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Dr is great but his team is Not.

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I am having the SADI and I don’t know if that’s the reason for my issues (because this is kinda new) or if everyone gets this type of runaround. I have some questions about what Vitamin I should be taking and the post op diet that neither of the TWO differnt nutritionist I paid for could answer for me and I questioned what one told me about the pre op diet. I figured I could just ask the dr at my post op about the Vitamins but realized that I am scheduled to see the PA.

Well, I met said PA already and I didn’t like him. He clearly knows ALOT about bariatric surgery, just not the SADI specifically . I had a whole list of questions and everytime I asked one he skirted it and talked about the other surgeries in general. Basically he said a whole lot or words and answered a whole lot of nothing.

Well thankfully the Dr did not make me feel rushed at all and he answered every one of them on my next visit so that worked out fine but I do not want my follow up with that PA.. I called and asked his office if I could change it to the dr and they would not go for that but did claim that the NP actually knows a lot more about the Sadi so they changed my follow up appointments to her. Fingers crossed they weren’t just saying that.

Then I asked about the pre op diet and what the nutritionist said which was that for the two day liquid diet I was not to have anything red or purple. The receptionist says you shouldn’t be having anything that comes in red or purple anyways. I said um…jello, popsicles, diet drinks such as crystal light and gator aide??? She says well you aren’t supposed to have any of that for the Sadi pre op. I said well then I must have the wrong book or something because I’m reading it from what you gave me And it lists all that as well as fudge sickles and yogurt.

She puts me on hold then tells me I should just come in and talk to the NP before my surgery since I have so many questions. I said I feel like because this is new everyone is your office knows that the procedures is different yet all of the information you are giving me is generic for the other two more common surgeries and I am supposed to just magically know somehow what to do differently. She says well it is the correct information you just aren’t supposed to have this and this and this. I bit my tongue.

I said you know I’m am really not trying to be difficult. I Just need to get the correct information. I know that this is routine for you but this is my body and it’s major surgery. I’m anxious enough without having to cross my fingers that I’m doing my part correctly and don’t do something that is going to jeopardize my life or my surgery just because someone handed me the wrong paper and told me the wrong things to do.

My god It’s just so blooming irritating that I should have to go through all this, waste my time, money and frustration just because they don’t know. If they don’t know an answer just say that. And get back to me after they learn it. It’s that simple. Don’t try to fake your way through it and give me the wrong directions rather than just admit they don’t know.

Idk if I’m just getting old when I feel like it’s a generational thing that they feel like if they are just confident enough that it will be okay even if they are wrong. Then again I’ve seen this in all ages. It’s okay to admit when you don’t know!! It’s the medical field And little mistakes can cost lives. So far I have paid two incompetent nutritionist and i am having to go for two extra office visits just because they don’t know the information the first time. But even worse what if I didn’t ask and did the wrong pre op.

Okay Rant over. 😂

Edited by ShoppGirl

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the SADI is a fairly new surgery and isn't very common - which is probably why the office staff isn't that well versed in it. Although if the surgeon is going to be offering that surgery, they really need to get the office staff up to snuff, because they're the people you're usually going to see when you're there

as far as red, purple, yogurt, and fudgsicles, they're probably talking about the day or two before the surgery, and not the regular pre-op diet that many of us have to do for a week or two before the surgery. I've had about four surgeries, plus a couple of colonoscopies, and having a completely liquid diet for the day or two before with nothing red or purple is pretty standard with any procedure. They don't want anything in your G/I tract (that's why they say only liquids), and red and purple fluids look like blood on the equipment they use, so they tell you to avoid anything red or purple.

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21 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

the SADI is a fairly new surgery and isn't very common - which is probably why the office staff isn't that well versed in it. Although if the surgeon is going to be offering that surgery, they really need to get the office staff up to snuff, because they're the people you're usually going to see when you're there

as far as red, purple, yogurt, and fudgsicles, they're probably talking about the day or two before the surgery, and not the regular pre-op diet that many of us have to do for a week or two before the surgery. I've had about four surgeries, plus a couple of colonoscopies, and having a completely liquid diet for the day or two before with nothing red or purple is pretty standard with any procedure. They don't want anything in your G/I tract (that's why they say only liquids), and red and purple fluids look like blood on the equipment they use, so they tell you to avoid anything red or purple.

