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What would you do or have you done since surgery..

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Hello all!

After seeing all the responses on the post topic " What do you wish you should of done before surgery" it got me wondering what Do You Have Planned or What have you done since having had your surgery that you used to reward yourself, or thought you'd never be able to do prior to surgery that either you can now or have added to your will do list that you thought "if only"....?

I'm curious about what we've put off doing beforehand or what you couldn't do before losing the weight and have added it to your " bucket list". Life is short and I want to read how you're going to enjoy it now! I'm looking for inspiration. I look forward to living vicariously through you!

I'll start:

* I used to train and show hunt seat and dressage, I just started back up!

* I used to sail and scuba. Next year I will be adding it to my plans.

* I purchased a professional bow and I'm having a friend who's been scouted for the Olympics teach me!

* I've added ballroom dance to my list.

* I'm back to my daily yoga.

* I've got some vacations on the schedule to Hawaii and Spain to visit some old friends!

Its just a start, so many amazing things to do now.

Edited by BlondePatriotInCDA
Added my new goals

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Great list.

  • I took up pilates and like it so much the teacher is putting on an extra class each week for me, just have to hope others sign up also so she keeps them going.
  • I am going on my long wanted holiday to D.C. I now know I can do all the walking and sightseeing I have had on my list and I can fly in comfort knowing I am not restricted in a small seat/seatbelt and can shop in the non-plus size sections of Macy's Bloomingdales etc.
  • I bought myself a couple of handbags as 'rewards'
  • I think I will soon be ready to look at starting to date again. It has been years as I never thought I was worthy, if I didn't love myself why would someone else? But I think I am close to now to being ready to at least dip my toe in the Water, albeit the reality of if all makes me feel a bit nauseous.
  • I used to like to walk and I have enjoyed doing that again, even if it is just 20 minutes around the block. Just nice to get fresh air and have a bounce in my step.
  • I am organising a party next year for my birthday which I invited all my family (about 30) to a hotel for a few days away, my treat, to Celebrate and also thank them all for their love and support over the last year. (Means I can't buy anymore handbags for a while as have to save!)

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3 hours ago, FifiLux said:

Great list.

  • I took up pilates and like it so much the teacher is putting on an extra class each week for me, just have to hope others sign up also so she keeps them going.
  • I am going on my long wanted holiday to D.C. I now know I can do all the walking and sightseeing I have had on my list and I can fly in comfort knowing I am not restricted in a small seat/seatbelt and can shop in the non-plus size sections of Macy's Bloomingdales etc.
  • I bought myself a couple of handbags as 'rewards'
  • I think I will soon be ready to look at starting to date again. It has been years as I never thought I was worthy, if I didn't love myself why would someone else? But I think I am close to now to being ready to at least dip my toe in the Water, albeit the reality of if all makes me feel a bit nauseous.
  • I used to like to walk and I have enjoyed doing that again, even if it is just 20 minutes around the block. Just nice to get fresh air and have a bounce in my step.
  • I am organising a party next year for my birthday which I invited all my family (about 30) to a hotel for a few days away, my treat, to Celebrate and also thank them all for their love and support over the last year. (Means I can't buy anymore handbags for a while as have to save!)

Wow! That's an amazing list. I understand not feeling "worthy" if you don't love yourself, but know that no matter what you deserve love. You sound amazing, generous and a person worth treasuring! It sounds as if you have a wonderful, loving family who I'm sure would be more than glad to tell you the same.

When you going to DC? Hopefully in the spring so you can enjoy the flowering cherry trees! Have fun, thanks for sharing!

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Hmmmm this is great to think about!

1. Coach my daughters or sons basketball team or any sports teams (I signed up as my daughters basketball coach for the winter, I missed the window for my son since he's in Junior High and I was too scared to do that when I was 300lbs)

2. Finish my bachelors and get a job in my field (got the B.S now need the job lol)

3. Get into fitness and health (its amazing how much my body has transformed with taking up fitness)

4. Buy a pair of REALLY expensive jeans when I am done losing weight!!! (right now I wear Old Navy, A&e on clearance but I want a pair of really nice perfectly fitted jeans, just once in my life!)

I know there is lots more but this is the tip of iceberg!

