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NOPE.... DH tried to talk me out of it but toughed it out and went to the pool anyway yesterday!! So he went, too! I put on my suit, then hooded sweatshirt, then long heavy terrycloth robe over the top and rode down on my scooter... my routine for several cold mornings lately!! Legs felt like Popsicles by the time I got down there, but survived. Left sweatshirt in the locker room for later and then I had to get out the CD player because I was the only one there that knew the locker combination as only 8 of us showed up!

Phyl - I am so PROUD of you for going to the pool with our cold & windy weather - that is just fantastic.

How was the wind your way - it's wasn't to bad here xmas night just a few gust but nothing like what I say on the news in PS..

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Hi Flowers, I have found some really nice clothes at this website. I am very happy with their clothing and their service. I was trying to find a dress for a cruise, bought 3 different dresses and returned 2 that did not look good on me.

Plus Size Clothing, Lingerie, Accessories & Wide Width Shoes for Women; Big & Tall Clothing for Men at OneStopPlus.com


thanks, Ill save it under favorite. I did buy one on ebay Christmas eve and have a high bid on another, but they are not really formal wear. I need very formal too, so Ill go now and look at your site.

Anyone else struggling lately with the "ok, Ill only cheat this once, no more" thing. yesterday it was thingees with chocolate, dates and then key lime pie. I know all those things are a no no. black lab as far as why would anyone cheat .... sometimes its hard to have will power forever. this is really the first bad time Iv cheated since I started late June. I keep saying, just this once which has really slowed down my weight loss. Im still being very good about walking.

Only one day so far have I seen any daylight between 179 and 180. About 5 days ago.

Everyone seems to be doing really well weight loss wise, maybe Im the only cheater lately in the bunch. My problem has always been sugar more than overeating. Hi everyone. Just popping in to say hello.

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Flowers...you're never going to be the only one struggling from time to time. We are all going to be going through that for a lifetime with our bands. Just have to tell yourself that's it and no more "one more times"! I'm a believer that you still have to treat yourself once in awhile though. I did all throughout the weight loss process. A couple times a week I would allow something "naughty" in my diet. (Wrong word choice....there is no food that should be thought of as naughty). It is usually some kind of snack food...not attracted to sweets except for chocolate with coffee. I pretend. I eat my Viative chocolates and caramels (3 per day) with my coffee. They are actually very good.

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hockeyson, I am so sorry for your loss. My mom died of kidney failure. I hope he was not in pain.

Flowers, I totally know what you are talking about. My downfall is sweets too. I can only go so long and I start to freak out thinking I need sugar and I need it now!

My surgeon and the nutritionist said our bodies don't know the difference between sugar and sugar free. I do eat sugar free fudesicles and pudding, but somehow it's not the same as a good piece of regular chocolate. Once I get started though, it's really hard to stop.

I am glad the holidays will soon be over and I can get back into my routine. The gym has been so freezing cold it's been hard to talk myself into going. We have had record cold for this area lately.

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Thank you all for the condolences about my Dad. Each day gets a little better. Every once in a while I think of something I want to tell him, and then I realize he is not here anymore. I go ahead and talk to him in my prayers.

I am still making unwise choices with eating. Right now, I just really do not care. I know that it is a bad attitude, and I am only going to hurt myself. I better get my emotions in check, and get back on the band wagon.

Thank you again, everybody. I really enjoy reading all the posts and learning from you all. mimi

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I've made a few Desserts for the family recently but I find they really don't send me. I've been off sugar so long that the one I made tonight was just...way too sweet. (The guys liked it, though!)

I think the thing to do is take a moment before you make your decision to indulge, and think about how good it feels to step on the scale and see that new lower number. Then ask yourself, "Am I trading what I really want, for what I want right now?"

And then think about how proud of yourself you'll feel for saying no, versus the "aw shit" feeling you get afterward when you do indulge. If you are anything like me! LOL

Is the moment of pleasure really worth it to you? Then do it, but do it in a small way. If not walk away and pat yourself on the back.

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I've made a few desserts for the family recently but I find they really don't send me. I've been off sugar so long that the one I made tonight was just...way too sweet. (The guys liked it, though!)

I think the thing to do is take a moment before you make your decision to indulge, and think about how good it feels to step on the scale and see that new lower number. Then ask yourself, "Am I trading what I really want, for what I want right now?"

And then think about how proud of yourself you'll feel for saying no, versus the "aw shit" feeling you get afterward when you do indulge. If you are anything like me! LOL

Is the moment of pleasure really worth it to you? Then do it, but do it in a small way. If not walk away and pat yourself on the back.

