery and speedy recovery on the 2nd - look forward to chatting with you..

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hi I'm not even sure if I am using this forum correctly, I suspect this should have been a new thread but I can't find that button, so here's hoping someone will pick this up and respond to me as things are pretty desperate with me. I was banded last August and have been filled to 5.9 now (last fill was about 0.2 last Wednesday). I have read that it is recommended that we eat 3 meals per day and in various postings that people can eat things like chicken/tuna salad - my question is this - do you think I need an unfill as there is no way I could eat suffient food to keep me going on just 3 meals per day, I can only ever get in two teaspoons (10 mls) of food and then an hour or so later I'm hungry again and there is no way I could manage a chicken or tuna salad - which I crave! Do you think I should go for an unfill say to 5ml so that I could manage 3 meals per day - sorry if all this seems a bit jumbled but I feel so isolated and confused about what I should and shouldn't be eating. The only thing I feel safe eating is crackers and cheese - and sweet biscuits, I'm sure that can't be right?


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hi I'm not even sure if I am using this forum correctly, I suspect this should have been a new thread but I can't find that button, so here's hoping someone will pick this up and respond to me as things are pretty desperate with me. I was banded last August and have been filled to 5.9 now (last fill was about 0.2 last Wednesday). I have read that it is recommended that we eat 3 meals per day and in various postings that people can eat things like chicken/tuna salad - my question is this - do you think I need an unfill as there is no way I could eat suffient food to keep me going on just 3 meals per day, I can only ever get in two teaspoons (10 mls) of food and then an hour or so later I'm hungry again and there is no way I could manage a chicken or tuna salad - which I crave! Do you think I should go for an unfill say to 5ml so that I could manage 3 meals per day - sorry if all this seems a bit jumbled but I feel so isolated and confused about what I should and shouldn't be eating. The only thing I feel safe eating is crackers and cheese - and sweet biscuits, I'm sure that can't be right?


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hi I'm not even sure if I am using this forum correctly, I suspect this should have been a new thread but I can't find that button, so here's hoping someone will pick this up and respond to me as things are pretty desperate with me. I was banded last August and have been filled to 5.9 now (last fill was about 0.2 last Wednesday). I have read that it is recommended that we eat 3 meals per day and in various postings that people can eat things like chicken/tuna salad - my question is this - do you think I need an unfill as there is no way I could eat suffient food to keep me going on just 3 meals per day, I can only ever get in two teaspoons (10 mls) of food and then an hour or so later I'm hungry again and there is no way I could manage a chicken or tuna salad - which I crave! Do you think I should go for an unfill say to 5ml so that I could manage 3 meals per day - sorry if all this seems a bit jumbled but I feel so isolated and confused about what I should and shouldn't be eating. The only thing I feel safe eating is crackers and cheese - and sweet biscuits, I'm sure that can't be right?


Yes if you can't eat at least 1/2 to 1 cup of food I would say you are way too tight - eating is mental as well as physical you have to be able to eat enough to be satisfied in both areas to a degree (espeically the head issues - as our head sitill want to eat that whole cake and will tell us we need to)

What you should be eating - Protein 1st then veggies then carb/starches if any room - 60 grms of pt a day - general rule of thumb 1 oz meat has 7 grms of pt..

Low fat - sugar free for the most part and limited carbs

Calories 800- 1200 a day and vary them daily....

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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