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First bite syndrome? That is exactly what I have!

Every meal goes like this: One or two bites and then--wham! Off to the bathroom to get rid of it. I am about to go on a cruise in 2 days and though food is not my #1 reason for going, it will be there. I will slooooooow down and start off with a bite and then--wait!

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season!

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Lots of good insight and suggestions on this morning eating problem. Coincidentally, I had a bad morning today... DH always makes me a small eggbeaters omelet, usually with some kind of seafood in it. Today he put shrimp in it... cut up in little pieces. And, as always I ate it very slowly. Nevertheless, it got stuck and I was mildly uncomfortable all morning. Shrimp often gives me problems and I always eat it very carefully and slowly.

I always have a cup of hot coffee about 1/2 hour before I eat. Warm/hot liquids definitely help to open things up in the morning.

But, sip it slowly... don't gulp like this chick!!


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I always did have a problem in the morning eating that first bite. My dr. told me to sip on something hot like tea or coffee for 1/2 to 1 hour prior to eating. He said that when you sleep at night the pouch becomes dry and needs to be opened in the morning and the hot drink will do it for you.

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I WON!!!!!

They told me today. I will get my money soon and she wasn't sure of the exact amount but it was over $500, rumor I heard was $700. YAHOO!! The man I was so concerned about beating me came in third, another woman came in 2nd, I beat her by less than a percentage point. WHEW!! My kids joked last night that it meant Christmas just got better for them, I said no way,that money is mine! I intend to either put it in my cruise fund or my wardrobe fund.

Speaking of Christmas, my son called while at the mall yesterday wanting Christmas ideas. I think I am getting an Ann Taylor gift card!! WOO HOO!! I usually think they are cop outs but this year would prefer the card than the item. My reasoning is after Christmas everything will be cheaper and I can save it to use for different sizes as I go down.

We went to dinner last night for hubby's birthday, we went to Texas Roadhouse, had never been before. Oh my it was yummy!! My daughter and I can split an entree and are completely satisfied.

I finished my Christmas shopping today so am going to wrap next. All I have left is food shopping for Christmas eve and I will do that on Monday. I was stressing over getting it all done and here I am over a week before Christmas. Now I can put my feet up, sit by the fire, put on the Christmas music and relax!

HMMM, never heard of first bite syndrome, makes sense. Though I have never had trouble in the mornings. Now I am thinking maybe I need more fill so that I do?? HMMM but have had an issue with a first bite or two.

Lynn, I remember my almost 2 yrs living in Delaware, I was never so cold in all my life. Even with our zero temp. readings here the past couple days. There was something about the dampness and humidity that I never adjusted to having lived mostly in deserty climates, though I was born in Wisconsin and lived there in grade school. I always felt cold there and only thing I could think of that it could be was the dampness.

Edited by Great2BThin

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LONG, CONGRATS! on your win! Did you try the chopped salad at Texas Roadhouse? It is yummy.

Orea, Great ideas! I think I might have that " first bite syndrome" too coupled with eating too fast. I am staying away from shrimp. I have pb'd three times on shrimp.:thumbup:

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LONG, CONGRATS! on your win! Did you try the chopped salad at Texas Roadhouse? It is yummy.

Nope, I haven't had one bite of salad since banding. Never liked it, got sick of it always eating it to lose weight you know. Once they told me in the nutrition class that lettuce and leafy greens can ball up and get stuck, that was enough for me. It would be different if I enjoyed more salads, I might try them then. I had a small piece off of hubby's prime rib, and a couple small ribs from an appetizer. The ribs were awesome but the prime rib was good too. I really wanted a roll though, but if I did, I wouldn't have wanted to stop at one either, so I avoided them.

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Hi girls....snowy and blowing here today. -17 degrees when I drove in for my volunteer job at the hospital this morning.

Good advice on the first bite syndrome, Orea. Also, Phyll. I have only been stuck twice and that was on deli type meat. I guess I have just been lucky. I have only had two fills and feel that I would rather be on this side of hungry. My meals (4oz) last about 3-4 hours and then I get hungry. I try to not get TOO hungry because then I tend to eat too fast. I tend to be tight in the morning, until about 10am, so I just eat Greek yogurt or a Pure Protein Bar. They are both delicious so don't mind.

