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Eating alot after surgery

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My doctor sat me down, like he does every patient before surgery and made me tell him why I was getting this done, beyond just loosing weight. What will weighing less allow you to accomplish? What would make me want to make such a drastic choice? It was a very emotional conversation as I gave him my reasons and he said now everytime you are faced with an urge to make a bad choice, remember the reasons you just said and ask yourself how that choice will help get you there. I know some it is psychological BS but I have found it really works :)

There isn't a magic potient- you have to make the right choices on a daily (hourly or minute by minute) basis to make this thing you had installed inside you work.

Everytime you want a cheeseburger- think of what made you get the band and ask yourself how a cheeseburger is going to help make that goal happen? No one's perfect but keep your eye on the prize, whatever that is to you, and the choices will get easier!

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I know what everyone is saying about not eating food 1 week out from surgery but that is not the issue. We all know it is wrong myself included. The point is that for some of us (me) we have no self-control and feel hungry all the time. Once you start eating and you have absolutely NO pain or feel any resistence you think that you must be all healed and it is ok. Has anyone ever spoken to their Dr and started getting fills after 2 weeks? I though about calling my DR but I am scared to tell her I have been eating since I had my surgery 8 days ago. Be honest. I can't be the only person who is eating so soon can I?

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i understand completely what sci girl is talking about. i did not try a cheeseburger until i was cleared for solids, but when i did, i was very surprised that i could eat a cheeseburger and fries.

let me say first of all that i have ZERO willpower. this is not an excuse, it is honesty.

i did not lose weight in the beginning and a big part of it was the lack of willpower. so if you continue to make those choices, i'm sure it will show on your scale.

however, my doctor tells us that we can have a cheeseburger if we want. he even says go for pizza, but the band keeps us from eating a lot. he also wants 10% of all of our calories to be Protein. if you eat that way majority of the time, a cheeseburger is ok. my doctor wants us to eat it with the bread and everything because we consume less calories that way (if we are restricted).

however, i must say that i was not able to make good conscious healthy choices until i had restriction. just as my doctor predicted. i am loosening back up, but i got my 2nd fill last week, and instead of a cheesburger for lunch, now i actually want to eat chicken breast. because i am not able to eat very many calories, i want them to be healthy.

when you are not hungry you have more control over what you put in your mouth.

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ohhh I am so afraid to say this but listen, we all spent alot of money here to loose weight. How did we all get fat? By eating non fat yogert with strawberries on top? Or did we get fat by driving thru McDonalds to sneak the burger and fries and coke before we went home to eat dinner because we dont want to be seen? Did we sneak the chocolates under our bed? Did we eat alone? Did we have eating friends that enabled us in our eating? I did, I got fat stuffing my face instead of speaking my truth, IT was my best friend, food was my blanket, Hamburgers was a daily experience, my drug!!!

Now this band as I see it isnt like a bypass, we will still injest bad things and nothing bad will happen cept the scales wont move, oh sure we might get stuck, or vomit, But this isnt gonna be an easy fix, there is no more room in my life for a hamburger or french fries, and GOD I WANT IT!!! There can never be a time that I allow those things to pass my lips, ever again. Im in the greiving phase but if i dont stop doing this, i will die, simple as that, and we can choose to eat and feel better, or live, I choose to live, and I hope you all do too. Im not so sure why Im so emotional about this, but as good as that cheeseburger and fries and butterfinger would taste now, I would only be cheating myself and I choose to make my life THE ONLY PRIORITY, thank you for letting me say this its not to say anything bad about anyone else its my declaration of DISCIPLINE and choice to live long enough to hold my grandbabies, and to refuse to be held in this fat body stopping me from enjoying life!!

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I know what everyone is saying about not eating food 1 week out from surgery but that is not the issue. We all know it is wrong myself included. The point is that for some of us (me) we have no self-control and feel hungry all the time. Once you start eating and you have absolutely NO pain or feel any resistence you think that you must be all healed and it is ok. Has anyone ever spoken to their Dr and started getting fills after 2 weeks? I though about calling my DR but I am scared to tell her I have been eating since I had my surgery 8 days ago. Be honest. I can't be the only person who is eating so soon can I?

Imb - I am sorry that you are having such a hard time - but my 1st question is why did you get banded in the first place - Did you think that the band was going to do all the work for you ..

You do have self control - it is just buried so far down in your brain because you haven't used it is so long that you forgot how,..

I don't mean to be mean here - but there are alot of people who also see a shrink about their food issues. This may be something you might want to look into - since you are on a self destruction road here.

You are risking your band by eating when you aren't completely healed - ie the the reason for the post op diet. Your stomach is stiched around the band - and when your stomach digest food it's pulling on that - which isn't heal and can come loose and cause your band to slip..

