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No pre surgery diet 😳 Is this normal?.. or ok?

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Hi All! I’m a 58 year old female . My bypass is scheduled this month, and I’m beyond petrified. I’ve cancelled my surgery 3 times in the past 15 years ( mostly because my mom always scared me out of doing it)… I’ve since lost her and I feel I can no longer carry all this weight. I have so much inflammation / pain everywhere in my body ( ie joints) … But my surgeon does not require weight loss beforehand or at least the liver shrinking diet pre-op ( and I planned on starting it this week on my own, but didn’t! ! I don’t trust myself to be able to do what it takes to be successful ! I don’t feel I have the support to go through with it ! I’m afraid of rerouting my digestive system! Of complications! The bariatric center in my area is “ going thru changes” ( doctors words) … there is no support group… But I have back pain and I need to go to work everyday! …. I have this small window of time to recover as I have help to cover for me . But I am SCARED! I change my mind all the time! ( I haven’t told the doctor just in case on that day I feel I can go through with it! I know! I know! It’s crazy and I’m driving MYSELF crazy!

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not all surgeons require a pre-op diet, so consider yourself lucky. Most of us find the pre-op diet the worst part of the whole ordeal, I was relieved the morning that I was rolled in to surgery that the stupid thing was finally OVER!!

I think you're worrying needlessly about the surgery. Major complications are very rare - and minor ones, while also not that common, are "fixable". But then again, if you're not mentally ready for it, then there's that... Being nervous before a big surgery is totally normal, though. I've had four surgeries and have freaked out beforehand every time. But as far as my bariatric surgery goes, I'd do it again in a heart beat. I had it at age 55 and should have done it years before.

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As @catwoman7 said. If you don't do the white knuckle ride to theatre now, you will regret it in 6 months. I am so envious that you don't have to do the pre op diet. I had to suffer 3 weeks of it.

If you need support, there are lots of wonderful caring people on here 24/7. No one minds if you need to ask a thousand questions. There are people who go out of their country for surgery and these people have little to none in the way of support. They have found help on here

Good luck with what ever path you choose.

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3 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

not all surgeons require a pre-op diet, so consider yourself lucky. Most of us find the pre-op diet the worst part of the whole ordeal, I was relieved the morning that I was rolled in to surgery that the stupid thing was finally OVER!!

I think you're worrying needlessly about the surgery. Major complications are very rare - and minor ones, while also not that common, are "fixable". But then again, if you're not mentally ready for it, then there's that... Being nervous before a big surgery is totally normal, though. I've had four surgeries and have freaked out beforehand every time. But as far as my bariatric surgery goes, I'd do it again in a heart beat. I had it at age 55 and should have done it years before.

Hi Catwoman! Thank you for your quick reply! You have no idea how much better I feel after reading your thoughts. Have a beautiful weekend!

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2 hours ago, summerseeker said:

As @catwoman7 said. If you don't do the white knuckle ride to theatre now, you will regret it in 6 months. I am so envious that you don't have to do the pre op diet. I had to suffer 3 weeks of it.

If you need support, there are lots of wonderful caring people on here 24/7. No one minds if you need to ask a thousand questions. There are people who go out of their country for surgery and these people have little to none in the way of support. They have found help on here

Good luck with what ever path you choose.

Hi Summerseeker! Thank you for the quick response ! I do have a bazillion questions! I’m just worried I’m getting into something I won’t be able to handle! But then I tell myself we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t all in the same boat… on different levels, with individual perspectives… I’m thankful to have found this group!

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Hi Mari - I had the bypass on 1st June (two days ago) and im now home. I had no gas pain at all and had no need for pain killers post surgery. There is another thread here on this site called 'June buddies'. Why not join us there - its for those who are having their surgery this month but anyone can post a comment really. I don't regret a thing - just glad the surgery is over 😘

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4 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

should have done it years before.


3 hours ago, summerseeker said:

If you don't do the white knuckle ride to theatre now, you will regret it i

^^^^AND THIS^^^^

Please don't let fear keep you from doing one of the best things you can do for yourself, now. I wasted years telling myself I can get the weight off myself. Till I couldn't. Struggling and dieting over and over and over....

Interestingly enough, I had this convo with an overweight gal in my bariatric office. My first visit. She took me to the room and got my stats. We started chatting and she said she was considering getting surgery too but thought she was young enough to put it off and get it when she's older. I encouraged her not to wait till she had a list of meds and comorbidities like I have.

