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Had my dietitian appointment this morning and it went really well 🥳 I’m a healthy fat person, which was good to hear. All my tests have come back good, no issues with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease etc. We had a really good talk, told her about this forum and the ongoing support everyone receives, showed her my two food diaries - one pre-watching what I eat and one for now. She was very happy to read both, laughed at some of my comments regarding how I was feeling when I was eating, and congratulated me on the changes I have already made. She asked if I had a surgery in mind and why. I explained that I felt that a bypass would be more beneficial for me due to not feeling full, snacking etc, and she agreed.

Thankfully she has no issues with me, and was happy to refer me to the surgeon, which was such a relief to hear. Honestly, I felt quite apprehensive and anxious this morning (thanks menopause 🤨) and was definitely snappy with hubby. I went in on my own as I didn’t want him to know what my weight was/is - does anyone else keep their weight secret from their other half? I know it’s just shame that makes me not want to tell him 😕

The dietitian thinks a reasonable target post-surgery for me is around 14stones (196lbs) but reckons I will sail past that as I am fully onboard with it all. I’m glad that she hasn’t given me an unrealistic expectation and I do feel it’s fully achievable. We discussed lowest adult weight plus weights my body had ‘stuck’ at previously. She also went through the post-surgery diet - will be 6 weeks on the purée diet due to having a bypass, and gave me the info for that. She also explained about the bounce back once the body has reached its lowest weight and that it did not signal a failure.

Next steps: appointment with the surgeon, which should be September (eek, next month!!) After I’ve seen the surgeon it’s then the MDT weekly meeting for everyone to agree that I’m OK to go ahead. As long as they agree, I will get my surgery date which is looking to be either Jan or Feb next year. She’s put that I would like to see the surgeon ASAP and will take a cancellation for both his appointment and also for surgery as long as I have one day to get ready for the 3 week liver reduction diet. She warned me that I could be on the LRD over Christmas but I’ve said that it’s fine, I’m truly not bothered in the slightest. I asked about going away next September and she said everything will be done and settled down by then but not to buy holiday clothes until the last minute!

Just to wait for the next stage now. I’m certainly glad I lost some weight pre-appointment though as the weight the Dr gave and the weight I was actually was a 5kg difference, and not in my favour 😮 I’m still 7kgs lower than the wrong weight given and it’s the initial referral weight they go off so I could coast now if I wanted to (but I won’t )

A relief all round!

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Congratulations on a great appointment! I agree completely that you will want to hold off on the holiday clothes until right before. I recently tried on a dress I thought when I bought it would never possibly fit and it did, and I'm only 6 months post-op! Also, my surgeon's office is 4 lbs higher than my home scale, and 2 lbs higher than my primary care doctor's scale. I curse at it under my breath at every appointment. But 5kg seems particularly rude of it!

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YAY!!! I'm so glad things went well!!! I was hoping they would, although I really didn't have any doubts about it :) I don't hide my weight from hubby. Never have. But I think it's mostly just because I figured if the man sees me naked and still wants me, knowing the number on the scale isn't that big a deal lol

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2 hours ago, MrsFitz said:

Had my dietitian appointment this morning and it went really well 🥳 I’m a healthy fat person, which was good to hear. All my tests have come back good, no issues with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease etc. We had a really good talk, told her about this forum and the ongoing support everyone receives, showed her my two food diaries - one pre-watching what I eat and one for now. She was very happy to read both, laughed at some of my comments regarding how I was feeling when I was eating, and congratulated me on the changes I have already made. She asked if I had a surgery in mind and why. I explained that I felt that a bypass would be more beneficial for me due to not feeling full, snacking etc, and she agreed.

Thankfully she has no issues with me, and was happy to refer me to the surgeon, which was such a relief to hear. Honestly, I felt quite apprehensive and anxious this morning (thanks menopause 🤨) and was definitely snappy with hubby. I went in on my own as I didn’t want him to know what my weight was/is - does anyone else keep their weight secret from their other half? I know it’s just shame that makes me not want to tell him 😕

The dietitian thinks a reasonable target post-surgery for me is around 14stones (196lbs) but reckons I will sail past that as I am fully onboard with it all. I’m glad that she hasn’t given me an unrealistic expectation and I do feel it’s fully achievable. We discussed lowest adult weight plus weights my body had ‘stuck’ at previously. She also went through the post-surgery diet - will be 6 weeks on the purée diet due to having a bypass, and gave me the info for that. She also explained about the bounce back once the body has reached its lowest weight and that it did not signal a failure.

