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1 hour ago, Hiddenroses said:

Hey, I think I got confused with all of the quoting - @Rosslyn, you're the one who chose to get the 'virgin SADI' right? I'm wondering if this matches what your scheduled surgery looks like - Wish I knew more medical terminology! Anyone feel free to chime in who knows - is this scheduled surgery the SADI or the DS? I'm supposed to be getting the SIPS/SADI-s and this is what it shows on my app:

"I'm wondering about the medical terms I see listed in my healthcare app for what they are calling the surgery and hope I'm getting the one I WANT - also they did tell me I'll need to take an A, D,E & K supplement because of the surgery I chose. Does your scheduled surgery look like this?


I saw the Duodenal and was worried they might be doing the DS as opposed to the SADI - Anyone else who knows, feel free to chime in!

Hopefully @Rosslyn will have something closer on her paperwork because that’s definitely not how mine is worded for the revision. The third letter in SADI does stand for duodenal though. It’s Single Anastmosis Duodenal ileal bypass and the SADI-S just means with sleeve from what I can gather. Mine says “robotic single anastomosis duodenal switch with intra operative esophagastroduodenoscopy”

So that last part is the same for us. I think that’s just a scope to check that things are okay before they close. The “single anastomosis” part is what makes it a SADI vs a traditional Dudodenal Switch or DS. It’s means one anastomosis or connection instead of two. The one connection is what makes the SADI a little safer than the traditional DS because that connection is where you could get a leak.

I would probably call their office to verify but The first part of yours MAY be a sleeve gastrectomy and the second part COULD BE the part I’m getting done (just the intestine bypass part) but I’m not sure why it says REPAIR? The third again I THINK is just a scope with a camera to check something.

The extra ADEK should be for both the SADI and the DS. My Vitamin for post op says SADI/DS on it. And it had a bit more Iron and adds the ADEK plus a couple other things that don’t absorb as well.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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Okay I googled it and that third thing @Hiddenroses is just a type of endoscope that looks at the esophagus, duodenum and the stomach. It can be diagnostic as well as to fix some things. I just had an upper endoscopy done by this surgeon so that’s why I’m assuming it’s to check stuff during the surgery. Unless he forgot he already did it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Checking in! I started my liquid diet today and I'm feeling fine so far. I did initially mess up this morning because I'd bought some Equate lesser Protein Shakes (13g/protein rather than my standard 30) and failed to realize that the one I drank this morning had 20 grams of SUGAR and 50 grams of CARBS! In one little bottle; I was very angry at myself for not checking the nutrition facts better - I got a 24 pack of them, too! *Facepalm* Thankfully I still had some of my Max Protein 30mg/Protien & 1g of sugar ones, so that's what I had for lunch and 'dinner'. I'm waiting on my sugar-free Jello to set up - Here's hoping it hurries! I hope you other gals are doing well! @Rosslyn @Shop Girl

Edited by Hiddenroses

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1 minute ago, Hiddenroses said:

Checking in! I started my liquid diet today and I'm feeling fine so far. I did initially mess up this morning because I'd bought some Equate lesser Protein Shakes (13g/protein rather than my standard 30) and failed to realize that the one I drank this morning had 20 grams of SUGAR and 50 grams of CARBS! In one little bottle; I was very angry at myself for not checking the nutrition facts better - I got a 24 pack of them, too! *Facepalm* Thankfully I still had some of my Max Protein 30mg/Protien & 1g of sugar ones, so that's what I had for lunch and 'dinner'. I'm waiting on my sugar-free Jello to set up - Here's hoping it hurries! I hope you other gals are doing well! @Roslyn @Shop Girl !

My Jello says you can add ice cubes to speed it up some 🤷🏼‍♀️.

I’m on day 8 of 16 I’m doing okay but I think this diet is making me kind of testy. My friend thinks it’s hilarious because it is so not me and she thinks that I need to be more assertive and speak my mind anyways. I have to admit I got a little smart with a customer service rep who had dropped the ball on something and that got the ball rolling again real quick. I hung up and thought maybe I need to be bitchy more often. 🤣 🤣

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Just got a call from the pre op nurse. Boy is this getting real!! I’m sure your instructions will be different so Idk if any of this is helpful fo anyone else but I typed it out for myself anyways and figured I may as well copy it here in case there is something someone hadn’t thought of yet. Please let me know if I am missing anything as well.

