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Lower BMI'ers--2008!!!

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I know nothing about insurance but have heard you have to have a bmi of about 40 for most insurance companies.

I self paid and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I took out a 2nd mortgage on my house.

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Hi all, Still pre banded and waiting for approval but in the meantime I have really vamped up my exercise routine and I feel much better. I can still do just about anything because I am very strong as I've worked out most of my life.

I am looking to get the band because of my over size 40 waist (also chest too big now and strangles me at night) which I understand is very bad for longevity and I have a young daughter still. My question is has a lower BMI person ever missed being able to splurg once in a while and just overeat. Is it possible to do this once you are banded? After I exercise I am famished and worried that I will really feel cranky or more likely lose my MIND if I can't eat if I am very hungry. Any comments?

I would love to go crazy and eat a huge Cheeseburger in like 5 minutes...sadly, with the right restriction, you will not be able to scarf down that cheeseburger. However, I can promise you that after 5-6 bites of that big juicy cheeseburger, you will feel like you splurged and ate the entire thing!!! You will be so full that you will not wan to eat another cheeseburger for a year. Common misconsception is that you will be starving and not be able to eat anything. With the right restriction, you will not be starving and you will be able to eat...just not as much:scared2:.

As for me, long time no chat. I have some great updates, one: I no longer work from home, back in the office....which means no LBT :cool2: during the day...okay, that one was not so great. Two: I am 1 lb below my goal weight. I weigh in at 129 in the morning:lol::w00t::lol::tt2:. Three: I have blown my dream to be a size 7....I am now a size 5:thumbs_up::):thumbs_up::mellow:. I can't believe that I am now one of those skinny chicks that you envy so much. I go to a dept store and instead of worrying if the size 16 is going to fit me, I can't seem to find a size 5 that is small enough in the butt and legs. I actually got a new pair of slacks that are a 4P....the P means petite!!!!

My hubby acutally tells me I am too skinny, I don't think there is such a thing. My confidence is through the roof! With my new found confidence, I have been promoted to supervise all of my fellow Nurses! That explains why I no longer work from home.

So, to anyone who doubts the band, like I did, just hang in there, get those fills and watch it work! I did it in 8 months, over 50lbs lost!

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i want to join too..im so close to my first goal...im trying not to focus on dieting but focus on my work outs il let you kno how it goes...

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AudricIan. it's so good to see you posting! Last I heard, you had a little bit taken out. Are you now able to eat small portions and stopped pbing?

Congratulations on reaching your goal! Now you can post in the at goal forum! I am really happy for you. I wish I would have gotten the band years ago!

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Denise and other LBT'ers,

Well, today was a very scary day for me. All night long I had reflux, really bad, I would wake up choking. It has been going on for a few days. No other problems though, but I know that my band is still too tight. I can only eat 2-4 oz. of food per day. Since I was banded in Mexico, it's not like I could just load up the kids and run down to Dr. Ortiz without an appointment. I had been trying to get in at the fill center to get some taken out but, they are only open in my area on Thursday and I knew that I could not wait until Thursday, I may choke to death in my sleep. So I thought of going to the ER. Then I thought about the horror stories of people waiting in the ER. I could just see me with my two young kids, dad is at work all day today. They want to run you through a million tests and then maybe they can find someone to help you with your band issues. Since I am not a doctor, they probably wouldn't even listen to me when I am telling them what they need to do. Then I called my friend who is a home health nurse/former ER nurse. She rushed over I did the unthinkable and let her take some fill out of my band. She only took about .4 cc's out but WOW do I feel better. (She used the correct needle for anyone who is reading this....don't freak out). It was super fast and very easy for her to do, my port is popping out of my abdomen since I have lost so much weight.

I am able to drink an entire bottle of Water now without gagging. I haven't drank an entire bottle of water in about 5 months. My fears of band slippage are gone, I was still a little too tight. Today is the first time that I thought to myself "what have I done to my body". I thought if I could take this band out myself I would.

I don't suggest anyone do what I had to do today. It worked for me, I still have some restriction and hopefully tonight I can rest without fears of choking on reflux. :thumbup:

Has anyone else suffered from bad reflux from being too tight?