I am talking about the two day liquid diet. And thats what the nutritionist said about the red looking like blood but in the book that the surgeons office gave me it lists all those usually red items like Jello, popsicles and crystal light. Then the night before (doesn’t say what time) it says to switch to clear liquids. BUT when I called to clarify she basically described the clear one and said for the SADI that is for two days. I said well then I think I have the wrong book then, should I go there and get the other one. She said no thats the right book you just aren’t supposed to have all that. Well how in the heck am I supposed to know that? And what would happen if I wasn’t the type of person to ask? It just amazes me how lax they can be with this stuff. When it can easily be life or death if the surgeon thinks you did one thing when you were told to do another. They need to get it together. Anyways. I have an appointment with the NP now before the surgery so I will get the answer but it’s still frustrating to waste my time and money because of their incompetence. And I don’t mean incompetence like they are ignorant. I’ realize That the issue is that it’s a new surgery and I understand if they don’t know. What I am not okay with is them just making it up as they go along when it is my life we are taking about. Admitting when you don’t know something and then finding the answer is the real sign of competence.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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Honestly my biggest fear is if it is this hard getting the most basic info what is gonna happen if I have an issue post up. I will not be feeling up to, nor have the time to deal with this run around. I am going to ask the NP when I meet her but I feel like if only the dr knows then I should be dealing with only the dr. I am never really a blunt or confrontational person but I am gonna tell the NP about my experience thus far so she will she why I feel like even if the dr is ready to do this procedure that the staff is not. And that would not even be an issue if they could just admit when they are in over their head and just ask him but they don’t. I want her to know that this scares me.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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I got my husbands attention when I told him that between the two extra appointment and the two fruitless nutritionist appts that I have wasted about $300 because of his teams lack of knowledge of this procedure. I didn’t even mention my time and frustration. But I am most concerned with figuring out a way to feel comfortable being at their mercy when I am most vulnerable post op. Hopefully I get that when I meet with the NP.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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I’m so frustrated & angry for you @ShoppGirl. I would let the surgeon know about the conflicting & contradicting information you’ve been given by the reference materials the office provides & the staff & their reluctance to actually answer questions you have. I would also tell them, you are concerned about the after care & support the team will provide after your surgery.

Personally I wouldn’t trust a receptionist to answer any medical questions. All they should do is refer you to the qualified person or offer to arrange to get an answer from them for you.

At least your surgeon answered your questions.

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1 hour ago, Arabesque said:

I’m so frustrated & angry for you @ShoppGirl. I would let the surgeon know about the conflicting & contradicting information you’ve been given by the reference materials the office provides & the staff & their reluctance to actually answer questions you have. I would also tell them, you are concerned about the after care & support the team will provide after your surgery.

Personally I wouldn’t trust a receptionist to answer any medical questions. All they should do is refer you to the qualified person or offer to arrange to get an answer from them for you.

At least your surgeon answered your questions.

Thank you!! I was beginning to think it was just me being overly concerned after talking to my husband and him getting hung up on the money part (typical man I guess) but the bottom line is that if they can’t say something to help me believe they have a plan to get it together then I don’t think I can go through with this. So I have to say something to them which goes against my nature entirely. But It’s not like I’m purchasing a television I can just return if I’m unhappy. This is just too important to worry about being the nice agreeable girl. I mean, I still plan to put it politely as I can but they need to know. And I need some assurances about my aftercare.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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As someone who use to do the front desk job at a doctor's office, I can tell you that many of them think just because they work around medical professionals, the knowledge somehow rubs off on them and they think they know things.

Now, you have insurance eligibility, scheduling, payment, or phone questions? Those are the ONLY people you want to talk to (the doctors and medical assistants really don't deal with any of that and will just refer you to them anyway). Anything OTHER than that? Nope. Don't even try it. Ask to speak to the medical assistant (who will immediately either get the provider for you or get the CORRECT information from the provider for you if the provider isn't available at that moment) or ask to see your doctor or the NP there. Those are the ONLY ones you want to trust with ANYTHING medical at all.


your friendly neighborhood clinical medical assistant who actually knows how to do her job and what her scope of practice is lol

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1 minute ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

As someone who use to do the front desk job at a doctor's office, I can tell you that many of them think just because they work around medical professionals, the knowledge somehow rubs off on them and they think they know things.

