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NJ January 2008 Chat

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Diane---my life lately seems to go from one saga to the next---so it is a joke! I can barely string 2 words together let alone write a book that anyone would want to read!!!

As for the hiccups....if I pay VERY close attention, my nose will get sniffly, and then if I take another bite or 2, I hiccup, if I don't stop---it is a PB waiting to happen! So it is a stop signal for me too.

I eat similar amounts to what Mandy was saying. I can eat like half a sandwich or a taco....something in that range. I cannot eat much pasta---it fills me up VERY fast---1/4 to 1/2 cup full and I am done! Kids meals are ideal at fast food, I find myself ordering a lot of things on the sides menus...ala carte. Or Rick and I will order and appetizer, and then share a main course. People worry a lot about eating out, and it has never been an issue with me!

hair loss for me started about 4 months out and lasted until close to a year, and was severe!!! It was scary! It has however since began growing back, it is not as long as the rest of my hair, I am hoping soon to meet somewhere in the middle!! I am not brave enough to cut it off short like Mandy did!!

I tried all the bioten, and nioxin shampoos, and a Shampoo from the beauty supply called Folicure---nothing made a difference. Finally I decided my Pantene made what hair I had left feel the best, and thought maybe stressing over it was making it worse.

I have lost all my hair before with chemo---so I thought maybe that made me predisposed to losing it.

When I lost it with chemo, it was straight and blonde when I lost it, when it grew back in it was darker and curly. This time around what is growing back in appears to be the same hair color and texture as before.

I kept my Protein up, and made sure to change up and eat good fats, nothing seemed to make a difference. BUT it is temporary, and will grow back.

Mandy is right though watch your drains, and also watch the beater bar on your vaccuum, I almost burned ours up it clogged up with long hair!!

My port is up pretty high,and is a low profile -- it has never bothered me much during exercise. I have to be careful when I reach over the tailgate of our truck, it hits me everytime! And while it might be TMI, sometimes it is uncomfortable during sex! So we move! But muscle movement has never made it hurt at all, just rubbing against it, or smacking it ---like when I am hauling wood, or doing some other stupid thing---the latest, loading a cow into the chute, I dropped the branding bar into it---I was worried I really hurt it then--- I bruised and everything!!! But it is all good now! Think it means I should not brand any more cows---don't you think???

Pat hope today took you forward---sometimes the 3rd day is a hard one.. check in when you can!!!

Hugs to all my girls!!


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I know, it's late, but I've been too busy to check in with my pals, and that's just too busy!

Pat, congrats and get well soon! I really missed a whole chapter on this one!

Mandy, I hope you feel better really fast, and hope Abi is doing well also!

Betty, sounds like a fun trip to Mexico is in your future, and for a fun reason! Sorry I didn't know you had a new job...I'll read backward when it's not so late...

I am still enjoying the new job. The learning curve is a little steep at the moment, but it's not totally over my head...just keeping me on my toes! Also, DH and I have been in a quandary over a decision about DD's school; specifically where she should go to school next year, and I believe we have made that decision now, and she'll go to a public school instead of the little private school she has been going to. Lots of reasons, but mainly she loves singing/theatre, and the small private school she's in doesn't have a choir/theatre arts program to speak of, and the public school does. So, there you go. She auditioned for Annie, and made the chorus, so she's an orphan! It was her first audition, so we're really proud of her! It's a local production, not Broadway or anything like that...LOL! Still, it takes guts to audition, and she's got more than I ever did, in that respect.

Hey, I gotta go to bed, but I was thinking of all of you, and wanted to at least make a small appearance to let you know!



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I have had the same problem with being more gassy after being banded. I have yet to have the hiccups since being banded but my mom always knows when I just ate because I start belching really loud - not very polite but hey I am at home and just bothering my mom!!! when I am in public I hold them in.

