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Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

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Congrats on your upcoming surgery, I had Bypass on Aug 24th. I don't care for milk but the premier protien shakes are pretty good. The banana, Caramel, strawberry, Blueberry and Cookies & Cream are the best in my opinion :) plus you only need them for about a month then youll be eating mostly regular soft foods then solids gradually. You'll do great 👍

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Not a psychiatrist but Vyvanse is slow release Dexedrine or Dextroamphetamine. I was put on Dexedrine when diagnosed with bad ADHD at 14 and no other ADHD med, including Vyvanse, has worked for me since. I totally get that part. You'd have to talk to your doc about Dexedrine (the capsules are way better than the tablet for me personally) and everyone is different. Since its not extended release, I take it twice a day. Just thought I'd mention it as an alternative to Vyvanse that may work with the bypass. Good luck to you!

Edited by butterisnotacarb

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I did A LOT of research on this and I found my best option was R&Y & Im so glad I did it. I wanted the extra restrictive requirements, responsibilities and accountability for attention to my diet requirements. It's quite a commitment either way, a lifelong change to better your health. However R&Y route is a bit more intricate and to go that route does require some discipline and commitments like the taking of supplements for the rest of your life, I don't mind because they don't bother me and I've found affordable ones I like. I lose about 2.7 lbs a week and I have very little that I cannot eat, real sugar and snacking are my 2 nono's.. Dumping syndrome is no joke and makes you feel quite crappy, like the flu but worse and verry sudden, so the knowledge that if you eat too much, too fast, drink with food or the wrong foods you'll feel like absolute crap keeps me in line and accountable as well.
I seem to see a lot more ppl getting revisions these days too that had Sleeve vs R&Y (In my opinion) so its really about looking honestly at your personal relationship with food, discipline level and weighing out the pros and cons of each procedure for you Personally. Msg me anytime!
Can I message you now??

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On 1/17/2021 at 9:57 PM, NYCGirl9269 said:

I'm just worried because most people I see on here who had the sleeve whicb I'd feel more safer getting, none of them were as heavy as me with as much to lose as me and thats why I want the sleeve but keep pulling back...I'd love to see a woman on here who had the sleeve with a 46 or higher BMI who now has. 20 or 25 bmi. That's all I'd like to see so that I don't go into this always paranoid it won't work enough cus im too big. That's all . My appt with my surgeons January 27th and ultimately he will leave it to me to decide but I just want real testimony from real people who were as big as me . I'm 5'7 293 lbs, and I want to be 150 lbs. If I follow the guidelines they tell you that sleeve will give you a 60-70% excess weight loss, that means I'd be 220. So I don't know why they put 60-70% if so many people lose all of it and it's more common than it says

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Hi. thats me. I had a bmi of 48.7. One year post and i am a BMi of 25.9...and still losing. But you dismissed my success because I havent even hit 18 months (even though that gives me 6 more months to lose, and I am already under my first goal.)

You wanted someone with your stats who succeeded with the sleeve. IM RIGHT HERE!

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313 was my top weight, 307 on my first appt with the Surgeon in Dec 2019 and I was 293 on my surgery day Aug 24th, I'm only 5 ft 3 5" had a Bmi of like 53 and a waist of 59 inches, My waist now (20 weeks later is 41 inches). I chose the R&Y because I wanted the most restrictions and requirements possible, the extra accountability that comes with the stricter reginine of supplements for life, low fat and no sugar. Dumping syndrome is AWFUL!! its nausea, the cold sweats, upset stomach etc like a sudden flu that happens in minutes. It happens if u have too much sugar, Fat or just too much food in your stomach, especially with Fluid and then it goes through faster than it should. The 30/30 rule is for real! I also felt in all my research and my surgeon agreed that my GERD (acid Reflux) and my EOE Eociniphilic Esophogitus (Spontaneous regurgitating) would both be better with the R&Y. Gerd can get worse with the sleeve. They were right and my Gerd is gone and I no longer need meds for it either. I'm down 68 lbs since surgery and I'm 100% confident I made the right choice for me. I also Didn't want to go through a revision of sleeve to Bypass if it didn't work well enough for me. I have lost and gained 100 lbs multiple times in my life and I never wanna go through it again. I need the stricter food guidelines for my progress, the accountability and responsibility keeps me on track. Not 1 item with real sugar in it since 2 weeks before surgery. fruit is my only real sugar and I am careful to eat very small portions of low sugar fruits like berries and some green apple. I put pyure sugar sub on things that need it but thats rare as things do taste sweeter. You really have to make the decision that's best for your individual wants, needs and preferences. I had a lot of pain post op, I did have my Galbladder out too tho so I have 9 incision scars instead of the 5 most ppl have. It took a few hours for the nurses to get my pain under control and I had some pain for first few weeks at home. Then suddenly it was gone. I also rejected no less that 2 dissolving stitches from 5 of my incisions, this has happened to me before with other surgeries. I would do it all over again tho.

