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Hello everyone,

I finally got to have my surgery this passed Monday. I had a vertical sleeve done. Pre op I went from 255.9 to 239.6 so very excited for that. Sadly that's not the reason I'm writing today. Sorry in advance this may get TMI.

So for me it is day 4. I called my nurses because I had only been on Water this whole time and just felt awful. They told me to just rest get some Protein water and apple juice because even though I was following the liquid diet to the letter my body needs those to function.

What I wasn't warned about was the bathroom issues. I literally take a sip and almost instantly to and hour later I'm upstairs with bad bathroom issues. My stomach feels like I have a kicking baby in my abdomin and the gurgle wow.

Did anyone else experience this? How long did it last?

It sucks. One more thing to worry about. My doctor said it will balance out once we get more food in me starting Tuesday. Help me survive the next few days. Please?

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Aren’t you allowed clear broths/consommés? Just Water seems a little extreme but all dictums are different.

It seems some experience Constipation & others diarrhoea & some het a very I tersting combination. I had one very bad, no warning, extremely smelly & black diarrhoea attack. Literally got up to pee, took a few steps & whoosh. It’s the blood from the surgery, high stomach acid, all liquid diet & just your sensitive digestive system. It will get better … & then the constipation will begin 😉.

My friend had quite a bit of diarrhoea (wet farts are real). Her surgeon advised her to buy disposable underwear before her surgery in case this happened - best advice she swears.

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2 hours ago, Arabesque said:

Aren’t you allowed clear broths/consommés? Just Water seems a little extreme but all dictums are different.

It seems some experience Constipation & others diarrhoea & some het a very I tersting combination. I had one very bad, no warning, extremely smelly & black diarrhoea attack. Literally got up to pee, took a few steps & whoosh. It’s the blood from the surgery, high stomach acid, all liquid diet & just your sensitive digestive system. It will get better … & then the Constipation will begin 😉.

My friend had quite a bit of diarrhoea (wet farts are real). Her surgeon advised her to buy disposable underwear before her surgery in case this happened - best advice she swears.

I am allowed Clear Liquids but Water was sticking down consistently well so I just went with that. Now I'm doing Protein waters and diluted apple juice which helped energy etc. I was also told by the nurse today to reduce Fluid 2to 4 hrs before bed so it reduced BMs so I can sleep. So I'll try that. Also an all over belly cool pack seems to be quite delightful.

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Hi OP, I also had a VSG on Monday. Lots of gas in my new tummy, so gurgling and hiccups are frequent. I found warm liquids worked best to reduce the crampy feeling - chicken Soup broth, Pho broth, etc. I strained first and use medicine cups (1oz each) to track intake and remember my small sips. I started mixing in a scoop of Protein Powder yesterday. Between these, I drink Gatorade Zero at room temp for electrolytes and Vitamin waters from costco. I’m not dealing with runny stool, it’s the other way around for me so I can’t help much in that department. Good luck and I hope you feel better.

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I was also just leave it on Monday. On day four I started adding Protein, waters and one or 2 ounces of chicken broth. They are both clear liquids but something different settled. Better in my stomach then just the plain Water. Best wishes.

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On 3/17/2023 at 6:04 AM, mcipanda said:

Hi OP, I also had a VSG on Monday. Lots of gas in my new tummy, so gurgling and hiccups are frequent. I found warm liquids worked best to reduce the crampy feeling - chicken Soup broth, Pho broth, etc. I strained first and use medicine cups (1oz each) to track intake and remember my small sips. I started mixing in a scoop of Protein Powder yesterday. Between these, I drink Gatorade Zero at room temp for electrolytes and Vitamin waters from costco. I’m not dealing with runny stool, it’s the other way around for me so I can’t help much in that department. Good luck and I hope you feel better.

I am doing a lot better. My doctor thinks I did too much too fast and my liquids are a bit too fast since it doesn't bug me when I take liquids in or I just take too much at once like a whole bottle versus a little bit.

I have little to no pain at this point but the food cravings have gotten insane sometimes. Like I feel angry I can't eat. It didn't bother me until now. Just curious even though I know the answer. But has anyone or anyone you've heard of been able to skip a diet phase due to the healing going so well?