I do kind of regret posting here about a few of my "fixable" moments with foamies etc because the last thing I want to do is scare anyone off from a lifesaving surgery. There are a few legit complications people have shared but they are few and far between. New studies show WLS compared to having gallbladder surgery risk wise, which is low. TBH I would be more afraid of doing nothing.

Good luck OP and if need be have the hospital give you some calming meds, day of, to keep you from bolting pre surgery. You can do it!!!!

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Great responses already so I will add this because this is what most of us feel after the success... Why oh why did I not do this sooner??!!

True story.
Good luck, you will do great.

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I looked into it on and off for years but didn't have insurance and didn't want to go into debt. Over the years I found that if you self-paid they usually didn't require months of dieting, but if you had insurance, the INSURANCE required it. I ran into a youtube video from the VA saying they do the surgery and don't require you to lose weight before because it didn't really make a difference other than the 2 week liver shrinking part, that they do require. They did encourage people to diet, but it was to let healthy eating become a habit BEFORE you HAD to eat healthy. My VA did require that I diet 3-6 months, but their focus was on healthy eating and exercise habits more than calories. 3.5 months in they made the appointment for my surgery because I was loosing weight and kept really good food and exercise diaries.

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Pre-op diet will definitely help you and helps get "your head" into the right place for your new fabulous healthy life. Support system? I have no one. My husband tried to talk me out of it, NOPE! My body, my life, I make my own decisions...autonomy. Find support groups here, Facebook, IG, etc, research youtube videos on bariatric surgeries.

Some FEAR is normal but still wasted energy and can become crippling. Find a way to reduce fear to a reasonable concern. I responded to another post with this...it might help you, I hope so, just do it.

Definitely do it! At 71, 100lbs overweight, in pain constantly, both knees destroyed by arthritis, peripheral neuropathy in both feet with hot burning pins and needles when standing and walking, back pain. My journey started in orthopedics with knees, steroid injections, worked well most of the time, but didn't stop the occasional fall [3 to 4 times a year]. I knew sooner or later something would break. I would have had knee replacement sooner except for covid & elective surgeries were cancelled for two years [socialized medicine ***] weight gain, but developed hypertension. Researched weight loss thru ***, and because I had obstructive sleep apnea, I would qualify, and found this bariatric surgery should be first before the knees. I researched, attended classes, youtube videos, surgeons, after care, supplements etc. I wanted the Roux-N-Y but at my age surgeon said no, VSG. The surgeon recommended to me, is EXTREMELY strict and no BS kind of guy, he canceled my first surgery date because he didn't like something I did, so I really buckled down to his protocol.

I knew I would have nausea and vomiting from anesthesia so I told EVERYONE, to give me whatever so this didn't happen. Well...it happened, no medication, and postop recovery the uncontrollable violent projectile dry heaves started, nurse good, gave IV Zofran, the IV Reglan and within a few minutes it stopped, but it was bad.

I went home the next day. I had all my foods for week two, supplements etc. I am keeping up with supplements and fluids but not hungry. Dr said eat 1/4 cup every 2-3 hours otherwise your body will try to hold on to everything and the metabolism shifts. I'm going to add the vitamin patches from Bariatric Pal to my daily regimen of chews and capsules, [ I am very fatigued] for a while and see how this works.

I use Mira Lax/:axa Clear equivalent in my morning water bottle and use a stool softener at night. Find whatever works for you, the stool softeners alone did not work for me.

Trying to find my new normal, I knew it would be a process. I have NO regrets, and would tell anyone considering surgery to 'go for it' and FOLLOW directions strictly. Once I pass the phase of full liquids and get into pureed foods it will be another advancement.

During surgery found a hiatal hernia and did the repair. Who Knew?! I didn't, glad it's done.

My significant weight loss will help me in recovery for total knee replacement. I'm looking forward to repairing the rest of my body in my older age. Best wishes to you. Surgery May 15. 

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37 minutes ago, vacationsr4fun said:


Pre-op diet will definitely help you and helps get "your head" into the right place for your new fabulous healthy life. Support system? I have no one. My husband tried to talk me out of it, NOPE! My body, my life, I make my own decisions...autonomy. Find support groups here, Facebook, IG, etc, research youtube videos on bariatric surgeries.

Some FEAR is normal but still wasted energy and can become crippling. Find a way to reduce fear to a reasonable concern. I responded to another post with this...it might help you, I hope so, just do it.

