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Is it too early? Please help.

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My surgery is on Monday, at 11:30 am. My insurance did not require a pre-op diet. I don't even know what it is to eat healthy. I don't hate my current self, nor do I strive to be thinner (it would be nice). I have never failed at a diet simply because I've never had a diet for more than 2 weeks. Two of my family members tell me I will loose weight just by not eating as much, but I come here and read that eating less isn't enough. Yet my aunt/uncle have lost over 100lbs each. They must be "sugar coating" the facts to make me feel better, but I dont know.

One thing I do know is that regular diet food makes me miserable. I'm allergic to fruit, vegetables, nuts, shellfish. My perfect meals are subway, tuna sushi, mongolian noodles, steak, or really anything asian.

I went on this journy since I knew my insurance covered the expence. I thought "well, if I can still be me and loose weight, why not?" But coming here made me realize that chances are, I will not be happy with the food and work required to make the band work.

I guess I'm asking, what people REALLY eat with the band? Everyone here seems to be behind some denail that they only eat what the doctor orders. I find it hard to believe that we all just "gave up" foods that we enjoyed one day. I love to go to lunch with my co-workers and socialize, but I feel that I will have to ditch that if I go thru with this.

Am I to believe with as little I will be eating after the band, that even if I get full on chinese food, I wont loose weight? Am I to believe that the band will still work in 10-20 years? I hear its "lifelong", but does anyone here truly believe that? You all truly believe that in 40 years, the band will still work and that its essential to your life?

I'm 26, I weight 280, and I'm 5'11". I'm happy now. Will this truly make me happier? I see people use this icon a lot :whoo:. That person looks really unhappy. Why would anyone do that?

I could just be nervous since my date is so soon. But I really need to hear it from you.

I keep getting mixed information. Doctor says "only good foods", family says "as long as you're not drinking your cals, or eating pudding or anything easy to pass". Which is it? I'm going nuts.

Answer as truthful as possible because the replies in this post will determine if I go thru with it, or cancel on Monday.

Thank you.

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Nobody can make that decision for you.

The band is sometimes not easy to live with. My advice to you is to read as much as you can on this board. Spend a great deal of time here before you go through with it. You need to research this before you make your decision.

There are several places on the board with all sorts of information that you are looking for.

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The decision realy has to be our own. I went through hell just prior to wondering if I should, would I fail, what would happen if people found out etc. I know my decision in all of this was right for me - but I only know that now.

I've been having a tough time of the holidays, but I still know it would be worse without my band.

I am a vegetarian, so it may not be that helfpul to you to tel you about my food. I eat no flesh of any kind, so no "stuck" or "PB'ing there :rolleyes:

You can defeat the band by eating cr@p - Cookies, fast food, high calorie drinks & shakes - easy easy to do. So IMHO the first thing to pledge yourself, is to stop with the fries, burgers and fast food and sodas. That's a truck load of calories.

I am eating virtually my pre-op diet, but soooo much healthier :)

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Justin, you asked what people eat with the band and I think it varies. Some of us are able to eat breads and some are not. Sometime you can eat certain foods while you are not well restricted but then when you get a fill you can't even touch it. It depends on your body. Some of us have tested the band to see what we are able to handle. (I have anyway) chicken for instance, some will never be able to eat chicken again because they are unable to tolerate it and some will. My cousin cannot and I can. You said you find it hard to believe people have given up their favorite foods. I used to love pizza but I tried that one time and learned I cannot tolerate it so I have given it up for forever. You really don't have a choice once you get the band to give up certain foods unless you want to be in a lot of pain. The band is just a tool. It does take will power. Some people find the weight just falls off while others have to put extra effort forth. Oh yeah, you said you enjoyed going out with coworkers and didn't want to give that up. My husband and I go out from time to time with friends and I am still able to eat. No one even knows I have the band!! They just assume I am eating healthy. You don't have to ditch going out with coworkers. You just won't be able to eat fried chicken or pizza. GOOD LUCK!!

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Justin, as has been said already, only you can make the decision. One of the most valuable bits of advice I was ever given in life was "if in doubt, don't do it" and it has always served me well. Perhaps you should postpone the surgery until you have researched it more as believe me it is not something you should go into lightly as it is a life-changing thing. You have to alter the way you eat and drink and you still have to diet if you want to lose weight and you can still gain weight if you eat the wrong stuff so there is a lot to consider. The band is a tool to help you lose weight, but the majority of the work is down to you....so you need to be in the right frame of mind to want that more than anything....so ask yourself the question?

