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Danger! Wife Nearly Died From Surgery


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sorry to hear that. I too join the others in saying that I had no complications at all.. It is rare, wishes for speedy recovery to your wife

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The more threads I read about complications, the more I see people getting accused of being trolls, multiple screen names, hiding as patient coordinators or posters making up stories that aren't true. Why so many defensive detectives on this board ready to pounce? It doesn't matter who the surgeon was since this type of thing could happen during any type of surgery, in any country, with any surgeon. Tallywag, if you do come back, I hope your wife pulled through with a full recovery.

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I have had terrible complications with my band and did not welcome them nor did I break the guidlines I was given. When posting problems or complications, negative responses from others on the board is very discouraging. Many members seem to shun problematic situations as being negative. It makes me feel like is it my my fault? A feeling we are all too familiar with regarding our weight problem. I am sure if someone took the time to post this who is the spouse of a bandster, they are not just doing it to scare anyone but rather posting the truth so that people researching the surgery will know all sides of it. They are less likely to be on here reading posts over and over since they are not a bandster.

Just a thought.

Ya, I guess, I was just going with the fact that the poster never came back on to tell anyone how the wife was doing. I have seen stuff like this before on the Weight Watchers board where someone will tell horrorr stories and then they get banned. I know with all surgeries there are risks. One poster said what happened to his wife was not due to the lapband, but due to surgery itself. I know someone who got their tubes tied and got septic due to a tear and leakage. I don't think anyone said she did something wrong. It was just a chance that you take when going under. I am still investigating it all. I am still going to try to lose weight the "right" way and then use this as a last resort. I am going to give myself one year to get it together.

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:help: :ranger:


If you do come back and read the responses, I'd like you to know that I am sorry for what your wife went through, and yes, I did go through it.

I had a suture pop causing a tear in my stomach. It became infected and leaked into my abdominal cavity. I had an emergency surgery to remove as much of the infection as possible. I had to have part of my liver removed as well because the infection spread to my liver. I had several blood transfusions and I spent two weeks in the hospital on IV antiobiotics and even after I left the hospital I still had a drain tube in my abdomen and continued to take more antiobiotics orally for several weeks. I was very sick for several months. It was awful and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

However, after everything is said and done I still believe that it was a surgical complication and not necessarily a band complication. There is a risk with any suregery. I was fortunate enough to be able to keep my band, and I'm not entirely certain how removing the band would have helped the infection. However, each case is unique and I'm sure that was what was in the best interest of your wife.

I also don't think it matters who the surgeon was or where it happened. It could happen to anyone and I know it happened to me. My surgeon is posted in my signature line. However, I would like to specify that I have complete confidence in my surgeons and in no way do I feel they are at fault.

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Wow Elaine, I am so glad you are ok after all that! I think you are 100% right! Things happen in every kind of surgery around, as has been pointed out!

My DD just had her wisdom teeth removed, and one of the sockets became infected, they made her go to the hospital for IV antibiotics every day! They said the infection can move to the brain very quickly, and one of the nurses told her that was how Cleopatra died!!! Not sure of the validity to that, but she indicated it was a scary infection to have, could be deadly!

Once again, glad you are ok, looks like you are kickin' butt now that you are healed!!


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I am so sorry this happen to your wife, but as Wheestin said, it is not common at all. Any surgery has risks, this is no different than any other surgery! Best wishes for a speedy recovery to her.

I have been watching your weight drop and drop. I started out at 291 lbs, and I have lost around 65 lbs so far. I was banded Feb 14th. 07 so it hasn't been a year yet. I have just stopped but I haven't gained any. I haven't lost any weight since around Sept. So my question to you is how are you doing it?? Any advice will be welcomed. I am eating the same as I was from the very start.

Thanks, Debbie :help: :scared: :angry

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Complications are so individual. As a registered nurse who worked on a surgical floor I can tell you if a patient is diabetic, morbidly obese, didn't have a good evaluation prior to the surgery or a myriad of other reasons there can be complications. Those complications are much more related to gastric bypass. I think these are isolated cases. Which don't minimize the situation for that person but still not the norm.

Hope this helps.

