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NJ January 2008 Chat

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Good Morning Ladies!

Diane, how's the fill, are you dehydrated yet?

Eileen, Happy Anniversary, some-body's gonna get lucky tonight, hehe. I miss Beanie too, seems a lot of our ppls have dropped out of site :frown:.

Betty, what you cooking today? I know you're cooking something good.

Sherry, you've mighty quiet this week, what's up?

Cindy, you've been quiet too.

Chell, welcome to the best thread on LBT, just my opinion :hurray:.

Jetti, I am enjoying the new tummy, I took a few pictures before and plan on taking some pictures today, if any of my NJ pals want to see, I'll see if I can pm them to you :redface:

Kat the lunch was awesome, I hope we can make it a regular routine every time Diane gets a fill, come on down and join us. Like I've said so many times before, I would love to meet everyone.

Mandy, hope you and DD are well.

Also, I want to thank everyone for the wonderful Christmas cards and apologize for never getting mine out to you. This holiday season seemed more stressful than in years past. I know excuses, excuses.


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Good Morning Y'all!

It's foggy here this morning and cold, but it's going to be in the 70's tomorrow! I am ready for that!

I just got home from grocery shopping, and we are going to go up to the Chili contest at Harley. I should have know it was today, I would have entered mine! I wouldn't have won though because Texan's don't like Beans in their chili and I don't like it without beans, I guess it's just the way you are brought up. The first time I ordered chili here and it came without beans I thought the place didn't know what they were doing, little did I know that they eat it that way here.

Pat - I want to see, don't forget to send some to me! I just know you are miss skinny now!

Eileen - Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great one and get everything you want!

Diane - You are one lucky gal to have met Pat, I wish I could meet her and all the rest of the girls.

Chell - Welcome to our board of many states!

Kat - So where are you meeting with the gals in Texas?

Hello to all you girls that haven't been on, I am going to run and get dressed as DH is hollering let's go!


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Hiya all!

Pat, I want to see--I am meeting with a PS later next month if I get my thyroid hormones leveled out, he wants that to happen first....so it is a waiting game. Since my thyroid surgery I have been consistantly low, and increasing my supplement...so who knows!

Betty, we are meeting in Gruene (kinda sounds like a Texan Green!) and bouncing between there and San Antonio---in the middle of May. I originally was in a thread for April 06 bandsters, which turned into an exercise only thread, and they were all extremely energetic!!! Then when the April 07'ers started showing up, we began breaking off with some of them, in kind of a mentor effort. And I made wonderful friends there, just like here, and we decided to pick a weekend, pick a place, and as many of us as can are going. Right now it looks like 11 or 12!

Eileenie--I was just thinking the same thing about Beannie the other day, hoping she had found a job that made her happy. I know she wanted a change, but she used to like being able to travel, and meet up with you----hope whatever she is doing she is happy! I too miss her.

I still have your niece and the baby on our prayer list, my heart goes out to your familiy---not knowing is so hard.

I hope your cold is better soon, it seems like you have had it forever!

HAPPY ANIVERSARY!!!!! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! (pssst---that gives ya pretty free reign!!!)

Cindy-don't be working too hard!

Diane--you are doing so good! Makes this "veteran" bandster want to get my butt back in gear!!! A friend and I are actually joining a new gym----see what we think of it. Get me moving again anyway!

Sherry---how's everything? DH? DS?? DD'S (Darling Dogs)?

Anyone seen Patty on lately? Wonder how her life with band is going?

Darcy--if you pop in to catch up--know we are thinking about you---love you and praying for good things to happen!

Chell--hang out, good group of bandsters here without a doubt!

Mandy---you up and running full speed yet?

Well I am off to heat some chicken up, it is after noon, and I have yet to eat anything! I have got the house cleaned and laundry almost done though!!! YEA me!!



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No wonder we all have Beannie on our minds---today is her birthday!!!

Wherever you are Miss Beannie--love you , miss you and hope all is well!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


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Good Morning,

Thank you all for the Happy Anniversary wishes.... Pat..nobody got lucky last night LOLOL, maybe 18 years ago they might have haaaaaaaaaaa.... we went out to eat, came home, had a glass of wine (yeah me, I actually had a glass of wine, can you believe it lol) and then went to bed...TO sleep (piggys).

