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Welcome Mimi!! Sounds like you have a zoo there with all the animals! I love dogs though and would love to have more but in the city with our small yard wouldn't be practical. I am too allergic to cats though to ever add them to the mix. Had to get steroid shots once over a reaction to a cat, that scared me to not push it again, after coming very close to being hospitalized. I'm that allergic.

We have a 27 yr old daughter back living with us as she sorts things out. Actually she has a serious boyfriend and was going to get an apartment and think he told her to wait, they have talked the M (marriage) word.

Congrats on the band.

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WELCOME MIMI! I am a MEME to my grandchildren(8 of them). You will get a lot of good advice on this thread. My LBT peeps keep me encouraged and inspired to do better. So just jump on in!

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I visited with Phyl last night - Had a great time - Posting pic of when we 1st met last Nov and a pic of this Nov - She is only 2.8 away from losing 100 lbs (but gotta say that the pic from this year really doen't do her justice - I think it's all the black - it doesn't show off how much she has lost in this last year as it does in real life..)- I made her a t-shirt with her pic surrounded by 10 gold stars for her to wear when she hits that mark real soon..

It's the skinny chick standing next to me!!

Makes me look as broad as a barn!

And those stupid cords... they were too tight in Sept, now they're baggy... they didn't help the look!

Hi Everyone---I have been reading everyone's postings in this thread and you all sound like such nice people.

YEP!! This is a GREAT group of people!!

I am not too computer saavy, so you may not ever see the cute tickers that everyone else has along with their messages.:laugh: I'll catch on one day.

There's a tutorial that can help you set that up... Janet knows where it is.. I can never find it!!

I live in a small town in Texas. My husband and I retired from our jobs this year. He is a special ed. teacher and I worked for 25 yrs. as a banker. We love to take our 5th wheel and go camping. We have joined a group of Christian

campers and try to go camping once every mo.

Well, I know that I have rattled on way too long. I just wanted you to know about my life and I really look forward to hearing from y'all. Thank You---- :laugh:

We live in our RV in the winter, near Palm Springs CA, in a really great Christian RV park. If you ever get down this way with your 5th wheel, you'll have to check it out!

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Sorry to hear about abbie. My dog's name is Abby too. She is a silky terrier. She is 12. She has been acting like she doesn't feel well either.

Sorry to hear about the lay offs. I work for an attorney that does car accidents. I think my job is safe because people still have car wrecks.

I can't seem to stop eating junk.I do well for a couple days then get temped by someone and lose my willpower.

Pinki, right now you are in my neck of the woods. I am in Oregon.

:laugh: I have a dog named Abby too.

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Abby seems to be a popular name for a dog!

I hate weekends. Temptations everywhere. I feel like I am never going to be able to lose the extra few lbs I put back on. No more fill for me, and I am hungry a lot. Dr. says it's all in my head but I know my tummy is grumbling!

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Janet & Phyl, you gals are looking BEE_U_T_FULL!! I'm jealous of your meeting! But heck we may have Vegas one day!

I'm out of the 220's today!!! scale said 219.9 but it wasn't 220!!! Never to go back, now I can say less than 20 left of the 200's!! WOO HOO!!! though I hit 100 lbs lost in 14 more.

Just got home from costco and getting food and pies for our S. Dakota Thanksgiving trip. EGADS I spent a lot! And wow do they ever have more samples on a Sunday! I maybe back in the 220s tomorrow!! OOPS! But I digress, my point in mentioning that was I was going to get more of the panko breaded tilapia (I think it was this board we discussed this), THEY DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE! This is my big frustration with Costco, I find something I like and go back for more and most of the time it is 'deleted from our system'. GRRR They told me to fill out a comment card to get it brought back, so if you liked that please join me!!

Congrats Lori - for getting under 200 WTG... I don't shop at costco much since it's just me and GS... As it is I could feed the kids in Africa with all the food I toss..

Hi Everyone---I have been reading everyone's postings in this thread and you all sound like such nice people. I was banded on August 27th, 2008. I am so happy that I made the decision to have the LB. I have lost almost 40 pounds and feel so much better. I am 54yrs old (until January 14) and have 8 children. Ours is a blended family (3 his and 3 mine and 2 together). Thankfully, my DH adopted my girls and we have been able to raise them all under 1 roof. We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary last June. Six of our children are grown and raising their own families. Our 2 youngest are 19 and 21 yrs. Our 19 yr. old daughter is getting ready to go back to college in January. Our 21 yr. old son is trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. He has not gone to college, and that is ok with us, but he needs to find a steady job. He is not living with us. My father is in a nursing home at this time. He is diabetic and has kidney failure. He can't walk because of poor circulation and the kidney problems. He refuses to take dialysis,so the DR said he would die without it. We do hope to bring home in a few weeks. We will get home health care and Hospice for him. This will help my MOM. We visit DAD every day and treasure each moment we have with him.

