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Gonna attempt what @Hiddenroses has taught me about tagging and see if I can make it work lol.

@AndreaJD Hey, I write the fanfics too when I have time. Mostly Star Wars and LotR fanfic, but I have been thinking about a fanfic involving Bucky and Sam for a while. (Not a ship fic, just a fun writing experience.) People make fanfic out to be a terrible thing, but honestly it's what got most of us started in writing.

As for your question about the surgery not working, I can't speak from that experience YET. (soon, so soon) But I think it is health to remember that everyone is different and everyone will have a different experience.

@ShoppGirl Thank you for the recipe! I'm going to see what I have available at the grocery store for dairy alternatives. I would prefer not to kill myself immediately after surgery lol! I do agree with AndreaJD that it does sound amazing though, so hopefully I can find something that works for me.

I struggled yesterday and did not meet my Protein goals on the clear liquid diet. But I survived it and now I'm on to day 2. I have a better plan in mind for meeting my goals today, so hopefully it works out for me. I have to work 2 of my 3 jobs today, and one of them is a grocery store. Pray for me, y'all! lol

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Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, draikaina8503 said:

Gonna attempt what @Hiddenroses has taught me about tagging and see if I can make it work lol.

@AndreaJD Hey, I write the fanfics too when I have time. Mostly Star Wars and LotR fanfic, but I have been thinking about a fanfic involving Bucky and Sam for a while. (Not a ship fic, just a fun writing experience.) People make fanfic out to be a terrible thing, but honestly it's what got most of us started in writing.

As for your question about the surgery not working, I can't speak from that experience YET. (soon, so soon) But I think it is health to remember that everyone is different and everyone will have a different experience.

@ShoppGirl Thank you for the recipe! I'm going to see what I have available at the grocery store for dairy alternatives. I would prefer not to kill myself immediately after surgery lol! I do agree with AndreaJD that it does sound amazing though, so hopefully I can find something that works for me.

I struggled yesterday and did not meet my Protein goals on the clear liquid diet. But I survived it and now I'm on to day 2. I have a better plan in mind for meeting my goals today, so hopefully it works out for me. I have to work 2 of my 3 jobs today, and one of them is a grocery store. Pray for me, y'all! lol

I am not sure what your post surgery diet is but mine allows part skim ricotta And low fat mozzarella as well as low calorie marinara. The parmasen she used I did not add to mine.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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On 08/14/2024 at 17:50, draikaina8503 said:

I unfortunately am very limited in Protein Shake flavors that are available. I'm actually allergic to milk, so all I can have are plant Protein Shakes. So yay for having to have the more expensive, less available flavors. >_>

I did buy a tape measure this morning when I was running errands so that I can take my measurements! My other tape measure, uh.... really put in perspective how big I was because it wouldn't go around me. Depressing but also motivating to know that I am doing the right thing for me.

Hopefully, I move to being able to have 'cream of' Soups when I get home. Though there are concerns about how much surgery they will actually be doing as I do have endometriosis. So the hope is that it hasn't spread since my last endo surgery 15 years ago, and therefore they don't have to deal with that particular complication. I am nervous about the hernia repair. I know it's common, but it's just one more thing to go through. I've been prepping myself for the bypass, not the hernia repair. LOL

Hi! Sorry to drop in the conversation but I heard Owin Protein Shakes are pretty good. Maybe try one of those.

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On 08/14/2024 at 22:56, AndreaJD said:

So here's my concern. I am able to drink and have Jello and popsicles just fine. I'm taking it easy because I don't want to overdo it, but shouldn't I be having a harder time getting it down? I bet all of you have the same history as me, diet after diet that didn't work or only worked for a while until eventually the weight came back and brought all its friends so I weighed even more. So I'm feeling concerned that maybe the surgery didn't work. I know that's not true, but... Is anyone else not having a problem getting liquids down?

I guess I need y'all to talk me off the ledge a little here.

Please take that as a blessing! It’s the worst not being able to intake liquids as recommended and feel behind. It just means your body is healing well and making progress. Your stomach is enjoying why it’s been fed.

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Well, I got the phone call. I arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. It feels surreal. My plan for more Protein today is going better, but it's still a rough time. But by this time tomorrow, it will have all been worth it.

@Onemealplan Owyn Protein Shakes are actually part of my regimen (not currently because clear liquids). I've been drinking them for a couple of months now. I do like them, just wish there was more variety in flavors. I do wish I could handle the Premier Protein as they have a lot of flavors to vary my diet with.

ETA: @Pepper_No_Salt I hope you're doing well! Sounds like we are still surgery twins, based on what you said about the pre-op diet. ❤️

Edited by draikaina8503

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6 minutes ago, draikaina8503 said:

Well, I got the phone call. I arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. It feels surreal. My plan for more Protein today is going better, but it's still a rough time. But by this time tomorrow, it will have all been worth it.

