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Hello Everyone*** Slow share with everyone, but i'm pushing forward.Down another 5 pounds and 8 inches,so it's going.Hope to be down another 5-10 by next month when fly to cali.Hope evryone is walking, bikeing and just moving.Have great day....

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Hi Everyone,

Saw my surgeon today. Would you believe he took more Fluid out of the band?????? That thing was supposed to have been emptied last week!!!!! I'm booked in for a Barium Swallow under XRay on Feb 5th, then see him again on the 7th. He wants to check the band and the pouch. I took a list of questions in this time.

He said there was no way of the band slipping because of all the surgeries I've had. At least that is a relief.

I start seeing a psychologist next week to help me control my stress levels and teach me better coping skills. I feel "a bit long in the tooth" to start learning this stuff but if it helps, I'll try.

Best wishes to all.

I find that my therpist is my "best" friend. She is impartial and knows me so very well. She is learning all about the band with me and is so impressed with my success. She is a great supportes and a great listener. Also, a god send as a stress reliver. Hope you fins the success you need with your sessions. Whether is be someone to learn coping skills, talk or just get all those things out that you feel no one else would want to listen about. Good Luck

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Katy - I'm so glad you are getting some reaction from your doctor. A little surprised they are waiting till early Feb for the barium swallow. Couldn't they get you in any sooner? I hope the removal of more Fluid (altho wondering WHERE that came from?) will help your situation between now and Feb 5th. and - it's never too late to learn new tricks, girlfriend! I am finding my psychologist to be a great advantage for me. He works with bariatric patients all the time and is such an encouraging person with great practical ideas. I have no where near the stress levels you have in your life right now, but can certainly identify with what you are going through. I think it helps that one of my best friends is also a psychotherapist. We met through our quilting (I do all her machine quilting on her art quilts) and have become such good friends. We often go to quilting events together out of town - and I find those long drives are a great time to hash out some of the issues of life! I was surprised recently to hear her say she gets as much out of our talks as I do! I always thought she was helping me, but she shares her stresses, too, and apparently that helps her deal with her own issues. She is not my "formal" psych person, as we have a friendship relationship, but that friendship is invaluable to me. We are spending the day together this Friday to make the quilt shop and yarn shop rounds in Lawrence, KS (an hour or so away), and I've been looking forward to it all week!

and to all - I received notice of a class reunion coming up next summer. My class was the second to graduate from our new high school back in the dark ages, our classes were pretty small at that time in our newly formed school. For years we have joined with the class ahead of us and the class behind us to Celebrate our reunion together. Come the first weekend in August - 2009 - we will be getting together again. I am so excited to look forward to that reunion with a lot less weight accompanying me! It is nice to look ahead with that positive picture in my mind instead of dreading (or avoiding) that occasion.

I hope everyone is having a great day!

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Hi Everyone, I haven't posted on this thread for quite awhile but just wanted you guys to know I'm still here and plugging along. I made it through the holidays without gaining any weight which is a good thing, but then the first week of January went to Las Vegas for a few days and came back with a 3 lb gain, since that time I have managed to get those 3 lb's off but now I'm struggling trying to get under the 190 mark and keep juggling 3 different lbs, up one week down the next. This week I decided it was time to get back on the treadmill and time to start journaling my food again. So far so good. I hope to see a drop in the scale come Friday, I'm trying not to beat myself up over this but the last few days I'm having a hard time with it.

In other news my husband found out yesterday that insurance has approved him for lapband surgery and we're in hopes that in 6 weeks or so he'll have surgery, he see's the surgeon on February 9 so should get a date then. I'm looking forward to his surgery because I think that will help jumpstart me again and also help me keep on track afterwards. I can't complain really, I lost 93 lbs for 2008, 73 of it since surgery in March, but I'd really like to get the last 40-50 lbs off and I'm SOOOO CLOSE to 100 lbs I keep thinking maybe I'm trying to sabotage my self, grrrr!!!!

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Hi all!

Do any of you know of age limit for those thinking of having the lap band surgery? My Mom, bless her heart, is in her mid 70's and has yo-yo dieted her whole life with no real lasting success. Well after my 2 sisters have had GB surgery and I am getting ready for my LB surgery, she is feeling pretty down and out about not being able to have some sort of surgery herself. I'm not sure if she has even asked her Dr about it or not. I know its a self esteem issue but it sure does make me feel sad to think of her being so down with her weight. It has kind of put a dampner on my excitement for my upcoming surgery in Feb. She is heavy around her lower half of the body and works out at the local YMCA about 6 days a week.

Do any of you know of age limits?


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Ruth I agree call the dr. and take your pills every day as prescribed, don't skip days. When I used to take diuretics one of the ones I had was super cheap called hydrochlorithiazide, if your's is expensive ask if you can try that one.

