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NJ January 2008 Chat

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Gooooooood Mornin' NJ folks :eek: Cold day in New England but, it's warmin up a bit! It's been in the teens or lower lately but, the weather folks are telling us it's suppose to get in the 60's by Wednesday...go figure hahaha. That's NE for ya!

Welcome Catalystmb/mary - Good luck with your band journey and welcome to the NJ thread. You'll probably discover rather quickly that alot of us aren't from NJ but, found our way here because of the great folks in here :eek:

jowjow - thank you...we're really excited for him. He wanted his so badly and it's quite an accomplishment for him because he is currently going to a Technical high school so that makes it a harder for kids to get into college because of the curriculum. He was smart though and took all honors/advance courses, did some extra activities and wrote one heck of an essay (brought tears to my eyes) on why he wanted to be a psychologist. Honestly if he doesn't end up pursuing psychology I think he should get into writing because he's always been so creative with it.

Mandy - Are you done with your house projects? Ready to head back to work? Man when I look around here I know I really need to do some painting and organizing...it's finding the time and quite frankly the WANT to start such a large project UGH. I think there is something that needs to be done in every area of my house. I wish we had had more time before moving in so I could of done all that prior to getting furniture in the house because now it's just THAT much harder to do it. We did paint the kitchen prior to moving that's about it. I tell ya if you saw the colors and what the previous owner did you'd understand what I'm talking about hahaha. Hope you're able to rest a bit before heading back to work! Oh and you said below you haven't met your goal with your band yet but, let me tell ya girl...you look AWESOME and I hope I can look as good someday :eek:

Cindy - I hear ya on the sugar fest....I sooo need to get back on track. I was doing ok watching what I was eating but, we went out celebrating yesterday with my son..dinner, movie and ice cream. I wasn't as bad as I could of been but, I didn't really need the ice cream lol. We went to Olive Garden for dinner (son's choice) and I had Soup and salad there with a bread stick..not bad...went to see I Am Legend with Will Smith (ok movie...the guys liked it more, I don't like things jumping at me or the screaming...definately a guy thing haha)..they each had popcorn and candy, I stuck with Water and a few handfuls of popcorn from each and 4 sourpatch kids lol...then to Friendlys for sundaes....peanut butter cup sunday now that's where I blew it I ate the whole stinking thing. It was good though sooo today is a new day. Didn't really do too bad when I look at it but, could of been better...today we start fresh :eek: Hope you've been able to get those fruits and veggies in. Sounds good to me too but, sometimes the fruit doesn't sit well with my band :eek:

Signgirl...We all definately have setbacks or slip-ups and the band isn't going to stop that part but, honestly when you get the right amount of fill it definately helps keep you away from BIG BIG slipups. We didn't get here overnight, remember that :eek: One day at a time, be kind to yourself...if you slip up....take it one forkfull at a time. Sometimes eating something you want versus something you don't want, will actually keep you from a total set-back because often folks will eat what we don't want because it's healthy then go an eat what we wanted in the first place...hence if I didn't get the sundae last night i know I would of eaten chocolate at home and other sweets because I wanted that sundae. I had it, it's gone...it's another day so I'll kick it up a knotch. (Write all this down because you'll probably have to use it on me someday when I start complaining about my slip-ups ok? hahaha) You're doing great..keep up the good work!

Diane...we all have our days of eating not so good see my above confessions haha. You've done great so girl cut yourself some slack and make today a new day.

Betty - My house is with you..our decorations came down the first warmer day we had after Christmas. DH took all the outside things down last weekend and we took the tree down on New Years day. Things are now back in order :eek: It's amazing though the stuff I've accumulated....now it's going to be time for spring cleaning. I really need to have a yard sale but, man I hate having those things. So much work! but so much good stuff that really shouldn't just be thrown away. How are you feeling...the foot? Hope everything is going well at work for you. It's nuts at my place...always busy but, it makes the day go by :eek:

Jetti - Have you been able to get yourself back on track? Hope all it going better for you.