Two Days Before (Monday)

Switch to the liquid diet this morning. I also think I’m going to go ahead and pack that evening because there is enough to remember the night before. I have duplicates of all my toiletries and stuff I plan to pack so why not.(move my one rx so I don’t forget and take it in the morning)

The Day before surgery: (Tuesday)

Skip that one medication I moved starting this morning, switch from full to clear liquid this evening, remove rings, change sheets, take my shower with the special soap, take the nausea pill at bedtime and of course nothing at all after midnight.

Surgery Day: (Wednesday)

Wake up at 3:30am and take my allowed meds with 12oz of regular sugar Gatorade- finishing everything before 4:30, take my second shower with the special soap, toss towels in wash so they are clean post op, brush teeth and get dressed (which should be pretty fast considering I can’t put anything on my body or hair at all except clothes-no jewelry, makeup, lotions, deoderant, perfume-Nothing. (She said they don’t care if we stink. lol), Then head to the hospital at 5:15. *I have to remember not to pee after that Gatorade because they need a urine pregnancy test shortly after I arrive at 5:30. Turn off phone and give to hubby just before Surgery which is scheduled for 7:30am🤞

I asked about my meds. They say to leave everything valuable at home (except ID and insurance card) including wedding rings and medications but for the sleeve I was on some pretty new meds that they didn’t have in their pharmacy so my husband had to run home to get those. She said that very rarely happens but I could have them handy at home for him (in the original bottles) just in case. So, just a heads up if your driver can’t ever find anything like mine and you are on something less common it couldn’t hurt to leave them in plain view 🤣

I also plan to have a couple of things ready on the table that I will just ask my husband to bring me if it looks like I will end up staying a second night like my crochet bag, a book and some drink mixes (if they don’t have the ones I like). Things I can live without for one night but may want if I’m staying longer. I know at my bospital that they don’t give you a room until you are done with surgery and recovery so your bag has to go into a locker or something and they have to inventory all the stuff so they were very appreciative that I packed light for my sleeve.

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

Just got a call from the pre op nurse. Boy is this getting real!! I’m sure your instructions will be different so Idk if any of this is helpful fo anyone else but I typed it out for myself anyways and figured I may as well copy it here in case there is something someone hadn’t thought of yet. Please let me know if I am missing anything as well.

Two Days Before (Monday)

Switch to the liquid diet this morning. I also think I’m going to go ahead and pack that evening because there is enough to remember the night before. I have duplicates of all my toiletries and stuff I plan to pack so why not.(move my one rx so I don’t forget and take it in the morning)

The Day before surgery: (Tuesday)

Skip that one medication I moved starting this morning, switch from full to clear liquid this evening, remove rings, change sheets, take my shower with the special soap, take the nausea pill at bedtime and of course nothing at all after midnight.

Surgery Day: (Wednesday)

Wake up at 3:30am and take my allowed meds with 12oz of regular sugar Gatorade- finishing everything before 4:30, take my second shower with the special soap, toss towels in wash so they are clean post op, brush teeth and get dressed (which should be pretty fast considering I can’t put anything on my body or hair at all except clothes-no jewelry, makeup, lotions, deoderant, perfume-Nothing. (She said they don’t care if we stink. lol), Then head to the hospital at 5:15. *I have to remember not to pee after that Gatorade because they need a urine pregnancy test shortly after I arrive at 5:30. Turn off phone and give to hubby just before Surgery which is scheduled for 7:30am🤞

I asked about my meds. They say to leave everything valuable at home (except ID and insurance card) including wedding rings and medications but for the sleeve I was on some pretty new meds that they didn’t have in their pharmacy so my husband had to run home to get those. She said that very rarely happens but I could have them handy at home for him (in the original bottles) just in case. So, just a heads up if your driver can’t ever find anything like mine and you are on something less common it couldn’t hurt to leave them in plain view 🤣

I also plan to have a couple of things ready on the table that I will just ask my husband to bring me if it looks like I will end up staying a second night like my crochet bag, a book and some drink mixes (if they don’t have the ones I like). Things I can live without for one night but may want if I’m staying longer. I know at my bospital that they don’t give you a room until you are done with surgery and recovery so your bag has to go into a locker or something and they have to inventory all the stuff so they were very appreciative that I packed light for my sleeve.

