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2 hours ago, Amie S. said:

Weight loss update?

My surgery on 10/17 and I have had such a hate/hate relationship with scales my whole life that I decided I was not buying a scale because I did not want it to be about the "number". However, now I fear I am behind schedule. I was looking at stats on profiles of others around my size, but they are not easy to really determine where everyone is and was. For example, my weight when I "started this journey" was 270. However, my weight on surgery day was 265. I was weighed 7 days post-op and had lost 7 pounds. I was weighed today as part of life insurance enrollment, and I am 244. That is ONLY 21 pounds in nearly FIVE weeks!! WTH!

How are all my other October surgery teammates coming along??

I had surgery on 10/18 - the day after you. I have lost 19 pounds since day of surgery. My profile is misleading, because it shows my highest weight, which was 245. It doesn't show you that my surgery weight was 220. So, take heart, I've lost less than you. :)

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I officially started phase 3 of eating today and I started with some of my favorite mongolian BBQ chicken and rice from my favorite Thai place in a very small portion with the chicken cut up into very small pieces. I also didn't want to miss the McRib (it leaves "forever" the 20th lol) so I got it without a bun and cut it in half and then ate half of it cut up really small. I'm having a really good time progressing on foods. Aside from a hiccup where I got sick and vomited up turkey (I shouldn't have ate it during pureed though, I jumped the gun and messed up because we were doing early Thanksgiving and I thought I'd be fine), everything has been fine for me.

But what's really crazy is I am officially down 62 pounds. I can hardly believe it. I'm only a month out from my surgery! Albeit, let me add, I was down about 24 pounds before my surgery so I'm really technically down an extra 38 pounds post-op. But it feels so great because I am lower than the weight I was at the beginning of 2020. I can tell I've lost weight in my face and legs at the minimum, but my mother has made multiple comments about how different I look and how much weight I've lost but I keep finding it hard to believe lol. It's those body image issues -- only really hit home I really am losing when I saw my weight yesterday at the doctor's office on the scale.

So excited to be on the soft mechanical phase, cannot wait to eat my Sunday chicken dinner. I miss moist chicken soooo much. Wishing everybody good luck and in case I'm not around by next week, happy Thanksgiving to you!

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Had my surgery on 10/24. The first week and a half I was steady losing a pound or two a day. For the last 10 days however my weight has gone up and down by the same 1-2 pounds so I guess I’ve hit the dreaded stall that people experience around the 2-3 week mark. I’m down 13 pounds since my surgery date and 24 pounds since starting the pre op diet. I have noticed my pants have gotten baggier and my face is thinner. I started at 215 pounds with a BMI of 34 so I expected my results to be slower since I was on the “lower” size for this surgery.

It’s crazy how everyone’s diets are different with each doctor. As of this week I’m allowed most foods with the exception of beef, pork, rice, Pasta, bread, raw vegetables and nuts. I am mostly eating small amounts of chicken, tuna, eggs, refried Beans, cottage cheese and some fruits. My doctor has told me to prioritize Protein and aim for 60 grams a day. I have to drink 1-2 Protein Shakes to accomplish this as my portions are not big enough to get that from food yet. I was also told no straws which is also seems to vary by doctor.

I feel like I’m doing ok mostly. I have been struggling mostly with just getting my fluids in. I am supposed to drink 64 ounces a day of which 20 is plain Water. Because I can only take sips and not drink 30 minutes before or after I eat it can be challenging. It takes me a couple hours usually to drink one cup of Water. So that’s my biggest hurdle right now. I’m trying to be better with it and track. Any tips?

Otherwise I’m looking forward to breaking through this plateau and seeing more progress. Hopefully in the coming weeks the scale will move again. I’m trying not to obsess over it but 20+ years of yo-yo dieting has given a lot of power to that damn thing 😡

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Psicólogo clínico especialista en pacientes bariátricos

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23 hours ago, Amie S. said:

Weight loss update?

My surgery on 10/17 and I have had such a hate/hate relationship with scales my whole life that I decided I was not buying a scale because I did not want it to be about the "number". However, now I fear I am behind schedule. I was looking at stats on profiles of others around my size, but they are not easy to really determine where everyone is and was. For example, my weight when I "started this journey" was 270. However, my weight on surgery day was 265. I was weighed 7 days post-op and had lost 7 pounds. I was weighed today as part of life insurance enrollment, and I am 244. That is ONLY 21 pounds in nearly FIVE weeks!! WTH!

How are all my other October surgery teammates coming along??

Have you ever lost 21 lbs in just over a month? You're absolutely on track.

My surgery was also on October 17th. I've lost around 27 lbs. 5'6- starting weight was 227 day of surgery.