Very wise words Orea! Sometimes I feel it is worth it, but after I've done it, it never was. So now I've allowed myself one bite. Usually that's all I want. Besides they say that you really don't taste much after the first bite or two so I savor that bite, if I do indulge. That's most of the time, I do have my lapses, like on Christmas and Christmas eve. :hurray:

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I think we need to avoid black and white thinking when it comes to food. Yes, we need to keep it under control and not indulge too frequently. I know my body well enough that I am scared to eat sweets too often for fear of the hunger monster returning. But, it's not a moral issue for me.

I choose to eat foods that make my body feel good and avoid the ones that don't. That means getting in as many vegetables as I can along with my Protein, and avoiding the breads and potatoes and sweets for the most part. It's just practicality for me. I have paid attention enough to know I don't feel as good if I indulge in pizza. I still love pizza and I probably always will, but it's a high price to pay, feeling crappy afterwards. I can always find a recipe for a pizza flavored dish based on zucchini or something, if i want to.

And, I know in my heart that I want to lose more weight, more than anything. I plan to do what it takes, as long as it takes, to get to a comfortable weight that I am happy with. I don't know where that will be. I'll figure it out as I go.

2008 was all about diet for me, learning how to eat, changing habits, finding new and healthier recipes. I've got my good habits, and I've got the band just starting to work for me now.

2009 is for adding in the all-important exercise quotient. I'm stating it here publicly. I think I will start today. Slow and easy, as I am not very strong, but a start. :-)

So everyone tell me: What are your goals for 2009? Let's work together and support each other.

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I think we need to avoid black and white thinking when it comes to food. Yes, we need to keep it under control and not indulge too frequently. I know my body well enough that I am scared to eat sweets too often for fear of the hunger monster returning. But, it's not a moral issue for me.

I choose to eat foods that make my body feel good and avoid the ones that don't. That means getting in as many vegetables as I can along with my Protein, and avoiding the breads and potatoes and sweets for the most part. It's just practicality for me. I have paid attention enough to know I don't feel as good if I indulge in pizza. I still love pizza and I probably always will, but it's a high price to pay, feeling crappy afterwards. I can always find a recipe for a pizza flavored dish based on zucchini or something, if i want to.

And, I know in my heart that I want to lose more weight, more than anything. I plan to do what it takes, as long as it takes, to get to a comfortable weight that I am happy with. I don't know where that will be. I'll figure it out as I go.

2008 was all about diet for me, learning how to eat, changing habits, finding new and healthier recipes. I've got my good habits, and I've got the band just starting to work for me now.

2009 is for adding in the all-important exercise quotient. I'm stating it here publicly. I think I will start today. Slow and easy, as I am not very strong, but a start. :-)

So everyone tell me: What are your goals for 2009? Let's work together and support each other.

Orea - Well said :tongue_smilie:- Congrats on getting on the Exercise wagon... Yes I started very slow too - but increased each week now up to 3 mile in 48 minutes on various inclines (in the beginning just doing 20 minutes on zero incline killed me)

I use to leave the gym looking like someone threw a bucket of Water on me - now just a little sweat not much at all..

2009 - To continue with my healthy eating and exercise - not to get complacent about my weight loss - to always be mindful that I could put it all back on 5 lbs at a time..

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Hi everyone--well we got through another Christmas. Hope everyone had a good holiday. Ours was a sad day because my Father died on last Monday. I feel like I have been in a fog ever since he died. Our family of 8 children and spouses and 22 grands,plus others were at our house to Celebrate. As much as I enjoyed the day, I do feel tired and completely worn out. I feel as though I have not had the time to grieve. Maybe now, I will be able to properly grieve and can accept that he is gone. Dad suffered from diabetes and kidney failure.

I have not paid much attention to my diet. For that, I have suffered pb's and my food getting stuck more often.

I am in hopes that after the holidays, I will get back on track again. I am looking forward to 2009 to get a fresh start on not only my diet, but on other areas of my life.

Happy New Year's to All! mimi

Mimi...so sorry for your loss. This Christmas was very sad for my family also. I lost my Dad this past May, I miss him so badly. Then.....2 days before Christmas we had to put our little Abby down. She was 14 years old. We have another baby ( skeeter ) he is 3 yrs old, he walks thru the house looking for Abby. The first 2 nights he could be heard whimpering. So sad......:tongue_smilie:

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We all made it through the year and the holiday season,. well almost, just a few more days.

Dr. appointment on Tuesday and will need a slight fill. A few weeks ago felt there was no way I would, but I have been seeing myself taking in more at each sitting...so will ask for .5cc and hope to get it. As well as not much weight loss in the past month or so.