Kat thank you for the prayers for my neice... I hope her body can just fight what ever it is and she can get back to normal. Thats so strange we were thinking of Beanie on her Birthday.... I hope she is happy too. I really do miss her. How is everyone by you? I'm sorry I haven't been around to much to ask....bad me.

Betty... that chili story is funny. I like mine with Beans too. I know some folks cook chili with meat like a roast... I like mine with ground beef. I think my pumpkin chili is the best :cursing: yeah sounds weird but it is good. I didn't know Texans didn't like beans in their chili...guess they can see a stranger coming a mile away huh. Reminds me...if you ever go to Bronx NY...and you order a flavored coffee...they know your not from around there either LOL.

Diane thank you for the HA wishes. You are doing WONDERFUL with your weight loss....lookie at you almost in onderland..how cool is that. I seriously need to get a fill. I can eat alot of food and I am enjoying it...I just need to be ready to want to give that up if you know what I mean...and I'm not :thumbup: so I'm not losing weight, I'm actually gaining. February... I'm going in February...dagnabit LOLOL

Jetti....how are you??? is everything going okay with the band? are you enjoying it? I know when I'm at a good fill, I enjoy it and everything else...I guess its a feeling of being in control. Ya loving this cold weather like I am .... NOT !!!! lol.

Where are the rest of the lovies?????

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Hey gals, How's everybody doin'?

Well I had my 2nd fill on a wednesday and by saturday I still wasn't eating, just getting the protien drinks in. On the wednesday of the fill, I was at lunch with Pat, I was just sipping water....couldn't keep that down! Called the dr. office, they called the dr., called me back and said it was probably a spasm. Today I'm A OK! with noticable restriction. Wasn't hungry at all today, had to pay attention to "protein first" (because I wasn't hungry!)

Thanks for the compliments on my weight loss. Now if I could just get motivated enough to exercise after working all darn day! LOL!

Betty, you're right, I am lucky to have met Pat and to live close enough to have those "get togethers" WISH WE COULD ALL MEET UP!!! (seriously!!!!!!)

Kat how lucky for you to be able to get together with those other bandsters! I'd be psyched too!!!!

Eileen, your'e right, being close to Onederland is REAL cool! But at my age and not working out as I should, I'm gonna look like I've lost pounds instead of being pounds lighter, Know what I mean? Not complaining much though, I really like what the band is doing for me. Tonight I almost able to finish my food portion. Back in the day, it would have been 3 portions!!!!!!

Well, it's been a pretty quiet day. DH is under the weather. He's been in the bed ALL day! He said he had real bad chills last night. No fever tho'. I'm gonna sleep in the guest room tonight so I don't disturb him. He doesn't need to get up as early as I do (5:30). I'm sorry he's feeling bad, but I did get a load of stuff done!!!!! I didn't have that temptation to just "hang out" with him (since he was sick in bed).

Pat, I was looking in the mirror.....my girls aren't nearly as peppy as yours! :wink2: (lookin' great gal!)

Y'all have a good day tomorrow!

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Good Morning Y'all!

It was beautiful here in Texas yesterday and I went riding on my Harley!

Early start this year! I didn't get to ride much last year, seemed like it was raining every weekend or too hot.

Pat - I hope you got your pictures done, I am so anxious to see the "new" you!

Diane - Glad the fill is doing ok now, sometimes it just takes a few days. Proceed with caution! Tee Hee!

Kat - I love it down there, we went for the first time last year and what a nice time we had. All of our neighbors went and we spent the weekend. We are going to try to do it again this year. It is so much fun!

Eileen - Glad you had a nice anniversary! I don't much drink the flavored coffee but I sure like the flavored creams in my coffee/tea.

Sorry I don't have more time for all the personals, but I just looked at the clock and I should have left 5 minutes ago.

I'll try to get back tonight, if not hello to each of you!

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Me and my band are getting along pretty well so far. I have yet to have a fill but right now I think I am doing ok without one. I keep my portions small and try to stop eating just what is on my plate. I have my 3 months - !!!!!!! - follow up in 2/11 and the dr said if my weight loss has stopped then we will talk about a fill then. my scale at home shows the weight is still coming off - very slowly - but I will see what his scales says.

I am so NOT loving this cold weather. I cant wait for spring to come!!!

how was everyones weekend??

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oh I forgot to say that I agree with Diane that it would be great if we could ALL meet up!!

