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I had popcorn at the movies too and I am up two. It is probably the salt as well making for Water rentention. I can't have it in the house, even the 100 cal bags as it is a major redlight food for me. That being said I still don't think of this as a diet. It's a lifestyle change that I want to make to be healthy, energetic and of course, thinner. I was lucky, my surgeon had a great preop and post op support system in place and it was made very clear to us that we were not going on another diet. That it had to be a lifestyle change. Diets can be broken, you go off diets. A lifestyle change is for the long haul, it's to be the healthiest I can be. Sure there can be, for lack of a better word, 'cheats' maybe a better word would be treats. But when I have that cookie or something now it is just one, it's not the whole batch, or at the movies it was a small popcorn, etc. I try to compensate by upping the activity as well. It's not the occassional treat that got us to the point of needing WLS it's the 'lifestyle' of having treats all the time, the whole bag of Cookies, the whole cake, and doing it every day. Even after my popcorn last night, I can feel a difference in how I feel today, much more lethargic, not as energetic etc. Did I enjoy it? You betcha! but today is a new day.

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Thought I'd get my two cents in here.. this discussion of snacks/treats, lifestyle change vs. diet, etc.

Popcorn.... I think it smells WONDERFUL when it's cooking, but don't like the way it gets stuck in my teeth so I've never been a big fan. Now if you're sitting next to me at the movies eating a bag of it and you lean it in my direction, I may take a handful, but it's not something that tempts me. Cookies would be a bigger problem, but haven't kept them in the house for years. And, just for fun... our cookie jar at home is a policeman. When you lift the lid a VERY LOUD voice says "STOP! Move AWAY from the cookie jar!" So if they're in there, there is no way you're going to sneak one unless you are home alone!

I try to vary my daily Snacks so it doesn't get too boring, but usually have a small amount of gorgonzola cheese with a few veggie wheat thins in the afternoon with a small glass of wine. Yes, I have a small glass of wine every afternoon! At night I may have about 1/4 cup of cottage cheese with a little fruit, or maybe some salsa and a few more of those crackers... 14 = 130 calories, I think.. and I usually have about 3 or 4. And once a day... usually with my lunch (salad w/imit. crab... a couple of oz...most days) , I have a 60 calorie Jello SF pudding... I LOVE the rice pudding w/cinnamon.

We are thinking about possibly going on a cruise later this year. If I were to go on a cruise, first I'd find out if the Breakfast buffet place makes eggbeaters omelets. that's what I always have for breakfast. If so, I'd go get a small one with salmon & mozarella cheese every morning. The dining room menu on most cruises these days offers at least one healthy entre at each meal. And they are always VERY accomodating as far as trying to meet your dietary needs. So I would strive to eat as closely as possible to what I eat at home. I LOVE my seafood and there is usually plenty of that on most cruise ships. And I prefer my lobster/crab, etc without the butter, so that's not a problem either. Garlic, onion, lemon is what I like with my seafood and NOT butter. And if they ever offered a filet!! Yeah, I'd be having a small one of those, but without the bacon! And lots of veggies. You can go on a cruise, eat healthy and still ENJOY! And the exercise facilities are always top notch. My very special Aunt Genny, who died last year, LOVED to go on cruises. She was a kick! We were two of a kind. But she outdid me on cruises! She'd often order two entres, maybe two Desserts, etc. She truly enjoyed eating, but alwayshad to watch her weight! BUT.... you would see her EVERY morning walking laps around the top deck... around and around. The last time we went on a big family cruise, I remember she earned herself a t-shirt by the end of the week, for her exercise.. the morning walkers.. they had some special name for them which I've forgotten.

