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Long term Ketosis can be dangerous for some, and has intense side effects for many. This article might help:

Ketones, Ketosis, and Ketogenic Diets, Weight Control, Weight Loss, Strategies for Weight Loss, Dieting, Holisticonline.com

Also, Alcoholics should never go on a Ketogenic diet, and there are other negative effects that I was happy to learn about. The way I avoid it is I incorporate a Complex Carbohydrate (Fruit/Vegetable) mini-meal twice during the day.

To learn more about Ketosis, here is a link that might be helpful:

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ohhh i was confusing this with diabetic ketoacidosis which is really really bad. der. ok. thanks for the info! do people get sweet breath like ketotic diabetic animals?

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There are so many arguments about the ketosis diet/low carb/high Protein etc. Many of the docs say its bad for you, then there are arguments that it is not. I know my cholesteral went down 60 points doing low carb. Thats a fact.

I was on a medically supervised diet with the hospital about 9 years ago and they wanted me in ketosis. My blood pressure went down, my diabets was under control, my cholesteral went down.

All I know is the diets that American is eating, its not working. We are the fattest country in the world. It is estimated that by the year 2015, 75% of Americans will be obese.

Young kids are now facing type 2 diabetes, this is such a young age to start with weight related health problems.

When I eat a low amount of carbs, and lean meats, I feel better, I lose weight, more energy etc. I do believe not all Carbs are created equal. I love fruits, so I chose the lower carb/higher Fiber, like berries, strawberries, blue berries, black berries, etc. Even a small apple has lower carbs.

The flour, sugar, sweets/pastas are killing us.

Sometimes you can be in ketosis and the strips do not show it. I know the doc told me that after about 6 weeks, the ketones will not show up in the strips. Its been so long ago, I forget the reason why, but anyhow, he said that you are still ketosis and the fat is still being used as energy.

I try and do a carb cycling program, I try and always keep my body guessing. It seems to work for me.

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What are ketones?

Ketones are a normal and efficient source of fuel and energy for the human body. They are produced by the liver from fatty acids, which result from the breakdown of body fat in response to the absence of glucose/sugar. In a ketogenic diet, such as Atkins ... or diets used for treating epilepsy in children, the tiny amounts of glucose required for some select functions can be met by consuming a minimum amount of carbs - or can be manufactured in the liver from Protein. When your body is producing ketones, and using them for fuel, this is called "ketosis".

How will ketosis help me to lose weight?

Most reducing diets restrict calorie intake, so you lose weight but some of that is fat and some of it is lean muscle tissue as well. Less muscle means slowed metabolism, which makes losing weight more difficult and gaining it back all too easy. Ketosis will help you to lose FAT.

Being in ketosis means that your body's primary source of energy is fat (in the form of ketones). When you consume adequate Protein as well, there's no need for the body to break down its muscle tissue. Ketosis also tends to accelerate fat loss --- once the liver converts fat to ketones, it can't be converted back to fat, and so is excreted.

But, isn't ketosis dangerous?

Being in ketosis by following a low carbohydrate diet is NOT dangerous. The human body was designed to use ketones very efficiently as fuel in the absence of glucose. However, the word ketosis is often confused with a similar word, ketoacidosis.

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous condition for diabetics, and the main element is ACID not ketones. The blood pH becomes dangerously acidic because of an extremely high blood SUGAR level (the diabetic has no insulin, or doesn't respond to insulin .... so blood sugar rises ... ketones are produced by the body to provide the fuel necessary for life, since the cells can't use the sugar). It's the high blood sugar, and the acid condition that is so dangerous. Ketones just happen to be a part of the picture, and are a RESULT of the condition, not the CAUSE. Diabetics can safely follow a ketogenic diet to lose fat weight ... but they must be closely monitored by their health care provider, and blood sugars need to be kept low, and stable.

How do the ketone test strips work, and where can I get them?

Ketone urine-testing strips, also called Ketostix or just ketone sticks ... are small plastic strips that have a little absorptive pad on the end. This contains a special chemical that will change colour in the presence of ketones in the urine. The strips may change varying shades of pink to purple, or may not change colour at all. The container will have a scale on the label, with blocks of colour for you to compare the strip after a certain time lapse, usually 15 seconds. Most folks simply hold a strip in the flow of urine. Other folks argue that the force of the flow can "wash" some of the chemical away, and advise that a sample of urine be obtained in a cup or other container, then the strip dipped into it.

The chemical reagent is very sensitive to moisture, including what's in the air. It's important to keep the lid of the container tightly closed at all times, except for when you're getting a strip to take a reading. Make sure your fingers are dry before you go digging in! They also have an expiry date, so make note of this when you purchase the strips ... that's for the UNopened package. Once opened, they have a shelf-life of about 6 months -- you may wish to write the date you opened on the label for future reference.