Next steps: appointment with the surgeon, which should be September (eek, next month!!) After I’ve seen the surgeon it’s then the MDT weekly meeting for everyone to agree that I’m OK to go ahead. As long as they agree, I will get my surgery date which is looking to be either Jan or Feb next year. She’s put that I would like to see the surgeon ASAP and will take a cancellation for both his appointment and also for surgery as long as I have one day to get ready for the 3 week liver reduction diet. She warned me that I could be on the LRD over Christmas but I’ve said that it’s fine, I’m truly not bothered in the slightest. I asked about going away next September and she said everything will be done and settled down by then but not to buy holiday clothes until the last minute!

Just to wait for the next stage now. I’m certainly glad I lost some weight pre-appointment though as the weight the Dr gave and the weight I was actually was a 5kg difference, and not in my favour 😮 I’m still 7kgs lower than the wrong weight given and it’s the initial referral weight they go off so I could coast now if I wanted to (but I won’t )

A relief all round!

I was approved in May, and told my surgery date would be maybe summer of 2025. Then they called two month later and told me it would be October of 2024. Maybe it will be sooner for you! Are you NHS as well?

I'm glad it went well for you!

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Isn’t it bloody frustrating @NickelChipwhen you cannot get a consensus on what you actually weigh due to the scales being all over the place??? My own scales at home is trying my patience this week as the weight keeps bouncing around for no reason 🙄I’ve changed the battery but it’s still faffing about. I guess I will have to look for some new ones at some point but will wait to see if any appear in the sales. Any holiday clothes shopping will honestly be a last minute thing. One thing - smaller clothes mean lighter cases 😉

@SleeveToBypass2023i wish I could be as honest with my hubby re my weight. I still don’t know how he can be in any way attracted to me. I hate seeing myself naked and it’s my body. It really does affect the ‘intimacy’ side of our relationship, especially when you’ve lost your self-confidence too. I will tell him when I hit target etc, just not yet.

@NeonRaven8919Yes, NHS too! I hope mine is just as quick. Apparently my trust has a fair few cancellations when it comes to WLS so 🤞🤞🤞Is there ever a good time of the year for WLS? The dietitian said that the colder months seem to lend themselves to more choices come the puréed stage post-op and I do tend to agree…you can’t purée a salad can you??

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18 minutes ago, MrsFitz said:

Isn’t it bloody frustrating @NickelChipwhen you cannot get a consensus on what you actually weigh due to the scales being all over the place??? My own scales at home is trying my patience this week as the weight keeps bouncing around for no reason 🙄I’ve changed the battery but it’s still faffing about. I guess I will have to look for some new ones at some point but will wait to see if any appear in the sales. Any holiday clothes shopping will honestly be a last minute thing. One thing - smaller clothes mean lighter cases 😉

@SleeveToBypass2023i wish I could be as honest with my hubby re my weight. I still don’t know how he can be in any way attracted to me. I hate seeing myself naked and it’s my body. It really does affect the ‘intimacy’ side of our relationship, especially when you’ve lost your self-confidence too. I will tell him when I hit target etc, just not yet.

@NeonRaven8919Yes, NHS too! I hope mine is just as quick. Apparently my trust has a fair few cancellations when it comes to WLS so 🤞🤞🤞Is there ever a good time of the year for WLS? The dietitian said that the colder months seem to lend themselves to more choices come the puréed stage post-op and I do tend to agree…you can’t purée a salad can you??

