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On 9/7/2024 at 10:26 PM, Lilia_90 said:

I look forward to them and I shop cute workout outfits weekly because I like to look good when I go.

bwha-hahahah!! so do i !! i now have a rather ridiculous pile of yoga pants and tops and jackets and unitards growing exponentially in my closet.

p.s. unitards are the best...they make you look awesome-r than u really are...lol.

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12 hours ago, Arabesque said:

But be careful building muscle in your thighs as they could end up bigger.

yes, but...aren't your more muscular (albeit bugger) thighs still an improvement from your less-toned ones?

bet shorts look better on you now!

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On 9/7/2024 at 10:26 PM, Lilia_90 said:

Find something you enjoy doing.

While I have been a gym rat forever, I always take up things that I look forward to and it has to always be sustainable for me.

So some years ago I took up tennis and would go twice a week, I also took up Taekwondo, martial arts and now Pilates. My two Pilates classes a week are the highlights of my week, I look forward to them and I shop cute workout outfits weekly because I like to look good when I go.

It is much easier to build on the workouts (movement) you enjoy, so if you enjoy a certain activity (swimming, cycling, tennis, padel, Pilates, yoga, hiking, dancing, whatever it is) you will always feel a bit more motivated to build on that. So for me, I go for Pilates twice a week and I lift and do strength and conditioning another 3 days a week to add to my classes. I love jogging, HIIT and plyos and do that for my cardio, but even brisk walking is really really good to maintain weight loss. Keep it simple.

Also, I find it much draining to workout after work, so I workout at 5:30 AM before work (except for my Pilates classes because my studio doesn't run classes that early), this allows me to get it out of the way and have my evenings free to do what I like (which is be with my kids, bake, chill). It also helps that I have a fully equipped gym at home that I have built. I always kept weights, a bench, jump rope and resistance band at my old house and would mostly workout at home early in the morning, if you can keep some weights, a walking pad and some resistance bands at home (if it is an option) do that, it works great for busy days or mornings where you don't have time/the will to go to the gym.

This is what has worked for me. It has to be enjoyable and sustainable for you.

Early mornings are my preferred time too! When I can't I take a longer lunch break and do it then. That way I am staying at work only 30min later and I have my evening to my family. I tried to work out after work and it just did not work at all! LOL

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11 hours ago, ms.sss said:

yes, but...aren't your more muscular (albeit bugger) thighs still an improvement from your less-toned ones?

bet shorts look better on you now!

No one sees my saggy, baggy thighs @ms.sss LOL! Wish you could get rid of the lose skin with exercise or weights. Actually it’s mainly my inner thighs so no shorty short shorts. I do wear longer closer to the knees ones which show off my toned knees.

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13 hours ago, Arabesque said:

No one sees my saggy, baggy thighs @ms.sss LOL! Wish you could get rid of the lose skin with exercise or weights. Actually it’s mainly my inner thighs so no shorty short shorts. I do wear longer closer to the knees ones which show off my toned knees.

"show off my toned knees."

😂😂 I love it! Gotta love toned bones!

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On 9/3/2024 at 10:22 AM, NickelChip said:

Weight loss success is roughly 80% or more about your nutrition and 20% or less about exercise. No gym required! So if you don't like the gym or can't fit it into your schedule, really hone in on the nutrition for now and add whatever body movement you CAN manage every day. Meet yourself where you are, not where you think you should be. If you only walk 1500 steps a day, set a goal for 5,000 a day and don't expect yourself to be running a marathon next month. If you're already good about walking, kick it up by putting on some ankle and wrist weights while you do a 15 minute dance video on YouTube to get your heart rate up and build some strength. Or buy a set of resistance bands and do those a few times per week. Culturally, I think we've become convinced you have to "go to the gym" to see results, and it's really not true. And if you only have the energy to focus on one thing in these early days, start with nutrition because that's where you will see the most lasting results. You're still healing right now and your body is not ready for grueling workouts at this stage.