The absolute worst thing you can. Do to yourself is compare your journey to others.

This surgery isn't a quick fix. You will have slow loss some months and seemingly easy months with fast loss.

Trust the process. Don't get frustrated abd just focus on what you can control. Nutrition and Water. Everything else will follow.

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Anyone other October surgery individuals still in their dreaded stall? Mine has lasted 3.5 weeks! Doing everything I'm supposed to be. I might be snacking too late at night, but I'm still around 900-1100 calories. Very, very low sugar and/or carbs. Mostly in the forms of soft veggies, and a little coffee creamer. Anyone else's stall taking forever to pack it's luggage and leave town?!?!

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On 12/01/2022 at 10:33, rparker3313 said:

Anyone other October surgery individuals still in their dreaded stall? Mine has lasted 3.5 weeks! Doing everything I'm supposed to be. I might be snacking too late at night, but I'm still around 900-1100 calories. Very, very low sugar and/or carbs. Mostly in the forms of soft veggies, and a little coffee creamer. Anyone else's stall taking forever to pack it's luggage and leave town?!?!

I just finally broke my stall this week. Mine started week 2 and lasted 19 days. I don’t track overall calories but I started tracking Protein and fluids. Turns out I wasn’t getting as much as I thought I was. I aim for 64 ounces of fluids (most of which is water) and 60 grams of protein. I also started moving more. My doctor wants me to work up to 150 minutes of movement a week. For now I’m just walking 20-30 minutes a day. Eventually I’ll add in strength training. I also switched to weighing in weekly so it was less of a focus for me. Finally this Monday the scale dropped from 192 to 189 (the last couple of weeks it kept shifting between 192-191) so I’m hoping the stall has passed. It’s hard not to stress about a number but I have also been noticing other changes. My clothes fit better and my confidence is going up. So I try to focus more on that then the number.

Every doctor is different. I’m allowed 3 meals and 2 high protein Snacks a day. Usually I don’t even eat all that. But perhaps reconsider what you’re snacking on at night. If it’s not nutritious pick a different snack. Or spend that time moving instead of snacking. This surgery is all about creating better habits. I was a terrible bored snacker and would binge eat constantly. I would eat something while already thinking about what I was going to have next. I work night shift so when I’m home I’m still up late and my family is asleep so there would be no witnesses to my episodes. Now I try and fill the time with something else. I walk on my treadmill, play video games, read a book, etc. It helps take my mind off wanting to snack because I recognize that I’m not hungry, I’m bored.

Good luck. It will break soon I promise. In the meantime focus on what you can control.

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4 hours ago, rparker3313 said:

Anyone other October surgery individuals still in their dreaded stall? Mine has lasted 3.5 weeks! Doing everything I'm supposed to be. I might be snacking too late at night, but I'm still around 900-1100 calories. Very, very low sugar and/or carbs. Mostly in the forms of soft veggies, and a little coffee creamer. Anyone else's stall taking forever to pack it's luggage and leave town?!?!

Mine started at 2 weeks, too and it just broke a few days ago. About 3.5 weeks for me, too.

I noticed that during that time, my ring started slipping off my finger. My favorite skirt started slipping down my hips. I'm definitely losing inches, even if the scale isn't moving.

I also started working out - running on my elliptical - 30 minutes a day and I'm going a little over 4 miles. My abs are still sore, so no weight lifting for me, yet.

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Hey everyone, here's my update:

Surgery was 10/11. I was 259.8 (heaviest weight) right before I started my 1 week preop diet. Down to 248 right before surgery. Current weight is 219.

I'm now on a regular diet since week 6 (currently week 7 since Tuesday). I can only tolerate about 3-5 bites before I'm too full. I eat 4-5 times a day to get my Protein in and prevent myself from getting sick due to my stomach being "too empty". I'm averaging about 500-700 calories a day most days. I still struggle to slow down when eating, especially if I've waited too long to eat. Work in progress.

I have started back the gym this week. I have made a goal of doing a 5k in the spring, and I have gotten a trainer to help me until I get situated and comfortable around the gym.

I had the dreaded 3 week stall. It lasted 3 weeks. Broke this week. I think the gym helped.

I still struggle to get my fluids in. However, I feel great. I have turned the corner and gained energy. My mood is better as well.

I have decided to take a weekend trip somewhere (that part is not decided) as a reward for getting into Onderland when I get there. My reward for going to the gym 4x a week for the next 2 weeks is a new pair of shoes (I really need them because my shoes have gotten too big since the weightloss, its a bonus to use them as a reward though).

