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Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

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I am sooooo excited!! Another 2 lbs gone forever!! This is AWESOME!!! Total of 76.6!!!

Congrats Mominluv13 - WTG !!!! :thumbup:

Oh, wow. I must have missed that post. Yeah, you do need to rest. Have you been scoped? Well, I hoped everything gets back to normal for you soon. I know what you mean about this time of year. We are going out to eat Thanksgiving and to see the new movie Australia. I usually feed twenty or more, but I don't need the temptation. I told the kids to go to their in-laws. I will have a better handle on things next year. I hope you find a way to fight your hunger. It sure is a none stop battle without restrciton.

Charlene - Great plan !!! I am cooking but only for my 3 or 4 - then going to Son's for the weekend... I am not a big turkey person - so just doing it so that family will be togehter and then that's why I'm makeing the trip to see my son.. This yr with the loss of my bro - it just brings it so much more forward in your mind that tomorrow isn't promised so we need to do things now and not put them off as we usually do..

Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome to those of you who are new! Well wishes to those of you and yours who are facing health issues! Congratulations to those who are losing, losing, losing!

Here's a little update. My daughter and I had our consult with the surgeon last Thursday. We of course had snow to contend with on the way, got lost and were late. We called and they waited for us, thankfully.

Saw the nurse, weight, height, measurements, pictures. Then we joined 2 other women, and as a group watched a video from the insurance guy, then a video from the surgeon. The surgeon came in and talked to us and answered questions. Then we were examined indivually by the surgeon. I have to have a stress test in addition to the usual bloodwork, ekg, chest xray and the swallow thing. My daughter has to have a few more tests including a sleep test. Both also have to meet with the nutrionalist and make a psych visit. The office makes all the appointments (except for the psych)nand sends you the info, so we are waiting for our packets. We asked that they piggyback as much as possible and make our appointments for the same day as it is a 3 hour trip.

The surgeon questioned whether we continue with our follow up care as we are so far. I tried to assure him that i really want this and will do what i have too.

He also told me that i can only expect to lose 50 to 60 lbs with the band. I of course want to lose more but as i'm doing this to prevent health problems, i'll do what it takes.

The ride home was absolutely horrendous, it took us over 6 hours! It was snowing so hard, you couldn't see to drive at times. Tractor trailers were stuck on the hills, had to Detour once. We were stopped, stuck on a hill with hundreds of other cars at one point for almost an hour. We stopped once for gas and a couple of times to clean the ice off the headlights and wipers. We were afraid to stop and eat, so ate some Protein Bars i had in my purse. I have to admit both of us were questioning our decision to have this surgery at one point during the drive home.

So now we are waiting for our packets, continuing the medically supervised and waiting again. Reading here everyday to get as much info and prepare as much as possible.

I'm hoping to have surgery sometime in Jan. I can't wait!


Hi Pat !!!

Don't listen to that 50% to 60% those are just #'s - there are alot of pple here who have lost 100% of their excess weight - I made it my goal to loss it all... And with the help of my band for the 1st time in my life I have gotten to goal... You can do it..

Your doc sounds alot like mine - except they called all the pple I had to see and then those pple called me to set up appointments.

I got them all done in 6 weeks - and I had tons -sleep, heart, lungs, colon, pap, mamo, dietican, shrink, blood work 14 vials, xrays..

January will be here before you know it...

Glad to see things are progressing well for you - and oh my that trip !!! Snow 6 hours... glad you and daughter were together - that would be scary if you were all alone...


Job cuts everywhere.

My ex got the pink slip June 2007, but they kept him on until 12/2008, now he is working back at the same company through a temp service. Cost cutting, since he was high paid, but then they lost his expertise and realized they still needed him. I think many of the young ones out there want the $$$ but do not have the work ethics of the older employees and of course the years of knowledge and experience. He is doing well now, but was really in a slump for a few months. But now he also has more time to spend with his grandson..

BTW, my ex and I are much better as friends than we were married.. so we keep in touch and see each other socially with groups of friends..

Lynn - me an my xdh are exactly the same way...

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Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome to those of you who are new! Well wishes to those of you and yours who are facing health issues! Congratulations to those who are losing, losing, losing!

Here's a little update. My daughter and I had our consult with the surgeon last Thursday. We of course had snow to contend with on the way, got lost and were late. We called and they waited for us, thankfully.