Sharon RN/MSN

pending date for surgery

12/27 first appt with MD

12/30 bloodwork

01/03 upper GI series

01/09 cardiologist

01/09 nutritionist

01/10 psychologist

01/11 sleep study

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My wife nearly died from gastric bypass. She was in ICU for 10 days after her second surgery in a week. The second surgeon told the family that her chances of survival were slim.

She pulled through and got better. She went from a size 22/24 to a size 6. She is now 6 and a half years post op. She's moved up to size 8 and still looks great. HOWEVER, the bypass makes it difficult for her to get proper nutrition. She has advanced osteoporosis and she's anemic.

Asked if she would ever do it again, she says she would. Personally, I would never do the bypass, but I have just done the band. I'm having some second thoughts, but already I've lost 25 lbs.



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Welcome to band land Danny.

Why are you having second thoughts, if you don't mind me asking?

I struggle sometimes more than others, but it is the best thing I ever did in my life!

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Well, I'm already banded, so I guess having second thoughts is ridiculous. I guess I'm having second thoughts because I remember how much I loved food and my wife has been cooking up some great stuff over the past week since New Years. I just miss not eating all that good food, like black-eyed peas, cabbage and sausage, and home-made spaghetti and meatballs. Plus she made some fudge on the day I started the diet, so didn't even get a piece of that.

On top of all this are the fast food commercials that have been running hot and heavy that show the food up close and beautiful. Especially when I see it in HD, I feel like I can just reach out and eat it, such as the crunch, gooey, gordiata from Taco Bell or the Church's boneless wings or the pizza Hut Miza pizza. Just thinking about this makes my mouth Water.

Anyway, I also think about the fact that I will never eat peanuts, peanut M&Ms, yeast rolls, Olive Garden bread sticks, macaroni Grill's bread, Pasta in all its variations, popcorn and Peanut Butter.

That's why I have second thoughts and so, I get a little depressed when I realize it was my cardinal sins, sloth and gluttony, that got me in this situation. If only I had practiced moderation, diet and exercise, I would not have needed to take such extreme action.

That's why I have second thoughts.

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Just found this site by doing research b/c my mom had this same thing happen to her with the surgery and the sepsis set in and my mom passed away 3 days later. I wish my mom was still here and big than not here at all. I am so angry and want to tell everyone I know to never do this surgery. Its the popular thing. Quick fix (so it seems) and most people like my mom were told this was her last option. Well, my mom has been a large lady since I was born and she lived 31 years until she passed away trying to become small. I hate this surgery. I feel there are more people out there who have had problems and I wish they would speak up and tell more about the problems. I see totally what the person who was saying they feel like they did something wrong and its there fault there were complications. Iam sorry you feel that way and its not your fault. I know what its like to see my mom struggle with her weight, breathing, and the general public. I just wish she was here. She was 53 years old. Please if you are considering this surgery. Make sure you know that there are more issues out there than you realize and its not your last option. I guarantee my mom would still be here today if she would not have had that surgery. I see overweight people and I wonder if they've thought about having the surgery and I just wish I could tell them all "If you've thought about it don't do it b/c someone loves you very much no matter how much you weight and they would be so sad to not have you with them"

I know its a struggle for people with weight. I loved my mom for who she was. I know its hard being overweight and miserable but I'am miserable with out her.

sorry! I just hate this surgery and Iam mad at the whole idea of it and I just wish more people knew the other side of those who don't do good with it.

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Well, I'm already banded, so I guess having second thoughts is ridiculous. I guess I'm having second thoughts because I remember how much I loved food and my wife has been cooking up some great stuff over the past week since New Years. I just miss not eating all that good food, like black-eyed peas, cabbage and sausage, and home-made spaghetti and meatballs. Plus she made some fudge on the day I started the diet, so didn't even get a piece of that.

On top of all this are the fast food commercials that have been running hot and heavy that show the food up close and beautiful. Especially when I see it in HD, I feel like I can just reach out and eat it, such as the crunch, gooey, gordiata from Taco Bell or the Church's boneless wings or the pizza Hut Miza pizza. Just thinking about this makes my mouth Water.

Anyway, I also think about the fact that I will never eat peanuts, peanut M&Ms, yeast rolls, Olive Garden bread sticks, macaroni Grill's bread, Pasta in all its variations, popcorn and Peanut Butter.

