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Hi Phyllser,

I've tried this ticker link but it won't show up after I've filled it all in. What am I doing wrong?

When you're all finished, highlight the "BBC Code", right click and choose "copy". Then come back here, go to "Edit Signature" and right click again in the signature box and choose "paste". Then hit save and se if it worked.

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Katy, you are going to do well, we won't have it any other way. Your post was beautiful, thank you. You have done amazingly well with all of your problems. Hang in there kiddo, we're all pulling for you.

Trenia: Welcome to the board, this is the best group I've ever talked with. They are all very supportive and we really do care about each other. As far as weighing yourself, we've all been there done that. It doesn't make any difference how many times I weigh myself, only one day of the week counts. For me it's Wednesday all the other days are just fyi. You can however drive yourself crazy if you weigh your self to much because we have fluctuations in our weight all during the day. So, stick to having the weight only count on one day and you'll be good.

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When you're all finished, highlight the "BBC Code", right click and choose "copy". Then come back here, go to "Edit Signature" and right click again in the signature box and choose "paste". Then hit save and se if it worked.

Hi Phyllser,

Thankyou, I will follow these instructions tomorrow, my brain is too overwhelmed tonight but I would like to ask another question if you don't mind.

How do you put before and after photos on to the posts please? I only have basic knowledge of computers I'm afraid.

Best wishes.

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Katy, you are going to do well, we won't have it any other way. Your post was beautiful, thank you. You have done amazingly well with all of your problems. Hang in there kiddo, we're all pulling for you.

Trenia: Welcome to the board, this is the best group I've ever talked with. They are all very supportive and we really do care about each other. As far as weighing yourself, we've all been there done that. It doesn't make any difference how many times I weigh myself, only one day of the week counts. For me it's Wednesday all the other days are just fyi. You can however drive yourself crazy if you weigh your self to much because we have fluctuations in our weight all during the day. So, stick to having the weight only count on one day and you'll be good.

Hi Livn4jesus,

You brought tears to my sad eyes today. Happy tears.

I honestly feel that I'm going to have so many friends in the op theatre with me that there will be no chance of any problems at all. I'm very much a loner and have learnt to be that way for my own preservation through life, yet, the open, honest, outpouring of good wishes from everyone on this site has made a big dent in my armour.

Best wishes.

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What kinds of things do you eat that are low fat? I have always counted my Protein and calories, but maybe what I am eating is higher in fat. I always buy low fat cheese, and my main meat is chicken, but counting fat grams has never been something I worried about. I know you always

say to eat low fat, so maybe I am consuming too much fat and that is why I am having trouble?

I have done the pouch test diet, and lost 5 lbs and immediately gained it back when I went back to regular eating. It's basically 2 days liquids, 2 days mushies and one day of hard protein.


I only counted protein and calories when I counted - but to me low fat is not frying stuff and I don't use as much butter/margine as I use to - I ate VERY high fat before being banded - the greasier the better in my opinion :bananalama: - lard in refired Beans - i would make a bacon sandwich and dunk the bread in the bacon grease - i love fat - i miss it... that bacon sandwich story made my mouth Water

I use EVOO (olive oil) when cooking and I can't beleive it's not butter spray on my veggies - as you all know I eat fish most nites - and I cook it with a little evoo and I still eat the skin from chicken sometimes (I'm not a big chicken eater but if I make a bbq chicken thigh or breast or buy a baked chicken) I don't eat much red meat nor cheese low fat orr otherwise - and that's something I use to eat tons of was red meat - fat - cheese

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Katy, sorry to hear of your problems. I hope they will be able to remove the slipped band, replace it, and fix your hernia all in the same surgery.

I hit 101 today, the scale had been resting since giving me the 100 over a week ago.

Workouts are going well. I can almost do a regular 'mans' push up now. I do them in that position but can't go all the way down to the ground yet. I am seeing changes in my body so that is good.