You can not get a fill only 2 weeks out - fills are usually given at about 6 weeks. Again - you are relying on the band to do the work - the band only does 25% of the work the other 75% is up to you. Even with the band you can be full but still want to eat (head hunger which the band does not help at all) - and the way it sounds you will continue to eat after you are full which will cause you to pb - which in turn can cause your band to slip. They banded your tummy not your brain and truly that's where the problems is at in our brains.

You need to call your doctor ASAP and talk to him about your situation maybe he can direct to someone who can help you..

I really think that you need to take responsiblity for you and your actions You are an adult and you can do this - you gotta take the words "I can do it" out of your vocabulary -

Please call your doctor - that's what he is there for

No you aren't the only person doing this - but you are in the minority and what does it matter if others are doing it - it doesn't make it right

i understand completely what sci girl is talking about. i did not try a cheeseburger until i was cleared for solids, but when i did, i was very surprised that i could eat a cheeseburger and fries. let me say first of all that i have ZERO willpower. this is not an excuse, it is honesty. i did not lose weight in the beginning and a big part of it was the lack of willpower. so if you continue to make those choices, i'm sure it will show on your scale. however, my doctor tells us that we can have a cheeseburger if we want. he even says go for pizza, but the band keeps us from eating a lot. he also wants 10% of all of our calories to be Protein. if you eat that way majority of the time, a cheeseburger is ok. my doctor wants us to eat it with the bread and everything because we consume less calories that way (if we are restricted). however, i must say that i was not able to make good conscious healthy choices until i had restriction. just as my doctor predicted. i am loosening back up, but i got my 2nd fill last week, and instead of a cheesburger for lunch, now i actually want to eat chicken breast. because i am not able to eat very many calories, i want them to be healthy. when you are not hungry you have more control over what you put in your mouth.

bandster - i understand what you are saying to a degree - but I disagree about the will power - it goes to the self control above - we have it - we just never used it when it came to food. I guess i am about the only person on this board - but I don't find that my band makes me less hungry and i have restriction. I still want to eat - I love the taste of food - i can eat dinner and 1 hr later am hungry again -

So when people say they aren't hungry cuz of the fill- I don't get it - ya i can't eat more than 1 cup of food - at one time - but if i wanted to I could graze all day... The way I control what i put in my mouth is by the decision I make at the store -I plan my meal and if you don't have junk in the house you cant eat it..

ohhh I am so afraid to say this but listen, we all spent alot of money here to loose weight. How did we all get fat? By eating non fat yogert with strawberries on top? Or did we get fat by driving thru McDonalds to sneak the burger and fries and coke before we went home to eat dinner because we dont want to be seen? Did we sneak the chocolates under our bed? Did we eat alone? Did we have eating friends that enabled us in our eating? I did, I got fat stuffing my face instead of speaking my truth, IT was my best friend, Food was my blanket, Hamburgers was a daily experience, my drug!!!

Now this band as I see it isnt like a bypass, we will still injest bad things and nothing bad will happen cept the scales wont move, oh sure we might get stuck, or vomit, But this isnt gonna be an easy fix, there is no more room in my life for a hamburger or french fries, and GOD I WANT IT!!! There can never be a time that I allow those things to pass my lips, ever again. Im in the greiving phase but if i dont stop doing this, i will die, simple as that, and we can choose to eat and feel better, or live, I choose to live, and I hope you all do too. Im not so sure why Im so emotional about this, but as good as that cheeseburger and fries and butterfinger would taste now, I would only be cheating myself and I choose to make my life THE ONLY PRIORITY, thank you for letting me say this its not to say anything bad about anyone else its my declaration of DISCIPLINE and choice to live long enough to hold my grandbabies, and to refuse to be held in this fat body stopping me from enjoying life!!

Timeforeme - RIGHT ON WELL SAID -:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

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All I know is I saw the words "salad and cheeseburgers" and I about flipped my lid. LOL I could not even imagine eating those kinds of foods for fear of what it could do to my healing stomach right now. Not to mention the gastritis that is bound to happen...and that stuff can be pretty painful.

Gotta say it's shocking, but to each their own.

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I was too scared to do anything against my doctor's orders... 2 weeks of fluids and 2 weeks of mushies then slowly onto solids. It wasn't too hard at first because the swelling helped but I must say it was hard over the holidays staying on track. I think once people start on the wrong foods it takes a lot of effort to get it right again as many people have said on here. I am determined to beat the old habits and am seriously working on getting my next lot of weight off. Exercise really helps and of course keeping busy.

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indio, i agree with you completely that the weight is on our shoulders to make the right decisions.

i have found hunger control with my fill (at least so far), and for me my willpower is now 10 fold. i just think that in the beginning it is hard. for me, my doctor ok'd it, so i ate it. now, i'm not eating that junk, but i'm not hungry either.