Oh wow! I'm on full liquid for a week pre-op - I'm on day two today! So far I haven't wanted to claw anyone's eyes out (lol!) Like I said, I messed up on my first shake of the day yesterday and had one that had an insane 20g of sugar and 50g of carbs in an 8 oz serving! Since then I moved back to my 30g Protein Shakes that have 1g of sugar each; I had three yesterday and have had two today. I'm surprised that taking 100mg of colace morning and night hasn't had me running for the bathroom yet, so there's that! I had about a cup of sugar free jell-o yesterday throughout the day and have had about a half cup of it so far today.

So far my plan is to shower with the Hibiclens Sunday morning, then when I get to the hotel that night. I'll wake up early Monday morning - no fluids after midnight at all - to shower again with the Hibiclens and head over to the hospital. Sunday is my normal sheet change day anyway, so that's good. I expect to be in the hospital for 2-3 days, hopefully getting released on Wednesday the 7th to ride home with my driver.

I'll have my fella change the sheets for me at home again before I get settled in. Good thinking on packing light - I know I'll want warm comfy socks (I hate hospital 'socks' though they may make me wear them for traction, idk), the meds I am still allowed to take, and a robe that zippers all the way up the front. I don't plan to take a lot - I'll bring a set of earbuds in case I want to watch something on my phone to pass the time but other than doing the sip-sip-sip of liquids and restarting my Bariatric Vitamin I imagine I'll rest as much as I can while still getting up as much as they prompt me to for walking around to work the surgery gas out. I figured I'd just toss a few changes of underclothes, socks, the robe, some comfy clothes to wear home, and meds in a backpack. Oh - And of course my phone charger. Can't go anywhere without THAT!

You must REALLY be feeling it about now with your surgery tomorrow morning! Wishing you the very best!

Edited by Hiddenroses

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Posted (edited)

21 minutes ago, Hiddenroses said:

Oh wow! I'm on full liquid for a week pre-op - I'm on day two today! So far I haven't wanted to claw anyone's eyes out (lol!) Like I said, I messed up on my first shake of the day yesterday and had one that had an insane 20g of sugar and 50g of carbs in an 8 oz serving! Since then I moved back to my 30g Protein Shakes that have 1g of sugar each; I had three yesterday and have had two today. I'm surprised that taking 100mg of colace morning and night hasn't had me running for the bathroom yet, so there's that! I had about a cup of sugar free jell-o yesterday throughout the day and have had about a half cup of it so far today.

So far my plan is to shower with the Hibiclens Sunday morning, then when I get to the hotel that night. I'll wake up early Monday morning - no fluids after midnight at all - to shower again with the Hibiclens and head over to the hospital. Sunday is my normal sheet change day anyway, so that's good. I expect to be in the hospital for 2-3 days, hopefully getting released on Wednesday the 7th to ride home with my driver.

I'll have my fella change the sheets for me at home again before I get settled in. Good thinking on packing light - I know I'll want warm comfy socks (I hate hospital 'socks' though they may make me wear them for traction, idk), the meds I am still allowed to take, and a robe that zippers all the way up the front. I don't plan to take a lot - I'll bring a set of earbuds in case I want to watch something on my phone to pass the time but other than doing the sip-sip-sip of liquids and restarting my Bariatric Vitamin I imagine I'll rest as much as I can while still getting up as much as they prompt me to for walking around to work the surgery gas out. I figured I'd just toss a few changes of underclothes, socks, the robe, some comfy clothes to wear home, and meds in a backpack. Oh - And of course my phone charger. Can't go anywhere without THAT!

