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I have been creeping around here for months and finally decided to create an account and share. First though, I have to give great credit to my wife and family. My wife has been so supportive and flexible through the whole process. She has always been by my side, but during this process she read and learned about the changes, as much or more than I did. She has gone above and beyond with her support and care for me, all while still running a busy household. My kids are a constant reminder of why I did this -- so that I would be around for a long time. I wanted to be able to participate in life with my family. I also have to thank my surgical team and the care they provide. It has been great and truly lifesaving.

I weighed 514-lbs on 9/12/22. I was a big boy to say the least. Shockingly, I was not in horrible medical condition. I did not take any medicine. Did not have diabetes or high blood pressure. I did have swelling in my legs, constantly sore/bad knees, and was very quick to be out of breath. I lived a very sedimentary live and limited my physical activity. I wanted to be able to be more active and be around with my family for a long time. I finally got up the nerve to discuss with my wife and she immediately got on board.

I went through the program without an issue. Checked all boxes and completed all steps. Surgery was on 2/28/23 and it went well. I was up and moving that night, because that was one of the biggest hurdles to clear in order to leave. I was able to sip and keep liquid down. Discharged after one night! Incisions were sore, as expected. Gas was the worst, and not the good kind of gas that can clear the room when expelled (yeah, I am a guy), but the awful painful surgical gas, which took almost a week to fully go away. I was basically fully cleared by the doctor and back to work (in a nonphysical job) one week after surgery. My process was textbook, none of the complications that many have experienced, and I am lucky for it!

This process has not been easy but has not been impossible. I have followed my plan, with the support at home, and it is working. I feel physically so much better. I am so much more mobile and active. I have never been happier. I have made changes to my daily life to support the process. My diet has changed but not radically. I eat a lot less and that is the biggest driver of my weight loss. I walk and am active in live, but I do not have a detailed exercise plan. I am still learning exactly what works for me, but most importantly I want others to know there are many routes to get to the same place. I try to get the big stuff right and not sweat the tiniest of details.

My blood work at my six-month checkup was solid. Protein was on the low end in the range, but still acceptable. I was encouraged to keep on keeping on (shout out to Joe Dirt). They were comfortable enough to set my next follow up appointment out to one year.

I was scared and nervous. I have had good days and bad days (constipation is AWFUL)! Most importantly, I wanted to share my story and I hope it can help others in some way. I never wanted to be skinny. I could care less what my BMI is. I wanted to feel better. I wanted to be able to participate in life with my family. And I am! I am no expert and I still have a long way to go, but I am happy and glad I had this surgery. As I have seen here, over and over again, we are all different, so what works for me may not for others, but I still wanted to share, and I hope it might be of some benefit to someone else.

The non-scale wins are just the best! When I started this process, I was so huge that home scales couldn't hold me, so I would go months without weighing, but I knew good things were happening because of all the non-scale wins. Cherish those!

This is a long (probably too long) post, so I will wrap. I recently weighed on my home scale (yeah, that's right, it now holds me) and I was at 288-lbs. If anyone has questions or wants more details about my journey, please let me know. I would be happy to share more.

Edited by n3turner3

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I am having surgery in 2 weeks and I don't have a number in mind on the scale but like you I want to be alive and healthy! The biggest gift of all!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

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This is awesome, congrats to you! Thank you for sharing your story with us, you are doing such a great job and these things are definitely helped by amazing supporters in our lives. I wish you continued health and time with your family as you continue to lose!!

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:89_clap: Congrats and thank you for sharing your story! Wishing you much continued success in all ways.

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Congratulations. This is amazing. Thank you for sharing your story so far. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your journey in the future.

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Hello and mega congratulations. Its good to hear just how well you are doing. In such a short time you have gained so much. I feel the same joy every day just living life in a smaller body.

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Congratulations to you!!! You are inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

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Congratulations on your success.

I could have written nearly everything you wrote. I, too, was extremely large man, though I had RNY and my surgery was open, so that was different. The first 2 or 3 weeks were the worst what with the huge incision, staples, and a drain that made the slightest movement a joy to behold.