Reilly - How are you doing on the mushies? Isn't it great when you can finally have something with substance! :eek: Hope all is going well.

Troy - Hello and welcome. I was 5'4 and 277 when I first got my band. I had high bloodpressure, my feet were so painful in the morning to walk on that it actually made me wince and sometimes cry and my back gave me so much trouble...I'm happy to say all of those have gone away since my band. Have you started the process with a bariatic center or doctor yet? They are a big help with questions especially if they have an information meeting you can attend. The bariatric center I use here has those as well as po-op group meetings but, of course i find this website easier to use and ask questions or find answers. Good luck with your process and feel free to ask any questions you have...we'll be happy to help.

Eileen - Girllllll how are ya doing with your resolution? I'm trying to get that dang Water in still. I was doing great with it prior to this last fill. It takes longer for things to go down now so I feel full and don't want to take that sip so I don't have an issue. Getting more in but, not all my 8 glasses yet. Have you been using the inversion table too? I have to get myself back into getting in my 10K steps again. Got a bit hectic with the holidays so hard to get them in...now it's hard to get back to is. Yesterday went to the mall to walk with DH but, needed to get my nails done too lol. Went around once with him then got my nails done while he kept walking. He went around 3 more times before I was done...needless to say I didn't get my steps in...then added the dinner, movie and Sundae to the mixture for yesterday. Oh well....I have to keep telling myself today is another day start again. Hmmm errrr as I'm sitting here typing to everyone when I should be on my dreadmill hahaha. I'll get there today though :eek: Gonna get my 10K in I'm determined to do that at least today! Miss ya girl! Hope work is going well for you...has it settled down a little?

Here is a little something for everyone...I bought a new "The Secret" desk calendar...look what was on Friday's......makes sense to me! Now to actually do it :cry:):kiss2:

If you feel bad about your body, that is a powerful feeling, and you will continue to attract feeling bad about your body. You will never change your body if you are critical of it and find fault with it, and in fact you will attract more weight to you. Praise and bless every square inch of your body. think about all the perfect things about You. As you think perfect thoughts, as you feel good about You, you are on the frequency of your perfect weight, and youa re summoning perfection.

Have an awesome Sunday everyone! HUGS :(:eek:

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Sherry, Thanks for the compliment about my progress. I know that I have come a really long way, and the last few pounds WILL come off. I have come to a complete stop with my home projects. I went to a specialist on friday, as I have had a sinus infection on and off since our Disney trip. I had severe ear pain from the flight home and then the sinus problems started. I have been on antibiotics 6 times in 4 months. Well the ear nose and throat guy did a light scope thing in my nose and I have preferated my sinus, and it has a nasty infection. I am on antibiotics for the next month and 16 days of prednisone, also a steroid nasal spray. Then on the 5th of Feb I have to have a catscan of my face and an allergy scratch test. I have to rest....blah! I have to call and ask if I can return to work tomorrow, I forgot to ask when I was there. When I filled the prednisone the pharmasist gave me the bottle she said that it will kill my immune system and I shold avoid being around sick people. I work in a middle school, almost 900 kids, and we are in the middle of flu season. I'm guessing he is going to tell me I have to stay home for the next 2 weeks, but we will see tomorrow am.

It's in the 50's here today, that's a huge jump from the -4 it was last week. LOL. My Christmas tree comes down today, I'm sick of looking at it. The closet organizer it in, but all the stuff that was in bins in the floor is now in my bedroom floor. My kitchen is painted and now we need to do the backsplash, and it will be all done. Last night Dave says, hey wanna replace the kitchen counter top.....AGH!!! I did pick out hardwear for the cabinets, I think that will really change the look of the kitchen. I have very plain cabinets, and they could use some decoration.