I wish I could be honest too, he never saw my weight at my heaviest. Even when I was pregnant- I asked the doctor not to let him in until they were done weighing me and then when we went to the hospital on the day of my csection I covered the scale numbers and only let the nurse see. It wasn't until recently I told him I was 300lbs and he was shocked! I told him and that is why I did the surgery! I kept going up. So when your at the weight that you feel good you will tell him and he will probably be shocked LOL

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196 lbs is reasonable. My original goal was 199, and they said that was completely do-able if I was compliant with the program. Most people do end up either "overweight" or "class 1 obese" (which is not very obese...) - only about 10-15% make it to a normal BMI (my surgeon said that - and the research I've read confirms that). I told them when I hit 170 that I wanted to try for 150, and they told me that that wasn't very realistic, that not many of their patients manage to get down that low, so don't knock myself out - but I did make it (in fact, I got down to the 130s for a while - which was way too thin for me), but I did have that bounce back in year 3 that most people have. It'd be great to lose 10 lbs, but I'm OK with where I ended up. Anyway, I'm glad the appt went so well for you! You're going to be so happy you made this decision!

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Sounds like you had a very positive appointment all round @MrsFitz & you have a supportive team around you too. Yay!

Don’t worry about the difference in your weight doctor to doctor or clinic to clinic. It happens all the time. Remember too you’re likely naked, haven’t eaten or drunk and peed & pooped when you weigh yourself at home. You go to the doctor’s & you’ve had Breakfast maybe lunch too, drunk some fluids, are dressed so no wonder you weigh more. I looked at it as they have their records & I have mine. If I lose 5 kgs it shows on my scales as a 5kg loss & it will show on theirs as a 5kg loss too. Winning either way!

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15 hours ago, MrsFitz said:

Isn’t it bloody frustrating @NickelChipwhen you cannot get a consensus on what you actually weigh due to the scales being all over the place??? My own scales at home is trying my patience this week as the weight keeps bouncing around for no reason 🙄I’ve changed the battery but it’s still faffing about. I guess I will have to look for some new ones at some point but will wait to see if any appear in the sales. Any holiday clothes shopping will honestly be a last minute thing. One thing - smaller clothes mean lighter cases 😉

I got this scale and love that it does all the other stats also. It is the same type my GP has. https://www.amazon.co.uk/RENPHO-Bathroom-Bluetooth-Weighing-Composition/dp/B07YFS6GXB?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1

I also bought their measuring tape and skipping rope so it is all linked for tracking

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1 hour ago, FifiLux said:

I got this scale and love that it does all the other stats also. It is the same type my GP has. https://www.amazon.co.uk/RENPHO-Bathroom-Bluetooth-Weighing-Composition/dp/B07YFS6GXB?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1

I also bought their measuring tape and skipping rope so it is all linked for tracking

Ooh, thanks for this @FifiLux🥰 It links to my Apple Watch/iphone, which links with my Nutracheck app so I’ve ordered the pretty purple and red one which should be here tomorrow 🥳 I’ve given the tape measure and skipping rope a miss for now but they are bookmarked for future reference.

@AmberFLI guess it will be like the grand unveiling won’t it, come revealing my weight when hitting target! Hubby doesn’t really equate a weight with anything really, he works off clothing sizes (more visual obviously) so he asked me yesterday what clothing size I was aiming for and I said 14/16 (UK sizing) and he understood that.

@catwoman7I think, from reading what others have said, your body pretty much chooses where it wants to be so I will be guided by that in the short term. I previously got down to around 165lbs and I still cannot envisage me weighing that now! I’m still in shock from how small the Billabong shorts I rescued look, never mind to think that, once upon a time, my fat arse fit in to them 😂

@Arabesquesorry, I didn’t explain myself very well - the Drs surgery called me for my updated weight when the Dr was putting in the referral. I had to show willing right at the start and try the Slimming World programme before I could be referred. When I started the programme I weighed 130.5kg but this actually went up (unlimited Pasta and potatoes huh?? Really??) and I duly reported 135kgs which somehow ended up as 130kg on the referral letter 😮 Can only think that the second weight report got missed somehow 🤷‍♀️ My home scales always weighed me 2lbs heavier than the scales in the Rheumatology Department at the hospital but I didn’t mind that as it gave me a little breathing space. I did tell the dietitian that obviously I weigh myself in the buff etc and she just laughed and said it was fine.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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