My NSV: I can put on my shoes without wanting to be taken out by a sniper. My back pain and knee pain are gone (I hadn't had the pain long though, so it went away quickly versus someone who had longer chronic pain). I have energy and smile more!

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5 hours ago, katvondemon said:

I just finally broke my stall this week. Mine started week 2 and lasted 19 days. I don’t track overall calories but I started tracking Protein and fluids. Turns out I wasn’t getting as much as I thought I was. I aim for 64 ounces of fluids (most of which is water) and 60 grams of Protein. I also started moving more. My doctor wants me to work up to 150 minutes of movement a week. For now I’m just walking 20-30 minutes a day. Eventually I’ll add in strength training. I also switched to weighing in weekly so it was less of a focus for me. Finally this Monday the scale dropped from 192 to 189 (the last couple of weeks it kept shifting between 192-191) so I’m hoping the stall has passed. It’s hard not to stress about a number but I have also been noticing other changes. My clothes fit better and my confidence is going up. So I try to focus more on that then the number.

Every doctor is different. I’m allowed 3 meals and 2 high protein Snacks a day. Usually I don’t even eat all that. But perhaps reconsider what you’re snacking on at night. If it’s not nutritious pick a different snack. Or spend that time moving instead of snacking. This surgery is all about creating better habits. I was a terrible bored snacker and would binge eat constantly. I would eat something while already thinking about what I was going to have next. I work night shift so when I’m home I’m still up late and my family is asleep so there would be no witnesses to my episodes. Now I try and fill the time with something else. I walk on my treadmill, play video games, read a book, etc. It helps take my mind off wanting to snack because I recognize that I’m not hungry, I’m bored.

Good luck. It will break soon I promise. In the meantime focus on what you can control.

I got my surgery on October 6th about 3 weeks in. I had about a three week. Where I wasn't losing weight... I was having 600 to 800 calories a day because that's what my doctor suggested I should be sticking to with the gastric sleeve... I was very strict on amount of protein I was getting. I was getting 60 to 90 g of protein a day. Was also getting my Water in everyday. I felt so defeated and overwhelmed like I was doing something wrong. So I even called my doctor's office and they said no. It's totally normal your brain. Your metabolism are trying to catch up with your new stomach... Hang in there. My only suggestion would be to double check with your doctor on what your calorie intake should be this soon after surgery... Let us know if you need any more suggestions. I hope that my story helped you in some way. Hang in there girl

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My surgery was Oct 19 and almost through soft foods. I still measure every meal. I have a 14 oz glass that I goal to drink 4 of. Try to eat every 2 hours. One Protein Shake a day. Just getting my energy back. Dec 13 I go to any food. Will skip steak bread for a.year. try one food a day. So far only had fast heart rate the second week. Spices don't bother me. Found ground turkey (Jenni) taco or Italian flavored, turkey sausage and looking forward to turkey bacon. 93% ground beef is treating me fine. Eating 1/2 cup, measured each meal, 5x day. Take the container when I eat out. I have a card party at Denny and Perkins. omelet, Tomato Soup. Will continue with Protein shake for the first year to maintain protein until I get to 1 cup.

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On 12/1/2022 at 10:33 AM, rparker3313 said:

Anyone other October surgery individuals still in their dreaded stall? Mine has lasted 3.5 weeks! Doing everything I'm supposed to be. I might be snacking too late at night, but I'm still around 900-1100 calories. Very, very low sugar and/or carbs. Mostly in the forms of soft veggies, and a little coffee creamer. Anyone else's stall taking forever to pack it's luggage and leave town?!?!

My stall hit at around 2.5 weeks and lasted around 12 days. Then boom 10 pounds gone over a week. I've slowed again now and understand it's just going to be a process. I'm not getting frustrated since I know I'm losing lots of inches, my clothes are all baggy and people have started noticing in my face especially. It's just going to take time and sticking to the new way of eating.

My doctor has me on about 600-700 calories for now. 80g Protein, 50g carbs (usually don't come close on carbs), and 50g fat along with my 64 oz Fluid each day. I'm still working on getting in everything I need to in a day.

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Hello folks! Just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing. I’ve been hovering at the same weight for a few weeks now BUT am 1.2 pounds away from the Obese 1 category to Overweight. I know BMI isn’t actually a very useful measure of individual health, but still feels like an important milestone! Also, if anyone else was struggling like me to buy new clothes fast enough to keep up with weight loss, I highly recommend Vinted. You can get lots of nice high street brands for like a fiver, and even some designer stuff for shockingly cheap. I genuinely got a whole new wardrobe for £100. Plus you can sell on the clothes that don’t fit (or just donate to charity shops if you’re lazy like me) and the whole system helps to keep fast fashion out of landfills for longer. Win win!

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