Okay here we go. 1: Pre op stats 91kg BMI 35 2: Surgery Gastric sleeve 3: Lowest weight post surgery 48.5kg BMI 18.7 at about 18 months. 4: Maintenance weight 48.5kg. Stayed there for about 18 months when I suddenly increased to about 51kg. Realised I wasn’t absorbing my HRT med after my gall removal. Changed my meds and my weight slowly settled at around 49kg after another 18 months. The last 6 months has seen me back to 48.5 again though I was 48.2 this morning. Strange is I actually eat about 300 calories more now (last 2+ yrs) than I did when I initially stabilised. 5: Fluctuation Initially my fluctuation was exactly 1kg so 48.5 - 49.5. Weird I know. It’s been more 700 - 800g the last 18months so very narrow. 6: Methods to maintain & what worked or didn’t work.
Work out a sustainable way of eating which doesn’t restrict or limit what you want to do & how you want to live your life. (I know I say this a lot but it’s worked for me.) Still be flexible with your eating style. Don’t be afraid to make changes: different foods or food types, frequency, etc. If it works & you can still maintain great. If it doesn’t drop it & try something else. I don’t enjoy traditional exercising. No gym for me, running miles or getting sweaty. Around 18 months ago I started my exercise snacking (stretches & using resistance bands) habit. Not to burn calories but to regain flexibility & to support my back. Muscle toning has been a bonus. I enjoy it, it’s easy and I do it or a variation every day. 7: How my life has changed It’s just easier in a whole lot of little ways & other things are much sweeter. Yes, I work at maintaining. I’m more aware of what I put in my mouth, its nutrient value & how much I eat but a lot of this is second nature/habit now so not as much ‘hard’ work anymore. Generally I feel more confident though I wouldn’t say I was lacking confidence before. I’m honest enough to say I’ve become more vain though I was always conscious of how I presented myself to others. It’s just a lot more. Just ask my cosmetic physican - LOL! 8: Cautionary tales & words of wisdom Always advocate for yourself. Not happy with an answer ask more questions, for more testing &/or a second opinion. Do your own research & go back with more questions. Be honest. Ask for help. Be flexible. Make the best decisions you can in the situation. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go the way you thought. Things/life happens. It’s how you pick yourself up & move forward again that matters. Find what works for you in regards to how & what you eat, what activity you do & so on. Research, cherry pick across many strategies & plans, test them out & adopt those which work for you. There is no one right way just what’s right for you. This journey isn’t a straight, flat road in one direction. There’ll be hills and valleys, rugged mountains & deep, wide rivers. There’ll be blind corners & round-abouts. You’ll face detours, delays & road works. Your destination may not be where you initially planned but it will be a wonderful, amazing & far better place to be than where you were before you started. And there will be many other fabulous destinations ahead of you.