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Wow these are all amazing ideas. I have struggled with Depression so long due to my Bipolar Disorder but exacerbated by the weight that I have just been dreaming of doing normal things like going to family functions without tremendous anxiety about my weight or physically being able to handle the outdoor activities without dying because of the heat and physically being able to keep up with the house chores and mentally feeling well enough to do any of that. I can’t even wait to start dreaming of action packed vacations and things like that. You guys are giving me tons of inspiration.

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1 minute ago, ShoppGirl said:

Wow these are all amazing ideas. I have struggled with Depression so long due to my Bipolar Disorder but exacerbated by the weight that I have just been dreaming of doing normal things like going to family functions without tremendous anxiety about my weight or physically being able to handle the outdoor activities without dying because of the heat and physically being able to keep up with the house chores and mentally feeling well enough to do any of that. I can’t even wait to start dreaming of action packed vacations and things like that. You guys are giving me tons of inspiration.

What one thing can you say once I've lost my weight I want to...___________________! It will happen sooner than you know, start making plans now it gives you a goal other than lost weight!

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19 minutes ago, BlondePatriotInCDA said:

What one thing can you say once I've lost my weight I want to...___________________! It will happen sooner than you know, start making plans now it gives you a goal other than lost weight!

I am really hoping that my husband and I can go on a vacation. Any vacation honestly. It has been so many years since we have had one. Between my insecurities and anxieties about my weight and the physical limitations we just haven’t found anything that seems exciting enough both of us to justify the expense. We could really use some“us” time and my husband would never admit but he would benefit from some time off. I think I may suggest to him that we go somewhere to Celebrate when I hit my goal. Then we have a while to work out the details. I always wanted to go to Alaska but I think that’s mostly because I knew that it wouldn’t be too hot for me like so many other common vacation spots. I really hope that my heat tolerance goes up a bit and I can expand my options to different places. I am still only a week out so I have time to add to my list. I’m sure as my mental health improves jt will be easier for me to imagine some of these things for myself.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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8 hours ago, BlondePatriotInCDA said:

Wow! That's an amazing list. I understand not feeling "worthy" if you don't love yourself, but know that no matter what you deserve love. You sound amazing, generous and a person worth treasuring! It sounds as if you have a wonderful, loving family who I'm sure would be more than glad to tell you the same.

When you going to DC? Hopefully in the spring so you can enjoy the flowering cherry trees! Have fun, thanks for sharing!

I actually go to DC next month, wanted to get there (and back) before the election and hopefully have pleasant weather.

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7 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

Wow these are all amazing ideas. I have struggled with Depression so long due to my Bipolar Disorder but exacerbated by the weight that I have just been dreaming of doing normal things like going to family functions without tremendous anxiety about my weight or physically being able to handle the outdoor activities without dying because of the heat and physically being able to keep up with the house chores and mentally feeling well enough to do any of that. I can’t even wait to start dreaming of action packed vacations and things like that. You guys are giving me tons of inspiration.

I am the same when it comes to the heat, I HATE it. A holiday in the heat/sun would be my idea of hell and the times I have had to do it I would melt within seconds and I would have chub rub on my thighs if I wore a sun dress. Then I would not want any part of me exposed, no way was I going to be seen in a swimsuit, couldn't get nice plus size summer clothes that would be a style I would wear all meant I felt like crap on a holiday when it is meant to be a relaxing fun time.

I have gotten a bit better with the heat in the last couple of years but that is by my standards, what I consider hot is probably cold to say an Italian or Southern Spaniard :)

I now either go out of season (also means cheaper prices) or to non sunny destinations. Like I went to the Spanish islands in May, perfect at 20c/68f with just blue skies and at least Washington next month should not be too hot plus it is the US so I am presuming everywhere except the sidewalk has aircon.

You now have the time to think of some locations and plan a reward for yourself, you will have been through a lot and deserve the holiday.

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14 hours ago, FifiLux said:

  • I think I will soon be ready to look at starting to date again. It has been years as I never thought I was worthy, if I didn't love myself why would someone else? But I think I am close to now to being ready to at least dip my toe in the Water, albeit the reality of if all makes me feel a bit nauseous.

I'm exactly the same. Even starting to talk to somebody, I would panic wondering how they could really like me, and delete the dating app.

But this is definitely something I want to do.

I want to go to more concerts and music festivals, too. All the standing is painful and makes me not enjoy the show. Less weight on my knees and I can stand longer and do more

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I was sleeve in 2015 and am having revision surgery next week (eek!!) but I never thought about the "what I want to do" type ideas before. Mostly I just wanted to lose weight - I've been heavy my entire life - but I think that maybe I'd like to...