No plans for New Year's Eve, will be watching my grandson, as my daughter has to work until midnight..bumer, because I actually was asked to join a group of friends for the evening :tongue_smilie:

I hit the after xmas sales. and am buying clothes smaller than I did in October.. tough on the budget, but with gift cards I am getting new clothes and a size smaller.. I can hardly believe it, I started at a 2X clothes last November..now into medium in my shirts...and 12 in pants NSV

I am enjoying the gym, Starting out slow and adding a bit more each session. Feels great and vow to go at least 3 X a week if not more..

Best Wishes to all for a Happy New Year, may it be healthy, safe and fun

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Long - Too funny - I was so lucky - My Inlaws liked me better than their DS - infact the whole family did - they would refer to be as poor Janet - that tells you why my DH is now Xdh :tongue_smilie: Hugs on the DS issue - Mine (ds) has just gotten his sh*t together this last yr and he's 37 :)..

Sandi #1 are those 2 bites fast bites - that's usually where I have my problems if I eat too fast or haven't chewed or is your band is too tight - if you can't even eat soft foods -then maybe you are too tight an need just a tad .01 taken out. I can eat chicken - heck can't hurt to try it - buy one from costco - cut up into tiny bites eat slowly and chew super well.

If you aren't getting your Protein from food - then you need to get it anyway you can ie shake/bar etc.

Well, i get off work in 15 minutes - so gotta clean upthe desk

TTYL - Merry Xmas

Hi Everyone

Hope all had a very Merry Christmas. I haven't been able to get on the internet for a few days - not sure why but I am taking advantage of it now.

Janet - In thinking about what I was eating I might have taken those two bites a little fast. When I was told to cut everything up into small pieces, I guess my small wasn't small enough. I have taken everything I eat down to a much smaller piece and for now seems to be better.

I did go back to see my doctor thinking I was too tight. He felt that I am actually at my sweet spot and that it's just a learning curve for me. I think he might be right and I obviously have so much to learn. i will say these last few days have been really bad for me as far as food goes. What I do manage to get down isn't the best food for me. There will be no more of that - back on track and back to work tomorrow. I do much better when I have a schedule to stick to. Being home for the last week throws me off.

Thanks to everyone who has responded it is so helpful to hear solutions to things you are not sure about.


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Hi everyone.

It sounds like many of you have much more will-power than me. With the move and lifestyle change, and now the holidays, being home more often, and just plain STRESS of it all, I have completely gone off the wagon- snacking on Christmas Cookies and candies, eating way too much at family meal after family meal. Every day has been a challenge - with trying to get the new home in order, getting all the supplies for the horses, constantly dealing with bad weather and miserable driving in icey roads, blowing snow and drifts while trying to get everything done, and finally bringing the horses home yesterday - I just let myself go and reverted into all my bad habits. It's been really hard, since we have so many traditional family food favorites this time of year. I totally admit, I'm a sweet freak! (Orea, nothing is ever too sweet! :-) But you're right - it's poison, and once on this addicting sugar high, it's hard to come off it!

Tomorrow I go back to work - at while I don't want to, I know it will be good for me to get back into my old routine. I haven't gained much, but I've sure not lost anything, and with all the exercise I've been getting I should have lost a ton.

And I can't blame the band - it reminds me constantly that I've eaten enough and too fast, I just wait a while and eat again!

So - I hate to say it - but thank goodness Christmas is over, and now we've got New Year's and Resolutions to make! My first resolution is to make this the year I make my GOAL. And it's starting tomorrow! I want to reach goal by April 9th, my one year band-anniversary. I've had my vacation, and now I'm ready to move on to my next phase of life -- with the band, and here on the farm.

I don't get on line very often anymore, and I miss loging my food on thedaily plate - that really kept me grounded. HOpefully, I can find a way to get back into that despite the slow internet service. One more week and my DD goes back to college, and the other DD goes back to high school every day - in a few days my DS and DIL go back home, and then it will be easier. At least I keep telling myself that!

For those of you who got through the holidays maintaining your healthy diets and exercise - KUDOS!! You are amazing!

And if you're like me -- time to make those resolutions!

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Orea....what a great post. For me, 2008 was one of the greatest years of my life but also the most stressful. Waiting to get accepted by ins. company for surgery, dieting b/4 surgery and making sure I stuck to it, having another surgery shortly after are some of the stressful points.

But, positives hugely outweigh the stress of it all. I FEEL SO WONDERFUL. I can outrun an 18 yr old, I sleep laying down without choking, my body does not hurt all over, my bad knees and ankles have healed and NEVER hurt, I am no longer a "furnace" 24/7, I hit goal and then some, I can go into a store and pick a size 6 off the rack and know it will fit...sometimes a size 4 (I am very small boned), and best of all...I am so happy...that cloud of obesity has lifted.

My goal for 2009 is to remain active, happy and healthy. I do some form of exercise each day in my home (15 miles to gym) and am faithful about it. I plan to NEVER forget where I have been and how I got to the place I am now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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