Like you, my pre-op stuff went without a hitch. Well, on the Lung function one where they put you in a booth and you do a bunch of deep breathing. Yeah, I couldn't fit into the booth. I was worried about the Psych test but apparently I fooled them completely.

I likewise didn't have an exercise plan aside from the plan to not worry about exercise until I got to a svelte 100 pounds overweight. Walking is what I focused on. Once I got to 100 pounds overweight I had an exercise plan that didn't include a gym.

I didn't really have any complications related to the RNY. I wanted the "complication" of dumping and lo! I dump on sugars and fats. Dumping has been a great educational tool for me. I have had issues with anemia but I had other issues that contribute to this, so the RNY just made it easier for me to get anemic.

The non-scale victories are indeed the best. Being able to weigh on a home scale was a hoot.

Congratulations again.

Good luck,


Edited by The Greater Fool

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Oh wow what an amazing post. Thank you for sharing. You're not done yet. Welcome to your new life.

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I want to thank everyone for the kind words and provide an update.

I had my one-year post op doctor appointment yesterday. It went well and they were happy with the results. I still need to get blood work done, which I will do tomorrow. The blood work is probably the most important part of the visit, so I am hopeful that everything is right with it.

I have had the 'normal' hurdles over the last 16-months that everyone has to deal with, and I am very thankful for little to no complications. I feel for those that have had more challenging journals, since I have been so lucky.

Again, I want to stress that I am not special or unique. I hope someone out there might read this and it helps them in some way. It is hard work to lose weight no matter how you do it. It requires mentally reprograming how you have lived your entire life and making physical choices to match, but it can be done. Tons of success stories in this group are proof. Stay positive and go day by day with it. Stay off the scale and Celebrate the non-scale victories.

My wife and two kids have been so supportive: everything from education to food prep to walking with me to listening and talking about the process. Not an easy process, but because of their support it has been much easier. I am so grateful for the changes they made to support me. I will probably never be able to express that to them at the level it deserves it. I have never been happier.

My wife attended the appointment with me yesterday and the update went as follows. I started in 9/2022 at 514-lbs. I had my surgery in 2/2023 at 488-lbs. My weight yesterday was 254-lbs. Its official I am truly half the man I was compared to the start of this program. Weight loss is different for all, especially someone that started as big as me, but it was great seeing those results. My 'ideal weight" connected to my 'normal' BMI would require me to loss another 80-lbs. I told my doctor from the beginning that I never cared about being skinny or normal and that has not changed. I wanted to improve my quality of life by being less huge. I wanted to be able to participate in activities with my family. I am happy to say I have achieved that goal! I am not done yet! This is not a diet -- it is a lifetime change! I do not care if I ever become 'normal,' but slowly losing and not gaining is the only plan.

The future holds unlimited possibilities for me and my family. Future goals for me are to increase my exercise plan by adding strength training as priority number one. My second goal is to continue to try new 'healthy' foods that I may or may not like but expanding my options for more variety and balance helps me stay on plan.

I will finish by saying if anyone has questions or thoughts, especially those big boys out there, feel free to ask and I will provide more detail about my experience. I am no expert, and we all have different programs, so I can only share my experience, if that can be of help to anyone. Good luck to all with your own personal journeys.

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Thank you for sharing @n3turner3 your experiences & perspectives on the weight loss & maintenance adventure - excellent advice. How wonderful too you have such a supportive spouse & family who have been by your side through out - it can make such a difference

Congratulations on your weight loss & achievements. All the best with the ‘unlimited possibilities’ in your future.

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It has been almost two years since my startup consolation with my surgeon which started the entire process for me. During that meeting in September of 2022, I was at 514-lbs. I am happy to report that two years later my weight is 232-lbs. My blood work was good in the spring, but I have not had any updates since then. Soon I will be scheduling my yearly doctor appointment with my family doctor, so that should provide another blood update. Weight loss seems to have plateaued, so in order to keep losing I need to increase my exercise program. Right now, my focus is on maintenance and trying to avoid any bounce back weight gain in year three. I am feeling great and have been so much more active in life. food portions are small, and I make better choices than I ever have, but I am also not depriving myself of the occasional food treat. My family, particularly my wife, has been so supportive, which has helped make this challenge more manageable. I just wanted to post an update and encourage all those out there that may be on the fence -- GO FOR IT! I could go on for 1000s of words and pages about how it has changed my life for the better and I believe WLS is an incredible tool. Push through the fear and the struggles -- it will be worth it on the back end!