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That happens to me too if I eat too late. I know I am not too tight. I can eat anything I want and I hardly have to chew like I used to . It's very scary when that happens, I know! It happened to me last night because I took my pill too late and in the middle of the night, Water came up.

If I am going through a phase of this, I make sure to sleep propped up with pillows so my head is elevated. I can go for days and have no problems but then it will come back.

I think you did the right thing. If you had someone get some out safely, that's the best thing you can do. I know other people who are nurses and took some of their own out, or had nurse friends do it.

As long as you use that huber needle, it should be fine. Hopefully, she took enough out, and you won't need another unfill.

I thought you had a partial unfill a couple of months ago?

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Hi Denise: Sorry to be snooping but I am not yet banded and still have many questions.

My question to you is; Was your pill on the large side? Sometimes I have to take a sleeping pill which isn't as large as a Vitamin but about half a thumbnail wide. Would this cause a problem like this as well. It does sound frightening to have Water come up in your throat when your sleeping!! Any input would be appreciated thank you!

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My ambien is not very big at all. I have to make sure to stay up awhile to make sure the Water isn't just completely sitting in my stomach.

You should go to the complications section of this board and read how many people are having problems with this. They say it's reflux, but I don't get the acid. For me, it's just water.

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Are there still low BMIers checking this thread? I see there weren't any posts for the last 3 weeks.

Well, I'm new to the forum and on the "fast track" to lap-banding! I have a BMI of 34.7 and found out about the BAND3035 study about 2 weeks ago. I attended an informational "open house" last Monday, the 13th, and now have surgery scheduled for the 29th! I managed to get all the tests and evaluations scheduled right away (only have psych, group and pre-op to go!) and all my paperwork is turned in (and what a mass of paperwork it was!) Needless to say, I'm really excited but nervous at the same time. I didn't think it could happen so fast! I don't have any medical problems (no reflux, hypertension, diabetes or anything)... just been a chubby yo-yo dieter all my life with a big appetite. I would get anxiety every time I dieted and obsessed with when I would eat next. I succeeded at losing 20-30 lbs a few times, but always gained it back, plus a little more. Now I'm the heaviest I've ever been at 208. I'm 40, happily married and have 2 small boys (aged 1 and 4). I'm hopeful that this tool will help keep my appetite in check as I start yet another diet/exercise regimen... and will help me actually reach my goal of 130 lbs. and keep it off! Thankfully I have a helpful, naturally skinny husband who doesn't eat a whole lot. My boys don't eat much either. My environment is definitely set up for weight loss. I don't even have any big-eating friends to resent me! I'm looking forward to being able to buy regular-sized clothes off the rack at the discount places like TJ Maxx, Marhsalls and Nordstrom Rack since they never have anything decent in the plus section!

Say, do you really have to go on a liquid diet post-op? For how long?

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I was banded 9-23 and weighed 248 .. had a 3 cc fill on 10-3, had follow up appointment with Dr and weigh 222...a total of 26 lbs. in three weeks. I am very suprised at my weight loss because I can eat everything..hamburgers, salad, a rib of celery, rice, pasta.....and on and on. I guess the reason I lost so much weight so fast is because the reason I weigh so much is because of portion size, I am not a sweet eater, I am more meat and potatoes...and when stressed sometimes a salty snack. I am working out with a trainer 2 times a week and working out a total of four times a week, I am using my plate to track my Protein and carbs, I cook all day once a week and found an easy way to make portion sizes easy to follow and easy to freeze. All the cooks out there can laugh but this is the biggest help for me.

When I cook my low carb foods, Soups, breads etc, I double the receipe and ladle the contents into a cup cake pan. That is about four ounces of whatever I am making, no more guessing of portions. When I make fritattas instead of an 8x12 baking dish and cutting into 8 pieces I use the muffin pans and presto 8 exact measurments. This also makes freezing a breeze because they dont stick to each other and I dont have to individually wrap everything, I let the item cool then drop into a gallon ziplock freezor bag. Now I need to figure out what I can do with soup...lol.