(if i do get hungry..like yesterday, i tend to eat something i don't need)..that is why we need to plan our meals and have good choices on hand, so we don't grab the cheetos in a fit of hunger.

head hunger for me was a b**** after surgery, but lately, i just don't have it. i do a little at night, and a little during the day, but not ALL day like i was. i hope that it stays this way, because my past has proven to me that i am not as strong as you are and i do make bad choices.

the band will make me stronger, i know, and i think some of us get all of this done so fast that it takes our minds a bit to catch up. for me..i researched it online, asked a few questions, went to a seminar, and then a month later i was banded. that simple. it was almost too fast. i am just now fully realizing what i had done. i know that sounds dumb, but it is true.

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indio, i agree with you completely that the weight is on our shoulders to make the right decisions.

i have found hunger control with my fill (at least so far), and for me my willpower is now 10 fold. i just think that in the beginning it is hard. for me, my doctor ok'd it, so i ate it. now, i'm not eating that junk, but i'm not hungry either.

(if i do get hungry..like yesterday, i tend to eat something i don't need)..that is why we need to plan our meals and have good choices on hand, so we don't grab the cheetos in a fit of hunger.

head hunger for me was a b**** after surgery, but lately, i just don't have it. i do a little at night, and a little during the day, but not ALL day like i was. i hope that it stays this way, because my past has proven to me that i am not as strong as you are and i do make bad choices.

the band will make me stronger, i know, and i think some of us get all of this done so fast that it takes our minds a bit to catch up. for me..i researched it online, asked a few questions, went to a seminar, and then a month later i was banded. that simple. it was almost too fast. i am just now fully realizing what i had done. i know that sounds dumb, but it is true.

Bandster - I am not as strong as you think - I am no diff from you - If I had cheetos in my house - I would eat them I love puff cheetos - so I just keep the bad stuff out of the house - I am a fat chick too - with food issues. Plus I have 27 yrs on you. I have been fatter and fought my weight for more years than you have been alive. Age does have it's benefits (except my legs look like they belong to an 80 yr old lady:eek:) I could be a diet coach - run a WW meeting - I can tell you how to do it - but until I was banded never followed what I knew for more than a few months. I guess also I researched this for the last 2 yrs - lapbands weren't covered by insurance 2 yrs ago - but now they are - I didn't want bypass - I think all the research and my over 50 gang - really pounded into me that the band is only a tool - so I was prepared.

I am so glad to here that your will power is now 10 fold - that's great:clap2:

We have the tool that enables us to regain our will power..

Good Luck to you...

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yeah..as soon as i said that i went and had captain d's for lunch.


i'm getting over a cold, so i'm loosening up and as i do, i crave more junky foods. crazy, but true. my next fill is next week, so i just got to make it through this week.

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I posted the first message in this thread and for what it's worth I had a conversation with my Dr regarding eating solids so soon after surgery and band slippage, he told me I have the large band. (wow I'm even fat on the inside :eek: ) He also said the liquid diet was more about avoiding the chance of vomiting. People are all different and some may not be able to tolerate the solid food and may vomit in responce to eating it. I had no problem with the solid food and still don't. I guess with the larger band there is little or no restriction. I think what we all need to take home from this is the fact that everyone is different and every surgeon has different rules for different reasons.

Blanket statements with warnings of band slippage etc..gave me a lot of needless worry.

When in doubt check with your surgeon!!

He or she is the only person qualified to give you answers, not the readers of a chat room blog or post. People mean well and can only speak about their own experiences. You surgeon knows you and your case. Go to him/her with the questions you really want answers to. And oh yeah...........be truthfull with him.

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Wow, its funny how every DR has different instuctions. I was still on liquids 10 days out! Here is why:

The diet after a Lap-Band® is restricted for the first 6 weeks. The restriction is necessary to allow

proper healing and scarring around the band to prevent band slippage or stomach prolapse, which may

require surgery to correct. During this period you will be doing the opposite of what will be expected

from after your first adjustment (when all the rules will begin to apply).

The 6 weeks are split in half. During the first 3 weeks you are restricted to a liquid type of diet –

“Straw Test Diet” or simply put – if you can drink it thru a medium straw it is allowed. During week 4

thru 6 you can advance to a puree/soft diet – “No Chew Test Diet” food that does not require chewing

to swallow. After the 6th week your first adjustment may be performed. Remember the point of the

first 6 weeks is to allow scarring around the band to form. To increase compliance during this period it

is not necessary to further restrict your diet to low sugar/fat liquids or foods. It is more important to us

that you stick with the “straw test” diet, and the “no chew test” diet, than it is to monitor calorie intake.

Once adjustments start, you will be fully expected to comply with all the Rules (page one).

You can read all the details at


Just go to diet quides and there you will find the Lap Band guide.

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I started mushies, I am two weeks out of surgery, and want to eat more, but can't, I am lucky to get 8 to 10oz of Soup down. I went back on my own rule and got on a scale today, and since I have been on basically all liquids, I am not down a pound yet. I gave the scale to my sister, and will now wait until my doctor visit to get weighed again.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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