Saw the nurse, weight, height, measurements, pictures. Then we joined 2 other women, and as a group watched a video from the insurance guy, then a video from the surgeon. The surgeon came in and talked to us and answered questions. Then we were examined indivually by the surgeon. I have to have a stress test in addition to the usual bloodwork, ekg, chest xray and the swallow thing. My daughter has to have a few more tests including a sleep test. Both also have to meet with the nutrionalist and make a psych visit. The office makes all the appointments (except for the psych)nand sends you the info, so we are waiting for our packets. We asked that they piggyback as much as possible and make our appointments for the same day as it is a 3 hour trip.

The surgeon questioned whether we continue with our follow up care as we are so far. I tried to assure him that i really want this and will do what i have too.

He also told me that i can only expect to lose 50 to 60 lbs with the band. I of course want to lose more but as i'm doing this to prevent health problems, i'll do what it takes.

The ride home was absolutely horrendous, it took us over 6 hours! It was snowing so hard, you couldn't see to drive at times. Tractor trailers were stuck on the hills, had to Detour once. We were stopped, stuck on a hill with hundreds of other cars at one point for almost an hour. We stopped once for gas and a couple of times to clean the ice off the headlights and wipers. We were afraid to stop and eat, so ate some Protein Bars i had in my purse. I have to admit both of us were questioning our decision to have this surgery at one point during the drive home.

So now we are waiting for our packets, continuing the medically supervised and waiting again. Reading here everyday to get as much info and prepare as much as possible.

I'm hoping to have surgery sometime in Jan. I can't wait!


Hi Pat

I see you are in PA - so am I but a little North of Pittsburgh. Where are you driving to have your surgery? Are you by any chance coming to Pittsburgh for your surgery?


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hello, i am new here have not had lap band yet in the process of getting everything ready for ins. one more appt. on dec. 3rd then they tell me they can send to ins. for approval..

how much weight do you lose on pre surgery liquid diet and about how much can i lose in 7 months after surgery.. oh i am from florida

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I am also in FL--near Tampa. I lost 13 lbs on the pre-op diet and have lost 65 lbs total since May. I am almost at my goal.

Where are you in FL? Good luck to you. I have NO regrets about my band!

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thats great, hope i can do that, i am in plant city

dr. aguila will be doing the surgery if i get approved..

did the liquid diet taste ok he said i would be on Optifast.< /p>

i am scared, excited cant name it all and my husband says i ma taking the easy way out, but i dont believe it willbe easy. i just have to show him i can do it..

hope to talk to you again :thumbup:

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May - tell your husband there IS NO EASY WAY OUT OF MORBID OBESITY!! This way may be more successful for most people, but it is not easy. I am looking forward to months of hard work and a total lifestyle change. How will that be easy?

p.s. I can't wait!

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hello, i am new here have not had lap band yet in the process of getting everything ready for ins. one more appt. on dec. 3rd then they tell me they can send to ins. for approval..

how much weight do you lose on pre surgery liquid diet and about how much can i lose in 7 months after surgery.. oh i am from florida

Welcome May, First off, if having major surgery, the pain, the lifestyle change, the after care, etc. is the easy way out then so be it, but to me no way is it the easy way out. It's hard work. But if you are willing to follow the rules and do the work you can be very successful. As to your questions, there's no really good answer. Every doc is different on pre op diets, some require 2 weeks, some require non at all. (I was lucky and had none at all). And as to how much weight you can lose in 7 mos. that varies as well, depending on how agressive your doc is on fills, how diligent you are at following the bandster rules, your metabolism, exercise level etc. I am not quite 6 mos out yet and am down 86 lbs. for which I am very grateful. I am very diligent, I had to self pay for the surgery and there was no way I was going to not follow the rules, and I have an agressive doc on fills. I had 5 fills in my first 3 mos and hit my 'sweet spot' quickly. Individual results will vary. Good luck to you and best wishes on the insurance approval.

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thank you so much for your info.. I am going to do this all the way as the doctor tells me to as I want to loose all this weight, for my health and I will work hard at it..You have done a beautiful job and I am sure it was very hard, keep it up.. I hope I have the same sucess as you have had.. i will give it my all and thank you so much for the help with the questions. I am 51 and I want to be able to do things with my grandchildren that I can't do now, It is hard to walk a distance because I also need double knee replacements and I am thinking this weight off me will help a whole lot and maybe I can put off the surgery for years down the road....

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Congratulations on your loss! Have a wonderful and safe trip, too!

Unfortunately, St. Marys is on the opposite side of the state from Philly. We are located in the middle of no where! St. Marys is about 45 minutes north of DuBois which is on I-80. We are between Pittsburgh (3.5 hours away)and Erie (3 hours away). I'm going to have my surgery in Erie. I'm glad my daughter is doing this with me, we have our own little support group. The only other person in our house is my son and he pretty much does his own thing.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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Welcome !!!

