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Letters you wish you could send.....

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I am so so disappointed in myself. Has anyone in here had a day where you felt like you overate a little of just ate the wrong things. I had Mexican food for dinner last night and now I feel like a fat cow again!!! Please someone make me feel better! I was banded 12/14/07 and have lost 16 lbs but I still have a long way to go!!

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Dear Green,

You are forgiven =)


Someone who enjoys your posts very much

Aw shucks. :embarassed: And thanks. :eek::):)

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Dear so-and-so..

You'll never know how much you impacted my life, even though it was a lot of mind games and I resented you for it. I wish I could have seen the look on your face when my boyfriend answered the phone, the last time you dared to call me. The dynamics of that night made me realize I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

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Actually, I, too, loved the hijack. It is fascinating reading about both of your experiences in Cuba, Elena and green. I had a similar "Potemkin Village" experience visiting Russia when I was young. Perhaps you should start a whole new thread, Elena, on "growing up and living in a Communist country"!

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Dear Dad,

It has been over 17 years since you passed away but I still think of you every day! I miss you so. Your strength, your love, your support, and your plain old common sense always helped me so much. You worked 60+ hours a week in a canning factory to support your family even after your health failed you kept working until you had to stop. Even though you had very little formal education, you were one of the smartest people that I have ever known. You knew the importance of honesty, kindness, and of being an honorable man. Many folks today do not know the value of these traits. You were not perfect but you alway figured out a way to get things done and you had your priorities straight. I wish you could have met your youngest grandson, he looks so much like you. He has your spunk and determination.

I visit your grave often but I know that you are not there. I guess I just want to be close to you. Every holiday season, it seems like I miss you more! Merry Christmas, daddy. I love you!

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Actually, I, too, loved the hijack. It is fascinating reading about both of your experiences in Cuba, Elena and green. I had a similar "Potemkin Village" experience visiting Russia when I was young. Perhaps you should start a whole new thread, Elena, on "growing up and living in a Communist country"!

Oh Gadgetlady, thank you so much! I think the thread could be interesting... I just feel that most people really don't care much though..., but maybe I'm wrong.. but it's worth to give it a try....I'll do it after the holidays... or if someone would like to start it, I'd definitely contribute to it!:rolleyes:

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Actually, I, too, loved the hijack. It is fascinating reading about both of your experiences in Cuba, Elena and green. I had a similar "Potemkin Village" experience visiting Russia when I was young. Perhaps you should start a whole new thread, Elena, on "growing up and living in a Communist country"!

And I also want to hear about your experience in Russia!

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Dear Dad,

It has been over 17 years since you passed away but I still think of you every day! I miss you so. Your strength, your love, your support, and your plain old common sense always helped me so much. You worked 60+ hours a week in a canning factory to support your family even after your health failed you kept working until you had to stop. Even though you had very little formal education, you were one of the smartest people that I have ever known. You knew the importance of honesty, kindness, and of being an honorable man. Many folks today do not know the value of these traits. You were not perfect but you alway figured out a way to get things done and you had your priorities straight. I wish you could have met your youngest grandson, he looks so much like you. He has your spunk and determination.

I visit your grave often but I know that you are not there. I guess I just want to be close to you. Every holiday season, it seems like I miss you more! Merry Christmas, daddy. I love you!

Oh MsPruett, here I am crying while I read your letter....I lost my dad 31 years ago and I miss him every day.... I also lost my mom 4 years ago and I miss her so much too...I know how you feel, I'm sorry...your dad sounds like a GREAT person! you were lucky to have him!


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And I also want to hear about your experience in Russia!