I eat a lot of shrimp and scallops. They are so dense that they keep me full for at least 5-6 hours. I could see where you could get stuck with them, Phyll. I used to eat Egg Beaters but they seem so dry compared to real eggs. Not sure what it is but I am turned off to them now.

Hey Phyll.....don't you be tempting me to buy diamonds!!!!!!! I am a diamond girl....it's true what they say: Diamonds ARE a girl's best friend. I know this to be true!!!!!!

Congrats on the contest, Long. Just knew you would win it. Like your idea of saving it for yourself. You deserve to spend it on new clothes. Wait though (speaking from experience) until you reach goal or know for sure what size you will be in next winter. I made the mistake of buying a few sets of sizes in clothing. But my closet is now full and happy! As you know, I love Ann Taylor also. Jones New York, Laura Ashley and Columbia clothing for knocking around. My dressier clothes I try to find more tailored and classic lines because they tend to stay in style year after year.

Well, better get after some candy making. Have a couple of appts tomorrow and want to take them with as a gift. (Hairdresser and my eyelash extension lady). Everyone have a great evening. We won't be venturing out in this crappy weather. We'll be in the recliners (I can never sit for more than 5 minutes but DH will be) and counting down the days until we head for FL. To think...I use to live outside when I was younger.

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Nope, I haven't had one bite of salad since banding. Never liked it, got sick of it always eating it to lose weight you know. Once they told me in the nutrition class that lettuce and leafy greens can ball up and get stuck, that was enough for me. It would be different if I enjoyed more salads, I might try them then. I had a small piece off of hubby's prime rib, and a couple small ribs from an appetizer. The ribs were awesome but the prime rib was good too. I really wanted a roll though, but if I did, I wouldn't have wanted to stop at one either, so I avoided them.

I didn't eat salad for a long time, but once I tried it again, I had no problem with it, so that's what I usually have for lunch. Not my very favorite thing to eat, but I eat it because that's what DH fixes for me.....EVERY DAY!! (That can get old!)


As far as bread goes, I really don't tolerate it very well. If it has a fairly crispy crust, it's easier, but even the 45 calorie Sara Lee gets me in trouble every time. And the thing about bread is that it fills you up too quick and leaves no room for the good stuff.


Hi girls....snowy and blowing here today. -17 degrees when I drove in for my volunteer job at the hospital this morning.

Good advice on the first bite syndrome, Orea. Also, Phyll. I have only been stuck twice and that was on deli type meat. I guess I have just been lucky. I have only had two fills and feel that I would rather be on this side of hungry. My meals (4oz) last about 3-4 hours and then I get hungry. I try to not get TOO hungry because then I tend to eat too fast. I tend to be tight in the morning, until about 10am, so I just eat Greek yogurt or a Pure Protein bar. They are both delicious so don't mind.

I eat a lot of shrimp and scallops. They are so dense that they keep me full for at least 5-6 hours. I could see where you could get stuck with them, Phyll. I used to eat Egg Beaters but they seem so dry compared to real eggs. Not sure what it is but I am turned off to them now.

Hey Phyll.....don't you be tempting me to buy diamonds!!!!!!! I am a diamond girl....it's true what they say: Diamonds ARE a girl's best friend. I know this to be true!!!!!!

Congrats on the contest, Long. Just knew you would win it. Like your idea of saving it for yourself. You deserve to spend it on new clothes. Wait though (speaking from experience) until you reach goal or know for sure what size you will be in next winter. I made the mistake of buying a few sets of sizes in clothing. But my closet is now full and happy! As you know, I love Ann Taylor also. Jones New York, Laura Ashley and Columbia clothing for knocking around. My dressier clothes I try to find more tailored and classic lines because they tend to stay in style year after year.

Well, better get after some candy making. Have a couple of appts tomorrow and want to take them with as a gift. (Hairdresser and my eyelash extension lady). Everyone have a great evening. We won't be venturing out in this crappy weather. We'll be in the recliners (I can never sit for more than 5 minutes but DH will be) and counting down the days until we head for FL. To think...I use to live outside when I was younger.