Lizalee, glad you are feeling energized again. Good job on the Water aerobics. I just started a new workout program too and am sore today. They told me 48 hours later was when it would hit the worse and it did! I was fin yesterday.

Katy, hope the unfill will do the trick! Good luck with the swallow test.

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Has anybody experienced rapid heart beats and a subtle shortness of breath? I am taking the lovenox injections for 2 weeks and suspect this may be the culprit. I do have a call into the surgeon's nurse. I also had some dizzyness briefly today and perhaps this is happening due to the change in eating by being on the phase one full liquids


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Hi Everyone, I haven't posted on this thread for quite awhile but just wanted you guys to know I'm still here and plugging along. I made it through the holidays without gaining any weight which is a good thing, but then the first week of January went to Las Vegas for a few days and came back with a 3 lb gain, since that time I have managed to get those 3 lb's off but now I'm struggling trying to get under the 190 mark and keep juggling 3 different lbs, up one week down the next. This week I decided it was time to get back on the treadmill and time to start journaling my food again. So far so good. I hope to see a drop in the scale come Friday, I'm trying not to beat myself up over this but the last few days I'm having a hard time with it.

In other news my husband found out yesterday that insurance has approved him for lapband surgery and we're in hopes that in 6 weeks or so he'll have surgery, he see's the surgeon on February 9 so should get a date then. I'm looking forward to his surgery because I think that will help jumpstart me again and also help me keep on track afterwards. I can't complain really, I lost 93 lbs for 2008, 73 of it since surgery in March, but I'd really like to get the last 40-50 lbs off and I'm SOOOO CLOSE to 100 lbs I keep thinking maybe I'm trying to sabotage my self, grrrr!!!!

Hey Terry - It's been ages.... Congrats on 93 lbs gone !!

Yes I think your DH getting banded will be a big help getting you back on track and to goal..

You can do it - you just gotta make up your mind to do it - with the help of your band and your brain - you will get there...

Hugs Janet

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Hi all!

Do any of you know of age limit for those thinking of having the lap band surgery? My Mom, bless her heart, is in her mid 70's and has yo-yo dieted her whole life with no real lasting success. Well after my 2 sisters have had GB surgery and I am getting ready for my LB surgery, she is feeling pretty down and out about not being able to have some sort of surgery herself. I'm not sure if she has even asked her Dr about it or not. I know its a self esteem issue but it sure does make me feel sad to think of her being so down with her weight. It has kind of put a dampner on my excitement for my upcoming surgery in Feb. She is heavy around her lower half of the body and works out at the local YMCA about 6 days a week.

Do any of you know of age limits?


Not sure - I have heard of 6o's getting banded - but I don't know about mid 70's - ck the 60 thread they might know

Good luck


Has anybody experienced rapid heart beats and a subtle shortness of breath? I am taking the lovenox injections for 2 weeks and suspect this may be the culprit. I do have a call into the surgeon's nurse. I also had some dizzyness briefly today and perhaps this is happening due to the change in eating by being on the phase one full liquids


Toy are you getting your Water - how's your blood pressure are you on any meds - Call them back if they don't return your call soon...

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I really do appreciate your response at the time of my need. It could very well be that I am not getting enough Water. My blood pressure was great as it was 122/67 and pulse 89 this morning. I take an ace inhibitor and HTZ water pill. I just started the blood thinning Lovenox injections on the day after surgery for twice a day.

I will make a concentrated effort on more water and you are right this is banders hell I'm going through. I am having a hard time getting in the 60grams of Protein as well.

I am drinking Why protein mixed with Apple juice, today I had watered down and liquified mushroom Soup, a no sugar low Carb fudge bar and water only 3x so far.

I am drinking 2oz at a time and about 30 minutes apart until around 9p.m. I have already lost 12lbs and it hasn't been a week yet.


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Hi all!

Do any of you know of age limit for those thinking of having the lap band surgery? My Mom, bless her heart, is in her mid 70's and has yo-yo dieted her whole life with no real lasting success. Well after my 2 sisters have had GB surgery and I am getting ready for my LB surgery, she is feeling pretty down and out about not being able to have some sort of surgery herself. I'm not sure if she has even asked her Dr about it or not. I know its a self esteem issue but it sure does make me feel sad to think of her being so down with her weight. It has kind of put a dampner on my excitement for my upcoming surgery in Feb. She is heavy around her lower half of the body and works out at the local YMCA about 6 days a week.

Do any of you know of age limits?


There was a woman in my seminar who was 72. She asked if she was too old and they said it depended on her overall health issues and co-morbidities, but they would start the process with her and make a decision after they had reviewed her records, done testing, etc. I know many in their 60s have had LB and have successfully lost weight. If Medicare is her insurance you should check the MC website to find Centers of Excellence in your area and make a few phone calls or go with her to a seminar. People in their 70s have various types of surgeries to help them lead healthier and more productive lives (pacemakers, angioplasty, etc.). That's what LB surgery does for people - it can't hurt to ask.