That's why I have second thoughts and so, I get a little depressed when I realize it was my cardinal sins, sloth and gluttony, that got me in this situation. If only I had practiced moderation, diet and exercise, I would not have needed to take such extreme action.

That's why I have second thoughts.

This is one of the issues that prompted me to choose banding over bypass. I wanted to be able to eat birthday cake with my grandbabies on their special days. I wanted to live a normal life. And I do!

You are still very new to being banded, and I believe all of us to a point go through the "what in the hell did I do?" phase! But once you begin your fill process---and get to a good place of restriction---where you are able to eat, including hard Proteins, but unable to gorge yourself---you will see the amazing abilities of you and the band working together!

I eat peanuts---and lots of nuts, almonds almost daily! I eat peanut butter---quite often---I babysit for my 3 year old granddaughter it is a staple! We eat at Taco Bell at least once every couple of weeks. The difference is, now a taco fills me up, not a Value meal, plus..... We usually buy a kids meal with 2 tacos, and my granddaughter and I share, she gets the toy!!!

Boneless chicken is ideal for me! I eat chicken many times a week! Both at home and away....it is an any time meal for me! I have been known to reheat chicken strips for breakfast!!!

I can eat a piece of pizza----yep a piece, not half the pizza anymore. I can eat toppings off of 2 pieces, and ignore the bread----unless it is nice crispy pan pizza---then I choose to eat the one piece and enjoy it!!!

When you get to a proper fill level---you can choose your way of doing things. Yes you can give up all those foods, and diet til you make your goal weight....many do, and do so quickly!!!

I have opted to take a different route, and it is still working!!! Using a bit of common sense, and allowing the band to help with my portion control----and I do not feel deprived---and the weight is coming off!

It is true that some people are unable to eat certain foods---but many of us have no real limitations in what we can eat---and many choose to limit what they choose to eat. Proper fill levels are very important. Not enough and you will feel hunger---and over eat or binge on unhealthy foods. Too tight, and you will be unable to eat many types of food including hard Proteins which are important! Going up in small increments allows you to feel your way along with food for awhile, and when you get to the sweet spot....you and your band can get to work!!! It makes the work so much easier, when you are not starving non stop! When a binge is 2 Cookies, not 2 sleeves of cookies!

Hang on, these first days are full of missing things, and too good to be true commercials for food! Have you ever noticed how much better they look on TV?? Those hamburger patties are thick!!! Not so in my local places!!! LOL!

You will get there, it takes all of us awhile. You will love the help your band gives you. I'm betting on it!!!


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Just found this site by doing research b/c my mom had this same thing happen to her with the surgery and the sepsis set in and my mom passed away 3 days later. I wish my mom was still here and big than not here at all. I am so angry and want to tell everyone I know to never do this surgery. Its the popular thing. Quick fix (so it seems) and most people like my mom were told this was her last option. Well, my mom has been a large lady since I was born and she lived 31 years until she passed away trying to become small. I hate this surgery. I feel there are more people out there who have had problems and I wish they would speak up and tell more about the problems. I see totally what the person who was saying they feel like they did something wrong and its there fault there were complications. Iam sorry you feel that way and its not your fault. I know what its like to see my mom struggle with her weight, breathing, and the general public. I just wish she was here. She was 53 years old. Please if you are considering this surgery. Make sure you know that there are more issues out there than you realize and its not your last option. I guarantee my mom would still be here today if she would not have had that surgery. I see overweight people and I wonder if they've thought about having the surgery and I just wish I could tell them all "If you've thought about it don't do it b/c someone loves you very much no matter how much you weight and they would be so sad to not have you with them"

I know its a struggle for people with weight. I loved my mom for who she was. I know its hard being overweight and miserable but I'am miserable with out her.

sorry! I just hate this surgery and Iam mad at the whole idea of it and I just wish more people knew the other side of those who don't do good with it.

Diplomacy isn't my thing. Please take that into consideration.