@Onemealplan Owyn Protein Shakes are actually part of my regimen (not currently because clear liquids). I've been drinking them for a couple of months now. I do like them, just wish there was more variety in flavors. I do wish I could handle the Premier Protein as they have a lot of flavors to vary my diet with.

ETA: @Pepper_No_Salt I hope you're doing well! Sounds like we are still surgery twins, based on what you said about the pre-op diet. ❤️

Yay. So excited for you. That was my arrival time too. I had to wake up at 3:30 to drink Gatorade?! I think I would have been up anyways though with so much on my mind. Best of luck tomorrow.

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16 minutes ago, draikaina8503 said:

Well, I got the phone call. I arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. It feels surreal. My plan for more Protein today is going better, but it's still a rough time. But by this time tomorrow, it will have all been worth it.

@Onemealplan Owyn Protein Shakes are actually part of my regimen (not currently because clear liquids). I've been drinking them for a couple of months now. I do like them, just wish there was more variety in flavors. I do wish I could handle the Premier Protein as they have a lot of flavors to vary my diet with.

ETA: @Pepper_No_Salt I hope you're doing well! Sounds like we are still surgery twins, based on what you said about the pre-op diet. ❤️

I arrive at the hospital at 7:45am! For plant based shakes I use Orgain powder. I think they only come in chocolate and vanilla, so I had to mix in my own things to make other flavors like PB2, pureed strawberries, etc.

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1 hour ago, Pepper_No_Salt said:

I arrive at the hospital at 7:45am! For plant based shakes I use Orgain powder. I think they only come in chocolate and vanilla, so I had to mix in my own things to make other flavors like PB2, pureed strawberries, etc.

@draikaina8503 and @Pepper_No_Salt, I wish you both the smoothest, easiest surgery experience tomorrow! I got maybe 2 hours of sleep the night before _ way too much on my mind. But your job tomorrow is basically to sleep, so try not to sweat it.

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Had my one week post op appt today. She said my incisions look good but when she was cleaning one of them mostly because I was scared since the bandage came off in the shower and it was bleeding she noticed my pain lying on the table and getting up. She told me that I am trying to be too tough and that I need to take my pain meds. I ended up talking to her about that again today and she said if I don’t want to take them thatI could take Tylenol and try a muscle relaxer which I just picked up both and came home with the groceries popped the trunk and went inside. My husband took the hint since I had already texted him that I was hurting pretty bad. lol.

I mostly talked to her about my gallbladder since I didn’t know anything about that ahead of time and didn’t much care while I was in the hospital. She made it sound like for most people it’s not really that big of a deal. I may have some issues with super rich and greasy foods but for most people that’s about it.

She also started me in B-12 injections. She said it usually ends up being required witb the SADI but now with the gallbladder thing too she may as well just start me now. I am starting with once a month and we will tweak it from there depending on labs. So I picked that up too and ordered the sharps container and medical grade alcohol swabs. Wish me luck since I can’t even look when I get a shot.

I feel like I have had to learn so much this week. A lot of surprised but am still just rolling with the punches. My biggest thing that’s pulling me through right now is that Sunday I get to have purées. 😆

Good luck to the two having surgery tomorrow and I hope that everyone else is going well with preop and recovery. ❤️‍🩹

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Hello again everyone! I'll have to do a better post responding to some of you when I'm feeling better, but I wanted to touch base at least because I was afraid I'd get too far behind!

Yesterday morning I did the two hour drive both ways to go get my staples out (Fella went with me, woot!) Getting the staples out pinched a little but was an immediate relief. At first.

I had the SADI, as previously stated, and it was a laparoscopic surgery. I came home and had an amazing nap, but as the day progressed I started feeling these painful pinches beneath the stable that was removed on my far left side. Nothing dramatic, but I guess I moved wrong in the night and had fallen behind on tending my pain and it shot right through me. My fella and I talked about it this morning, though, and we realized that because that particular incision was at an angle and stapled really tightly with four staples that when the staple came out the skin beneath that had started to heal in the previous position was pulling with my movements. He had the brilliant idea to reinforce the seam with a couple of Steri-strips and those have helped tremendously in addition to using my ice packs. I also find if I pinch the skin together underneath JUST that area that it relieves a lot of that stinging/pulling sensation for getting up and down, or rolling from side to side in bed.

I followed up with my nurse this morning and she said the same thing and that I was doing things right; it's just an adjustment sometimes as your skin relaxes post staples (for those who had them).

I'm thinking of those of you whose surgeries are scheduled for today and super glad to have heard check ins from those who just had theirs! Also I did notice a couple of folks back on page one of this thread who we haven't heard much from here - @BigDane @LadyJGrey @Lisa Gilkison - Sending you all good vibes as well and wondering how it's going?