Ketone test strips can be purchased at any pharmacy, and are usually kept with the diabetic supplies. In some stores they're kept behind the counter, so if you don't see them on the shelf, just ask the pharmacist; you don't need a prescription to buy them.

I'm following Induction strictly; why won't my strips turn purple?

Ketones will spill into the urine ONLY when there is more in the blood than is being used as fuel by the body at that particular moment.

You may have exercised or worked a few hours previously, so your muscles would have used up the ketones as fuel, thus there will be no excess. You may have had a lot of liquids to drink, so the urine is more diluted. Perhaps the strips are not fresh, or the lid was not on tight and some moisture from the atmosphere got in.

Some low carbers NEVER show above trace or negative even ... yet they burn fat and lose weight just fine. If you're losing weight, and your clothes are getting looser, you're feeling well and not hungry all the time .. then you are successfully in ketosis. Don't get hung up on the strips; they're just a guide, nothing more.

Will I lose weight faster if the strips show dark purple all the time?

No. Testing in the darkest purple range all the time is usually a sign of dehydration -- the urine is too concentrated. You need to drink more Water to dilute it, and keep the kidneys flushed.

The liver will make ketones from body fat, the fat you EAT, and from alcohol --- the ketone strips have no way of distinguishing the source of the ketones. So, if you test every day after dinner, and dinner usually contains a lot of fat, then you may very well test for large amounts of ketones all the time. However this does not indicate that any BODY fat was burned.

The strips only indicate what's happening in the urine. Ketosis happens in the blood and body tissues. If you're showing even a small amount, then you are in ketosis, and fat-burning is taking place. Don't get hung up on the ketone sticks.

Does caffeine affect ketosis?

This is questionable. There ARE a few studies that suggest caffeine may cause blood sugar to rise, with consequent effect on insulin ... The studies involve consuming 50 gm glucose orally, followed by a dose of caffeine. This is quite different from a low carber, who is consuming only 20 gm carbs, in the form of high-fiber vegetables, spread throughout the day.

Many low carbers continue to enjoy caffeine-containing beverages with no serious impact on their weight-loss efforts. However, there are some sensitive individuals ... and persons who are extremely insulin resistant may need to restrict or even eliminate all caffeine. If you have been losing successfully then find your weight loss stalled for a month or two, and you are following your program to the letter, you might consider stopping all caffeine for a while, to see if that will get things started again.

Will drinking alcohol affect ketosis?

No and yes. The liver can make ketones out of alcohol, so technically, when you drink you'll continue to produce ketones and so will remain in ketosis. The problem is ... alcohol converts more easily to ketones than fatty acids, so your liver will use the alchol first, in preference to fat. Thus, when you drink, basically your FAT burning is put on hold until all the alcohol is out of your system. This rapid breakdown of alcohol into ketones and acetaldehyde (the intoxicating by-product) ... tends to put low carbers at risk for quicker intoxication ... especially if no other food is consumed to slow absorption.

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ok, so ive been searching all over and have been getting mixed answers.... what do you eat on a ketosis diet? anything but carbs?? I found some sites that just said protien, others said protien and fat, and one said only protien and fat during the week and carbs on weekend? Im so confused ...hellp?!

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Here is what I do,

I stay away from carbs - higher carbs.

Just eat lean meat - I don't do much fat, but others do.

If you just watch your carbs, you will be doing a ketosis diet. Atkins recomments no more than 20 carbs for 2 weeks for the induction period, then you increase it.

I find this a little hard to follow, although I have.

I stick to about 40 to 50 carbs per day when I'm exercising, this gives me a little added energy. But most of the diets recommend 30 carbs or less a day.

Just eat meat & veggies and you will be doing low carb. Stay away from potatoes, bread, pastas, sugar for sure, and pretty much anything white. lol.

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THERE ARE PLUSES AND MINUSES TO BE AWARE OF WITH KETOSIS (NOT KETOACIDOSIS) EVERYONE RESPONDS DIFFERENTLY. (Alcoholics and people with Liver or Kidney dysfunction are absolutely contraindicated for a ketogenic diet)

There are side effects from a Ketogenic diet - and there are advantages. This has nothing to do with Ketoacidosis.

For example: (Disadvantages)

Other side effects associated with ketogenic [a diet that puts the person in ketosis] diets include temporary dizziness, headache, lethargy, weakness and, in extremis, diarrhea and nausea. In addition, a person on a diet extremely low in carbohydrates, Fiber, and many Vitamins and minerals is liable to feel cranky, sluggish, and deprived.