Diane how are you progressing with your band? you were banded a bit before I was so I am using you to judge if I am on the right track or not. I have not had a fill yet and I kind of feel that I dont need one. I am keeping my portions as small as I can - small salad with 2 small pieces of chicken or spoonful of mashed with a small piece of chicken is more or less what i eat for lunch and dinner daily. I will sometimes have an english muffin and some cheese or whatever else i can put together but it is always - or at least i think it is - a small portion.

as far as port pain - I have not had any really since about a month after surgery. I am starting to think that I am not banded!!!!! I started going to the gym last week and have not had any problems while working out. and I am VERY EXCITED to be working out!!!!! I acutally look forward to going to the gym - i am shocked by this!! but they have great classes at the gym I go to that it keeps me going back...i hope this feeling lasts!!!!!

well i hope everyone is doing better and having a good week!!!

thinking about you all!

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WOW Jesssica and Diane you guys are doing great.

Jessica, if you don't feel like you need a fill then hold off. My theory is I will have this band for the rest of my life. If I'm losing ten why do I need a fill. They only fill up so much!

Thanks for asking about my FIL Diane, he is not doing to well and I just got off the phone with my MIL she is quite upset about how they are being treated at there place. I made a phone call and do feel a bit better.

Mandy how are you feeling?

Pat! Hows that flat tummy! thinking of you!

Cindy-JOB I missed that one! Didn't you just retire? I think your making the right choice for DD. And in our eyes those auditions are Broadway shows!

Ok back to work. Trying to get some banded people together locally for a few things and I thought it would be a piece of cake! HUH

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LOL the banner on the top is the company I work for! It brings you to our website and from there you can go to our forum which I've been trying to get us and going. :: LAP-Band® System :: Surgery Weight Loss Procedure the forum is NewHopeTalk.com :: Index

I would love feed back from you all on the sites!!!

You don't need to click the top banner.

Hows our flat tummy sister doing today?

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Mandy, Kat and Jessica, Thanks for sharing the band info. Glad to hear the gassies get better....not so happy about the hair loss, but I knew that going into this. I guess I thought that if I got the Protein in and took Biotin, I'd escape it. Oh well (sigh)....Let's see, Hair loss in about 4 months? I'll be at my vacation resort, clogging up the pool drains! LOL!!! Jessica, I too think about our close surgery dates and am tempted to compare success notes, but I know that your 29 years is gonna run circles around my 51 years!!! Meno has a way of slowing everything down a few notches. Happy for you about the gym! that's great!!! And Kat, you seem to do darn good at stringin' sentences together :lol: Write a book! I'll buy it! LOL! Dianne, good luck to you, sounds like you have alot on your plate at the moment, hang in there!

Miss ya Pat! You're gonna be hot gal!!! Hope you're feeling better!

And to everybody...man, this website change took me back a bit. To the longtimers: "you mean they do this often?"

Hugs to all, G'nite! :seeya:

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I wouldn't go so far as to say they do it often....change things up here I mean....they only do it when you get accustomed to it the way it is!! I always freak out, and complain, and then settle down and get used to it. But at the same time I am always so totally impressed that someone is actually able to DO this. Make it look nice, and make it actually WORK!!! A great place like this for all of us to connect...it truly boggles my mind. I have no idea how I would have done this band thing without all of you guys!!

Rick is on days off, so it is chaos!!! Will check in as I can!



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Good Morning Y'all!

It's dang cold here in Texas! I am freezing! lol

I'm glad it is finally the weekend, I am tired and need to relax a little bit!

Diane - I am still very gassy and have to be very careful because I can be walking and it just comes out w/o any warning. It makes it very uncomfortable at work! Yikes! I also lost over half of my hair, but if you feel your scalp, it is growing back at the same time and it comes back in just as nice. I seldom get the hiccups, but on occasion I do. I also burp as much as fart! I can sit on the porch and keep up with the men at times! lol

Pat - I am thinking about you sweetie!

Cindy - Not a new job, a new position at the same place. It's going really good, just tons of stuff to learn. I really like it though!

Kat - My port is right at my waist and it's really hard to wear some things. I'm glad you didn't hurt yours!

Dianne - You sound like you are all set up in that new job! Congrats to you!