I don't want to. I'm in this for the long haul so please be kind.

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Glad you are feeling better. It is really important to pace yourself & be aware of portion sizes while you are in the healing & recovery stages. A lot of nerves were cut during your surgery so your signals don’t get through or if they do, they’re different to how you usually experience them.

Yea, I have heard of people who have progressed through their staged return to eating more quickly (not skipping as such) but always because their surgeons advised them to do so & see how they go. There are also lots of people who return to a previous stage because their body just wasn’t ready even if they were progressing at their plan’s rate.

The cravings are another matter & should never influence how quickly you progress through the stages (they’re in place to protect & support your healing tummy - remember all those sutures & staples holding your tummy/digestive system together). A craving, where you want to eat a specific food, texture or flavour, is a head hunger & not real hunger (when you don’t want anything specific & just want nourishment). Are you wanting to eat because you’re seeking comfort, because of stress (common after surgery) , boredom or other emotions, habit, thinking you should be hungry because you’re eating so little, etc. Look for a distraction. Head hunger usually doesn’t last. Read, craft, play a game, watch a movie or show, have a warm drink, go for a walk, or do some other activity like clean out a drawer or a shelf in the pantry, ring a friend, check out social media or this forum. They won’t necessarily stop the cravings but do help manage them.

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There are so any different programs and guidelines, I’m sure someone has been able to skip ahead. I personally know a couple people who went to eating scrambled eggs on day 4. It really depends. Is it the right thing for you? Well, I think that’s up to you and your bariatric team. I’ve heard that liquid phases are helped by taking in saltier things like broths, thinned Soups, etc. if those don’t go well, Gatorade or other electrolyte drinks could be helpful. Just some ideas to help in this phase 😊 I do know it will get better, but definitely follow your instincts and don’t let the bariatric team brush off your concerns. 🌈

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So today I was advanced to full liquid diet. They seemed very dead set on no sugars period and I can't have fruit juice at this stage. It frustrated me cause why let me then take it away? Because before it wS supposed to be clear liquids and 5g or less in sugar. So I scheduled an appt with my dietician versus the nurse.

I am also experiencing burning when I pee. But I took a round of the meds when I left the hospital for it and it went away at least for now. Did anyone get an explanation on this? Ph increase due to food?

Since I am a new food eater what have been the biggest hunger signs for you? I still have to religiously measure my food but just curious. Thanks for all the help.

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juice is very high in natural sugars. Think of how many pieces of fruit are used to make a single glass but you wouldn’t eat the same number in one sitting. And you miss out on lots of the nutrients fruit can provide by drinking juice not eating the whole fruit. You’ll be able to introduce fruit soon.

You may have got a slight abrasion from the catheter they inserted during surgery or maybe a UTI from the same. The burning could be from either. Was it an antibiotic they gave you?

Can’t help you with hunger. I didn’t really experience any until early into my second year. Had one experience of real hunger at about 8 months after a busy day I hadn’t eaten much & missed dinner but that was it for a few more months. I ate very much to routine. I knew I had to get Protein & nutrients in so I ate regularly. Also knew I had to keep my boosted metabolism burning. Are you sure you’re experiencing real hunger or is it just head hunger? If your craving/wanting to eat a specific food, texture or flavour it’s most likely head hunger. Remember all those nerves they cut during surgery. Your signals of real hunger likely won’t be getting through or will be different if you are one of the small number who continue to experience real hunger after surgery.

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12 minutes ago, Arabesque said:

juice is very high in natural sugars. Think of how many pieces of fruit are used to make a single glass but you wouldn’t eat the same number in one sitting. And you miss out on lots of the nutrients fruit can provide by drinking juice not eating the whole fruit. You’ll be able to introduce fruit soon.

You may have got a slight abrasion from the catheter they inserted during surgery or maybe a UTI from the same. The burning could be from either. Was it an antibiotic they gave you?