Definitely do it! At 71, 100lbs overweight, in pain constantly, both knees destroyed by arthritis, peripheral neuropathy in both feet with hot burning pins and needles when standing and walking, back pain. My journey started in orthopedics with knees, steroid injections, worked well most of the time, but didn't stop the occasional fall [3 to 4 times a year]. I knew sooner or later something would break. I would have had knee replacement sooner except for covid & elective surgeries were cancelled for two years [socialized medicine ***] weight gain, but developed hypertension. Researched weight loss thru ***, and because I had obstructive sleep apnea, I would qualify, and found this bariatric surgery should be first before the knees. I researched, attended classes, youtube videos, surgeons, after care, supplements etc. I wanted the Roux-N-Y but at my age surgeon said no, VSG. The surgeon recommended to me, is EXTREMELY strict and no BS kind of guy, he canceled my first surgery date because he didn't like something I did, so I really buckled down to his protocol.

I knew I would have nausea and vomiting from anesthesia so I told EVERYONE, to give me whatever so this didn't happen. Well...it happened, no medication, and postop recovery the uncontrollable violent projectile dry heaves started, nurse good, gave IV Zofran, the IV Reglan and within a few minutes it stopped, but it was bad.

I went home the next day. I had all my foods for week two, supplements etc. I am keeping up with supplements and fluids but not hungry. Dr said eat 1/4 cup every 2-3 hours otherwise your body will try to hold on to everything and the metabolism shifts. I'm going to add the vitamin patches from Bariatric Pal to my daily regimen of chews and capsules, [ I am very fatigued] for a while and see how this works.

I use Mira Lax/:axa Clear equivalent in my morning water bottle and use a stool softener at night. Find whatever works for you, the stool softeners alone did not work for me.

Trying to find my new normal, I knew it would be a process. I have NO regrets, and would tell anyone considering surgery to 'go for it' and FOLLOW directions strictly. Once I pass the phase of full liquids and get into pureed foods it will be another advancement.

During surgery found a hiatal hernia and did the repair. Who Knew?! I didn't, glad it's done.

My significant weight loss will help me in recovery for total knee replacement. I'm looking forward to repairing the rest of my body in my older age. Best wishes to you. Surgery May 15. 

Wow, Vacations! You’re definitely a plethora of information! This is all fantastic!, My KNEE! I’m limping this week because I fell last week checking out of hotel in Scottsdale… I did a real number! Can’t help wondering if it’s a sign from the universe ( or my Mom😂))

Tell me, did you bring and/or need someone ( nurse/ caregiver) for the first few nights at home? I have my hubby at night after work, but during day, I can’t me lifting my 17 year old 25 lb doggy bear who demands ( screams!) to come up on the bed w me ( and he’s my comfort!) …he follows my young dog who barks and jumps on and off on a whim.. I like your idea of Vitamin patches… I like ALL YOUR INFO! I’ll ask for zofran ..

so, any other advice, ideas, send my way! Thank you for this! Means sooooo much!

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I didn't need help after my surgery. If your dog needs a lift, maybe you can give find something so he has "steps" to get up to you. Before my cat passed away from old age two weeks ago, she had arthritis and I had ottomans placed here and there so she could get to her favorite spots. I'm so glad I was able to spend so much quality time with her before she passed.

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I didn't need help, either. My husband took a week off but ended up going back to work after two days. It was nice having him get things for me (like my Protein shakes), although I could have done it myself.

I think I was restricted to lifting up to 10 lbs max for the first month or so - so lifting your dog may be a bit much. Pet stairs would be a good solution (my 18-year-old arthritic cat uses those to get up on my bed)

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29 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

It was nice having him get things for me (like my Protein shakes), although I could have done it myself.

That's sweet but funny at the same time.😏

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Fear is a natural response about something you have no experience with. What specifically do you fear? The surgery? The possible side effects? The change of diet? …

Speak with your surgeon about your fear. Yes, they may offer you something to calm you before the surgery. They can also give you information about the surgery, what to expect, etc. to help ease your worries.

The surgery itself has a low complication rate - lower than an appendectomy I believe & certainly lower than surgeries needed because of obesity related disease & illness. Side effects are low too.

Many seek the help & support of a therapist to work through issues related to their obesity, relationship with food, etc. They can help you work through your fears too.

I live alone & had no issues when I came home from hospital. I also thought of getting a step for your dog to use. Though you may need to be careful they don’t put pressure on your abdomen for a while. But you won’t be endlessly lying in bed for days. I rested on my couch having little naps & sitting in a chair in between pottering about the house, going for a few short walks in each day, getting my meds, drinks, etc.

I do hope you decide to have the surgery but as @catwoman7 said you have to be mentally ready for all of what’s ahead. All the best.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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