I'd like to hear your adventures In Russia too, gadget. :) I did take a trip to the USSR during the time of glasnost but the only Russian cities I spent time in were Moscow, Sochi, and Leningrad. Lousy food!!! :omg: and once again we were usually sequestered in hotels for foreigners. The rest of the time we were in the USSR we were in some of the Muslim states and Georgia. Much better food there. :rolleyes: The trip was my turning 40 consolation gift to myself. :D

We should start a Commie country thread.....:ranger:

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*dear* DH's First Wife,

I really hope it was worth it to you. You choose to involve your babies in your divorce, talking to them when you should have had a friend to discuss adult issues with - but that would require you the capacity to have/keep a friend for more than a minute. Your insecurity & inability to allow your "girls" the right of free will, to Love and Be Loved by someone other than you, will not serve you in the future, ... I hope I'm around to see that day come.

I can live with what you did to me - I'm tuff & I'm strong, and I believe you will PAY in this lifetime what you did to my husband and "his" girls. The painful journey of the last few years has allowed my anger to morph into pity for you. I live with a wonderful person who is not able to be a Dad any longer - all your doing.

There are millions of children of divorce that do not have the luxury you had, an Ex-husband and New wife that paid your way - gave you what you wanted (monitarily / emotionally) without question, happy/healthy kids and to be able to spend 5mins of time w/them w/OUT your interference is all we asked...but that was not possible. You never had to work another day of your life & I really WANTED to work with you, never wanted the "mom" title - but those precious girls ended up loving me, as I did with them - and it was over. Your jealousness took over and it became war.

You will have to explain yourself in the future to those girls when the questions start, without a Judge / Jury / or Lawyers to hide behind.

I believe we all have to answer in this lifetime or the next - shall that not happen *here* while my feet are planted on the earth...Bring your "gloves" to afterlife - You'll need them.


Your Childrens Step Mom

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Dear son #1, I truly missed you ,especially during the holidays. You have changed so much since you married. You have allowed your wife to coward you down. I even missed being with my first grandson, because now after 33 yrs. you don't Celebrate Christmas anymore. You say that Jesus wasn't born that day (per your wife's belief). I say maybe he wasn't, but regardless he was born, died, rose again for my salvation and yours, thus I Celebrate that day and everyday. I had to tell you when you were born cause you were too young to know the exact day, but you were too happy to celebrate it, later you were old enough to see your bc and realize that I didn't lie about the day or yr. Son, it's not so much the day, but I miss the closeness. I know that you are my child, but not a child. I was hoping not to lose a son, but I think that I have. She have cause such trouble in our family, me, and your sister, who loves you with all her heart. And you don't mind taking either of our money and we can't even get a card for our birthdays or don't you believe WE weren't born on those days? Maybe one day you'll take back your life and your soul.

Love, MOM

Son #2, I miss you so. I thought about you all Christmas day wondering how you were. You have been in prison for the better part of your life. I hope one day you will realize that crime doesn't pay even in prison. I love you, please, please, do good and get out before my life is over here

on earth. I would love for you to see how much weight I've lost and I would love just to have all the family together again.

Love, MOM

I could go on and on about my hopes, dreams and wishes for my children. Most of all for Christmas that I asked God for, was for my son #1 to get on his feet financially and spiritually. I hope that he answers my wish and I know that he will, but only in his perfect timing. My DH never wished me "Merry Christmas", nor did I even get a gift, but I have faith that God works things out in his own timing.

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Dear son #1, I truly missed you ,especially during the holidays. You have changed so much since you married. You have allowed your wife to coward you down. I even missed being with my first grandson, because now after 33 yrs. you don't Celebrate Christmas anymore. You say that Jesus wasn't born that day (per your wife's belief). I say maybe he wasn't, but regardless he was born, died, rose again for my salvation and yours, thus I celebrate that day and everyday. I had to tell you when you were born cause you were too young to know the exact day, but you were too happy to celebrate it, later you were old enough to see your bc and realize that I didn't lie about the day or yr. Son, it's not so much the day, but I miss the closeness. I know that you are my child, but not a child. I was hoping not to lose a son, but I think that I have. She have cause such trouble in our family, me, and your sister, who loves you with all her heart. And you don't mind taking either of our money and we can't even get a card for our birthdays or don't you believe WE weren't born on those days? Maybe one day you'll take back your life and your soul.