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as you all know I eat fish most nites -

What kind of fish do you eat? I really do like fish, and I like it baked rather than fried. But, I have to have tartar sauce!

The rest of the stuff you mentioned, is exactly how I eat too. I have always been done a big freak out if there is any fat on my meat. I eat a lot of chicken breast and veggies with no butter, just a tiny bit of salt.

I just realized I have been taking a medication that may cause weight gain. I looked on the info that came with the prescription last time I picked it up. It says it causes an appetite increase. I don't notice that, but I know some medications make it hard to lose weight. I am going to look into that.

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Hi Everyone, It's been a very long time since I posted but I'm feeling very defeated right now and thought I'd share and hopefully get some encouragement.

I had my (Lap) surgery Oct. 10th of 08 and I was so happy and positive and optimistic. Didn't have any problems. I was so anxious to get started with my new habits, new life. I knew I was finally going to do it. Besides, how could anyone be so dumb and blow it after going through so much to get there in the first place? Well, it's been almost 4 months, I lost 25 lbs and most of that was in October and thankfully have not gained any back. However, I still have my bad habits of snacking, and not exercising (even though I joined a gym earlier this month). Unfortunately, I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago and still haven't healed totally so I've been staying away. Excuses.

I can't understand for the life of me how I could be so foolish in keeping up old habits and not going for the gold when I have it in the palm of my hand.

As far as my fills, I only have 4cc's (which has taken two months to get to) and it doesn't seem to have a big affect on my appetite. food does get stuck when I don't chew well enough but I can still EAT. I have tried cutting my dinner portions down to a dessert size plate so that's one good thing but the snacking, cravings, and not walking or exercising is making me feel so defeated. I wonder what it's going to take to change me. Foolishly and being totally desperate, I bought "Think and Lose" from the TV add which teaches you to more or less hypnotize yourself or to train your brain to chose good habits, etc. lol I have to laugh myself at that. Haven't even looked at it yet. :biggrin:

The nutritionist at my doctors office who gives me the fills said I'm too hard on myself and I've been loosing every time I go and the fills have not served their purpose yet and I have to be patient. Hopefully that has a lot to do with what's been going on with me and why I've been so discouraged, but I'm so worried that I won't be able to straighten myself out.

To make things perfectly clear, I know snacking once in a while is OK but I snack EVERY DAY! I just feel hungry all the time. Or maybe it's head hunger.

Sorry for the long message but what I want to know is, if anyone out there has felt the same way and when they finally had the proper amount of fill, did you get on track and start losing 1-2 or more lbs a week?

Thanks so much for listening. :thumbup: Help!

I was meant to be banded dec 18 but they went in and there were too any adhesions. banding was achieved on 14 Jan 09. so I have 5 weeks pre op. it has always been my belief that you could eat anything you wanted three times a day but you had to keep to the 1/2 cup rule and not drink before, with and for an hour after your meals. my surgeon also said it exercise was only 15% of the weight loss process. I have a lovely little white china bowl and a tiny sliver spoon and I eat very, very slowly. sometimes when we think we are hungry we are really thirsty. the cost of the operation keeps me motivated and I think.....chocolate.....$20.000 and go and do the ironing.

I chart everthing on FITDAY and try and stay below 700 calories. I have not had a fill yet and yes sometimes the hunger is unberable but nobody said this would be easy.

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Katy: I'm happy your sad eyes cried happy tears. What is the time difference between the east coast of the US and Australia? I want to be actively praying for you during your surgery on Monday.

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Hi Livn4jesus,

You brought tears to my sad eyes today. Happy tears.

I honestly feel that I'm going to have so many friends in the op theatre with me that there will be no chance of any problems at all. I'm very much a loner and have learnt to be that way for my own preservation through life, yet, the open, honest, outpouring of good wishes from everyone on this site has made a big dent in my armour. Best wishes.

We are ALL rooting for you, Katy!

Your strength and determination come through in all your posts and you encourage us as we encourage you!