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I had popcorn at the movies too and I am up two. It is probably the salt as well making for Water rentention. I can't have it in the house, even the 100 cal bags as it is a major redlight food for me. That being said I still don't think of this as a diet. It's a lifestyle change that I want to make to be healthy, energetic and of course, thinner. I was lucky, my surgeon had a great preop and post op support system in place and it was made very clear to us that we were not going on another diet. That it had to be a lifestyle change. Diets can be broken, you go off diets. A lifestyle change is for the long haul, it's to be the healthiest I can be. Sure there can be, for lack of a better word, 'cheats' maybe a better word would be treats. But when I have that cookie or something now it is just one, it's not the whole batch, or at the movies it was a small popcorn, etc. I try to compensate by upping the activity as well. It's not the occassional treat that got us to the point of needing WLS it's the 'lifestyle' of having treats all the time, the whole bag of Cookies, the whole cake, and doing it every day. Even after my popcorn last night, I can feel a difference in how I feel today, much more lethargic, not as energetic etc. Did I enjoy it? You betcha! but today is a new day.

Yep Long - Food hang over :tongue: i get them from when I eat too much real sugar...

Thought I'd get my two cents in here.. this discussion of snacks/treats, lifestyle change vs. diet, etc.

Popcorn.... I think it smells WONDERFUL when it's cooking, but don't like the way it gets stuck in my teeth so I've never been a big fan. Now if you're sitting next to me at the movies eating a bag of it and you lean it in my direction, I may take a handful, but it's not something that tempts me. Cookies would be a bigger problem, but haven't kept them in the house for years. And, just for fun... our cookie jar at home is a policeman. When you lift the lid a VERY LOUD voice says "STOP! Move AWAY from the cookie jar!" So if they're in there, there is no way you're going to sneak one unless you are home alone!

I try to vary my daily Snacks so it doesn't get too boring, but usually have a small amount of gorgonzola cheese with a few veggie wheat thins in the afternoon with a small glass of wine. Yes, I have a small glass of wine every afternoon! At night I may have about 1/4 cup of cottage cheese with a little fruit, or maybe some salsa and a few more of those crackers... 14 = 130 calories, I think.. and I usually have about 3 or 4. And once a day... usually with my lunch (salad w/imit. crab... a couple of oz...most days) , I have a 60 calorie Jello SF pudding... I LOVE the rice pudding w/cinnamon.

We are thinking about possibly going on a cruise later this year. If I were to go on a cruise, first I'd find out if the breakfast buffet place makes eggbeaters omelets. that's what I always have for breakfast. If so, I'd go get a small one with salmon & mozarella cheese every morning. The dining room menu on most cruises these days offers at least one healthy entre at each meal. And they are always VERY accomodating as far as trying to meet your dietary needs. So I would strive to eat as closely as possible to what I eat at home. I LOVE my seafood and there is usually plenty of that on most cruise ships. And I prefer my lobster/crab, etc without the butter, so that's not a problem either. Garlic, onion, lemon is what I like with my seafood and NOT butter. And if they ever offered a filet!! Yeah, I'd be having a small one of those, but without the bacon! And lots of veggies. You can go on a cruise, eat healthy and still ENJOY! And the exercise facilities are always top notch. My very special Aunt Genny, who died last year, LOVED to go on cruises. She was a kick! We were two of a kind. But she outdid me on cruises! She'd often order two entres, maybe two desserts, etc. She truly enjoyed eating, but alwayshad to watch her weight! BUT.... you would see her EVERY morning walking laps around the top deck... around and around. The last time we went on a big family cruise, I remember she earned herself a t-shirt by the end of the week, for her exercise.. the morning walkers.. they had some special name for them which I've forgotten.

Phyl - I am sure they have eggbeaters if not egg whites for omelets - and on the last cruise I went on the "diet - spa" desserts were better than the real stuff - I really don't think I will have a problem with the food - it's the drinking cuz those drinks of the day do add up - but I do plan on taking the tennies and checking out the gym - this will be a 1st for me :thumbup:- cuz 2 yrs ago (2/07) went I went on my last crusie I was 245 and couldn't walk from one end of the ship to the other with out my feet hurting...

Ok til tomorrow - I gotta go eat my fish...

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Hi Everyone,

Went to my GP today and yes I do have my 6th abdominal hernia. Not happy. He thinks that it's time for the surgeon to use mesh in the repair or for me to get a second opinion. I'm concerned about getting a second opinion as this surgeon knows the mess my innards are in and I'd rather not get on his offside.

