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11 minutes ago, Justarwaxx said:

Walking outside is not a very good option right now as the temperatures are over 35-45 degrees (middle east tings) but "winter" is around the corner so I'll be happy to do outside walks then! Tbh I am not idle during the day but like I can do more for sure. I try to not ask for help (nanny or son) and just should it myself to get in some extra steps.. but I really wanna push myself to do the treadmill 3x a week. I love how u sleep in ur workout clothes hahaha! It will work for me to workout in the mornings before I start work on the 16th then it will have to be after work.

I totally know what u mean about being more energetic after workouts. It does make u feel great! I will do it!

Important thing is that you figure out something that works for you and you do not dread doing. It needs to be a little bit fun for you whether it’s time to yourself so you can just think or you’re listening to a really good book on tape or whatever it is that you enjoy. it can even be a sport or something else entirely. Just move your body, but you’re never gonna stick to it if it is not desirable, which the treadmill was not my thing for sure I dreaded it every single day. I have no doubt that you will figure out what works for you.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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For those who don’t have a support group the Baritastic app has a virtual support group. I just got a message that it’s tomorrow. I haven’t tried it but once you have the app you will get the message (probably for next month if I had to guess) you just have to click the link to register. The app is pretty awesome once you figure it out too. I am able to log eberything and see trends and my NP was really glad I had used it and was able to show her all my macros a week at a time at a glance. You can even log your moods and bowel movements. 😂

It takes a little while to figure out how to create recipes and log them but once you do you just select one serving or a half second at this point and it calculates it all for you. This works wonderfully with the stuff I made extra of and have frozen. Plus once I have added the majority of my recipes it already in there and I don’t have to log it again.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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Oh God! I just experienced my first foamies attack! I think I ate too fast and didn't chew my food well! I was eating during a video call meeting and got distracted.. I can literally feel the food in my heart 🤣

To be honest, I am quite happy to finally feel fullness today!

At Breakfast and lunch and now dinner! I always felt out of place for not feeling "full" well I definitely felt it and I do not want to reach full stage or fullness again .. God I wanna push down the food 😩 ouchy but yay!

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39 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

For those who don’t have a support group the Baritastic app has a virtual support group. I just got a message that it’s tomorrow. I haven’t tried it but once you have the app you will get the message (probably for next month if I had to guess) you just have to click the link to register. The app is pretty awesome once you figure it out too. I am able to log eberything and see trends and my NP was really glad I had used it and was able to show her all my macros a week at a time at a glance. You can even log your moods and bowel movements. 😂

It takes a little while to figure out how to create recipes and log them but once you do you just select one serving or a half second at this point and it calculates it all for you. This works wonderfully with the stuff I made extra of and have frozen. Plus once I have added the majority of my recipes it already in there and I don’t have to log it again.

I wish I had this app in my region, it seems very nice. And I've been people use it on tiktok

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19 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

Important thing is that you figure out something that works for you and you do not dread doing. It needs to be a little bit fun for you whether it’s time to yourself so you can just think or you’re listening to a really good book on tape or whatever it is that you enjoy. it can even be a sport or something else entirely. Just move your body, but you’re never gonna stick to it if it is not desirable, which the treadmill was not my thing for sure I dreaded it every single day. I have no doubt that you will figure out what works for you.

Quick update! I did a 30 mins walk on treadmill and feel amazing! Thanks for the motivation!

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Hey all,

I'll catch up on reading soon. It's been a rough few weeks. I caught a stomach bug last week and thought I was gonna die. And yesterday I woke up with a runny nose and muscles aches, same today. The fatigue seems to be worse these last two weeks too, but I'm guessing that's because my immune system got shot. But that is why I've not been around, I've literally been wanting to die. It has taken everything in me to be able to push through work and classwork before I pass out for hours on end.

Just wanted to give you an update. 0/10 recommend on getting a stomach bug after gastric surgery.

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3 hours ago, Justarwaxx said:

Quick update! I did a 30 mins walk on treadmill and feel amazing! Thanks for the motivation!

Awesome 👏🏻 It’s a really good feeling and it keeps going. It makes you feel even better about your food choices and your mood improves even further. I swear it’s like a miracle drug that snowballs but in a good way.

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1 hour ago, draikaina8503 said:

Hey all,

I'll catch up on reading soon. It's been a rough few weeks. I caught a stomach bug last week and thought I was gonna die. And yesterday I woke up with a runny nose and muscles aches, same today. The fatigue seems to be worse these last two weeks too, but I'm guessing that's because my immune system got shot. But that is why I've not been around, I've literally been wanting to die. It has taken everything in me to be able to push through work and classwork before I pass out for hours on end.

