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'08 - Who do you want?

Who do you want for President?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Who do you want for President?

    • Mitt Romney
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • Barak Obama
    • John McCain
    • Joe Biden
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John Edwards
    • Fred Thompson
    • Bill Richardson
    • Ron Paul
    • Chris Dodd
    • Duncan Hunter
    • Mike Gravel
    • Tom Tancredo

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I guess we may as well have fun with this, huh? You're pretty funny Transformer - although you don't leave us wondering which party you're partial to.
Like I said after doing the neat on-line tool that matches your beliefs with a candidate--Obama is my polar opposite! I actually don't think I'm for any existing party any more...I just want the president to do things for the country that actually make sense. I could give a rat's hiney if he/she is a Republican or a Democrat. All I can say is that I am eternally grateful that I live in a country where I'm not forced to believe the same things that others do! Otherwise, I'd have to bid our fair land goodbye! LOL!
But if you can't think of anything humorous about Guliani, you might have your blinders on, huh?
As far as Giuliani, I just lost my mojo due to the late hour. Whoops! My son thinks he looks like a walking, breathing skeleton—it creeps him out! His nickname for him is “Skeletor.” I'll ponder on this one some more...hmmm! Maybe I can pick on him for riding the "marriage-go-round" until he got dizzy? When I look at him, I see 9-11 and not too many funny thoughts come to mind I guess!

Sorry, green, bashing Hillary for blatantly riding her lousy hubby’s coattails driven by her blind White House ambitions was most definitely not a cheap shot. The truth hurts. Can you honestly say you’d stand by your man after all the details of his disgusting sex life with the skanky little intern and the countless other women were paraded on broadcast television internationally for months upon months without end? If I heard about that damn blue dress with the semen on it one more time, I was going to break my television! Geez! That was our damn PRESIDENT they were talking about. It was SO embarrassing to have that man be the face of the U.S. that we presented to the world! My brothers were still in the military then and even they were totally humiliated. We aren't talking about ONE indiscretion that the wife discovered in the privacy of her own home and then the couple went to counseling and worked it out. Give me a break! Their marriage has been a total joke for decades. She's just kept him around to leverage her into the frickin' Oval Office. He owes her big time for the hell he put her through--make no mistake about it! What we're seeing now is her turning the screws--it's time for Bill to pay up! Trust me, in that household, I seriously doubt that a few dozen roses were going to make up for what he did to her. Hillary's getting him to campaign for her instead.

I just can't get past the fact that I can't stand that woman--from her annoying voice, mannerisms, ideology, shady past--remember all those "associates" of the Clintons who mysteriously dropped dead or committed suicide years ago? Their "people" (i.e. publicity machine) conveniently swept all of their little scandals under the carpet because they are the "holier-than-thou" highly revered Clintons. :mad: They had their happy little eight years in office and they need to move on with their lives, find some "noble cause" to champion (like Al Gore), and travel the world to "raise awareness" far away from me. I've heard you get paid buckets of money for speaking engagements, you get to make fancy PowerPoint presentations, and you can even win international awards! Maybe they could invent the "next generation" of the internet? :doh: LOL! I’m just gonna agree to disagree with you on this one (which doesn’t happen often I might very happily add). :lol:

As for Obama, I didn’t say he was rich at birth, although he seems pretty gosh darn well off to me now, don't you think? He’s one hell of a lot richer than I am (using myself as a gauge of what an average American earns)—bet he hasn’t had to count out a can of Beans in a ‘one for me, one for you’ manner in quite a few years. I'm once again scraping and scrimping to make my last paycheck last for 6 weeks instead of 4 due to the holidays (unlike the candidates, I actually know how much bread and milk costs!). My original point was that "regular" working-class people can't run for president any more which is a huge problem. You can't run if you aren't filthy rich--all the candidates do these days is try to "buy" the election.

In any case, I just don’t agree with anything Obama says on the campaign trail (lots of bluster, impersonating MLK Jr., and little substance IMO--blah, blah, blah) and I personally could care less what drugs he did when he was a teen as long as he's sober when he's near the big red nuclear holocaust button. Whatever. We have all had our wild times (I mentioned that specifically to slam Bill, not Obama. The point was that Obama owned up to his past while everyone’s “hero president” Billy-boy conveniently develops amnesia whenever it serves his purpose even while under oath--what a fine upstanding citizen he is. I'm so proud!). I just can’t align with Obama’s views although he seems like a genuinely good person and I certainly admire all he has accomplished so far. I don't care about his race or religion, I just don't think he's ready to run the country yet. He needs some more experience. That being said, if I had a gun cocked and pressed tightly against my temple and was forced to choose between Clinton or Obama, I'd go with Obama and hope and pray that he surrounds himself with really good advisors!