:thumbup: :biggrin: :tongue2:

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I was meant to be banded dec 18 but they went in and there were too any adhesions. banding was achieved on 14 Jan 09. so I have 5 weeks pre op. it has always been my belief that you could eat anything you wanted three times a day but you had to keep to the 1/2 cup rule and not drink before, with and for an hour after your meals. my surgeon also said it exercise was only 15% of the weight loss process. I have a lovely little white china bowl and a tiny sliver spoon and I eat very, very slowly. sometimes when we think we are hungry we are really thirsty. the cost of the operation keeps me motivated and I think.....chocolate.....$20.000 and go and do the ironing.

I chart everthing on FITDAY and try and stay below 700 calories. I have not had a fill yet and yes sometimes the hunger is unberable but nobody said this would be easy.


You've got the right attitude. You'll do great! Fitday is a GREAT site! I've used it a lot!

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Hi All, I am JUlie from Georgia and i had my band installed on Dec 23rd,2008. I have lost about 21 lbs since then. I had my first fill yesterday and i can't really tell any difference. Eveyone ast work says that i am eating about 1/4 of what i used to eat so i guess i just don't realize it. I never used to leave food on my plate , but at lunch today i left a half of the plate filled with turkey, dressing and green peas-I was so proud of myself-i looked around and everyone had their plates wiped clean.I would have to if not for the lap band and i would have still been hungry. By the way i have found that you can make egg custard with splenda and they are just wonderful. If the recipe calls for a cup of sugar , just put a cup and a half of splenda.

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I get banded next week and that is one challenge I constantly think about - cooking for the rest of my family and not tasting it. I may get some surgical masks to put on in the kitchen. It will be funny to see the food stains on the mask!!!!:biggrin::laugh::thumbup:

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What kind of fish do you eat? I really do like fish, and I like it baked rather than fried. But, I have to have tartar sauce!

The rest of the stuff you mentioned, is exactly how I eat too. I have always been done a big freak out if there is any fat on my meat. I eat a lot of chicken breast and veggies with no butter, just a tiny bit of salt.

I just realized I have been taking a medication that may cause weight gain. I looked on the info that came with the prescription last time I picked it up. It says it causes an appetite increase. I don't notice that, but I know some medications make it hard to lose weight. I am going to look into that.

OD (lol love those intitials) - I eat Catfish - I know you are going to wrinkle your nose , most pple do but it really gets a bad name for whatever reason - but I love it - I have been eating it for 19 months now... I think it's very mild - it's less fishy than salmon..

I rinse it - roll it in a litte evoo - then in some seasoned corn meal - spray with pam and bake 20 mintues 350 - or I would just use salt pepper and garlic - or top it with a can of el pato sauce - or a little parmensan cheese.. I have salmon everynow and then - I have had talipia - but catfish is meater - I eat scallops & shrimp too. A gf gave me some trout but I keep forgeting to bring it home - I like trout too..

Since I was raised cathloic back in the day - I grew up eating fish every friday night - back then we ate alot of sword fish - filet of sole (fried in corn meal topped with almond butter with shery in it oh it was good) also salmon corquettes (sp)..

I don't really care for halibut - I do love good chillen sea bass but it's pricey and you have to go to the fish store to get it - I had it out last June - omw it was blacken and almost as good as a lobster tail - and I can tell you it was almost as expensive - but I had 3 meals out of that one piece of fish - I like a mosit fish.. Not dry..

Well, it sounds like you eat low fat - so ya maybe it's the meds -

Welcome Miranda (love your style my kind of girl )- Julie (yep it's great to leave food on your plate and splenda is wonderful) & Peachwood (I cook for my GS and I do taste I just don't eat half the pot before I serve him :biggrin:) like I use to)

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You can buy cat fish in the store? I've never seen it in the store. I love scallops. I don't know how you could not like halibut. It's not fishy at all. It's delicious. But then again, I live right next to the ocean, so everything here is very fresh. We are going to go crabbing pretty soon. There is nothing better than crab eaten right after it's caught!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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