You used to live outside????

We want to hear more about that, don't we???


I have stayed inside ALL DAY the past two days because it's too cold outside... well, after Water aerobics, that is!! We still go to water aerobics no matter how cold and miserable. We even went in the rain yesterday. I ordered water warmups and I can't wait until they come!! Short sleeve swim sweater that will help keep me warm on these cold mornings! Pool water is hot. Otherwise I would not be able to stand it!

Diamonds..... we can't have enough!! I often get teased about my wedding rings!! Added ring guard encrusted with diamonds for our 25th anniv, so my short little ring finger sports diamonds right up to the first knuckle. My dear Uncle Frank once told me I needed to get my finger stretched to accommodate it!

I'm not a very glitzy person, but I do love my diamonds and I am so excited about my diamond earrings! The first pair I bought were on sale at Sears a month or so ago.... 1/2 k, 14k yellow gold.... but DH talked me in to them because they wre on sale.. $99 from $259. But they were such poor quality that they were cloudy and dull. I kept taking them out and looking at them and it just made me sick that I spent $100 bucks on them. So I took them back last weekend and bought 1/4 k at the Piercing Pagoda and I LOVE them... tiny, but sparkly and oh, so pretty! I am being so good this week trying to get that 3 lb off to make it to 100 lb... cuz I won't wear them until I get there.

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I WON!!!!!

We went to dinner last night for hubby's birthday, we went to Texas Roadhouse, had never been before. Oh my it was yummy!! My daughter and I can split an entree and are completely satisfied.

HMMM, never heard of first bite syndrome, makes sense. Though I have never had trouble in the mornings. Now I am thinking maybe I need more fill so that I do?? HMMM but have had an issue with a first bite or two.

Congrats on the win!! We knew you could do it!!

Texas Roadhouse... there was one close to us when we lived in Oklahoma. Wonderful rolls!! I loved the BBQ ribs.

Never heard the term "FIRST BITE SYNDROME" until today, but I can relate. Sometimes I think I"m SOOOO hungry and then I take a bite of something... like my nightly snack, cottage cheese and peaches, usually... and right away I think, well, maybe I was hungry but now I'm not!! Our heads, and maybe even our stomachs, can send us confusing signals!

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOps...Hard to tell what someone really means when in writing. Well, Phyll, did not LITERALLY live outside...should have explained a little better. As a child and young adult I spent almost every waking hour on the ice, skating, playing broom ball, building forts and continued the same with my boys until they left home and didn't want to play with momma anymore. Now I have no insulation so I moan and groan.

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LONG, CONGRATS! on your win! Did you try the chopped salad at Texas Roadhouse? It is yummy.

Orea, Great ideas! I think I might have that " first bite syndrome" too coupled with eating too fast. I am staying away from shrimp. I have pb'd three times on shrimp.:thumbup:

Charlene, Please tell me about the salad. I cannot eat salads and miss them so much, Thanks Dot

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Dot, the Roadhouse salad is just chopped up in small pieces. I too, do not eat salad very often. I am scared it will get stuck. I don't eat sandwich bread either unless I toast it.

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I feel like the band is always a work in progress!

The band is a work in progress!

It's funny how there is no food that gives me trouble, and I have no trouble eating in the morning, like I hear other bandsters say. I didn't even have any trouble with any particular foods, like bread, even when I was puking in my sleep. I really wish sometimes that I was not able to eat anything I want.

It's freezing here too. It's very unusual for it to be this cold on the Oregon coast. It's in the 20's.

Oh, by the way, I did a name change.


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Texas Roadhouse - Love it. The rolls were always a downfall for me, but like so many of us I also do not tolerate dread too well.

I went to Lone Star Steakhouse the other night for my birthday. A fellow bander friend and I shared and appetizer and a steak. Best way to go. the few bites of steak we had left went home for my dogs to have a treat..

I am afraid to get on the scale. Have not weighted myself for over 2 weeks. and I gained then. I have to get over the fear of the scale. I'll update you all when I get back on it !@!!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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