My body is sore from exercising and losing so much weight so fast...my concern is ....I have lost quickly...when does my body say ok enough is enough? and plateau?


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Hello Lower BMIers: I've been extensively researching the Lap Band now for almost 2 years. I am a 37 BMI and 20 or so lbs. away from being a 40 BMI. I've gone through all the supervised diets and psych test, etc. you know the drill however:

I've been turned down by CIGNA 3 times and now ignored by Obestitylaw.com...they just can't do anything more with my insurance because they are saying that the Lap Band is an "experimental" treatment and they don't cover it!

Being 245 pounds when most of my life I was 145 is destroying my self esteem and health. Here's my dilemma and I am looking for opinions because I just don't have anyone to ask about this:

Should I: (My primary care doctor is training to be a Fill Doctor with Fill USA)

1. Go to Mexico ..I like Dr. Rumbaut and did extensive research. Cost is only $9,000 total with everything flight, etc. (I have that $ and won't need a loan)

Problem: Deep down I'm really afraid as I will be going alone. What if something happens and I'm there by myself?

2. Take out a loan for $17,000 that is the cost for an out-patient Lap Band surgery at NYU Med center.

Problem: With the economy the way it is...I'm 49 do I want to have a loan like this? Not working at the present time. Do I want to go into debt again...will I even get the loan?

3. Go to Colorado...there is a doctor there who does it for $10,000 on an out patient basis and is experienced. I need to drag someone with me though as they don't allow you to leave on your own.

4. Continue to pursue and harass my insurance company when really I think they just won't cover me because I don't have the co mobidities they like.

5. Change insurance companies, wear 10 lb weights and do the 6 month supervised diet again. :tongue_smilie:

I know I'm driving myself crazy...can anyone give me any advice?



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Hey Audri:

Wow you skinny chick you rock! What an inspiring post...good for you. I wish I was a nurse...I always wanted to go into that field but I know you have to be one strong woman to do that...and now you are one strong skinny great woman. I liked what you said about the hamburger analogy.....Lucky you for doing this at age 30! Thanks for sharing.

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Hey Audri:

Wow you skinny chick you rock! What an inspiring post...good for you. I wish I was a nurse...I always wanted to go into that field but I know you have to be one strong woman to do that...and now you are one strong skinny great woman. I liked what you said about the hamburger analogy.....Lucky you for doing this at age 30! Thanks for sharing.

That happens to me too if I eat too late. I know I am not too tight. I can eat anything I want and I hardly have to chew like I used to . It's very scary when that happens, I know! It happened to me last night because I took my pill too late and in the middle of the night, Water came up.

If I am going through a phase of this, I make sure to sleep propped up with pillows so my head is elevated. I can go for days and have no problems but then it will come back.

I think you did the right thing. If you had someone get some out safely, that's the best thing you can do. I know other people who are nurses and took some of their own out, or had nurse friends do it.

As long as you use that huber needle, it should be fine. Hopefully, she took enough out, and you won't need another unfill.

I thought you had a partial unfill a couple of months ago?

Denise, I did have a slight unfill, however, it just kept getting tighter and tighter. I am sure that I was dehydrated as when you do not get enough liquids the band gets tighter. It was a cycle, not enough water, tighter band, too tight to drink, band gets tighter and tighter. I have not had any reflux since the band was loosened. I have gained about 2 lbs back over the past month but honestly I am okay with that. Me at 129 lbs was kind of scary LOL! We did use a huber needle and accessing my port was very easy since it is just under the skin, there is no fat around it at all. I am thankful for a true friend who rushed over on her day off and took care of me. I did find out that my local fill center now has Fluoro which is exciting, the fill center is only 1 mile from my house. I know the warning signs now, any reflux and I will be scheduling an unfill.

Sooverit, speaking of cheeseburgers, I had one today and OMG did it taste good!!!! Probably gained another pound back, I may have to go get .1 -.2 cc's put back in because I can eat anything and don't have to chew it to shreds first. Still some restriction and decent I feel full for 4-5 hours. I officially love my band again!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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