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Marchies in the New Year

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I just love you guys.

So Gwen about the 100 pound marker. I'll tell you, I was really psyched to get there. Not scared, not nervous. But now I'm losing so slowly I wonder if I'm resting on the, "I've lost 100 pounds" laurel. Which isn't going to get me to goal.

The biggest shift in my thinking, when I'm being positive, is that I'm not really counting what I've lost but of what I have left. Like I've already beat down 60%, I can knock off the other 40. I'm pretty good at meting out tasks to meet goals and so forth. So breaking things down like that gives me comfort.

You know, my reach goal is to see 190 by my surgery anniversary. Which is pretty rigorous. It's 2.57 pounds a week between now and then. I'm lucky to see one a week now. Maybe I'll get inspired to knock my calories down to 800-900 a day...it's the only way it will happen...

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I made an apointment to get a fill next week. I need one! I'm not getting full nearly as quickly, and I'm getting so much faster now. I should have had one earlier this month, but it took me a while to recognize the signs. Plus I had behavorial issues to deal with too and I figured that all my problems were due to that. Like gee, I don' feel like being healthy, I feel like eating junk food, etc.

I'm really liking the pilates. i feel really bad on some exercises where others are more advanced than I am, but I quickly get over it :lol: I think tomorrow I am going to try the kickboxing aerobics class as well. I used to really love that sort of thing. I still have my advanced tae boa videotape somewhere, actually. I started that in highschool. Then I worked out my first couple years of college, off and on, then the year after I got sick and since then I haven't been physically able to do things I used to do before I got sick like kickboxing aerobics, or aerobics at all. Or fencing. I imagine the kickboxing class might be a bit much for me at first, but I'm ok with that. I'll stay at the back and pace myself. I know aerobic activity is certainly good for weightloss, though I have to admit that I have always tended to prefer the strength activities. If I get into the cardio stuff and get into that zone and am feeling good and having lots of energy, its all good. But some days its all blah and its all I can do to not go take a nap on one of the stretching matts. The muscle/strength building stuff feels good and I can see the results and those are applicable even in cardio and just so much else and in daily life. I remember back when I was in physical therapy and I first noticed the difference in little things like carrying the laundry basket, or grocery bags and how big those little differences were-- thats a strength thing to me, if that makes sense.

And I'm working on my head issues. I think part of it is a general mind set that I see in other areas of my life and it gets influenced by how I am feeling, etc. I just keep thinking of how awesome it will be to be as healthy as I can be.

It sounds like everyone is doing great!

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Wow..Had a lot of catching up to do. Sounds like everyone is doing so well. I have just returned from Mexico a Hoilday with my family., (my DH and our 2 married daughters and their DHs.) It was an all-inclusive Hardly seems worth it now with the Band. What a differance in thinking with this new Tool.Shocking to see how much everyone puts on their plates at one of those things. I was so happy for the Band. But I still managed to gain weight. Might of been the drinks? ?LOL

Ready to get back on track. Going for a fill on Wed. not as restricked as I should be. Still managing to get too much down before I feel restriction. Have been playing around with the same 7 lbs for long enough. I will definately be getting a little bit in after the experience last time of having to have an emergency de-fill.

Oh -Julie.. Glad to hear you had a good time in Vegas. I was wondering if the trip was still on? Hadn't hear any more about it.Too bad everyone backed out ..maybe next time (IF there is one organized )there will be a better turn out . I though it sounded like a good idea, but i already had plans.:wink2:

I take it from everyones comments the Sparks is the better of the 2 to track everything. Going to start that tomorrow .

Ready to get back on track.

Have a great week everyone.

PS... METAWNNY: The bar of soap seems to be helping...GO Figure????????


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God Morning Everyone, I just want to say thanks for being here. I have learned alot from you regarding fills and experiences from having too much of a fill, not enough of a fill and how you combat the inbetweens.

With this last fill, I am more restriced. I seem to eat the same amount as before, but I'm staying full longer. And drinking of the water/liquids is really working this time. So well, that I don't get in all my Water for the day. And the sweet cravings are not much.