Jessica - I need some of the energy you have for working out! Send it to me asap! lol

Sherry - How did the lunch go with Chrispy and the new guy?

Mandy - Hope you are feeling better!

Well, going to get off here and get some chores done so I won't have it all to do tomorrow!

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Howdy Folks, Sounds like everyone is doing ok with the exception of Pat hurting for Good reasons though :) Even though sounds not too bad which I think is great! I can't wait to see the results Pat! Pictures pretty please.

Yeap...new website stuff in here huh? Gotta get used to it all over again. I'm with you Kat...you get used to it and boom...changed again lol.

lunch with Chris and her new man was really nice. He's a great guy, very good to Chris and you should see the smile on her face. We both agree "IT'S ABOUT DANG TIME!" she met someone who treats her right. He's been spoilin her but, she does the same for him compared to his previous girlfriends it sounds like. I really think it's great...and I'm so happy for Chris. She really is a terrific gal and really really deserves a nice guy. I think she's found "THE ONE" shhhhh hee hee

Had a Reiki class today :) I enjoy teaching it. Looking forward to more and more students :waytogo:

Work...well that's still nuts lol. don't think that will change anytime soon.

Patriot's are playing an important game tomorrow...gonna have friends over for dinner and the game. Got some planning to do with that. Think I may throw something together in the crockpot to make it easy. Anyone else watching the games tomorrow?

mandy...how ya feeling?

Betty...Cold in Texas? How cold is cold for you folks? It's been freezin up here the past few days anyway.

Kat...is your day hectic cause DH is home? My guys have been playing XBox360 for hours UGH...been stuck in this little office watching a 19'' tv while they play games on the HDTV...Go figure!

Signgirl, Diane, Jetti, and everyone else i'm missin here...HELLOooooooo:)

Topic Hiccups huh? Oh yea I get those more than ever since banding. Mostly when I'm suppose to stop eating although I find I even get the dang things drinking Water sometimes. Sometimes for no reason too hahaha. They can really hurt if they last too long huh?

OH well...I have to get going...hope everyone is doing well and shrinking! Love yas

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OMG Whats happening here. I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while, between my niece being so sick, me being sick and dragging my carcass all over creation I haven't even had time to come here to check on my favorite gals.

Pat LOVE !!! I'm so glad everything went well and it seems like your recovering wonderful. Details...details... how was it the next day... you must look amazing because you already looked amazing before your surgery. Can't wait to see the new you. Love you !

I'm sorry I can't do personals for everyone but please know that I did read all the posts. My prayer are with all of you who are not feeling well and/or are going through some rough trials right now. Remember God is Good, and never forget..you are not alone in your walk.

My Niece is hanging in there. They are testing her for the same blood disease that killed my oldest sister. Hopefully, God willing, she does not have it. Its called TTP (Moschcowitz disease). They let her go home the other day but she's been back and forth to the hospital.... so we will see. The baby is doing wonderful TG.

I have a nasty ass cold, its wearing me out. I have been at work all week with a fever and being so dizzy. I can't stay home because I know my daughter is going to get sick and I'll have to stay home with her.... just another day in the life of a working mom lolol.

Other than that... lol ROFLMFAO, things are good. I still have my Christmas tree up... I just can't part with it yet. It brings such mental peace with me when I look at it. Yeah I know I'm a tart.

Well kiddies.... I gotta go. Laundry is calling my name and if I don't keep up with it... I get reallllly cranky LOLOL

Love you all !!!!! and I miss talking and laughing with you.


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Eileen :girl_hug:, (hugs)....so sorry about your neice and that you're feeling so bad.:( Take care of yourself girlie...warm wishes and prayers are wrappin'-'round-ya!

Hey Pat, you doin' OK? Tell us how it's going with the PS recovery. Think about you daily :)

Well, I'm scheduled for a second fill Wednesday....maybe that will help!

Met a gal named Sheri (Lattedah), in the va.chat. She's just starting the process to get the band. I was sure to mention what a wealth of information and support is here!