At this point in the election process, I'm still totally committed to voting for myself as a write-in candidate! I'm going to create my own political party, too! More on this fascinating idea later! :heh:

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In my opinion it is SOOOOO much better to have a little cum on your coattails than all the blood on your hands our current so called leader has.

Not sure exactly who I will support yet, I am still watching and considering, I am just thankful beyond all belief that the current joke cannot be re elected. Maybe now we can regain some respect, and credibility in the world, and quit acting like terrorists ourselves!

Once again....this is strictly my own opinion!!!


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re: "Truth is, religion is a non-issue"

alas....that used to be such in the US also......however, considering neither the candidates nor the media care to discuss any of the REAL issues, such matters as Brittney's latest and other trivia masquerades as what is newsworthy....we basically are doomed and our political and educational system is reaping the rewards of the past 40 years of neglect, deceit and moral devolution....

re: Snopes

While I use it frequently, I have yet to find the source of exactly 'How' IT got to be such an authority on the wit and wisdom of the ethernet....

Yah, I've often wondered how Snopes got to be such an authority, too. :)

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In my opinion it is SOOOOO much better to have a little cum on your coattails than all the blood on your hands our current so called leader has.
I never said I wanted to keep the current leader...but I don't think we need to go back to the past either. It should be dead and buried, never to be resurrected. :unsure: It's not so much the bodily fluids that bothered me as the total lack of integrity he exhibited by lying under oath.

Besides, continuing the "Bush bashing" isn't going to get anyone anywhere at this point. It is a done deal that he is leaving office, so I don't feel the need to even address him or his policies as part of the current race for the presidency. It's a moot point.

I remembered another amusing anectdote about Bill Clinton. My son was just a young un' then, but he asked me why our president was on the TV telling all of our enemies that we didn't have enough bombs. What an awesome Commander-in-Chief of our military! NOT! :smile:

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I am afraid I don't follow-------I realize this is all being said in jest----but it is moot point to bring up the pathetic job our current leader is doing, but rehashing a decade old issue with Slick Willie is not???

Be an interesting poll regardless, of whether people thought we were better off as a country when Clinton left office or when W leaves......


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I am afraid I don't follow-------I realize this is all being said in jest----but it is moot point to bring up the pathetic job our current leader is doing, but rehashing a decade old issue with Slick Willie is not???

Be an interesting poll regardless, of whether people thought we were better off as a country when Clinton left office or when W leaves......


It doesn't matter if Bush is horrible, because he's going away. Let's not invite the Clintons back in either--that is not a GOOD change! It's called a change for the worse!

I just want someone who isn't related to anyone who has been in the White House over the past 50 years or so...is that asking for too much?

Not everyone would agree that life was so frickin' fantastic in the 90s either. All depends on what side of the fence you were on...

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I don't think that most Americans are as bitter about Bill Clinton's behavior while in office as you are transformer. And it is astounding that you can go on about him, repeatedly, and then say that what this president is doing or has done is not worthy of discussing. Huh? What?

My God, how can anyone brush off the current administration's policies both here and abroad with a wave of the hand? But then rant and rave about Bill's indescretions and lying under oath (about indescretions).

That is what puzzles many of us who are appalled at the Bush camp and what he/they have done to our military, our country, our economy, and on and on and on. Instead of spending absolutely no energy pointing what a sneaky bastard Bush is and questioning where our country is headed, you're all focused on Bill Clinton. Amazing.

I might add that I do find you to be quite funny and I did get a chuckle out of much of what you posted. (Even though I disagree with your discussion focus.)

Jack I completely agree with you about the media's avoidance of the real issues! Isn't that one reason why this thread was started?

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I was voting for someone else last week, but I had a dream about hunters vs. gatherers and woke up thinking of basic psychology and biology. Men are inherently physically stronger, but women are the organized multitaskers that are called on to clean up big messes. Women have been cleaning up after men since the beginning of time and doing a damn good job of running households, schools and cities. This place is a mess and needs a woman's touch.

How many people that are voting for Obama have read any (one?) of his books? He's a nice, honest guy, but he needs backbone and is more of a follower than a leader.

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TownDrunk---you sound like my brother---he said the same thing, he told me when he was a kid in school, and got in trouble, if it were a simple note to be signed he took it to Dad....issue over. If it required someone going in person, he took Mom so she could fix it once and for all!!!

My BIL is supposed to bring a couple of books this weekend when he comes from Denver, and I understand one of them to be Obama's. I look forward to reading it.


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"how can anyone brush off the current administration's policies both here and abroad with a wave of the hand? But then rant and rave about Bill's indescretions and lying under oath (about indescretions).

Hey BJean, haven't been here much lately good to see you!