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Hi. thats me. I had a bmi of 48.7. One year post and i am a BMi of 25.9...and still losing. But you dismissed my success because I havent even hit 18 months (even though that gives me 6 more months to lose, and I am already under my first goal.)
You wanted someone with your stats who succeeded with the sleeve. IM RIGHT HERE!
Ok. So would you mind sharing how the food tolerance and hunger/cravings were at first and now? The thing is I don't see enough people who keep the weight off with the sleeve like they do with the bypass, and when I do see people 5+ year later even on YouTube, they all gained it back. It's like it was pointless even removing the hormones ghrelin if most people still can't control their cravings and regain the weight...both surgeries reduce the size of your stomach, but the sleeve appealed to me because they remove ghrelin with it....but its like it's only temporary. For a person like me who is constantly hungry and craving, that worries me that I'll be just as hungry again 1 year post op. And that's why I'd prob regain. Maybe I do need a surgery that'll hold me more accountable if I do cheat...I also am pre-diabetic, my blood sugar is starting to climb...tomorrow's finally my consult, and I'll see what the surgeon recommends.

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I started with a BMI of 49.9. Had my sleeve surgery Aug of 2019. My BMI is now 26, which is right at the weight that my surgeon, PCP, as I set as my goal. I’ve had a steady loss all along, with a few short stalls. I still have a very strong restriction. I can eat most foods, but in very small quantities. Although I do experience some hunger, I don’t really have cravings and find it very easy to take one bite of something and leave the rest. The sleeve has worked for me just as designed.

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I started with a BMI of 49.9. Had my sleeve surgery Aug of 2019. My BMI is now 26, which is right at the weight that my surgeon, PCP, as I set as my goal. I’ve had a steady loss all along, with a few short stalls. I still have a very strong restriction. I can eat most foods, but in very small quantities. Although I do experience some hunger, I don’t really have cravings and find it very easy to take one bite of something and leave the rest. The sleeve has worked for me just as designed.
Thats really wonderful. Do you diet at all or eat everything but in small portions? The thought of dieting forever makes me miserable ughhh[emoji37]

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I have accepted tgat my future eating habits will never look anything like my old eating and tgats how I got to 313 in the first place. Tge surgery really is just 1 tool to help you reach your weightloss goals. I don't eat a lot of carbs at all, less than 60-65 grams a day 70-75 if I exercise that day. I don't really do Keto as we can't have all that high fat and its not healthy long term. I just find creative ways to satisfy my favorite food cravings and whatever I "think" I can eat I put half that on my plate. If you eat sugary starchy foods more & more gradually on the regular you will decrease the amt that tgey bother you or cause dumping thus making it easier to incorporate them daily and putting weight back on. I lose 2.7 lbs a week on avg on about 600-800 cal a day but my day is mostly Protien then veggies with healthy fats and a small amt of fruits and carbs. I have been speaking with a councelor ev 2 weeks and my Nutritionist every month to make sure I stay focused, satisfied and don't make the wrong choices destroying my chances of success. Snacking is my biggest issue, sugar free candies, Skinny pop corn, popsicles, beef Jerky, cheese sticks etc. I had to get all Snacks out of my room, car and severely limit the amt I buy myself. I can easily stall if I snack on the wrong foods.. I had an eating disorder in my 20s and I had to totally rebuild my relationship with food, its still hard but being disabled and in pain daily was harder.

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58 minutes ago, NYCGirl9269 said:

Do you diet at all or eat everything but in small portions? The thought of dieting forever makes me miserable ughhh

I think we have to change our mindsets about ‘dieting’ on this journey. I don’t follow a particular ‘diet’ or consider that I’m on a diet anymore. ‘Diet’ has such a negative connotation & has been a negative experience especially to those who’ve struggled with obesity like we have. I look at my food choices as just how I eat, what I eat, what I don’t eat or what I rarely eat. It’s not a temporary thing but a lifetime change.