So totally true.....its more about what you put in your mouth and less about exercise. Exercise is good for your muscles, heart, lungs, joints, but as far as weight loss, you can do it without exercise by watching what you eat and stay within your calories suggested by your doctor/nutritionist - low fat, low carb, high Protein.

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On 9/9/2024 at 11:22 PM, Arabesque said:

No one sees my saggy, baggy thighs @ms.sss LOL! Wish you could get rid of the lose skin with exercise or weights. Actually it’s mainly my inner thighs so no shorty short shorts. I do wear longer closer to the knees ones which show off my toned knees.

I'm super jealous of your toned knees! I have so much thigh sag that the skin sags over my knees, and sadly, I will never feel comfortable wearing anything above the knee. My arms, on the other hand, are surprisingly decent. I have a little bit of arm flab, but no more than your average 40-something lady. I never thought I'd be comfortable wearing sleeveless tops, but I've gotten a little into weightlifting in the last 6 months and am actually at a point where I am ok with showing my upper arms in public.

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4 hours ago, BigSue said:

I'm super jealous of your toned knees! I have so much thigh sag that the skin sags over my knees, and sadly, I will never feel comfortable wearing anything above the knee. My arms, on the other hand, are surprisingly decent. I have a little bit of arm flab, but no more than your average 40-something lady. I never thought I'd be comfortable wearing sleeveless tops, but I've gotten a little into weightlifting in the last 6 months and am actually at a point where I am ok with showing my upper arms in public.

The resistance bands I use have helped a lot with my arms too though I still have flappy bat wings of course. I get complements about my arms which is amazing but that’s because I don’t wave my arms about too much so they can’t see the saggy skin 😂.

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6 hours ago, Arabesque said:

The resistance bands I use have helped a lot with my arms too though I still have flappy bat wings of course. I get complements about my arms which is amazing but that’s because I don’t wave my arms about too much so they can’t see the saggy skin 😂.

I’m a little nervous to see what mine are gonna look like when I’m done because they’re already flabby and I’m just getting started

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I was away for work the last few days and without the WLS last year there is no way I would have managed all the walking I did in the heat - Saturday 11.5km, Sunday 5km, Monday 6.5km, Tuesday 8km & Wednesday 4km. Last night/today is all about resting, not sure I'll get out of my pjs :)

Edited by FifiLux

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How are you doing now? Have you started back to some form of movement. I know that when I had the sleeve I tried to do the treadmill and that did not stick no matter how many times I tried. To me, that was like torture. This time with my revision I am walking around the neighborhood instead. Talking with a friend on the phone who is also walking or listening to music and seeing the various houses and people is just a great deal more enjoyable for me than the treadmill even with the television on I still felt like a hamster I am still early out and I definitely wouldn’t call it a habit yet but I can tell you for sure that I do not dread it each day like I did the other and I’m really hoping that I can keep it up I know for sure that the endorphins are great for my mood and my energy I go until I fall into the bed and sleep like a baby. In fact that’s why I’m up right now, because I did so much yesterday I feel asleep at 9pm 😂

I agree somewhat about the fact that if you must choose one place to put your effort then the nutrition is definitely the most important in terms of weight loss BUT, having done this before and been less successful, I can tell you that last time I did not exercise and it felt like less of a huge life change for me as it does this time Again, I am only 5 weeks out so it’s possible that this is temporary, though I hope not because I feel fantastic with all of my choices my point is that adding in exercise, for me, makes it feel like more of a lifestyle change and after I come home all sweaty from my walk I don’t want to put any junk into my body. I am even starting to buy things that are grass fed and organic when they are available and trying to cut back on salt as well as rethinking my artificial Sweeteners (although that’s going to be the toughest for me to give up) because my body feels so good and healthy and I want to feel this way for a long long time. As others have said it doesn’t have to be a specific exercise. Just move your body more. Maybe dance lessons, or Pickleball, something like that. My library had a Belly Dance teacher at one point about a year ago and now that I’m losing a bit I am going to look into whether she is still there because that sounds kinda fun. I also did some research on the weighted hula hoop and it is cardio for most people as well as a bit of strength training so I may try that. It brings back memories of competitions with them as a kid so it could be fun.