BTW Eileen,I saw an old post of yours with a pic. of fat and muscle. That was pretty cool to get that visual!

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Hey gang, I'm plugging along, actually the pain has not been that bad, except for this horrible pain I got in my back on Wed night.

Here is what I posted on the plastic surgery page:

"well, I started off like a trooper, then I started having back pain, WTF? Wednesday night I started having this very intense pain in my back on the left side, so, after two nights of pain, I assumed I had pneumonia, from being put to sleep, so off to the local doc in a box I go for xrays, turns out it was not pneumonia. The doctor said it was muscle spasms, BS! He gave me muscle relaxer, didn't do chit, duh is it me or don't ya think the muscle would ache all the time, not just when I'm flat on my back? I'm not supposed to sleep on my side, but that's the only way I can lay in the bed without pain.

Yes I have peeked, I get light headed each time I take a shower, turn white as a ghost and almost pass out. I think it's because of the change in blood pressure after I release the "binding" tummy garment.

I still have to have help getting the garment back on because it's so tight, but I'm going to tackle the lone shower today, but I'm going to take the garment off lying down and give it a few minutes before I attempt to shower.

The "girls" are looking ok, the tummy, well I still have the tubes, what a pain in the a$$, did I already tell y'all that, hopefully, they'll come out tomorrow. But, the tummy is flat and I have a new belly button :girl_hug:

Also, because I had lost so much weight, my legs had sagged in the inner thigh, so I asked him to do an extra tug in to lift out what he could and it seems to have worked.

Well, gang, off to pop off the tummy vice and try a shower...solo"

Kat, you didn't jinx me with that 3rd day mess did you?

Eileen can't believe you've got another cold, poor baby!

Diane, maybe we can get together Wed, would love to see you, what time is your fill?

Hugs to all my wonderful, caring, well wishing, praying, NJ girlfriends!

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Oh I hope I didn't jinx ya Pat!!! The 3rd day ALWAYS kicks my butt! I had a surgeon tell me that is what they expect. That anything they do inside you, the local anesthesia often used inside to control bleeding, will have wore off, and your body is fully awake. Therefore you feel all the pain, and the drugginess is wearing off....it will be your worst day he said, and he has been right on the money!

I hope you have nothing but good days from here on! The worst is behind you! Ummmm....happy days are here again.....I cannot think of anymore cliches!!!

Yeah Sherry, it was chaotic because Rick was off, and we had a granddaughters birthday party, and cows to brand, and a rental with frozen Water pipes, and the temperature had not been above freezing in days....and was dropping well below zero each night. So we were having to feed, they can't graze when the snow is frozen hard on top of the ground. And we have to make sure their Water is not froze---which thankfully we have a couple of heated troughs, but we have to make sure they are functioning. Add to it, that we had made arrangements to meet up with friends to go out and eat, or catch a movie (which we did both!), and my Dad is still recovering from his surgery, so we are hauling wood for him, and my Mom has been sick! Hell girl-----the list goes on, and on, and on! It just didn't make for a real relaxing weekend!!!

How about yours??? LOL

Hoping like crazy I stay well!!!

I am going to ask for the PS referral again this week at the Dr. Getting to a point it might not be a full TT---but some of this pannus has to go. I work out one day, and it irritates the skin in the fold, to where then I baby it for a day or 2----it is a crappy cycle! Time to get it fixed so I can work out regularly and get to goal! I am not in the market for a bikini bod----just one that resembles normal!

Well off to watch the deer in the yard with Kinsey!



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HEY PAT!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!! Just can't keep a good woman down! My fill is at 12:30 Wed. at Port Warwick. I don't know why folks, but I'm a little more nerved about this one than the first one!! But somethings gotta give....I'm surrounded by all you model bandsters!!! LOL!

Mandy, How are you feeling? Better than last week I hope :lol:

Eileen, what's the word on your niece? and how are YOU feeling too?

Betty, Sherry, Kat, Dianne, Jessica, Cindy, Chris..........hope everybody's doing good!


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