We also are the proud parents of one Lab, 1 Am. Bulldog, 1 spoiled Dachshund, 1 part chihuahua, and 1 full blooded chihuahua. Bear in mind that all the dogs originally were our children's. We also have a deaf white Cat. I love our animals a lot, but sometimes it does get a little overwhelming:ohmy:.

I am not too computer saavy, so you may not ever see the cute tickers that everyone else has along with their messages.:laugh: I'll catch on one day.

I live in a small town in Texas. My husband and I retired from our jobs this year. He is a special ed. teacher and I worked for 25 yrs. as a banker. We love to take our 5th wheel and go camping. We have joined a group of Christian

campers and try to go camping once every mo.

Well, I know that I have rattled on way too long. I just wanted you to know about my life and I really look forward to hearing from y'all. Thank You---- :blink:

Welcome Mimi - Oh my you had a full house of kids - Yours, Mine & Ours - that movie with Lucy & Henry Fonda... You must live in a big place for all those animals - heck my 2 dogs (angel white toy poodle & bear black pomp) and little sheba our new addition tabby cat. are too much for me at times too - I just finished feeding all 3 - they are my GS animals - but you know how that one goes ... They are now mine :laugh:

I;m Janet 53 til 1/29 divorce 1 son 1 gs 17 (who lives w/me) and 2 GD's 14 & 4 who live w/DS & DIL. I was banded 7/07.

I will get the ticker link to you -- here it is

Ticker TUTORIAL (WITH PICTURES!) - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum

It took me a while - but I got it - so so will you

Congrats on your 40lb - you are doing great...

Again Welcome - looking forward to chatting with you

It's the skinny chick standing next to me!!

Makes me look as broad as a barn!

And those stupid cords... they were too tight in Sept, now they're baggy... they didn't help the look!

We live in our RV in the winter, near Palm Springs CA, in a really great Christian RV park. If you ever get down this way with your 5th wheel, you'll have to check it out!

Phyl - You don't look like a barn !!!--- I think it's the black - it was night and you can't see where you stop and begin.. and yes those pants were very baggy..

I guess I should have cropped and just did our faces - heck look at my legs in that pic - the look big...

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Abby seems to be a popular name for a dog!

I hate weekends. Temptations everywhere. I feel like I am never going to be able to lose the extra few lbs I put back on. No more fill for me, and I am hungry a lot. Dr. says it's all in my head but I know my tummy is grumbling!

Why not more fills? Don't stop getting them....my son did and gained half his weight back. If your tummy is grumbling.....it is not head hunger. Hang in there!

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Many thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts about Abbie. She is doing so much better today - finally ate some turkey and rice last night - decided it was pretty good stuff - drank some Water and finally got the plumbing working. She is having some issues with getting out of the house quick enough, but I'm sure her muscle control is a little out of whack. She herded squirrels with Jack this afternoon, so getting back to her normal routine. We are very grateful for her company as long as we can have her.

Sounds like everyone else is doing well this weekend. Welcome Mimi - your life sounds very busy! I understand about the dog situation. We frequently have granddogs visiting - some have stayed a year or more. We are down to just our two dogs now, but we still have our daughter's 12 year old cat. DD and her family are posted with the Army in South Korea and we are all concerned he would have a hard time with the 24+ hour trip in a cage. I know he would complain about the service on the aircraft - he gets pretty much whatever he wants from us.

10 days and a wake up... I am being a very good girl. Protein Shakes and a reasonable dinner today. I guess I just can't wait!!

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Why not more fills? Don't stop getting them....my son did and gained half his weight back. If your tummy is grumbling.....it is not head hunger. Hang in there!

I was throwing up in my sleep. I had no problems what so ever in the day time. I ate small meals, and never had anything stuck or thew up. Apparently, my dr. feels there could be damage to my esophagus so he will not give me any more fills. He said I have lost the weight, and now I should have learned new eating habits.

He will consider it again, after my esophagus has rested a couple of months.

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I was throwing up in my sleep. I had no problems what so ever in the day time. I ate small meals, and never had anything stuck or thew up. Apparently, my dr. feels there could be damage to my esophagus so he will not give me any more fills. He said I have lost the weight, and now I should have learned new eating habits.

He will consider it again, after my esophagus has rested a couple of months.