Just wanted to give you an update. 0/10 recommend on getting a stomach bug after gastric surgery.

Ooh I am so sorry that you went through that, sounds awful. My hubby got it and thankfully he had been super careful around me since surgery for fear of just what happened to you. When he even thought he may be getting sick (just didn’t feel quite right) he told me so we could take precautions and he slept on the couch. Sure enough less than two days later he had it. I was fortunate enough that I didn’t have to go out much so him giving me something was my only real risk. I’m glad to hear that you are feeling a little better now, though. I couldn’t imagine a stomach flu with all of this. I was afraid of just coughing and sneezing but vomiting OMG. I do not envy you for that. How are you doing otherwise?

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19 hours ago, Justarwaxx said:

I wish I had this app in my region, it seems very nice. And I've been people use it on tiktok

There are a handful of them that people recommended on here. I thought I couldn’t add recipes at first and before I figured it out I made a post asking for suggestions. It’s a post called macro tracking apps. Maybe check it out and see if any of those are available to you.

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Not sure if everyone else bought food processors for their purée phase but I’m having so much fun with mine. I made fresh guac and pico the other night for my Turkey tacos (sams the shell) and tonight I made skinny pesto sauce, which I’ve never made regular pesto sauce, but I think they pretty much just substituted a little bit of lemon juice for the olive oil oil or a little more lemon juice. It’s pretty delicious though with all the fresh ingredients.

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On 9/5/2024 at 2:11 PM, RRenaeL23 said:

Hello everyone,

Yesterday, offically was my third week post surgery. I have been walking at least 2 miles M-F with my husband and feel I have my activity under control. I am working towards starting my strength training exercises. Really need to work on my Triceps and my thighs. I have lost about 20lbs post surgery date not sure if this is common loss or if others have lost more. I struggle with my pureed diet, I feel like I eat all day long. Takes about 2 hours to drink a Protein smoothie in the morning, then worry about my H20 intake, then trying to get my meals in. According, to my pureed stage, I am suppose to have a Protein Shake in the morning, then pureed lunch, then another Protein shake for a snack a couple of hours later, the pureed for dinner. I feel as if I am eating all day. Takes so long to get through a smoothie with sips and pureed meals are 1/2 cup which is supposed to take about 30 minutes to eat. Am I doing something wrong? I have a Bariatician appointment next week hopefully will get some more information. Just want to make sure I dont stretch or doing anything adversely to my stomach pouch. Thank you in advance for any advice.

@RRenaeL23, I can hardly believe what a badass you are! (And I mean that in a "wow you're awesome" way.) Walking 2 miles already? That is really great and I am so happy for you. Keep up the great work! I also need to start working on my muscles - for me it's core, arms, and legs (well, now that I think about it, that's pretty much everything, right?).

@Greekmom4, I have never heard of the foamies, but I certainly don't want it! Hope that doesn't come back for you.

Today I had a NSV because I'm wearing a fitted sweatshirt that I love but haven't work for a long time because it was tight across my middle. Not anymore: now it's just right. My middle is still far too thick, but at least the sweatshirt doesn't showcase it, LOL.

I am starting to see little indications of weight loss; just flashes, but they're there. I don't know what my body dysmorphia will do going forward. When I've lost weight before, I've just felt like everyone else looked bigger to me, I didn't look smaller. But I currently don't recognize myself in pictures because in the mirror, my mind tells me I'm not as big as I really am. (I learned at Jenny Craig that's why we should take pictures, because your mind can't bend them.) On paper, I've now lost 36 pounds from my highest pre-surgery, but I certainly don't see that much weight loss (I'm only 5 feet tall, so that's a lot on my frame). I guess that's a function of how much I have yet to lose, but also they say I'll be the last one to see it.

I'm now to the regular diet phase, although there is a lot I haven't tried yet. Ground beef and turkey seem to be fine, but I tried some pork chop which was a big mistake. I think I may get much more of my protein from plant sources (beans, etc.) going forward, which is fine with me. Today we got a whole bunch of groceries to make a list of recipes I'm going to try (hubby is the cook at our house). My sister's vegetarian and sent them to me, so they're all veggie. I'm slowly learning to branch out. Since I am eating 1/2 cup at a time, I've been just having protein, but I started craving veggies and fruit. I saw something that talked about having "a few bites" of things, so I'm incorporating that. I can have up to 3/4 cup now, so I have a bit of room to add some veggies and a little fruit.

TMI ALERT: I am eating more Beans than I ever have, so maybe that's it, but is anyone else producing a surprising amount of gas? I thought giving up carbonation (which was a massive sacrifice for this former Diet Coke addict) would mean a lessening, but DANG.