Tomorrow is the Barium test. Don't know how I'm going to survive this heat without a cold glass of Water through the night and in the morning. I think I'll fill the bath with cold water as soon as I get up and just lie in there until it's time to go.


Are those cookie jars still available to purchase? I'd love to buy one for my mother.

Best wishes.

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Hi Everyone,

Went to my GP today and yes I do have my 6th abdominal hernia. Not happy. He thinks that it's time for the surgeon to use mesh in the repair or for me to get a second opinion. I'm concerned about getting a second opinion as this surgeon knows the mess my innards are in and I'd rather not get on his offside.

Tomorrow is the Barium test. Don't know how I'm going to survive this heat without a cold glass of Water through the night and in the morning. I think I'll fill the bath with cold water as soon as I get up and just lie in there until it's time to go.


Are those cookie jars still available to purchase? I'd love to buy one for my mother.

Best wishes.

WOW, 6 hernias. I had a rather large hiatel hernia repaired at time of surgery and now have a smaller one, but in a totally different area. THey say it does not need surgery at this time, but I still feel it.

Good luck with the test today

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Hi, just checking in. I had a tummy bug on Friday and would have been trying to throw up all day if I hadn't pulled out some leftover post surgery nausea meds. They really helped. I dropped six pounds between Thursday and Saturday. Almost all Water, or course, so I've been rehydrating myself and easing back into food. Trying to get the bowels moving after several days of low Fiber eating/noneating.

I was glad my first vomiting experience was 6 months (to the day) after my surgery, so I had plenty of time for my band to anchor in place. I'm in no hurry to do that again!

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Here are 3 pics=june is when I had surgery, august was 2 months, and then today at 8 months.

Great Pic's !!!! You can really see your weight loss girl WTG!

Hi, just checking in. I had a tummy bug on Friday and would have been trying to throw up all day if I hadn't pulled out some leftover post surgery nausea meds. They really helped. I dropped six pounds between Thursday and Saturday. Almost all Water, or course, so I've been rehydrating myself and easing back into food. Trying to get the bowels moving after several days of low fiber eating/noneating.

I was glad my first vomiting experience was 6 months (to the day) after my surgery, so I had plenty of time for my band to anchor in place. I'm in no hurry to do that again!

Glad you are on the mend Orea - I don't have any antinausea meds - just liquid vicoden :0) - so if I get the tummy flu - I guess I will have to call the doc..

Kathy - How hot is it where you are - I live in the desert we get 120 days - but gotta say right now it's 80 and noice

Oh ya Phyl - I thought you were going to say the DH was the cookie police - I love that cookie jar too - I need to get it for my DS & his family :angry:

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Wow Livn - what a difference 8 months makes. You look great

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Hi all!

It's been a while since i've written, but i've been here reading and reading. I got a call this afternoon saying that my surgery has been scheduled for 2/16! I start the pre-surgery liquid diet the 9th. I see the surgeon on the 10th. After all these months of waiting, it's happening very, very fast!

I wanted to share with you, cause you will understand the emotions i'm feeling right now! I'm not even sure i can begin to describe it!

Thanks for listening! Hugs, Pat

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Just wanted to say hello - I'm in SF, CA was just banded on 1/29/08 by Dr. Wetter at Mills-Peninsula. My head wants food even tho my body doesn't... anyone else ?

The first two weeks were horrible for me. I think that I was dealing with my food addiction. I had used food as my answer to anxiety and I was very worried and had a horrible time. It gets better! Good luck to you on this journey!

Banded 9/29/2008

Lost: 51 lbs

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Just wanted to say hello - I'm in SF, CA was just banded on 1/29/08 by Dr. Wetter at Mills-Peninsula. My head wants food even tho my body doesn't... anyone else ?

I was banded on 1/16 and now on pureed foods and actually enjoyed the 1/4 cup of a scrambled egg for Breakfast and Mashed potatoes in the same amount for dinner. I am not hungry because I do feel satisfied. I guess following the liquid diet for two weeks did the trick.

My challenge is not to taste the food while cooking for my guys.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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