Can’t help you with hunger. I didn’t really experience any until early into my second year. Had one experience of real hunger at about 8 months after a busy day I hadn’t eaten much & missed dinner but that was it for a few more months. I ate very much to routine. I knew I had to get Protein & nutrients in so I ate regularly. Also knew I had to keep my boosted metabolism burning. Are you sure you’re experiencing real hunger or is it just head hunger? If your craving/wanting to eat a specific food, texture or flavour it’s most likely head hunger. Remember all those nerves they cut during surgery. Your signals of real hunger likely won’t be getting through or will be different if you are one of the small number who continue to experience real hunger after surgery.

I just find it odd my book says in addition too but the nurse said no. Don't we need sugars to live. Idk. No added sugar makes sense to me versus none period. I'm thinking diabetic brain with carbs etc.

As far as hunger I think you're right maybe some food jealousy.

The burning pee? It seems to happen around having tomatoes Soup too. I wonder if it's a combo of that and acidic foods. The color though from the meds. Woah lol

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So I am now experiencing what I think is Constipation. Haven't gone since like day 3 . Feel like I need to or st least gassy but that's about it.

I'm also having a hard time getting g Protein in since they are having me dilute shakes. So I might go back to not diluting them so I can drink 2 gross shakes versus 8 a day cause it's only 11g when I dilute them half and half in a 8oz jar.

I don't feel dehydrated or deprived in any way but still I wanna get that number in.

Any tips?

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For me, Miralax every day until I'm going regularly (I totally keep notes ha) and then I take it every 2-3 days.

I was diluting my shakes with Fairlife skim milk, it has 13 g of Protein in 8 oz! So once I was tolerating cold liquids better, I'd fill a big insulated cup with a Protein Drink, 8 oz of Fairlife milk, and 8 oz Decaf coffee. That was 43 g protein and 30ish oz of Fluid 😁 plus the ice adds a bit more. It took me about 2 or 3 hours to drink that, but it is a bit quicker now.

Also love LonoLife powdered bone broth! Especially the chicken and beef. Not sure about the Thai curry flavor. Anyhow, I think they are a tasty and that's 10g protein, and 8-10 oz fluid!

Good luck 😃

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1 hour ago, SemperVeritas said:

For me, Miralax every day until I'm going regularly (I totally keep notes ha) and then I take it every 2-3 days.

I was diluting my shakes with Fairlife skim milk, it has 13 g of Protein in 8 oz! So once I was tolerating cold liquids better, I'd fill a big insulated cup with a Protein Drink, 8 oz of Fairlife milk, and 8 oz Decaf coffee. That was 43 g Protein and 30ish oz of Fluid 😁 plus the ice adds a bit more. It took me about 2 or 3 hours to drink that, but it is a bit quicker now.

Also love LonoLife powdered bone broth! Especially the chicken and beef. Not sure about the Thai curry flavor. Anyhow, I think they are a tasty and that's 10g protein, and 8-10 oz fluid!

Good luck 😃

Wow I didn't think of those having so much ill definitely need to look into it. This is day 2 of miralax so wish me luck lol. I remember metformin days and I wasn't here for that trauma so I'd like to avoid it at all costs. I wrote all this down and will grab some tomorrow when I go shopping again. Thank you.

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So some more developments sleep has been crap but I've been avoiding edibles because I'm so close out from surgery. But my mental health has gone to ****.

I think I am doing the stuff most people do at the beginning. I want to avoid everyone. I'm about 2 seconds from snapping and eating normally and flipping my doctors off because that's been a trip already to say the least. And im going stir crazy.

Yes I have hobbies. But even then tell that to my starved mind body and spirit to stay motivated and that's provided I don't feel tired or too sick to my stomach to continue on.

I hate this I hate it so much. I have to watch tiktoks of people spilling food . Commercials everywhere. Family and friends shopping their food like pigs and all I want to do is eat and probably cry in the process while doing so. It even angers me to watch my roommates fill their bellies with supper then eat Snacks like a damn bachelor pad for just one person or take the experience for granted when I can't eat a lick of it for months. And blast it all the damn weather. At least I could go for a walk if it was warmer but nope I live where it's cold all the damn time. Ugh. Sorry I'm just beyond frustrated. I love you all and grateful you all have been here for me. I couldn't be strong without you.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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