Oh, wow. I must have missed that post. Yeah, you do need to rest. Have you been scoped? Well, I hoped everything gets back to normal for you soon. I know what you mean about this time of year. We are going out to eat Thanksgiving and to see the new movie Australia. I usually feed twenty or more, but I don't need the temptation. I told the kids to go to their in-laws. I will have a better handle on things next year. I hope you find a way to fight your hunger. It sure is a none stop battle without restrciton.

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Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome to those of you who are new! Well wishes to those of you and yours who are facing health issues! Congratulations to those who are losing, losing, losing!

Here's a little update. My daughter and I had our consult with the surgeon last Thursday. We of course had snow to contend with on the way, got lost and were late. We called and they waited for us, thankfully.

Saw the nurse, weight, height, measurements, pictures. Then we joined 2 other women, and as a group watched a video from the insurance guy, then a video from the surgeon. The surgeon came in and talked to us and answered questions. Then we were examined indivually by the surgeon. I have to have a stress test in addition to the usual bloodwork, ekg, chest xray and the swallow thing. My daughter has to have a few more tests including a sleep test. Both also have to meet with the nutrionalist and make a psych visit. The office makes all the appointments (except for the psych)nand sends you the info, so we are waiting for our packets. We asked that they piggyback as much as possible and make our appointments for the same day as it is a 3 hour trip.

The surgeon questioned whether we continue with our follow up care as we are so far. I tried to assure him that i really want this and will do what i have too.

He also told me that i can only expect to lose 50 to 60 lbs with the band. I of course want to lose more but as i'm doing this to prevent health problems, i'll do what it takes.

The ride home was absolutely horrendous, it took us over 6 hours! It was snowing so hard, you couldn't see to drive at times. Tractor trailers were stuck on the hills, had to Detour once. We were stopped, stuck on a hill with hundreds of other cars at one point for almost an hour. We stopped once for gas and a couple of times to clean the ice off the headlights and wipers. We were afraid to stop and eat, so ate some Protein Bars i had in my purse. I have to admit both of us were questioning our decision to have this surgery at one point during the drive home.

So now we are waiting for our packets, continuing the medically supervised and waiting again. Reading here everyday to get as much info and prepare as much as possible.

I'm hoping to have surgery sometime in Jan. I can't wait!


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This is Boeing's approach to cost cutting: Get rid of the experienced people who are at the top of the pay scale. (Never mind that my husband has the productivity of at least three people. He's expensive so he has to go.) Stupid and short sighted.

As DH observed, look what that approach did for Circuit City!


Job cuts everywhere.

My ex got the pink slip June 2007, but they kept him on until 12/2008, now he is working back at the same company through a temp service. Cost cutting, since he was high paid, but then they lost his expertise and realized they still needed him. I think many of the young ones out there want the $$$ but do not have the work ethics of the older employees and of course the years of knowledge and experience. He is doing well now, but was really in a slump for a few months. But now he also has more time to spend with his grandson..

BTW, my ex and I are much better as friends than we were married.. so we keep in touch and see each other socially with groups of friends..

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Congrats Lori - for getting under 200 WTG... I don't shop at costco much since it's just me and GS... As it is I could feed the kids in Africa with all the food I toss..


OH how I wish I was under 200!! But I am under 220, 19 to go to get under 200. I haven't been that for 26 yrs. Last time I saw a number under 200 was before I got preggers with my son who is 25! LOL

I am sooooo excited!! Another 2 lbs gone forever!! This is AWESOME!!! Total of 76.6!!!

Awesome indeed! Congrats!

Pat, what a nail biting drive! Isn't St Mary's near Philadelphia? Is that where your surgery will be? How nice it will be to have your daughter to go through this with.

We leave for our trip tomorrow. I am cooking Thanksgiving for almost 30 people. I am bringing all the food. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for my band this year, the support I find here, in addition to my health, happiness, family, etc.

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Thanks everyone for the nice welcome! Sounds like all are getting ready for a festive Thanksgiving. We used to do both Thanksgiving and Christmas for our family, but got to be to much. We will have a small turkey day and will have everyone here for Christmas. With 22 grandchildren, you can only imagine what the day is like. DH and I have discussed going away for a Christmas someday, but the Kids have a fit everytime we mention it. I am thankful that they still want to be with us on Holidays.

I do have a question: Has anyone had a fill and the restriction was really tight, so much so that it was hard to even take a drink of Water, and then after about 2 wks. you sit down to eat and there doesn't seem to be any restriction? That happened to me last night and now today I have restriction again. (thank goodness!) I am really concerned about the Holidays and all the food temptations that go along with them. I just love all the goodies and special foods of the Holidays. I am a stress eater, too, and I get really stressed during this time.

Take care and stay safe if y'all are out traveling this week----

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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