@draikaina8503 - Surgery day!! I saw your comments tagging me (You nailed it!! ) and wanted to at least answer the server question - Of course I was also on Wyrmrest Accord! That was where I went after Twisting Nether dried up. I figure most WoW RPers probably came across one another there at some point or another :)

Wishing all of you the best, will add more when I'm in a better comfort level to do so!!

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Hello 👋 everyone! Finally day 14 post op. I’m feeling so much better. I did have dumping because I went in too much on ice cream and had almost 3 oz versus 1oz. Nothing too bad but lesson learned. I’m so excited for purée! I’ve started with baby food today and working into scramble egg white tomorrow with feta or cottage cheese. What are your recommendations for purée?

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Posted (edited)

25 minutes ago, Onemealplan said:

Hello 👋 everyone! Finally day 14 post op. I’m feeling so much better. I did have dumping because I went in too much on ice cream and had almost 3 oz versus 1oz. Nothing too bad but lesson learned. I’m so excited for purée! I’ve started with baby food today and working into scramble egg white tomorrow with feta or cottage cheese. What are your recommendations for purée?

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I have a descent list for purée but the three things I actually like out of it are the scrambled egg substitute, refried Beans, and ricotta. I am also allowed reduced sugar marinara and fat free or low fat cheese so I will have a little cheddar cheese on the refried beans and I will make the ricotta bake with ricotta, marinara and mozzarella. That starts Sunday for me and I CAN’T wait. I was actually debating how long I need to wait to make sure something agrees. Like if I have the eggs for breakfast, will I know by lunch that was fine so I can try something else or should I stick to liquids for the rest of the day. I can’t remember what I did with the sleeve. Probably waited because I always tend to be over cautious with medical stuff. I dug out my handheld blender and bought some canned fruit (no sugar added) and fresh veggies that I’m going to try to make my own purées. That I didn’t do last time but I do remember getting board so I figured I may as well give it a try. Anyone else have any good ideas?

Edited by ShoppGirl

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I made puréed chicken salad and have done well with that.

@ShoppGirl I think you would know pretty quickly if food will agree or not.

Tomorrow, I am going to prep some scrambled egg servings, ricotta bake, and refried Beans. I found a refried bean recipe that include salsa and cheese mixed in.

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Hey all - I promise I'll get to responding to the previous posts that I haven't replied to a few pages back but I had a quick question - Has anyone else experienced tenderness from sitting in a chair that didn't previously bother you? It's weird for me, I haven't lost a LOT of weight (24 lbs as of yesterday at the doctor's office, their scale and mine seem to have about a 2lb disagreement) yet it feels like I get an achy bum sitting in a desk chair that was previously fine. That might sound silly; I don't mean in any particular region, just achy in general to the point I've taken to putting a thin pillow beneath me. Is that weird? Is it maybe just the overall achiness? Just curious!

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Posted (edited)

@Greekmom4 that bean recipe sounds good. Is salsa considered a purée though? I guess you can purée it a little more. I’m gonna order some now and try to use my little hand blender with it and see what happens. You have to tell me how exactly you went about making purée chicken salad. Was it totally mush? I am allowed canned chicken and tuna and a little low fat mayo but that seems like a big jump from liquid to me.

@Hiddenroses i haven't experienced that but have heard of lots of weird physical aches and pains, especially back pain that occurs as we lose because our posture changes so quickly. And lots of people do end up needing a cushion when they sit after a while. I’m gonna guess it is the loss. Your first NSV!! Needing extra butt cushion 🎉

@Onemealplan are you allowed the egg substitute? I had never tried them until my pre op diet and they are surprisingly good. The first ingredient is egg whites but they add some stuff to make them taste a whole lot more like regular eggs which is great for me because I really don’t care for egg whites. They are also super soft and moist which is good for us right now.

@Hiddenroses I am editing this post to add that now that I am paying attention I am feeling a bit of tingling in my butt cheek. I am lying in an adjustable bed watching tv and I’m actually not in a very comfortable position at all but I swear I just noticed some tingling in the right side and shifted my weight. 🤣 I guess if it happened before I just didn’t pay much attention. I’m lucky that I haven’t had to do any desk chair sitting this week.

That just got me to thinking about when will be the best time to get a new mattress. One thing I do remember with the sleeve was that the mattress seemed uncomfortable after I lost a significant ***** of weight. I think it’s because I was not sleeping in my same dented in spot with the posture changes. I flipped the mattress a few times and then ended up switching mattresses with my husband who is tiny because he can sleep on anything and that worked last time but I don’t remember if they have been replaced since then. I’m thinking not so I’m going to have to for sure this time at some point.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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