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On 9/7/2024 at 9:28 AM, ShoppGirl said:

Is anyone else that’s on soft foods trying to freeze things? I have been doing this for 5 nights so far on soft food and two of those nights were seafood and I was able to make the right portion but I have frozen chili and meatballs so far. Those “souper cubes” work really well for the chili (they have cheaper brands now and even a silicone ice cube tray would work for less chunky Soups and they would defrost quicker too). I posted the question in the food forum too but had anyone ever frozen ground Turkey that has been cooked. I made Turkey tacos and they were so good but of course I made too much. I also made guacamole and pico but I’m guessing those won’t freeze well. Next time I know to reduce the recipe significantly. Anyways, does anyone have experience freezing stuff? Any tips?!

Hi, @ShoppGirl,

I've frozen Soups and ground meats in sauce in 3 oz glass containers, and it's working really well. I am not a cook, don't like to, and I often procrastinate so in the past I've ended up having fast food or ordering out. It's one of the main reasons I got so big. So those little grab n' go containers in the freezer are a lifesaver! And I'm finding that soups and ground meats freeze great, so I think your frozen chili and meatballs will be perfect. I'm planning to freeze some of the italian vegetable Soup hubby's making from scratch, too.

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6 minutes ago, AndreaJD said:

Hi, @ShoppGirl,

I've frozen Soups and ground meats in sauce in 3 oz glass containers, and it's working really well. I am not a cook, don't like to, and I often procrastinate so in the past I've ended up having fast food or ordering out. It's one of the main reasons I got so big. So those little grab n' go containers in the freezer are a lifesaver! And I'm finding that Soups and ground meats freeze great, so I think your frozen chili and meatballs will be perfect. I'm planning to freeze some of the italian vegetable Soup hubby's making from scratch, too.

That Soup sounds delicious!! My meatballs don’t have sauce though so I have my fingers crossed that they turn out okay. Someone said veggies don’t freeze so well too but then others said they freeze just fine so I’m just trying it and then I will know for next time

Edited by ShoppGirl

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On 9/8/2024 at 12:34 PM, ShoppGirl said:

All we have to do is stick to the plan and we should be just fine. Hiding the scale is actually a really good idea. I have already gone through this once so I already know that my weight can fluctuate by a few pounds even from morning to night so I know to expect it, yet i stepped on the scale yesterday and it went up a pound and it caused me a bit of anxiety. I was like I ate low calories, did all my fluids and actually exercised more than i have in years, how is this possible?! My husband was like one pound, this happens, remember. So thankful to have him as my voice of reason.

@Justarwaxx, I echo what @ShoppGirl said. Before surgery, I listened carefully to every horror story people wanted to tell me, to make sure I was making the right choice. I even sought out stories online, because I wanted to consider all the angles.

Now, however, I listen to my medical team for instructions and to you all for advice on how to make them happen. The thing is, everyone has an opinion on WLS. Everyone "knows someone who had it and... [insert experience here]." But you don't have to listen. I can drink quite a lot fairly quickly, too. I talked to the PA about it and she said that's normal and fine, as long as you're getting enough fluids. She said I may have more trouble as time goes on, because scar tissue hasn't formed yet. So I am choosing to be grateful that I am able to get my fluids in easily.

I work from home and I'm kind of a homebody anyway, so I haven't talked to many people about my surgery. I haven't had many people tell me what they think I should do, but when I do, I listen politely and change the subject.

You are absolutely right! Don't compare yourself to anyone else. Let yourself be happy you're drinking easily, and give yourself ALL the kudos for being on this journey. It sounds to me like you're doing perfectly.

And thank you for suggesting hiding the scale. I weigh every morning and get excited to see if I've dropped, but that's a mistake and I know it. I'm going to hide my scale, too, and weigh once a week.

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9 hours ago, draikaina8503 said:

Hey all,

I'll catch up on reading soon. It's been a rough few weeks. I caught a stomach bug last week and thought I was gonna die. And yesterday I woke up with a runny nose and muscles aches, same today. The fatigue seems to be worse these last two weeks too, but I'm guessing that's because my immune system got shot. But that is why I've not been around, I've literally been wanting to die. It has taken everything in me to be able to push through work and classwork before I pass out for hours on end.

Just wanted to give you an update. 0/10 recommend on getting a stomach bug after gastric surgery.

Oh, @draikaina8503, I'm so sorry to hear that! Sending all the healing your way and hoping you feel all the way better very soon. If you have the option, you might want to check in with your medical team and ask if they have any suggestions in terms of Vitamins, zinc, etc. to help boost your immune system while you fight the germs. Hang in there and be good to yourself!

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