You must REALLY be feeling it about now with your surgery tomorrow morning! Wishing you the very best!

Oh no my surgery is next Wednesday but I am feeling it already since that pre op call. I would consider bringing some pajama pants or something to slip on to walk. The gown is backless and the robe may be hard to get on and off with the stuff connected to you every time you get up and Down to walk. I had the IV on the one side and a heart monitor on the other. You may figure out a trick to it but for me it was easier to just do the pants. I wasn’t making any fashion statements but at least my bottom was covered. They may also tell you to leave your meds at home but you will know for sure when they call. Do you mind slippers? I imagine if you have slippers with traction they may be more likely to allow you to wear your comfy socks.

Edited by ShoppGirl

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I had the SADI-S on June 14, 2024. Tomorrow (Aug 2) is my 7 week post op day. I was 278 when I started my liquid diet. I was 268 on surgery day. I was 275 directly after the surgery. Last week I was 238 and I had a combined inches lost of 31. I have been experiencing a stall for a few weeks. I’ll lose some and gain some but it’s the same 3 pounds. As such I’ve been trying to get more movement into my life. I’m eating, at the advice of my surgeon, in a trial and error way. He wants me to be able to eat normal foods as it is easier to get to your Protein goals. I haven’t eaten bread, sugar, Pasta, or potatoes. I probably won’t go back to those foods.

The pain feels like you went hard on Abs day. It was pretty much gone after 3 weeks. Eating too much (even by a single bite) or drinking too soon after a meal hurts worse than after the surgery. If you feel full and you think it’s too soon, take a break then pick it back up. You’ll be able to get it down eventually. Your anastomosis will be swollen (the link between your stomach and intestines) so there’s a bit of backing up before it goes down. I found shaking my stomach helps the food/liquid go down.

Get good with your food being cold. Even if it’s hot when you start eating, you can’t eat it fast enough for it to stay warm. This has been the worst change for me besides the smell of my 💩.

Work on finding low fat/non fat substitutes for cheese, dairy, etc. sugar free substitutes for drinks can help get Water in. I like G Zero and the added electrolytes are helpful.

Track your food in an app. Weight/measure everything. Avoid “eating out” even if you can find reasonable foods to eat, it’s impossible to know your macros when you’re only eating small bits of meals and maybe removing bread etc. I only have been out once and that was two days ago. I ate a few bites off my husband’s plate. I kept looking at everyone’s full plates and thinking about how I would have eaten all of that and still been hungry.

You will be exhausted from lack of food and energy. However force yourself to at least walk laps around your home.
Only weigh once a week. I had my husband hide my scale. It was pissing me off that my weight was fluctuating. You will see more movement in measurements than you see on the scale. Try not to fixate on the numbers and remember not to compare yourself to others. People with more to lose will be losing faster than you. Some will not follow a good diet and lose very slowly. Let your doctor guide you on follow ups. Trust the process.

Im new to this message board but feel free to reach out to me if you want. I’m on instagram as @BariatricBunnyBabe and TikTok as @Bariatric.Bunny and when I find things that work I post about them. I also share my wins and my weight loss stats.

SADI-S can 100% feel lonely but we’re out here doing the thing!

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5 hours ago, BariatricBunnyBabe said:

I had the SADI-S on June 14, 2024. Tomorrow (Aug 2) is my 7 week post op day. I was 278 when I started my liquid diet. I was 268 on surgery day. I was 275 directly after the surgery. Last week I was 238 and I had a combined inches lost of 31. I have been experiencing a stall for a few weeks. I’ll lose some and gain some but it’s the same 3 pounds. As such I’ve been trying to get more movement into my life. I’m eating, at the advice of my surgeon, in a trial and error way. He wants me to be able to eat normal foods as it is easier to get to your Protein goals. I haven’t eaten bread, sugar, Pasta, or potatoes. I probably won’t go back to those foods.