Now, you have insurance eligibility, scheduling, payment, or phone questions? Those are the ONLY people you want to talk to (the doctors and medical assistants really don't deal with any of that and will just refer you to them anyway). Anything OTHER than that? Nope. Don't even try it. Ask to speak to the medical assistant (who will immediately either get the provider for you or get the CORRECT information from the provider for you if the provider isn't available at that moment) or ask to see your doctor or the NP there. Those are the ONLY ones you want to trust with ANYTHING medical at all.


your friendly neighborhood clinical medical assistant who actually knows how to do her job and what her scope of practice is lol

Thats my thing exactly. Like IF they have had to ask the dr this same thing 100 times and they know what the answer will be for absolute certain then sure tell me. But if they have not heard it from the doctors or their assistants mouth directly, or they don’t remember100% just don’t advise me. Ask someone!! I am not paying for their medical expertise. I just wish more people would realize that the first sign of intelligence is being able to admit what you don’t know.

These parents and schools should be teaching these kids that it’s okay not to know something. Instead It seems like the generation coming up is being taught that they are for some reason expected to know everything about everything so if they don’t know something they are just guessing or trying to fake their way through it. It’s frustrating and wastes a ton of time in so many cases but it’s down right reckless in the medical field.

To avoid issue with this office I think from now on I will not even tell them what my concern is. I will just ask for someone to call me or to get me In to be seen. My problem is that I was raised to be a people pleaser and I don’t want to be annoying. I am starting to get over that more and more every day though. 😂

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7 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

To avoid issue with this office I think from now on I will not even tell them what my concern is. I will just ask for someone to call me or to get me In to be seen. My problem is that I was raised to be a people pleaser and I don’t want to be annoying. I am starting to get over that more and more every day though. 😂

Absolutely. If you have a patient portal, ask your questions there. That goes directly to the medical assistants AND the doctors. If you don't have one, just make appointments to be seen by whoever you feel actually knows what they're doing. You can go in or do telehealth (at least, most offices offer telehealth).

Girl, that people pleaser stuff has GOTTA GO. With a quickness. Especially when it comes to your health and medical care. You have to advocate for yourself, and who cares if anyone finds you annoying? If they do, they aren't doing their job properly anyway. You do what you gotta do for yourself and to hell with anyone that doesn't like it.

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1 hour ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

Absolutely. If you have a patient portal, ask your questions there. That goes directly to the medical assistants AND the doctors. If you don't have one, just make appointments to be seen by whoever you feel actually knows what they're doing. You can go in or do telehealth (at least, most offices offer telehealth).

Girl, that people pleaser stuff has GOTTA GO. With a quickness. Especially when it comes to your health and medical care. You have to advocate for yourself, and who cares if anyone finds you annoying? If they do, they aren't doing their job properly anyway. You do what you gotta do for yourself and to hell with anyone that doesn't like it.

I never thought about the patient portal. I have one for the main group of doctors in my area that encompasses most everyone but they are not in that group. I wouldn’t have signed up for it untill/ unless I absolutely needed it because it’s one more password to keep track off. lol. I wonder if they do have one. That would certainly be most helpful here to bypass that front office entirely. Thanks. 🙏🏼

I know that I gotta stop worrying about what people think. My best friend is polar opposite of me and she is on me all the time for it. I have gotten to be better but I swear to you that stuff gets ingrained DEEP. What’s ironic though is that when a people pleaser meets their threshold they are an absolute force to be reckoned with. I am working on just skipping the bs and getting right to the force that gets things done. 🤣

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19 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

I never thought about the patient portal. I have one for the main group of doctors in my area that encompasses most everyone but they are not in that group. I wouldn’t have signed up for it untill/ unless I absolutely needed it because it’s one more password to keep track off. lol. I wonder if they do have one. That would certainly be most helpful here to bypass that front office entirely. Thanks. 🙏🏼

The patient portal is 100% the way to go. The front desk has zero access to it. No one except the medical assistants and the doctors can access it and respond. And the medical assistants can only respond if the doctors tell them to, and then they respond with whatever the doctor tells them. I do it all the time. I can go in and tell lab results, inform about medications and referrals, that type of thing. But anything that involves patient questions about care, visits, surgery specifics, etc MUST be responded to by the doctor or by the medical assistant AFTER the doctor sees the message and tells the MA what to say to the patient in response.

I have 5 different patient portals lol And I have 1 password I use for all of them, that way it's easy to remember. That password is just different than what I use for anything else.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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