Edited by n3turner3

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53 minutes ago, n3turner3 said:

It has been almost two years since my startup consolation with my surgeon which started the entire process for me. During that meeting in September of 2022, I was at 514-lbs. I am happy to report that two years later my weight is 232-lbs. My blood work was good in the spring, but I have not had any updates since then. Soon I will be scheduling my yearly doctor appointment with my family doctor, so that should provide another blood update. Weight loss seems to have plateaued, so in order to keep losing I need to increase my exercise program. Right now, my focus is on maintenance and trying to avoid any bounce back weight gain in year three. I am feeling great and have been so much more active in life. food portions are small, and I make better choices than I ever have, but I am also not depriving myself of the occasional food treat. My family, particularly my wife, has been so supportive, which has helped make this challenge more manageable. I just wanted to post an update and encourage all those out there that may be on the fence -- GO FOR IT! I could go on for 1000s of words and pages about how it has changed my life for the better and I believe WLS is an incredible tool. Push through the fear and the struggles -- it will be worth it on the back end!

Great weight loss story. Your team must be thrilled with you. Major congratulations coming your way. I personally would love to hear the missing pages of your journey

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I have tons of respect and empathy for those that have went through WLS and had complications. I am not one of them. My procedure, recovery, and stages were textbook. I was very lucky. That doesn't mean that every day was rainbows and puppy dogs, but it was typical. I was sore for days post-surgery, but back to work one week after the procedure. I immediately began to force myself to walk after the surgery. Short distances, then adding more as I started to feel better. March of 2023 my steps were 48299. August of 2024 my steps were 206084. Not going to break any records, but a nice improvement for me. To this point being active with life has been my only real exercise, so it is definitely an opportunity for me in the future to develop a better gym routine. I struggled with fluids and Protein for months. Slowly, focusing on it and sticking to the plan I eventually got there. I never let it worry me, and just let me body adjust. I am not a scale watcher, so that was never a problem for me. At checkups I got weight updates, so I was never stressed about the scale. Now I weigh weekly, to make sure than I not gaining. I have had all the NSV that many have seen and shared. Less pain in my knees is my personal favorite NSV. I have arthritic knees, so they will never be great, but the less weight has helped a lot. Honestly, some of my NSV's also came along with some shame, that I had let myself get so big that these were NSV's, if that makes any sense. My worst times since the procedure were dealing with Constipation (for the first time in my life). Took me several painful months to figure out a system for me. It is different for everyone, but I encourage everyone be aggressive with your plan to deal with it. For me, I take Miralax every third day and stool softener every other day. I am now better equipped if I notice I am not as regular, then I adjust the timing. The other problem I have now is seeing a big spread of food and wanting it all! It's just not possible now! Always protein first, but I try to have a few bites of everything I want, then cut it off. I eat healthier than I ever have. Staying focused on lean protein and vegetables. Working in fruits to help with my sweet tooth and provide some variety. In general, I am low carb, but I am not no carb. No more fast food for lunch or on the ride home from work. We meal plan, but nothing overboard, but I always pack healthy for work. Last week was salad week, so I had a salad with fat free dressing every day for lunch. Today, I had boneless skinless chicken breast, peanuts, blueberry, apple with Peanut Butter, and my Protein Shake spread out from 6a to 2p. I have also got down 48-ounces of Water with a plan to get another 32-ounces of water in by the end of the day. Carbonated drinks bother me slightly, which is one of the few things. When I overdo it, my new overfilled feeling isn't in my stomach, it much higher, almost like in my throat. Not comfortable, and a good reminder to slow down, chew more, smaller bites, and stop eating! I hope this long overshare is helpful to someone and gives everyone a better idea of how my journey has been. Lastly, I have mention how great my wife and kids have been over the last few years. By my side the whole way and always supportive.

Edited by n3turner3

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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