YOu know, for those who disagree with the current administration's policies it would definitely not be a good thing to just brush it off, it's their right not to, I don't have a problem with that, but to call Bill Clinton's actions "indiscretions"...? that's pushing it... Bill Clinton was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice due to the Monica scandal which was a lot more than an indiscretion...it was a global nasty scandal..then Paula Jones suit also.. He was impeached by the house and even though he was aquitted later by the senate, those trials were pretty much party line... lack of moral character, integrity and honesty are not just indiscretions...He law license was suspended and finally was suspended from the United States Supreme Court Bar...I'm not arguing who is better, we both know that I'm a Republican you are Democrat, we'll never agree on that... but I think that we may be able to agree that what dear ole Bill did was far more than just indiscretions...:smile:

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*steers thread kinda-sorta back on course*

For much of our nation's history Black Americans have been kept in their place, and consistently it has been the democratic party apparatus that has been most guilty.

Slavery, in the Democrat Party south.

Jim Crow, in the Democrat Party south.

And later, after the Civil Rights movements had their days, once again it was primarily the democrats who used blacks as stooges and stage props, giving them their voice so long as they didn't get too uppity, and giving nothing of real substance in return.

The Democrat Party system gave rise to a few black ministers, promising them face time,wealth and protection from investigation, in exchange for delivering the votes of the black masses.

If ever a single demographic was pimped out so perfectly, it has been the way black Americans have been done by democrats.

Now, along comes the most unblack of black men to lead a revolt.

Ideologically, this guy is no different from any other Democrat. There really is no diversity of thought or ideas in that party, so candidates are chosen using the only other qualification left: personality.

And Obama has it.

In spades.

Hilary Clinton was supposed to walk to the coronation, the heir apparent of the party apparatus. This has got to be frightening for her to be facing a direct threat to her throne by, of all things, a member of the group who was supposed to be in her pocket.

After 225-plus years of using/abusing blacks to build their party, and somebody forgot to give Obama the memo: Blacks leaders are supposed to lead other blacks only to vote democrat.

Obama has left the plantation. He's not speaking to blacks. He's speaking primarily to whites, and the whites are responding.

To make things extra difficult, he's facing smears and personal attacks from the most effective political machine of the past forty years. Not even phased, he's hitting back with his own rhetoric and keeping The Machine off balance.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. The blacks were supposed to be in the tank for Hilary. And the opposition just a formality.

It's a great show, and it's about to get real dirty.

But I hope he understands just who he is dealing with.

If he's not careful, he'll end up laying on the grass in Fort Marcy Park.

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*steers thread kinda-sorta back on course*

For much of our nation's history Black Americans have been kept in their place, and consistently it has been the democratic party apparatus that has been most guilty.

Slavery, in the Democrat Party south.

Jim Crow, in the Democrat Party south.

And later, after the Civil Rights movements had their days, once again it was primarily the democrats who used blacks as stooges and stage props, giving them their voice so long as they didn't get too uppity, and giving nothing of real substance in return.

The Democrat Party system gave rise to a few black ministers, promising them face time,wealth and protection from investigation, in exchange for delivering the votes of the black masses.

If ever a single demographic was pimped out so perfectly, it has been the way black Americans have been done by democrats.

Now, along comes the most unblack of black men to lead a revolt.

Ideologically, this guy is no different from any other Democrat. There really is no diversity of thought or ideas in that party, so candidates are chosen using the only other qualification left: personality.

And Obama has it.

In spades.

Hilary Clinton was supposed to walk to the coronation, the heir apparent of the party apparatus. This has got to be frightening for her to be facing a direct threat to her throne by, of all things, a member of the group who was supposed to be in her pocket.

After 225-plus years of using/abusing blacks to build their party, and somebody forgot to give Obama the memo: Blacks leaders are supposed to lead other blacks only to vote democrat.

Obama has left the plantation. He's not speaking to blacks. He's speaking primarily to whites, and the whites are responding.

To make things extra difficult, he's facing smears and personal attacks from the most effective political machine of the past forty years. Not even phased, he's hitting back with his own rhetoric and keeping The Machine off balance.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. The blacks were supposed to be in the tank for Hilary. And the opposition just a formality.

It's a great show, and it's about to get real dirty.

But I hope he understands just who he is dealing with.

If he's not careful, he'll end up laying on the grass in Fort Marcy Park.

Brilliant post, Derick. :):hurray::) You hit the nail on the head.:smash:

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"where IS the evidence 'a woman's touch' WOULD be better?"

There is no evidence that a woman's touch would be better. But there's nothing but evidence that men have run us into the ground. A few decades of personal relationships, relatives, friends, co-workers and neighbors is enough proof to me that women, on the most part, take care of about 80% of the household. Don't get me wrong, I know some awesome men that do much more than their wives, but they are far and few between. I can safely say about 80% of men I know are laying on the couch watching TV while Wifey's doing laundry, feeding kids, paying bills, yapping with girlfriends on the phone, painting her toenails, planning menus, clipping coupons and unclogging the bathroom sink all at once.

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