Ok your DH & Friends telling you this is the Easy Way Out - BS - Like Long said - it's hard work. Yes the band does make the hard job of lossing weight a little easier but it's stil work..

My band has done 25% of the work by providing restriction but I have done the other 75% by eating healthy (low fat - low sugar - limited carbs) and by going to the gym at 1st 4-5 days a week now down to 3-4..

I feel 10 yrs younger - have tons more energy - I am no longer eating and sleeping my life away.

My 50 yr old brother just died 10/13 - you want to know the cause of death - Enlarged heart (from being obese) COPD he was sick with bronchittus/Ashma (sp) - Obesity - he weight 285 - but had been up in the 300 a few yrs back.. Yes this was the offical cause of his death those 3 things are listed- he just turned 50 last March...

The reason I got banded was cuz I wanted to add a few more years to my life - I want to see my 3 grandkids grow up.. I wanted to improve the quality of my life. My pre-op test showed I had a good heart - lungs - colon- etc - so hopefully loosing 110 lbs is going to give me a few more years with my family... For me - the looks is icing on the cake - I can't tell you how much better I feel now a days..

So When you DH says this is the easy way - send him to us .... You will get him back - but he might be missing a big chunk out of his butt ::blush::lol:

Good Luck on your journey - For me the journey was well worth the changes I made in my life...

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thank you so much for your info.. I am going to do this all the way as the doctor tells me to as I want to loose all this weight, for my health and I will work hard at it..You have done a beautiful job and I am sure it was very hard, keep it up.. I hope I have the same sucess as you have had.. i will give it my all and thank you so much for the help with the questions. I am 51 and I want to be able to do things with my grandchildren that I can't do now, It is hard to walk a distance because I also need double knee replacements and I am thinking this weight off me will help a whole lot and maybe I can put off the surgery for years down the road....


Another rule - is to take the word HOPE OUT OF YOUR VOCUBLARY AND REPLACE WITH I WILL...

If you know your can you will - if you think you can't - you won't -

Positive affirmations - This whole band thing is truly more mental work than physical work - so start now - with good thoughts..

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Oh, wow. I must have missed that post. Yeah, you do need to rest. Have you been scoped? Well, I hoped everything gets back to normal for you soon. I know what you mean about this time of year. We are going out to eat Thanksgiving and to see the new movie Australia. I usually feed twenty or more, but I don't need the temptation. I told the kids to go to their in-laws. I will have a better handle on things next year. I hope you find a way to fight your hunger. It sure is a none stop battle without restrciton.

Restriction is a tricky thing. I think it is a very fine line between having enough, and having too much. I really don't know how to explain it to some of you newer people, but the band can be very fickle. Sometimes people feel like they can't eat anything, and some days, can eat anything they want. It took me many fills and a couple of unfills to get to what I thought was my sweet spot.

I hadn't had a fill in nearly a year and thought everything was perfect, until I started this throwing up in my sleep.

When I had the esophagram, the barium just sat in my esophagus, for over 15 minutes. It really made me wonder how long food was sitting in there, and why nothing ever felt stuck.

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I really am looking forward to doing this to be able to play with my graddaughter and not be out of breath and walk with her is reward to me in itself..I will prove my h wrong i can and i will ose all this weight, I believe he wants me to lose but, he is also afraid that someone else will look at me as he has told me when i lose this weight I might leave, I have been hiding under all this weight far to long, it is time for the me inside to come out..he has to get over it.. because I WILL complete my plans for my health my health first.. I have my mother inlaw living with us and I have to take care of her as she is in a wheelchair, and this weight makes it difficult at times and h eventually will be more than likely getting a heart transplant, some where down the road, he just got checked for this at he heart hospital here and theysay he is holding his own right now, that the doctor will let us know when we have to go back, so I can't take care of anybody else the right way till I take care of my self first and this is my first big step...

Thank you so much for all your response this is helping me a great deal.. because he is not going to give it to me at this time, maybe when he sees me doing it and see me working hard he will change his mind..

How long did it take you to lose all the weight that you have that is fantastic !!!!!

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Hi everyone: I agree three cheers for exercise!! Outdoor exercise such as power walking in nature ...on trails...is a mental exercise for me that keeps me happy and sane. When I walk ...easier on a wooded trail...I only focus on the sounds and beautiful surroundings and my legs and none of my thoughts. 45 minutes later I feel like I can keep going but usually have to get to get to some task. Unfortunately I sprained my food this summer and can't go to far...there is treatment though.

1 week to go ...I am excited about feeling alive again...

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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