The pain feels like you went hard on Abs day. It was pretty much gone after 3 weeks. Eating too much (even by a single bite) or drinking too soon after a meal hurts worse than after the surgery. If you feel full and you think it’s too soon, take a break then pick it back up. You’ll be able to get it down eventually. Your anastomosis will be swollen (the link between your stomach and intestines) so there’s a bit of backing up before it goes down. I found shaking my stomach helps the food/liquid go down.

Get good with your food being cold. Even if it’s hot when you start eating, you can’t eat it fast enough for it to stay warm. This has been the worst change for me besides the smell of my 💩.

Work on finding low fat/non fat substitutes for cheese, dairy, etc. sugar free substitutes for drinks can help get Water in. I like G Zero and the added electrolytes are helpful.

Track your food in an app. Weight/measure everything. Avoid “eating out” even if you can find reasonable foods to eat, it’s impossible to know your macros when you’re only eating small bits of meals and maybe removing bread etc. I only have been out once and that was two days ago. I ate a few bites off my husband’s plate. I kept looking at everyone’s full plates and thinking about how I would have eaten all of that and still been hungry.

You will be exhausted from lack of food and energy. However force yourself to at least walk laps around your home.
Only weigh once a week. I had my husband hide my scale. It was pissing me off that my weight was fluctuating. You will see more movement in measurements than you see on the scale. Try not to fixate on the numbers and remember not to compare yourself to others. People with more to lose will be losing faster than you. Some will not follow a good diet and lose very slowly. Let your doctor guide you on follow ups. Trust the process.

Im new to this message board but feel free to reach out to me if you want. I’m on instagram as @BariatricBunnyBabe and TikTok as @Bariatric.Bunny and when I find things that work I post about them. I also share my wins and my weight loss stats.

SADI-S can 100% feel lonely but we’re out here doing the thing!

Congratulations on your loss and thank you for sharing your story thus far. I was 258 at my dr when I started my LSD 12 days ago and I was 244 on my home scale this morning with 4 days to go till surgery day although I think my scale is a few pounds below the dr so probably 11 pounds lost. Losing 30 pounds in 7 weeks post surgery is absolutely amazing!! I am so happy for you. I am a revision so I probably won’t be losing anywhere near that quickly after my revision but that’s okay. I didn’t gain it overnight either. As long as it does eventually comes off.. I will be thrilled. Okay, probably impatient at first, but eventually thrilled.

I almost forgot about cold food. I am 3.5 years post sleeve so I am able to eat at a fairly normal speed again and I absolutely hated that too. Whenever I was home I would microwave it over and over and over…. And one of my biggest fears are the bathroom ones. My surgeon’s NP says that so far diarrhea bas been the biggest complaint with his SADI patients with one having it so bad that it interferes with work. For all of them they say it resolved at about three months. I am usually near a bathroom and can make sure of it for 3 months but I am really concerned about the smell. I already bought poo pouri 🤣 Getting past just using a public restroom to go number two is going to be a challenge for me. I can count the number of times I have had to do that on one hand I think. Having it be noisy and smelly is going to make it even more mortifying. Hopefully it will be a small price to pay, though. 🤞

I literally just got up and put my measuring tape in the pile I have started for the hospital so I will remember to take measurements the night before surgery. I seen it posted so many times before and never did it. Always wished I had remembered that and to do photos more often. Just like now I’m wishing I had started before the LSD. Thanks for the reminder. There is so much to remember with all of this. Even the second time around it’s an adjustment if you are like me and let old habits slip back. (Please don’t be like me, anyone, so you don’t gain it back)

My sleeve portion is already done so they are not doing anything to my stomach. I can already eat a fairly normal sized portion so my issue shouldn’t be with getting food or liquids in a tiny pouch like most of you. It will more likely be that I will want more than my healing anastomosis will be able to handle so I will have to be very disciplined and eat the portions my dr sets for me. I am just hoping that I have some changes in my appetite still because this is gonna be like a really long pre op liquid diet for me that continues on throughout the purée and soft food stages if not. Aka not fun.