I'll check in later. I took my meds, had Breakfast and now need to load the dishwasher and clear the table. Have a great sunday all! ~Mandy

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Hey, guys do me a favor and watch this video about the missing woman in my area. We are trying to get the info out there and also get the view count up.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjikRmEovuE&feature=RecentlyWatched&page=1&t=t&f=b]YouTube - Find Stacy Peterson a Missing Victim of Foul Play[/ame]

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Hello everyone! I have heard from more then one person that this is a fun, friendly place to chat. SO, here I am. HAHAH I have a major case of the nerves today so I am sitting here reading and reading and reading. I thought typing a little might help. I am being banded tomorrow in Richmond, Virginia. I am so excited and nervous. Mostly just ready to be "on the other side". I'm 36 yrs old and have been overweight pretty much my entire life. I dont really have any comorbidities, but with a BMI of 43 I qualified through my insurance pretty easily. I only started this journey in October and here I am looking at surgery tomorrow. WOO HOO! Anyways, I just wanted to say hello to all of you. I am looking forward to talking with all of you more.

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mamato3, so happy to have you here! I know all about the pre-surgery anxiety! LOL! You'll do just fine. I was overweight my whole life too. I've had my first fill so far and have gone from a loose size 24 to an 18. I was able to wear a shirt that didn't have a number before the X :) All the best to you tomorrow.

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mamato3, I'm sure you will be fine tomorrow. It will be over before you know it. It's funny when the pre-op nurse asked me if I was nervous, I said no, I get to take a nap, you guys have to do all the work. She came into the recovery room to check on me and she was still laughing about what I had said. I woke up thinking for sure there was a problem and they had closed me with no band. It was over so fast. Now here I am 2 1/2 years out and still doing fine. Check in when you feel up to it, we are here if you need us. (((hugs))). ~Mandy

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Hi everyone--Happy New Year to all my old friends and welcome to all the new ones, that is quite fitting for a New Year!!!!!

I have been MIA for a few days--I lost a long personals post, and got irritated and quit a couple of days ago!!! Then we got some bad news. A girl I used to babysit for, who is grown, married, and has kids of her own--she, her husband,oldest DD, and another family were missing in the mountains in a horrible snow storm. They went missing Friday. There has been between 4 and 6 feet of snow in the area since Saturday! They took their DD and the other family snowmobiling, as a special outing for the DD's birthday. They left from her Mom's place, and never returned. There were avalanches, all kinds of horrors. The search crews could not even make it to the village center where they were going to try to coordinate a search--the snow was too bad. It has been haunting me, I know and love this family, and they have 3 more daughters all younger at home--thinking of the kids, and the siblings---I was just heartsick! Was up waiting for news all night. Then this morning, the group managed to hike into an abandoned (due to the massive storm) railroad station...and used a phone to dial 911! They are all safe and uninjured--but no more news, it is likely the search team is just now getting to them---the roads are impassable!

Going to go do a news check!

Will be back!


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Kat, they are safe. 6 snowmobilers rescued in Colo. - Yahoo! News It was on Yahoo just now. I'm glad to hea they are safe, but sorry that you had to go through all that worry. ~Mandy

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Yeah, I talked to my friend (who is Shannon's Dad---well he is the man who raised her) and he said they were almost back to the base camp in Chama. What a relief.

This family and I go way back. I used to babysit for Shannon and her younger brother and sisters. I have also kept her children for her on occasion. They had taken Aspen their 14 yr old as an outing for her birthday, but they have 3 younger daughters at home, so it was so scary! The 3 younger, are all still old enough to understand. It just had me tore up, then to find out this morning they were ok, I felt like turning cartwheels!! Instead sat down and had a good healing cry!

How are you feeling Mandy? What did you hear from your Dr, about working??


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I worked yesterday, even though I was supposed to be off this week. There are 4 of us that work together in the lunch room at school. I was not the only one sick this week, one of the other ladies hurt her foot. We only have one sub available, so I worked. I didn't want to leave them short handed. I have an appointment with my lapband doc this afternoon, I need a fill.

Kat sometimes a good cry is the more comforting thing. ~Mandy

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i am backin you all the way ! keep fighting if that what it takes and know you got a whole lot of people behind you !anne3 (randi)

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check the docs in brigton nj. very good rep. and also do lap band in s.j. health care hosp.check it out!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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