  • Be able to sit in one of those plastic/resin chairs that everyone seems to own for their patio without fearing that it might collapse under my weight, or sit at a sidewalk cafe/restaurant without my butt hanging over the edges of the chair.
  • Have a mattress last longer than a few years before the "dent" I've put in it causes me even more body aches.
  • Be able to go grocery or clothes shopping without feeling like I'm being stared at (that's my social anxiety, but it's made MUCH worse by my weight).
  • Be able to fly economy class again (I've only been able to fly first class the last few years, because I just don't fit in economy anymore) WITHOUT the extender belt!
  • Take my dog for walks and to the park and run around with him.
  • Be able to sit in my desk chair for longer periods before my legs fall asleep because the chair isn't deep-seated enough for my butt! 🤣

I have boring "dreams" 😂

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1 hour ago, CrazyDog&CatLady said:

I have boring "dreams" 😂

Not boring and some of them were on my list of wins when I first started to lose the weight - my backside only taking up one seat on public transport, being able to get through a turnstile without having to turn sideways and performing some sort of gymnastics movement, being able to comfortably close the seatbelt on the plane, not fearing that every time a chair or bed creaked it was going to be the fault of my weight that caused something to break and not thinking that everyone was looking at and judging me when clothes shopping or eating.

All dreams and wins count, big and small.

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Pre surgery I didn't dream further than doing simple things that a fitter person could do. It was all I could do to keep our home clean and cook our meals. Thankfully we have shopping deliveries or I would have come unstuck. I could not go around a supermarket. I was so out of shape. I rarely went outdoors, it embarrassed me. I had learned never to reach too high, crashing into depression is a long road back to normality.

So, My new world is eye poppingly wonderful to me. I now have to squeeze in some at home free time. I have a pass that lets me use the trains and buses free. If I feel like it and I mostly do, I am off exploring. I have no need of a car any more

I am never hot and sweaty, out of breath or having an internal tantrum because I need to sit down and there is no seat

I jump out of bed and into the shower with out needing any aids. It doesn't weaken me for the day

I go out and never have to plan the route beforehand. I walk everywhere. I donated my walking sticks to the charity shop.

I go abroad alone on holidays and explore alone. I have been married for almost 50 years and its so wonderful to have some me time. He is done with holidays. I do what I want to do, go where I choose. I have made new friends who wish to holiday with me next year ! I'm popular !!

I have a small bucket list, To never gain any weight back. In the past I have been lucky, I have seen lots of the world. I still want to see Vietnam, visit Easter Island and live long enough to get new knees on the NHS.

Dream big and stay small everyone

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45 minutes ago, summerseeker said:

Pre surgery I didn't dream further than doing simple things that a fitter person could do. It was all I could do to keep our home clean and cook our meals. Thankfully we have shopping deliveries or I would have come unstuck. I could not go around a supermarket. I was so out of shape. I rarely went outdoors, it embarrassed me. I had learned never to reach too high, crashing into depression is a long road back to normality.

So, My new world is eye poppingly wonderful to me. I now have to squeeze in some at home free time. I have a pass that lets me use the trains and buses free. If I feel like it and I mostly do, I am off exploring. I have no need of a car any more

I am never hot and sweaty, out of breath or having an internal tantrum because I need to sit down and there is no seat

I jump out of bed and into the shower with out needing any aids. It doesn't weaken me for the day

I go out and never have to plan the route beforehand. I walk everywhere. I donated my walking sticks to the charity shop.

I go abroad alone on holidays and explore alone. I have been married for almost 50 years and its so wonderful to have some me time. He is done with holidays. I do what I want to do, go where I choose. I have made new friends who wish to holiday with me next year ! I'm popular !!

I have a small bucket list, To never gain any weight back. In the past I have been lucky, I have seen lots of the world. I still want to see Vietnam, visit Easter Island and live long enough to get new knees on the NHS.

Dream big and stay small everyone

Sounds like you have found your happy life stride Ms. Popular!!!

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I can't wait to go back to Florida and see all my family and friends in person. They've seen my pics online, but it's just different in person. I can't wait to go to the theme parks and be able to walk around and ride the rides with no issues at all, no funny looks, no problems fitting in any seats. It'll be the first time since high school that I can actually enjoy being there and doing what I want (and dressing cute while doing it!!)

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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