I have seen some 70 +'s on the 60s threads. One lady said there weren't enough active threads in the 70's area, so she was hooking up with the younger crowd. (kinda like I'm doing here...)

Good luck to you and your mom.

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Thanks everyone, I took your advice and got some lasix. I lost 6 lbs in a day. I wont skip those pills again. Its unbelievable how dependent my body became with those Water pills. I am watching my sodium also. Thanks for being here.Best wishes to all of you


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I really do appreciate your response at the time of my need. It could very well be that I am not getting enough Water. My blood pressure was great as it was 122/67 and pulse 89 this morning. I take an ace inhibitor and HTZ water pill. I just started the blood thinning Lovenox injections on the day after surgery for twice a day.

I will make a concentrated effort on more water and you are right this is banders hell I'm going through. I am having a hard time getting in the 60grams of Protein as well.

I am drinking Why protein mixed with Apple juice, today I had watered down and liquified mushroom Soup, a no sugar low Carb fudge bar and water only 3x so far.

I am drinking 2oz at a time and about 30 minutes apart until around 9p.m. I have already lost 12lbs and it hasn't been a week yet.



Protein shake for BF s/b 20 grams - then 20 for lunch then 20 for dinner.. and water between - yep it's hard but just sip every few minutes...

My doc's office sold stuff - I had these clear Protein Drinks like crystal lite - that were really good 15 grms pt and 70 calories - go to Bariatric Advantage and look up clear protein drinks..

Congrats on 12 lbs - I think I lost like 9 that 1st week- but remember it will slow down - so don't let that deterr you

There was a woman in my seminar who was 72. She asked if she was too old and they said it depended on her overall health issues and co-morbidities, but they would start the process with her and make a decision after they had reviewed her records, done testing, etc. I know many in their 60s have had LB and have successfully lost weight. If Medicare is her insurance you should check the MC website to find Centers of Excellence in your area and make a few phone calls or go with her to a seminar. People in their 70s have various types of surgeries to help them lead healthier and more productive lives (pacemakers, angioplasty, etc.). That's what LB surgery does for people - it can't hurt to ask.

I have seen some 70 +'s on the 60s threads. One lady said there weren't enough active threads in the 70's area, so she was hooking up with the younger crowd. (kinda like I'm doing here...)

Good luck to you and your mom.

Joann - When I first joined lbt they only had a thread called how is weight loss for pple over 50 - then when they changed the site back in june - they started more age specific - We take everyone - that's why when I started this thread - it says 50 & over gang - didn't want to lose the pple who where over 50 to another thread just cuz this say 50 :thumbup:

Thanks everyone, I took your advice and got some lasix. I lost 6 lbs in a day. I wont skip those pills again. Its unbelievable how dependent my body became with those water pills. I am watching my sodium also. Thanks for being here.Best wishes to all of you



Glad you are doing better...

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There was a woman in my seminar who was 72. She asked if she was too old and they said it depended on her overall health issues and co-morbidities, but they would start the process with her and make a decision after they had reviewed her records, done testing, etc. I know many in their 60s have had LB and have successfully lost weight. If Medicare is her insurance you should check the MC website to find Centers of Excellence in your area and make a few phone calls or go with her to a seminar. People in their 70s have various types of surgeries to help them lead healthier and more productive lives (pacemakers, angioplasty, etc.). That's what LB surgery does for people - it can't hurt to ask.

I have seen some 70 +'s on the 60s threads. One lady said there weren't enough active threads in the 70's area, so she was hooking up with the younger crowd. (kinda like I'm doing here...) Good luck to you and your mom.

My seminar was here in Palm Springs, with Janet's doctor. I remember the question of age coming up and I believe he said he'd banded a man in his mid-70's. But I think this varies by doctor. I've head some say their doctor wouldn't do it over 60, others over 65. But, if Mom really wants it, I'd encourage her to look in to the possibility!

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I find that my therpist is my "best" friend. She is impartial and knows me so very well. She is learning all about the band with me and is so impressed with my success. She is a great supportes and a great listener. Also, a god send as a stress reliver. Hope you fins the success you need with your sessions. Whether is be someone to learn coping skills, talk or just get all those things out that you feel no one else would want to listen about. Good Luck

Hi lynnt1215,

I was recommended to this psychologist by one of the counselors at a Womens Health Centre. She also sees a friend of mine and I have spoken to her. She doesn't know anything about lapbanding apart from whatever has been in the papers from time to time but is keen to hear all about it.

She is apparently very good with family problems though.

The worst thing is saying things about family members and having the most awful guilty feelings after saying them.

Don't think 45 minutes is going to be enough though, I'll probably be just getting started.

Best wishes.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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