Your insurance will still be there in a couple of months time....so don't rush into anything you are not sure about especially if your health is not compromised at the moment. This is just my opinion for what it's worth....hope you have a great new year.

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It has to be your decision. I would say that most of us that were banded were miserable before surgery. We didn't like our bodies and we were unhealthy. We truly wanted to lose weight. With that being said we all love food and always will. We just look at it differently.

Why are you having surgery? Is it for your health? Also keep in mind that you can control how much restriction you have with fills. If you want to eat bread and steak then less fills for you. If you want to kick up your weight loss then go get a fill.

Good luck with your decision.

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My surgery is on Monday, at 11:30 am. My insurance did not require a pre-op diet. I don't even know what it is to eat healthy. I don't hate my current self, nor do I strive to be thinner (it would be nice). I have never failed at a diet simply because I've never had a diet for more than 2 weeks. Two of my family members tell me I will loose weight just by not eating as much, but I come here and read that eating less isn't enough. Yet my aunt/uncle have lost over 100lbs each. They must be "sugar coating" the facts to make me feel better, but I dont know.

One thing I do know is that regular diet food makes me miserable. I'm allergic to fruit, vegetables, nuts, shellfish. My perfect meals are subway, tuna sushi, mongolian noodles, steak, or really anything asian.

I went on this journy since I knew my insurance covered the expence. I thought "well, if I can still be me and loose weight, why not?" But coming here made me realize that chances are, I will not be happy with the food and work required to make the band work.

I guess I'm asking, what people REALLY eat with the band? Everyone here seems to be behind some denail that they only eat what the doctor orders. I find it hard to believe that we all just "gave up" foods that we enjoyed one day. I love to go to lunch with my co-workers and socialize, but I feel that I will have to ditch that if I go thru with this.

Am I to believe with as little I will be eating after the band, that even if I get full on chinese food, I wont loose weight? Am I to believe that the band will still work in 10-20 years? I hear its "lifelong", but does anyone here truly believe that? You all truly believe that in 40 years, the band will still work and that its essential to your life?

I'm 26, I weight 280, and I'm 5'11". I'm happy now. Will this truly make me happier? I see people use this icon a lot :whoo:. That person looks really unhappy. Why would anyone do that?

I could just be nervous since my date is so soon. But I really need to hear it from you.

I keep getting mixed information. Doctor says "only good foods", family says "as long as you're not drinking your cals, or eating pudding or anything easy to pass". Which is it? I'm going nuts.

Answer as truthful as possible because the replies in this post will determine if I go thru with it, or cancel on Monday.

Thank you.

Justin, I love to eat too. But I had the band two days ago. At first, you eat only Clear liquids (my doctor said for the first day after). You won't want to eat anyway. The 2nd thru 7th day I am eating full liquids (means cream Soup, Water, Protein drinks, popsicles, etc.). On the second week after, I can have mushie foods (chewed very well), like mashed potatoes, cream Soups, very well chewed food). What I understand is that when I get to normal food on the 4th week, I can have whatever I want (that I can tolerate) but I won't be able to eat much, and it must be chewed throroughly or it can get stuck.

The thing with the liquids is that if you drank chocolate shakes (like from whataburger) all the time, you could actually gain weight with this band. You have to stay away from the high calorie liquids that go down so easy. Stick with food, and make sure you get plenty of Protein. Protein is what will keep you from being hungry in all stages of the process.

I will tell you that I am 53, I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesteral, sleap apnea. These are from being overweight and happen as you get older. If you fix this overweight problem of yours now, you may never get those diseases.

What a great gift getting this band earlier rather than later is since it may keep you healthy a lot longer.

I know its tough, it's not a big deal though. I had it on Thursday 12/27 and I'm doing really good. I'm not hungry anyway and its hard to get in all the food they want me to get in.

When you go out with coworkers, you can eat, just order a side order of something, or an appetizer, that is what my friend does.

Good Luck, I hope this helps you.


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Anytime I see a young person with a lower BMI questioning the decision it worries me.

You say you're happy with yourself. I was miserable with "me".

I wonder at the young age of 26, how many "real" attempts to lower your weight have your really tried?

Have you EVER weighed or measured your food? Have you ever journaled your food intake for at least one month, to really see how many calories you are consuming? If you don;t have a real grasp of what a real size portion is, then you can't say you've tried.

Do you always finish the whole plate of food given to you at a restaurant?