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Hi guys, it was a LOOOOONG weekend around my house. Friday started with a really bad bloody nose for my little pincess Abi. We had to make an emergency trip to the Ear Nose and Throat doctor. He did the chemical cautry (sp?) and it has stopped for the moment. I can still smell blood on her breath, so I'm concerned that she is still bleeding and it's going down her throat. If friday's treatment doesn't fix the problem then she is going to have to have surgery again. So far no bleeding, but we have to be really careful.

Then a funeral on Sat, we missed the wake on friday due to the medical stuff. My uncle passed, he was 74. He was always smiling and laughing. I am very close to his daughters so I spent a lot of time at their house growing up. I am sad, but at the same time relieved, he had cancer and is no longer in pain, or sick. He is in heaven now.

I am still having some sinus problems, but hope is on the horizon. I'm having a catscan and allergy test next tuesday. The doctor thinks it's a polyp and will need to be removed, minor surgery. I'm not all that concerned, seems easy enough to fix and I will finally feel better. I think the surgery and recovery will be easier than being sick all the time.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Crispy and Sherry, they are both great. We had a great time at Disney's Animal Kingdom, Sherry screams like a girl on roller coasters. LOL, love ya sweetie.

I'm off to work today, fun fun fun. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Hi guys,

Welcome Chell, I'm from NJ Bergen and Hunterdon county, but then I moved to NC, but once a Jersey Girl ALWAYS a JERSEY GIRL!

I had to fly to NJ on Thursday for a funeral. My Great Uncle died. He was 88. My grandmother is 99 and doing wonderful. It is sad that her baby brother is now gone. Service and funeral was in Brooklyn Thursady and Friday. Flew home Saturday. The really hard thing for all of us is that my aunt and uncle were going to have a big party next month, I had already brought my ticket to fly up. They were celebrating there 60th wedding anniversary.:tongue:

I'm going for a fill tomorrow. I have gained :eek: but I love the band cause I know I can stop!!!

Diane and Pat you both have no excuses not to come to the big 2008 bash in Charlotte NC! Everyone is invited of course! I will get out more details as I get them. It will be the last weekend in April.

OK back to work I'll check in later.

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Morning All!

Betty---you did it now, made me so jealous!!! It snowed here yesterday, so obviously no riding for us. It has snowed so much around here, that even when it was fairly nice the other day when we considered it, we thought better of it. When it ices over, they sand the roads, and then all the mud falling from the oil field trucks, make the roads really dangerous for a bike this time of year....so we will wait. Dammit!

Mandy, what kind of surgery are they talking about to fix Abi's bloody noses? I have had to have the chemical cautery done a couple of times myself, I have a blood vessel that is extremely close to the surface (result of a break), and it seems like once it breaks open for whatever reason, re injury, dryness with allergies, whatever, I have to have it cauterized to stop the bleeding, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a months time, then it quits and is fine for a few years! Hope Abi gets past her problem! You girls need to get well and stay that way!

Jetti---slow but sure wins the race!!! I mean we would all love to go to bed fluffy and wake up not--but, it doesn't work that way!!! A slow approach to fills is in my opinion the right way to go! Sneak up on restriction, don't allow yourself to get too tight! I am contemplating a teeny tiny fill.....like .02 cc maybe. But will see, after I kick myself in the butt and actually exercise regularly again, I might not need it!!

Dianne--you still going to Curves? I am recommiting today actually! Been there this morning, and it was not as bad as I feared!!! I had lost a pound (big whoopee!!) and my measurements for all intents and purposes had remained steady. A half inch here and there one up one down---mostly clothing differences I would guess. I am going to kick into high gear! I am shooting for a daily trip as opposed to every other day! I want my "strength" up, when Spring hits, I want to be able to go and do, and not wear out! Wish me luck! I am making February's Wall of Fame---I intend on being a big loser there....y'all have to help keep me motivated!

Well I have to get it in gear--I am meeting Rick in town for our eye exam---which is VERY good, I need glasses......first time ever, and it is so apparant! Last year he put me in reading glasses, and the difference, omg! But now without them reading is difficult, and everyday vision is blurring some. So looks like I will head straight into bifocals--yep girlies.....I IS OLD!

Talk to y'all later, sorry I missed so many!


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Kat, they are going to cauterize (sp?) in her sinuses. It too far in to do in the office, so it has to be done while she is out. ~Mandy

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