My honest thinking here is that we all know there are risks going into ANY surgery. It's a reality. We know that and we accept the risk. For the majority of people, the VAST majority the risk outweighs the benefits. We have a 100% chance of complications and potentially death due to morbid obesity and we have a less than 1% chance of complications and potentially death from WLS. Your Mom was playing the odds and it didn't work. For that I am sorry.

With that said, I understand what you wanted but what did your Mom want? Do you think she wanted to be humiliated each time she stepped out the door? Do you think she wanted the joint pain, the joint damage, blood sugar issues, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, difficulty breathing and ALL the other issues that go with MO?

Living life as a fat person is not fun. There is little joy. There is a great deal of pain and depression but not a huge amount of joy.

I understand that you would take her as she was and you loved her but I can tell you that she very didn't likely love herself.

I would accept 10x the risk for WLS if that is what it took. Today my back doesn't hurt, I'm not at risk for many weight related conditions, I feel better, I look better and I don't cringe each time I pass a mirror.

I'm sorry for your loss, truly I am. But I understand things from your Mom's POV as well. She knew the risk and she was apparently willing to accept that. It is what SHE wanted.

To come here and suggest that others not have life saving surgery because less than 1% of people have a problem with it is based on emotion (and rightfully so) vs. reality. Remember, it's the risk vs. benefit.

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Thank you for responding to my post. I know you are right. I know my mom was ready to do this and she was miserable. She had lived with being overweight all of my 31 years. Thats just what I knew and loved her unconditionally. However I do remember her getting looks, laughs, points. I remember how it hurt her feelings and made her not want to go out into public. I remember her being out of breath from walking from a parking lot and into a store and having to sit down.

I am sorry I posted here. Iam just angry b/c she's not here and blame the surgery. I guess I have not comprehended 31 years of her being overweight and then the time that she's finally ready to do this and trying to help herself we end up loosing her. So sometimes my mind doesnt' comprehend that but you are right about how miserable my mom was being overweight and I remember seeing her struggle.

I guess Iam just a little selfish and wish she was here. Thats all. So I am sorry if I was out of line with my post. I just don't understand why at times and if it wasn't for this surgery she would still be here. Thats what Iam blaming it on.

I wish all of you the best of luck! I hope everything goes well for those of you who choose to do it.

Thank you,


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Kbug, if your Mom was having the kind of issues you mention, like being out of breath just walking from the parking lot, then chances are you would not still have her anyway. Morbid obesity is a killer! The surgery in and of itself did not kill your Mom----it was either surgeon error, or her health going into the surgery.

I don't know (I did not go back and re read your original post---sorry) where she had surgery, or exactly how or why she ended up with sepsis---which in my minimal understanding, is infection in the blood stream---someone correct me if that is not true. Do you know if she was required and pre op testing?

The one thing I can tell you---as a woman---near your Moms age, is this. I would have much preferred dying trying to do something about my weight finally, than dying locked in my home embarrassed to go out due to my weight, or dying from lack of oxygen on the floor of Walmart on an outing.

Your being selfish and wanting her here is 100% understandable! I wish you had her here too, and that her surgery had been successful. As it has been for the vast majority of us.

Many of us view this as what actually saved our lives. High blood pressure, and high blood sugar, were taking days off of my life every single day, now I have none of those issues.

My heart goes out to you---and I do understand how you feel as though this surgery is what killed your poor Mom, however---the facts don't support that. The band did not have time to do any harm to your Mom. It was as I said either surgeon error, or a pre existing condition. If she had died 6 months later because she could not eat for weeks---or something that was the band at issue---then I could see the connection in your heart and mind. I believe you need to find out why she became septic--was something nicked during the surgery, allowing infection to set in? If so then blast the surgeon--in a forum or even in court. If you find out she was not required any pre op testing, and that she may have been ill going into it, then just use that to push yourself towards optimal health.

I in no way want to minimalize your loss....you are right to feel anger, and selfishness, it is a normal thing, especially to lose someone this way when she had just made the decision to improve her life....it must be very hard, and I extend my deepest sympathies to you.

I just had to respond, because there are many on this board looking into it, and death is one of the biggest fears--and in my opinion your Mother's is a HUGE reminder that this IS major surgery, and to choose your surgeon well!!!!

I hope your heart soon begins to heal, and that the happy memories of your Mom take front and center very soon.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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