Have you tried brisk walking for one hour 5 times a week for even one month to see if it has any effect?

Have you asked yourself, if an abundance of calories are coming from too much beer on weekends, that's making you weigh too much? you could be "good" all week with good choices and totally blow the whole thing on weekends.

I think these are all important questions and frankly, I don't think the Bariatirc surgeons, the pysch consult or the nutrition consult cover enough of this, at least mine didn't.

BUT I knew I would have to make life long changes and I was ready. At 56 years old, I wasn't as worried about the long term risk etc of the band. If mine can last 20 years (fingers crossed) I'll already be 76!

In my case, I knew I HAD to do something as drastic as surgery, you don't seem to sure.

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I WISH i had the band put in at 26! I didn't put on weight till after I got married, but maybe it would have kept me from doing so..no idea. If you have doubts, I would postpon till you have researched & soul searched. I knew I needed help, because the scale was going up no matter what new diet / pill I tried - and I feel healthy for the first time in 5yrs.

As far as food goes, I lost my love of the P's: Pizza/Pasta/Potatos/Potato chips - you get the idea. I was a Carbo / Salt junky, and I immediately lost the craving for all those. Realistically what I do eat now is High in Protein meals which don't make me feel like I'm missing a thing. I eat out A LOT, daily...but nobody knows I'm banded - they just think I'm eating healthy. Just about every restaurant has something on it's menu you can eat - Asian restaurants as well.

I think if you invest some more time researching, you'll find more answers to your concerns - and what would be best for you. Take Care,

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It is ultimately your decision. I just had the band put in, and so I can't really tell you what I've been eating because I am still on the liquid phase.

But I can tell you something that the psychologist (when I had to get evaluated for the surgery) told me. He said, "Look, if you're going to go to KFC, go...you will still lose weight. You'll only be able to eat one piece of chicken with a few bites of the side, but you'll drop weight because I'm sure you were eating more than that prior to the band."

It limits how much you can eat. There are a few things that don't work with the band, but ultimately you will be fine. My aunt had the procedure done and she eats everything that every one else eats, except she eats MUCH LESS. When everyone else has heaping portions of food for Christmas dinner, you can still see the bottom of her plate. She makes small little servings of everything and has all of it...and dessert.

Should we be aiming to eat what the doctor says? YES. Protein, then veggies...it will help us...but you have to make it work for you. If you order chinese all the time, get it steamed with sauce on the side. Once in a while you can get the fried stuff, but it has to be a lifestyle change that you're willing to make as well. You can have it, but when you get close to your goal weight and those last few pounds won't come off, you might decide you don't want it....or maybe you do...

The band is a tool that can help you reach your goal. Well at least that's my understanding....talk to me in a year or so :rolleyes:

P.S. I agree with you on that dancing thing....he looks miserable lol.

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I'm young, and had health problems due to being overweight. So I couldn't have done the surgery too soon.

If you don't think you need the band, I wouldn't get it. If you don't have health issues and are not unhappy about the weight.. why bother?

That being said, I eat what I use to eat.. just an incredibly small portion than I use to.. and it works for me. There are something I can't eat anymore, and it doesn't bother me. No burgers, fries, and pizzas for me. I have to make the conscious decision not to drink liquid calories (re: cokes, milkshakes, etc.).. and candies/cookies seem to go down just fine, so another thing I have to make myself not eat to sabotage myself.

Asian food.. I had chinese buffet for lunch yesterday. I had 1/2 bowl of egg drop Soup, 1 piece of sesame chicken, and 2 small bites of rice. Filled me up (I think I ate too much, had the Soup last and I was trying to finish the bowl against my band's advisement), and it was good!

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Don't worry about the surgery fear Justin. Before you know it the surgery will be OVER! Two weeks later, you'll feel like you didn't even have surgery. Only....you will have lost about 15 pounds. Don't worry about counting calories or exercising for the first month. You will be amazed at how the pounds fall off when you aren't even doing anything. Then, only after 6 weeks go by start worrying about other stuff like "working" hard. It'll be the best decision you ever made!!! Do it on Monday! Good luck.....!

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I wish I had gotten the band years ago. It would be so much fun to be young and not obese.

There is no way to tell if you'll be able to lose without exercising and watching what you eat. For some, the weight does fall off much easier than for others. Your age is a plus. Younger people lose weight easier than us middle aged people. Men lose weight

easier than women. So you have those 2 things going for you.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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