Something that my PA said at one of my pre surgery support group meetings keeps ringing in my mind that helps motivate me too he said that just 90 minutes of exercise a week in zone two heart rate (which I achieve with a brisk walk) decreases your risk of “all cause mortality” by 15%!! You can even break it into 15 minutes a day- 6 days a week (although it’s really 25 with your warm up and cool down added) but weight loss aside, a 15% decrease, thats pretty incredible. I was afraid of some of the complications from surgery that may or may not kill me and that was once like a 2% risk. So my goal is 30 minutes of exercise a day (I rounded up) and anything beyond that is just a bonus. That has seemed to work for me so far 🤞

Edited by ShoppGirl

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This has also been my biggest struggle. I was going to the gym fairly regularly before surgery, but it's been a struggle since being cleared. For me, it's just prioritizing that time for myself. It's been getting better this week, I've gone twice, walked a lot last night, and I plan on going today!

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I have always enjoyed movement I was just lazy about it when I was heavier. Luckily, I have a very motivating mother and father who stresses the importance of movement. I wish my mother could be along side Dr NOW on his show 600lbs life 😂😂. The **** she say is funny but she is serious about it. She was like "girl you can not afford to not move". Or "you don't have time to be complacent ". It comes from a loving place, it's good when people are straightforward and not trying to coddle you and make you feel comfortable. It's like girl your genetics mixed with your food addiction GET your ass in gear is what I tell myself daily when I go run/walk those 5 miles. I truly do not have the luxury of being complacent. Thanks Genetics 😩😡

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4 hours ago, Mspretty86 said:

I have always enjoyed movement I was just lazy about it when I was heavier. Luckily, I have a very motivating mother and father who stresses the importance of movement. I wish my mother could be along side Dr NOW on his show 600lbs life 😂😂. The **** she say is funny but she is serious about it. She was like "girl you can not afford to not move". Or "you don't have time to be complacent ". It comes from a loving place, it's good when people are straightforward and not trying to coddle you and make you feel comfortable. It's like girl your genetics mixed with your food addiction GET your ass in gear is what I tell myself daily when I go run/walk those 5 miles. I truly do not have the luxury of being complacent. Thanks Genetics 😩😡

Haha, your mom sounds amazing! I can just imagine her with Dr. Now, keeping everyone in check with those tough-love one-liners! 😂 I totally agree though, it's great to have people in your life who tell it like it is and push you to be your best. But honestly, I could NEVER handle that kind of talk! 😅 If someone told me to "get my ass in gear," I’d probably do the exact opposite just out of pure rebellion. I'm still like a kid—tell me to do something, and I'm suddenly in the mood to do everything BUT that. 😂

Kudos to you for handling it like a boss and running/walking those 5 miles! You’re seriously crushing it! 👏

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32 minutes ago, Justarwaxx said:

Haha, your mom sounds amazing! I can just imagine her with Dr. Now, keeping everyone in check with those tough-love one-liners! 😂 I totally agree though, it's great to have people in your life who tell it like it is and push you to be your best. But honestly, I could NEVER handle that kind of talk! 😅 If someone told me to "get my ass in gear," I’d probably do the exact opposite just out of pure rebellion. I'm still like a kid—tell me to do something, and I'm suddenly in the mood to do everything BUT that. 😂

Kudos to you for handling it like a boss and running/walking those 5 miles! You’re seriously crushing it! 👏

Lmao trust me I get it..it definitely has to come from someone you know loves you! Just a random person it's like F off! Welp we are all on this journey a forever battle with the Dis-Ease of OBESITY! Let's get er done!!

Edited by Mspretty86

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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