Love, MOM

Son #2, I miss you so. I thought about you all Christmas day wondering how you were. You have been in prison for the better part of your life. I hope one day you will realize that crime doesn't pay even in prison. I love you, please, please, do good and get out before my life is over here

on earth. I would love for you to see how much weight I've lost and I would love just to have all the family together again.

Love, MOM

I could go on and on about my hopes, dreams and wishes for my children. Most of all for Christmas that I asked God for, was for my son #1 to get on his feet financially and spiritually. I hope that he answers my wish and I know that he will, but only in his perfect timing. My DH never wished me "Merry Christmas", nor did I even get a gift, but I have faith that God works things out in his own timing.

I know it is late, but Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years! 2008 could be your year! Make it yours. Save up your money and next year, park your skinny ass on a beach in Hawaii and wish yourself the merriest of Christmases!!! xoxoxox:girl_hug:

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Dear Mother-in-Law ~

I'm civil to you because I have to be but quite honestly, I don't like you! You are a sad, self-absorbed individual and really, I don't know how you can even live with yourself!

All those years ago when you shipped your son off to stay with family 2000 miles away after learning he had gotten me pregnant, leaving me to go through a pregnancy alone at the age of 16 and letting your son believe all that time that I had an abortion was wrong on so many levels! Who were you to make that decision? Who were you to deprive your son of being present for his first child's birth? 6 years ago when I miscarried our 2nd child, you treated me like sh*t. You told me it was just a miscarriage and I needed to "get over it" ... you purposely came by just to show off pictures of another family member's new baby knowing that it would get to me after losing my own. You did it to hurt me, you did it out of spite ... you are a B*TCH!! You play favorites with my children and make no attempt to not be so obvious about it ... you spoil Jonah by buying him the best of everything while Daniel & Noah get 99 cent store CRAP. Your son, my husband, lost his job 2 months ago ... you know he hasn't been able to support his family, pay the rent, pay the bills, buy groceries to feed his family ... yet, all you manage to buy him for Christmas is a package of underwear?? Well I hope it was all worth it because you're about to be written off for good. We're moving soon to be closer to his new job (that you don't know about) and well, we've decided not to send you our forwarding address! Good riddance beeyotchhh!

Dear Father-in-Law ~

You have got to be the most arrogant, hypocritical @$$hole I have ever met. News flash buddy, no one gives a crap about your self-worth. I could care less that you bought your first house at the age of 26 and that you are "worth" over a million dollars now ... and it sure as hell ain't gonna matter when you're dead so get over yourself!

You thought you were being a studly "big man" when you fired your business partner of 20 years a few months ago. Little did you know that said partner could come back and demand the business be dissolved. Your actions caused 15 people to be out of a job, including your own stepson (my husband!) ... oh but you could care less though because although you've been a part of his life since he was a small child, you've said on more than one occasion that he means nothing to you. You stood here in my home and re-assured me that everything would be OK after the business closed, you said you would help us with our rent & bills for a few months until my husband found another job but that help never came. I'm not surprised though because on quite a few occasions you have made promises like this and never followed through. Well that'll be the last time ya jerk!

I feel so much better ..... :)

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Dear Mom,

After everything that happened when Dad died 3 years ago, you and I had plenty of differences and lots of distance between us. When you started dating your husband, you were never home and you would disappear for weeks and not answer your cell phone. I felt rejected and as if you didn't care. That feeling had lingered up until the last couple of weeks.

These last 2 weeks that I've been out of work recovering from my surgery, you have actually spent time with me. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you call me in the mornings just to chat on your way to work, or that you call me around noon to make sure I'm okay. We've been out shopping more in the last 2 weeks than in the last 2 years. Even just being in your car with you and chatting like we used to makes me happy. I wish that we could run errands after work like we used to before you got remarried and I was still living at home. I miss the inside jokes and the funny stories and all the mornings fighting over the blow-dryer. I can't tell you how much I've missed having my Mama around.

But if all I can have is car rides and phone calls, I'll take it. I miss you that much.



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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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