I'm still having trouble eating carbs. I don't think any amount of restricion will help that. I'm just carb sensitive. Weight lose is constant when I don't include them in my meals. Yet, when I do, I can tell. But the body needs the carbs. I just have to understand and accept the weight gain and adjust my thinking and meals according. That's the new weight lose issue I now have to deal with.

Exercising is constant. Getting in 2x a week still trying for 3x. That'll come with time. I'm not worried about that part.

My other issue also is loose skin. It's beginning to show and it's not so pretty. Although I've seen how it looks from photos and tv programs of others, when it's your skin your looking at it's different. And not so pretty. Exercising can only do so much for weight lose of a lot of weight. With about 60+ lbs more to lose, it's going to look horrible. And the thought of another surgery, I don't know. Then again I can avoid all mirrors and don't look down.

I LOVE MY BAND. I'm glad I opt for this and not the others. Controlling my destiny for my weight is just another lesson I'm learning. This is trully a tool to use and master. When I master this, the next time to deal with will be retirement. :eek: I want this behind me when that time comes. That will be within the next two years. Maybe.

Well, thanks for reading all this. Looking to read great success from everyone.

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Good Monday morning Marchies!

Do you realize we are only a month away from March?! Well I did and it got me re-motivated! For the last three days I've been acting like I'm new at this. I've been tracking every bight, drinking 8 glasses of Water, upped my cardio, reduced my calorie intake... and I'm seeing success.

I've been plateaued for so long, and it has everything to do with resting on my success that I'm not surprised at the immediate results. However, the plan is to keep stringent until after the anniversary.


I'm making peace with my skin. It's a challenge because it's not pretty. I'm focusing on how good I look with my clothes on and how much better I feel. I have to say the skin is the only negative to this whole process but with the right perspective it's certainly something I can live with.

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Good Monday morning Marchies!

Do you realize we are only a month away from March?! Well I did and it got me re-motivated! For the last three days I've been acting like I'm new at this. I've been tracking every bight, drinking 8 glasses of Water, upped my cardio, reduced my calorie intake... and I'm seeing success.

I've been plateaued for so long, and it has everything to do with resting on my success that I'm not surprised at the immediate results. However, the plan is to keep stringent until after the anniversary.


I'm making peace with my skin. It's a challenge because it's not pretty. I'm focusing on how good I look with my clothes on and how much better I feel. I have to say the skin is the only negative to this whole process but with the right perspective it's certainly something I can live with.

Yes i did realize how close we are to March and i freaked out... I cant believe it is almost a year..

You have a great idea to go back and act like a newbie following every rule.. i'm joining you in this goal... March 15th here i come!!!!

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Hey there just wanted to give my 2cents

I cant believe it's been a year!!! I get butterflies in my tummy just thinking about what's to come...its been rough gettin use to having this "tool" in my body but Im grateful for it!!! I feel like I just figured out how to control what I eat!! I got it down pact now!! my band is still SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!

I have tamed the "lion" I'm trying to wait until March to have my breast reduction surgery and I'm totally excited about that my lapband doctor referred me to his buddy so I'm not nervous at all "hell i wish he would throw in a Tummy Tuck while I'm laid out" but i guess I'll do that later...Im grateful to all of the friends i met on here and I cant wait to see what the next year will bring....

love peace and kisses....

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I can't believe it has been almost a year. Life has changed so much.

Hopefully the next year will bring the next 100 pounds off and I will be ready to start on the plastics journey.

I love my Band!!!

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Good Morning To Everyone;

Thanks again Mrs. Husker, I've been taking tea in the mornings before eating. Sometimes before oatmeal, which I don't have any problems with. Today, I forgot to drink the tea. It was only tuna and crackers. But I had eaten a few crackers before I realized I didn't take my tea. Well, I paniced :party:, but it wasn't so bad. I did feel the noticable effects. Also, I did get the ticker straight.