You are so smart to only weigh once a week. I wasn’t that self disciplined to put the scale away. I did only record it once a week with my sleeve though so I could see the downward trend more easily and looking at that helped quite a bit when I felt like that scale wasn’t budging. Which reminds me I need to start logging my weight again. And such a good reminder not to compare myself to others. That is going to be especially hard as a revision. He did say it should be faster than a bypass revision though. So maybe on a tad slower than the rest of you here. I hope.

Thank you again for sharing your experience. I hope to see updates of your continued progress and that the rest of us have as good of a handle on all of this as you seem to at 7 weeks post. Sounds like you are rocking this. Keep it up.

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On 3/19/2024 at 11:38 AM, ShoppGirl said:

Okay I am a second timer. I had gastric sleeve 3/9/21 and I gained it back. I am considering the SADI and I am looking for information about it. I have posted on the revision forums and the duodenal switch forum without response. Is this just a really rare procedure or am I posting in the wrong place? I worry that even if this is the right surgery for me I may regret it if I can’t find the support along the way because it is less common.

Hi,2 hours ago I finished the psychologist evaluation clearness,probably I'll have the Sadi's surgery in a month and half.Like you,I had a previous gastric sleeve surgery(4/2017) without the expected results,that's the reason of the revision.I'm a 64 year old male,and 310 lbs.I wish you the best in your next surgery and I'll be following your posts as a valuable information resource .Thanks a lot!

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3 minutes ago, Rob Nissam said:

Hi,2 hours ago I finished the psychologist evaluation clearness,probably I'll have the Sadi's surgery in a month and half.Like you,I had a previous gastric sleeve surgery(4/2017) without the expected results,that's the reason of the revision.I'm a 64 year old male,and 310 lbs.I wish you the best in your next surgery and I'll be following your posts as a valuable information resource .Thanks a lot!

Thanks. I will For sure be posting.

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On 5/22/2024 at 4:02 PM, cjbowers2005 said:

I am having my Sadi revision from sleeve next Tuesday 5/28, I am excited and nervous but looking forward to it

How are you doing?

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@Rosslyn how are you doing. You are about a week out now, right?

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@Hiddenroses you are getting sooooo close. Hows the preop diet going? Bitten anyone’s head off yet? I’ve lost my temper a couple of times. Ticked off one worker so bad that when I called back to ask another question they must’ve seen me on the caller I’D and kept putting me back on hold for over an hour. Oopsie 🙊 I would’ve tried to explain but I figured unless they were in this boat they really wouldn’t get it anyways. Luckily I was home just purging my pantry from stuff I shouldn’t have around anyways so i just put it on speaker phone and listened to the hold music until they finally picked up.

i am not sure if I mentioned that I am having lunch with a friend tomorrow at a steakhouse. I am still allowed one meal a day of lean meat and veggies till Monday. Then it’s all liquids. I called the office to make sure it was okay to do the shake for dinner instead and they said no biggie. I’m sure my friend will order exactly what I would rather have so it’s going to be a bit of torture but I figure I may as well get used to it since choosing the healthier option while others are living their non diet lives is going to be my new normal.

I am officially done cleaning out the fridge, freezer and Pantry ridding it if all temptation. I just remembered that I do have some stuff stashed in the cabinet above the microwave though. Mostly nuts and salad toppings and stuff that are okay to have around but may expired before I can actually eat them so I may as well give them away too.

I also deep cleaned all the floors since it will be a while before I can do that again and i plan to do all my bedding and the bathrooms on the day before so they are as sanitary as possible when I get home. I think I may actually be ahead of schedule and have the day Sunday to relax. I’ve got a lot of calls to make Monday and Tuesday will be all about last minute stuff before surgery but Sunday I think I will do something fun. A pedicure maybe. I could really use one. Without polish I guess. Did they tell you no polish? They used to always say that but I don’t think she did this time. She said nothing on your body or hair but didn’t say to remove nail polish. Guess I will go with clear just to be safe.

Anyways, I hope that you are doing well and that you are organized and relaxing a bit yourself this weekend. Good luck Monday.

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On 7/2/2024 at 11:30 PM, Jalapeño said:

Why change your anatomy if drugs can do the trick.

Why take drugs for the rest of your life it changing your anatomy can do the trick?

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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