Honestly, I never really had cravings. Sure, some days I’d think oh some ice cream would be nice or those chips looks yummy. I never craved them as if I’d go crazy if I didn’t have any but if they were there I’d eat them. So, like @kelly Lake, I stopped keeping any unhealthy Snacks in my house. If it’s not there I can’t eat it. I cut out a lot of sugar too & that includes artificial sweeteners & sugar alternatives. It’s hard because artificial sweeteners are in so many foods which is why I try to prep & cook my own food. If I do eat anything sweet now, which I do on very rare occasions, it tastes super, crazy sweet.

Take the time after surgery while you’re losing & first in maintenance to research & introduce healthier & more nutritious food options, methods of cooking, etc. You may decide to become a vegetarian or vegan. (Wouldn't work in my family we’re big carnivores 😆.) Then work out what works for you to maintain your weight & still allows you to enjoy your life.

You’ve mentioned how many sleevers have regained some or all of their weight. I would expect they had returned to their old pre surgery ways of eating & food choices & had not dealt with any emotional issues that may have driven them to eat & that includes cravings.

I don’t know what the future will bring. I accept I’m a weak human & there’ll be many, many days when I may be tempted. But I’m going to work damn hard to keep on my new path. (Keep thee behind me Satan - lol.)

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On 1/16/2021 at 5:26 AM, NYCGirl9269 said:


I'd like peoples advice on which surgery to go with. Here's. My stats. I'm 5'7, 295 lbs. My BMI is 46. I need to lose 150 lbs to be at 150. I'd like to get the sleeve but with 60-70% excess weight loss plus 10-15% regain, I'm looking at being around 220 lbs when this is all said and done.

With bypass, I know several people who have lost 100% of their excess weight and had it easier keeping it off. The problem is they have bad Vitamin deficiency even a decade later and can't even take some antidepressants.

My question is to you is, how many of you got sleeved with a 46 BMI? Did you lose more than 70%?

And for the bypass patients, if you've had the surgery over 5 years ago, how restricted are you now?

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My starting BMI was 47. I had the gastric sleeve done almost two years ago. I lost 100% of my excess weight and I'm now down to 125. I'm in maintenance at this point but I still eat fairly low carb and I avoid sugar and junk food. It's not impossible to lose all your excess weight with the sleeve but on average, people who have the bypass lose a bit more. For that reason, I REALLY wanted the bypass but it was medically contraindicated for me and the sleeve was my only option. I was disappointed at the time but it all worked out well.

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On 01/25/2021 at 18:05, NYCGirl9269 said:

Thats really wonderful. Do you diet at all or eat everything but in small portions? The thought of dieting forever makes me miserable ughhh[emoji37]

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I still follow my general dietary guidelines. Protein first, with a goal of 70-80g/day. Next is veggies. Small amounts of fruit and other carbs. Generally I keep my calories at 1100-1200/day. I do make room for treats from time to time such as a glass of wine or a bite or two of my husbands dessert. I don’t feel like I’m on a diet anymore, I truly feel satisfied with what I’m eating and feel like it is livable In the long term.

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22 hours ago, NYCGirl9269 said:

Thats really wonderful. Do you diet at all or eat everything but in small portions? The thought of dieting forever makes me miserable ughhh

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Thing is, there’s no surgery that will allow you to eat the way you used to and still maintain a weight loss. You don’t have to “diet” forever but you will need to eat mindfully. A lot of us are accustomed to eating with reckless abandon and that’s how we got big in the first place. Since I’m done losing weight, I allow myself occasional treats. Nothing is forbidden forever, but if mealtime was a TV show, some foods are part of the regular cast and some are “guest stars” I see once in a while. I don’t “diet” but I do try to make good choices about what to eat (with an indulgence thrown in here and there).

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One person I know who spectacularly failed their surgery insisted before surgery that they were going to eat the same just “smaller portions”. And it worked for 3.5 months. That’s all the time they lost weight, because after that point the “small portions” of the same food that got them obese were enough to stall weight loss. He never made it out of the obese range.

For anyone reading this thread stressing out about which surgery to pick, I really hope you get one takeaway. The sleeve and the bypass are both great surgeries that give you an opportunity for success. If you go into it thinking what really matters is your choice of surgery above all, and aren’t making conscious choices to examine what and how you are currently eating that got you into this mess, you’ll likely fail the surgery. Pick whichever surgery works for your specific circumstances (history of heartburn, medications, etc) and commit.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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