Ketosis occurs when the amount of carbohydrate fuel- the fuel that is needed to run the body - drops below a critical level, forcing the body to turn first to Protein and then to fat reserves to do the work carbohydrates normally do. When Protein is deflected in this manner, it releases nitrogen into the blood stream, placing a burden on the kidneys as they try to excrete excessive urinary Water due to sodium loss. When fat is likewise deflected, the breakup releases fatty acids, or ketones, into the bloodstream, further burdening the kidneys. If ketosis continues for long periods of time, serious damage to the liver and kidneys can occur, which is why most low-carbohydrate, or ketogenic diets recommend only short-term use, typically 14 days. Many nutritionists caution their patients-especially women in the early stages of pregnancy-against following them at all.

Some Advantages

Fasters experience a sensation of improved well-being and absence of bothersome hunger in the second or third day of a fast. Experts suggest that this feeling is due to a chain of reactions set off by the release of ketones. Ketones inhibit the release of insulin and the stress hormones. As a result, the blood sugar becomes more stable and hunger is calmed. Anxiety is reduced.

During ketosis the brain cells are calmed down enough to prevent epileptic seizures. The electrical activity of the brain, as measured on an electroencephalogram (EEG), is found to improve in regularity and intensity. Ketones, being acids, also tend to sterilize the urine against infection. They even dissolve certain types of kidney stones.

The low-carbohydrate diets that rely on ketosis for weight loss are termed ketogenetic diets. There is no question that ketogenic diets work. They can result in quick weight loss. Dr. Atkins' diet is and example of a diet based on ketosis produced by a very low carbohydrate intake.


Mega Mega Nutrition by Richard A. Kunin MD

Eat Better, Live Better: A Common sense Guide to Nutrition and Good Health by Readers Digest

Carbohydrates Include FRUITS AND VEGETABLES!

Veggies are carbohydrates. So is fruit. It is important to understand the difference between a complex and simple carbohydrate. The pop diet culture has turned the word Carbohydrate to mean breads, sweets, etc. Those are refined, or simple, carbohydrates. Not good. Complex carbohydrates, especially high Fiber carbohydrates, are an important part of my diet.

Anyone eating a High Protein High Fat diet for any extended period of time is so at risk for coronary artery disease, heart attack, and a whole bunch of other problems. You may be thinner, but you could die significantly sooner. That just sounds insane to me.

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Anyone eating a High Protein High Fat diet for any extended period of time is so at risk for coronary artery disease, heart attack, and a whole bunch of other problems. You may be thinner, but you could die significantly sooner. That just sounds insane to me.

I guess the proof is in the pudding....my cholesteral WENT DOWN, NOT UP. So I do not believe this statement from the "Anti Low Carb" medical profession.

Its insane to me WHY the doctors keep pushing people to just diet & exercise, eat low fat, etc etc etc. When Americans are fatter than ever. What we are doing as Americans, ITS NOT WORKING!

I do totally believe in all carbs are not created equal. Eating good carbs vs. bad carbs. I eat my veggies and I eat my fruit, I just chose berries over pinapple.

Anyhow, as I mentioned, the debate is a long argument their are pros & cons. I lived it, and I know how I felt.

Yes, I did feel tired in the beginning, just like I did with any diet. But that was short lived, my energy came bouncing back like a fire cracker.

Everyone has to decide what works for them, whats best for them, etc. I've chose the lapband to help me control my amount of eating.

I always lost a lot of weight with Atkins, but I finally realized after 5 years of Atkins and switching over to the Lap Band, that calories do count. Its not all about carbs/protein, etc. We have to consume less calories.

Now that I've learned this, and this is for life. I am eating, I don't feel deprived, and I'm successful.

Some chose to follow WW program, others chose Atkins, my doc recommends South Beach. I just try and watch what I'm eating and track my calories.

There are many studies that go against the docs you quoted, so who do you believe? I just know what I experienced.

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I am glad I started this tread. I have got a lot of interesting comments. I think that we all need to get our protien in. Yet we have the advantage of being able to control how much we eat. We still need to know how many carbs, calories, fat grams, and sodium we put into our bodies. I think having as much info we can is our best bet for great results. We are all in the same stuggle, but our fight is as individual as we are.

I know what I should do. I hope we are all learning and growing (smaller) in our process.

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We are all in the same stuggle, but our fight is as individual as we are.

I know what I should do. I hope we are all learning and growing (smaller) in our process.

Oh I totally agree! What works for someone else, might not work for you, etc.

Some love to run, I hate to run, some love swimming, I hate swimming. Some of us are at 1.5ccs and have total restriction, I'm at 3.0ccs and feel NOTHING. Its a struggle for all of us, and we all have to decide what works best for us, whats best for our health, and what we can live with long term.

Everyone has their own opinions, but in the end, its up to each of us to decide what we need to do. Your right, its a learning process for each of. I'm still learning everyday about my band.

I finally learned, what someone else feels, and what I feel is not the same. I have to ultimately decide when I have restriction based on what I feel, and not what someone else feels.

Something new I learned.

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