Vinegar, has anyone taken the apple cider vinegar or the pills as a supplement to their diet? I heard and read that this does aid in weight lose. My daughter has been taking them almost a year and she been seeing results in maintaining her weight. I've started taken it along with my hot Water drink. Just hot water at room temp. w/ two caps of vinegar. So far I haven't seen any results to soon to note. I'll give it two weeks to see.

Hope everyone's doing well and not letting the little setback get to you. It's only a setback. There's two months to lose more weight, and we can do it. Let's go back to the basic steps,. Weighing our foods and what ever it was that we lost the most weight. Think back to what you did and map out a plan and do it again.

I'm going back to eating 3oz of meat, 4oz of fish, 4oz of vegetables and 2oz of carbs either per meal or just one meal. Carbs are my down fall, but the body needs it. Adding one Protein meal drink per day and atleast one fruit.

What' s going to be your plan? :frown: It's IN all of us to do.....

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I've gotten back to basics. I'm eating hot Cereal for Breakfast, either oatmeal or cream of wheat, fish at lunch with a vegetable, some Protein at dinner with a vegetable and maybe a little carb and only fruit as Snacks between meals.

I feel great. I've eaten bananas, pears, apples and canned peaches in the last few days. I forgot how much I adore fruit. My calories are stickint to about 1300 a day. There's oil on my fish and still a little cream in my coffee, but golly it's good to see the scale move.

I've just realized that I've not had a day off from exercising since last week Monday so today is a rest day. Happy, happy, happy.

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I'm going to change my attitude and approach. I've finally come to realize that simply eating smaller portions is not going to cause weight loss like I thought it would. I'm going to lay off the unhealthy choice foods that slip right through my band, and focus on solid Protein & vegies, and I'm going to try really hard to add some fruit (other than my smoothie I have twice a week). I don't know why I have to force myself to eat fruit???

The big 20 year HS reunion is in June. My goal is to lose 20lbs by mid June, which is 1 lb per week. This is truly an attainable goal, and I need to get out of the mind set that it will never happen. I have a wide variety of exercise I'm enjoying, but it will happen more than 2-3 times a week. Sparkpeople will have regular visits again for tracking my intake. Maybe approaching our one year will give us all renewed motivation. Keep it up guys!

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I needed a fill in a bad way-- I got on on Tuesday. A good .4ccs, and it feels very appropriate to me, puts me right back at that happy spot in terms of adequate restriction.

When I went in this time I had not been in previously since October, I got a .3cc fill then. So that means I have .5, .3, and .4 cc fills to date. Thats a total of 1.2! So far I've got room for plenty more. I was saying that with my plateu I have been having such a hard time with I felt like a large part of it was really also mental and knowing when I needed a fill earlier and that I should try and keep better track of what I was eating, be more aware of details and accountability to help with discipline and to also know that. Doctor said I was trying to take too much on myself and to let the band do more of the work and to come back in six weeks-- not to wait.

So I was thinking about that and I have to admit it sure is a lot easier with more fill! But I do want to keep track of things better as well. So I'm going to work on that, and I'll definitey go back in six weeks even if I am not sure if my restriction has changed because a baby fill probably would do me good.

I have been working out more. I've been ramping it up to twice a week and I just starting kickboxing aerobics, which was good, but exhausting. Though this week I haven't been to the gym at all because tuesday I wasn't physically feeling up to it and this morning we were snowed in still. And now I'm comming down with a cold! I hope it stays mild and doesn't get bad. I just absolutely hate colds. I really think they are among the worst sorts of things because if you can't breath normally its just about impossible to get comfortable. I used to have a cold more often than not as a kid because I had terrible allergies that were not treated and it was misserable. I don't get them often now. Though a couple of years ago I had pneumonia twice in the fall and that was hard-- it took a long time to recover from in terms of overall health. Of course I am much healthier these days than I used to be. That is likely in part due to the weightloss. I think that helps me move better and makes things a little more comfortable physically.

My birthday is in mid april and I am wondering how much I could lose by then and what a reasonable goal to set is.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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